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The Apotheosis of Soma Pt. 01

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Soma is caught and given a life changing choice.
2.7k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/03/2022
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To the reader: This is the first of a multipart story chronicling one possible outcome of Soma's explorations. There's not a lot of action in this part, but it will be there. I was torn how to classify it, as it could fit into several categories: Mature, Gay Male, Nonconsensual/Reluctance or even BDSM. I decided on Gay Male, as the Mature category seems to cater to more heterosexual relationships. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I'm enjoying writing it. Please send your comments, suggestions and criticisms. A special note of thanks to keptsissy for her encouragement to write this story.


The day that changed my life started like any other. I woke up, made my morning cup of coffee, went into the living room and checked my email. One subject line grabbed my attention and chilled me: "Does This Look Familiar? (NSFW)" There was a video attachment and a short note:

"If this video interests you and you would prefer others in your household at (here was my home address) not to see it, come to the office of the location where it was made today and ask for the manager. Plan on taking the afternoon off."

As I watched the video, a pit opened up in my stomach. It was obviously shot in a motel room. On the bed, a man wearing stockings and panties was eagerly sucking the cock of an older man who was laying back and enjoying the attention. As the man kissed his way down to the older man's feet and started licking them and taking the toes into his mouth, it was clear who the stocking clad pervert was: me.

This was the day I had feared: in spite of all my precautions, someone had caught me in the act of fulfilling my fantasies. Someone knew about my attraction to cock and cum and had tracked me down. What did they want? Blackmail, obviously, but, if so, they picked the wrong bank account. Regardless, I knew where I had to be at lunch today.

I went through the motions at work in the morning, dreading the conversation to come. I left early after telling my boss I had an afternoon appointment and would be taking the rest of the day off. I made my way to the motel that had been the scene of many of my explorations and parked in the back as usual. I took a swig of water and a deep breath and walked slowly to the office.

The woman at the desk seemed to recognize me as I walked in.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Soma. Mr. King is expecting you."

She pointed me to an office door behind her. Through the glass window, I could see the manager, an ordinary looking man of about 45, with balding hair and a small paunch, look up and walk out of the office carrying a file folder. He shook my hand with a smile.

"So good of you to come, Mr. Soma. Follow me, please."

He walked out of the office and I followed in a bit of a daze, not sure of what was happening. He went to a room at the far end of the hotel and invited me in. It was a king standard room, of the sort I knew very well. The room was warmer than normal, as the air conditioning was turned down. He turned on the lights, closed the curtains, locked the door and motioned me to sit in the main chair. He sat at the desk, turned on the work light and opened the folder.

"My apologies for the rather dramatic email, but I wanted to be sure to get your attention."

"You certainly did that; how did you get that video?"

"You may remember we performed major renovations at the hotel last year. While we were adding new furniture and TVs, we also took the liberty of adding cameras in certain rooms for extra security. As you well know, at our location we have a number of customers who rent rooms for...shorter stays. We make sure those clients are given the special rooms, so we can make sure no illegal activities are taking place..."

"And so you can blackmail the people who use them?" I interrupted angrily.

"Blackmail, Mr. Soma? Do you think this is about blackmail? Not at all.

"Naturally, we want to make sure our rooms are not being used for prostitution or drug dealing: those are both bad for our legitimate business. At the same time, we like to understand better who is using our rooms and why, so we can provide better services to our clientele. And that, Mr. Soma, is why you're here today."

"What do you mean?" This conversation was getting strange.

"Over the past year, we've noticed an interesting phenomenon: middle age and older men coming here to engage in sexual activity, not with women, but with other men. While we certainly don't discourage such activities, we were curious about this and did research, let us say, on places such as Craigslist and Squirt. We arrived at some interesting conclusions, and some interesting marketing opportunities.

"There appears to be a pent up desire for sexual exploration by men in their late middle ages and up. In this area, these men tend to have discretionary income, but have difficulty making contact with other men to satisfy their desires. Frankly, most men become less desirable sexually as they age: middle age spread and such not. Ordinary male contact sites don't cater to their needs and most of them are not inclined to engage the services of male prostitutes."

In spite of myself, I nodded. I was no spring chicken myself and had my own bit of middle age spread. Something in his tone, almost professorial, attracted me and I was finding myself interested in what he had to say.

