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The Big Tits Club Ch. 11-12


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Salma Hayek, eat your heart out.

Shy little Mari actually winked right before she swallowed me to the root in a single lunge. She held herself at full depth, closing her throat muscles and opening them in a rippling, massaging motion for a few seconds before pulling all the way off, catching her breath, and then slamming her face all the way back down to do it again. Who ever thought shy wallflower Mari would turn out to be the natural-born cocksucker? I actually started laughing at the incredible sensations she was able to instill in me, shaking my head as I exclaimed, "Holy crap, Angel!"

Mari grinned at me, winking again while her puffy ruby-red lips were still wrapped around the base of my dick.

"Now you're just showing off," Belle drawled from the desk chair.

Mari giggled, but fortunately she'd withdrawn high enough so that only my head was still in her mouth, and she didn't choke. Swallowing and pulling off to catch her breath, she asked coquettishly, "Want me to do it again?"

"Oh, hell yeah," I replied enthusiastically.

Mari winked and went back to work.

She didn't only deep-throat me, either. She sucked on my knob, teased the underside of my mushroom cap with her tongue, and used her hand to stroke me expertly. She bobbed her head up and down, she stayed at the top just licking the tip, and she face-fucked herself, plunging my dick deep into her throat with every plunge.

My Angel was on FIRE.

And she had me ready explode.

"Mari... Angel..." I grunted, clenching my Kegels to stem the tide. "I'm gonna cum."

I assumed she would pull me out of her mouth and wrap her tig ol' bitties around my dick and let me blow in her cleavage, the way she usually did. I thought she might even hand me off to Belle and let my cumslut "little sister" swallow every drop. But Mari was still wearing her sweater and bra, and Belle wasn't moving from the desk chair. My angel with the dark eyes and bee-stung lips just kept on going, eyebrows furrowed in focus as she sucked me hard, sucked me powerfully...

... and started swallowing sperm straight into her stomach.

"Nnngggaaahhhh!!!" I grunted, feeling my balls evacuate as I fired away, blasting cumwads directly into Mari's gullet. She swallowed reflexively, taking each heavy spurt with the same expertise she'd already displayed taking my thick dick down her throat. Over and over again I erupted, gushing what felt like a never-ending deluge of semen that Mari drank and drank and drank.

Five years later, I let my head fall back as I sagged back into the mattress, completely wiped out.

"Shit, Matty," Belle observed. "You must've had a TON backed up."

I merely groaned in response.

Mari nursed my prick for an extra few seconds before picking her head up, and abruptly let out a loud.

Mari's eyes went WIDE in embarrassment at the burp, and Belle started shrieking with laughter as she exclaimed, "Ohmigawd! It even smells like cum!"

That got me laughing, and soon all three of us were wiping tears from our eyes we were guffawing so hard.

In the end, I crooked both hands to Mari, saying, "C'mere, Angel."

Mari's face softened, and all of a sudden I couldn't even imagine her winking at me with a throat full of cock. The sexy vamp that would've put Salma Hayek to shame was gone, and only my shy, sweet angel remained.

She blushed cutely, and hesitated once more. But when I insisted and reached my arms to her again, she fell on top of me and pressed our lips together for a tender, sincere kiss.


Friday morning I was feeling MUCH better, thanks to Mari uncorking me the previous afternoon. Belle said the bags under my eyes were gone, and she wasn't the only one to notice.

Belle and I left the house a little early in the morning and we wound up arriving right around the same time as Alice. She wasn't waiting for us at the parking lot, but we happened to see each other right after Belle and I parked. And rather than go out of her way to avoid us or just put her head down and pretend she didn't see us, Alice waited on the curb and extended her fist out to me.

I grinned and gave her a fist bump. "Hey, how's it going?"

"It's going," she replied with a shrug before glancing at Belle and adding a casual, "Hey, B."

"Hey Alice," Belle greeted cordially, but something wordless passed between the two girls, and the next thing I knew, Belle was jerking her thumb over and saying, "Well, I'll catch you guys later."

I blinked in surprise, and the next thing I knew Belle was scurrying forward towards the school gate like her pants were on fire. I arched an eyebrow at Alice, who sort of stared off after Belle with a mysterious smile before turning her attention back to me.

"You're looking pretty chipper right now," she commented. "Did you bang one of our friends this morning or something?"

I frowned. "Can't I just be happy to see you again?"

Alice shrugged. "You looked pretty haggard on Wednesday, but you've got that 'I recently ejaculated' glow about you right now. And before you start fumbling through some stupid apology -- as if you somehow need to say sorry for having a sex life -- don't. I'm cool with it. In fact, I'm rather glad you're looking better again. This whole week, every time I saw you, you looked like... like..."

"Like my best friend died?"

"Well, I wasn't gonna say died." Alice smirked and started walking. I fell into step alongside her.

"How have you been?" I asked. "Still hanging out with Lucia and Seo-yeon?"

"Yeah. They're nice girls, and we've always been cool. I've got more in common with them than the BTC anyway."

"More in common?"

"They're studious, they like to read, and..." Alice flashed me a smirk while scanning the area to make sure no one was within eavesdropping range, "and they're virgins who aren't obsessed with playing with their best friend's junk..."

I arched an eyebrow. "I thought you LIKED playing with my junk."