"Yes, I've noticed that myself. The men I've played with tend to be..." What was I saying?

Mr. King shook his head. "I see we weren't wrong in our assessment of your thought processes. You look surprised? You shouldn't be. How do you think we were able to contact you?"

He opened his folder and reviewed some papers.

"As I said, we were curious about certain frequent guests. We started by looking for patterns in the rooms themselves. By cataloging the trash in each room, we were able to find those rooms focused on sexual activities. Some rooms had more interesting content than others. Let's see..."

He pulled out another sheet of paper.

"Condom wrappers, enema bottles, pieces of rope, stockings, certainly bring some interesting things with you." I blushed, but he continued without noticing.

"When we find interesting things like that, we find out who rented the room and start looking for patterns. In your case, we noticed you were coming here several times a month. Of course, you did not always rent the room, but you did arrive in the same car, which was clear from the video footage of the parking lot. After identifying your car and license plate, it was a simple matter to check our records and find your name and address from the registration information."

"What do you want from me? Money?"

"No, no, no, Mr. Soma. I told you before that we're not interested in blackmail. Let me finish my story and you'll understand why you're here.

"Where was I? Oh, yes...our research discovered many men in this area who are looking for sexual satisfaction and to explore their sexuality, but can't find partners due to their age, physical shape, marital status or a combination of those. Many of these men also have a decent amount of discretionary income, but limited time available and a lack of places to meet.

"That's where we come in. We offer rooms where men can come and enjoy themselves in a safe and discreet situation. But, where we offer competitive advantage is this: we also find men for them who are willing to provide them the pleasure they're seeking. Don't look shocked, Mr. Soma: we're not talking about prostitution or trafficking here. The men we supply are neither paid nor captive. They do it for the enjoyment, or because they're...motivated.

"Our clientele are not looking for studly men; they merely want men who will pleasure them without regard for their age or appearance. And they are not overly concerned about the appearance of their partners. They're looking for men who are willing to pleasure them in spite of their appearance, men who will not put them in jeopardy at home, men who will make them feel desirable and like you, Mr. Soma."

"Me? What are you talking about?"

"Once we identified you as an...interesting...regular, we did some research on you. We tracked your ads on CraigsList and Squirt. We read your contributions to Literotica..."

"Wait a minute! There's no way you could identify any of my posts..."

"Mr. Soma, have you forgotten our free wifi? You certainly made use of it while you were here. And we do, of course, keep logs of where our visitors go while using our wifi. Here is a list of your email addresses and online activities while you've been a guest.

"But don't worry. We have no intention of doing anything to jeopardize your job or marriage. You are exactly the type of man we're looking for: you're discreet, you have a vivid sensual imagination, you provide enthusiastic oral pleasure to men of all ages and physical appearance, you're willing and eager to engage in kinky activities and, above all, you are a true submissive. You need to submit to men...and you need especially to submit to those men who cannot get their pleasure anywhere else."

I was silent, trying to take it all in. Never mind the information he had dug up on me and could use to ruin my life...the worst thing was that he had me pegged. He knew me better than I knew myself. I realized that I was more submissive than I had imagined, that my explorations had been bringing that closer and closer to the surface. Mr. King had merely provided the final opening. I was defeated, but, strangely, excited as well.

"What do you want from me, Mr. King?"

"Only what you yourself want, if you're completely honest with yourself, Mr. Soma. We want you to continue what you've been doing: providing men with the pleasure they want, only under our direction. Consider it a very special form of volunteer work, one that won't unduly affect your career or marriage.

"Here's how it will work: you will be assigned a room here and a schedule. On Monday and Thursday, you'll be here between 5:00 and 7:00 to take care of men getting off work. On Tuesday and Wednesday, you'll be here between 12:00 and 1:00 to take care of men on their lunch break. Typically, you'll take care of one man during the lunch hour and two during the after hours time. We shall recruit them and send them to your room.

"When you arrive at your room, you'll take off your clothes and put them in the bottom dresser drawer. Any special clothing and supplies you'll need for the session will be provided in the room. One thing more, which I think will fit you nicely: due to our clients' desire for confidentiality, you will always be blindfolded. You'll find a blindfold on the bed each time you come by. Given your proclivities and writings, I think you will not find that too onerous."

He was right, of course: being blindfolded was a huge turn-on for me. Besides, I was growing more excited as he described the regimen. This was my ultimate fantasy on the verge of being fulfilled, though not in the way I had imagined.

"And if I say no?"

"I think you won't; at least, I hope you won't. I would hate to the bearer of bad news to your wife."

And that was the final motivation. Deep down, I knew I wanted to do this and that the implied threat was only a way for me to rationalize my decision.

"Very well. I suppose I have no choice. When do I start?"

"Today. You have a man coming over at 3:30. That will give us time to get you oriented."

"You were pretty confident of my decision, weren't you?"

"Mr. Soma, it's our job to understand people. I think we understand you. And now, if you'll take off your clothes and put them in the bottom drawer, I'll start your orientation session. We want to provide a superior sensual experience for our clients and part of that is treating them properly throughout their time with us. From this point forward, you are, as you so aptly describe yourself in your stories, Soma Slave, the Pleasure Giver. You are here to give these men an outstanding erotic experience, one that will have them returning for more. While each man will have his own quirks and fantasies, we expect you to provide a base level of service for each one, at least until they specify otherwise."

The disrobing took on an air of familiar unreality. How many times in the past had I taken off my clothes, just as I was doing now? As I took off each item of clothing and put it in the drawer, I could feel myself slipping into submission. Shoes, socks, shirt: each layer of my normal life peeling away and uncovering my true self. And when I took off my pants, I saw Mr. King give a grin as he saw the wet spot on my underpants and the obvious erection. He knew me all too well.

Finally, I removed my glasses and stood before Mr. King. Instinctively, I assumed the inspection position, hands behind my head and legs spread. He stood up and circled me, while I kept my eyes focused on the carpet, and on my erection.

"Not the worst body I've seen...a bit of a paunch (running his hand over my belly), but acceptable, as long as you don't let it get any need to shave your armpits more often...I want them smooth when you're here...(running his fingers around my crotch) and you definitely need to keep your crotch smooth; I don't want to see or feel hairs on your crotch area between here (touching an area about three inches above the base of my cock) and here (touching the start of my ass crack)...we'll provide you a razor and shave cream...get here in time to shave before your service time starts...I know that adds to the time you'll need to be away from the office, but you'll just have to get in to work that much earlier on those days...

"Small nipples, but sensitive (as he watched me grimace when he twisted one)...make sure there's a hairless area around them...about 1/2" should be adequate...and play with them whenever you can: I want them to be more prominent...I see you have a sensitive neck (I softly moan when he strokes it gently); very good...

"(rubbing his hand over my ass crack) But this is not satisfactory at all: I want your ass to be as hairless as possible...some of our clients will want to rim you and I want the experience to be pleasant for them. Do you like licking someone's ass and coming out with a hair in your mouth? I didn't think so. Show your clients the same consideration. Speaking of which, on those days when anal play may be involved, you'll find enemas in the bathroom area. Be sure you administer them in plenty of time. Because that will take longer, we'll try to limit those activities to the afternoon time slot. You should try to arrive here at least 30 minutes early on afternoons, so you'll have adequate time to prepare...

"And do try to control your precum; I don't want it dripping on the carpet. Look at how much I wiped off your cock. Clean it off my fingers...yes, that's a good boy.

"And now," he concluded, pulling a black sleep mask from a drawer, "it's time for you to show me how you would treat one of our customers. Put this over your eyes and kneel."

(to be continued)

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PG564EPG564Eabout 1 year ago

Not only a marvelous build up, but made me fully erect and wishing I was the character chosen to please other men unconditionally BECAUSE I WANT TO.

I'm queer in real life and am an older men. Became bi-curious at age 55. Am now addicted to giving blowjobs (and other sex acts) to men willing to let me get them off. Love the taste of cum.

I know I'm really going to enjoy your series - thanks for sharing your dirty mind.

A "5" rating, this is good writing.

Wonderer67Wonderer67over 1 year ago

I like the build up.

For some reason, I hear Mr Kings voice in the voice of Me Kobayashi in The Usual Suspects. (In the scene where he is blackmailing the team.)

SomaSlaveSomaSlaveover 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you for your kind words. I hope you continue to enjoy Soma's final journey of transformation.

timmyid2timmyid2over 2 years ago

I like it. There's a good build up to whatever is going to follow. Nicely written with a pleasing cadence. Thanks for sharing. I gave it a 5.

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