"I did, I did." Alice averted her gaze. "Because I always felt safe with you. I always knew you'd never ask me to go any further than I was comfortable with."

"I still would never ask you to go any further than you were comfortable with."

"I know, I know, but that's not the point and you know it."

I sighed. "It's about the other girls pushing past boundaries you're not ready for."


"Which is why you feel like you have more in common with Lucia and Seo-yeon."

"Exactly," she repeated.

I shook my head. "More in common with them or not, you know the BTC girls would never push you to go further than you were comfortable with."

"Wouldn't they? Tell me you've never heard Sam say, 'Hey Alice, look at the way Matty's cock throbs! Here, come wrap your hand around it! You can actually feel it pulsing!'"

"Of course Sam would invite you to join her. But if you ever said 'no' to something, you have to believe neither she nor anybody else would push you. I mean, look at Zofi. She hasn't shown any inclination to test any boundaries and you don't see anybody pushing her."

"But she's also not torn about what's happening, either. Let's face it, Matty: I don't fit in with those girls anymore."

"Of COURSE you fit in. You've ALWAYS fit in."

"Please. I NEVER fit in." Alice stopped and backed up against the wall, out of the flow of traffic, and I followed her. Shaking her head, she gestured in the vague direction of the school, muttering, "Perfect 10s, every one of them: Sam the popular, busty blonde. Zofi the elegantly beautiful brunette. Belle the petite but stacked little hottie. Mari with that incredible hourglass figure. And don't get me started on the way you look at Neevie. But me?"

"You're amazing, Alice," I insisted.

"And you're biased. You're just saying that to butter up your best friend."

"You're Alice the athletically-toned, fit babe with an incredible rack."

"I want to believe you, but even if that's what you truly think of me, I still don't fit in. The five of them think about sex twenty-four/seven. It's all they talk about anymore."

"Nonsense. Everyone has their own interests, and they're every bit as studious as Lucia and Seo-yeon."

"Please..." Shaking her head, Alice muttered, "Our afternoon study sessions have become more about the study breaks and getting your dick into their mouths or in-between their tits more than the actual studying."

"You gonna tell me you didn't enjoy your own study breaks with me?"

"Of course I did, and if all I ever had to worry about was you slithering your amazingly agile tongue up my twat, I'd be perfectly happy to continue. But can you honestly tell me -- now that sex is on the menu -- that you're not gonna end up porking a pussy or two every afternoon?"

"I haven't porked a pussy in a week."

Alice blinked. "Really?"

I shook my head. "Not since you walked out."


"Couldn't you tell? The whole 'Matty looked pretty haggard on Wednesday' thing?"

Alice shrugged. "I genuinely thought you were just torn up about being estranged from me. Now I understand it was just because you weren't getting laid."

I rolled my eyes. "I wasn't getting laid BECAUSE I was torn up about being estranged from you. The girls have flirted a bit, but I've been the one who wasn't in the mood."

"Huh." Alice mused on that. "I mean, I knew you and Neevie haven't been porking. I keep asking her but she always says 'not yet'. I tell her not to hold herself back out of guilt for me. Still, I'd just assumed Sam or Belle would still... you know."

I shook my head and repeated, "I haven't been in the mood."

Alice frowned. "But then of course, you WERE glowing this morning."

I shrugged. "Mari eventually got to me yesterday afternoon. Showing off her deep-throat skills. I won't lie - I felt better afterwards. But in all honesty, the fact that you're talking to me right now means more to me than just getting off."

Alice smiled at that. "I do miss hanging out with you, but at the same time, I'm serious about not coming back."

I sighed. "If that's the way you really feel."

"It is."

"Okay." I took a deep breath and nodded. "I always swore I'd never push you, and trying to get you to come back to the BTC is probably as close as I'm ever gonna get. If your mind is truly made up about this, I'll leave you alone if that's what you want."

"It is." Alice shook her head. "I don't fit in anymore."

"Fine, fine." I rubbed my forehead, tired of going around in circles on this.

Alice checked her watch, I nodded, and we started walking again. Although Belle and I had left earlier than usual this morning, this conversation had eaten up that extra buffer and we'd need to hurry a little to get to class on time.

"I'm worried about Neevie, though," Alice said out of the blue.

We were still walking fast, but I glanced over. "Worried?"

Alice sighed. "She still looks like her best friend died."

I nodded. "She misses you as much as I miss you."

"I'd like to think that. But then again, maybe it's just because you haven't porked her pussy in a week." Alice stopped walking for a moment and gave me a serious look. "Neevie's feelings for you are real, I hope you understand that."

"I do."

"I meant what I said: I'm glad for her. I'm glad for you. I know how long you both have wanted each other, and now you finally can. Please don't let guilt over me leaving be the thing that keeps you apart."

"Come back and we won't have to feel guilty over you anymore."

"It's not that simple."

"Why not?"

"Because it just isn't." Alice sighed and started walking again. "You're my friend, Matty. Neevie's my friend too. Look, I'm not gonna avoid you, alright? I see you in the parking lot, I'll say 'hey' and give you a fist bump. You bump into me in the hallways holding Zofi's hand, don't get all weird and drop your hands like you got caught doing something naughty when you didn't. Give me some time and some space, and eventually we'll figure out how to stay friends, good enough?"

I nodded and gave her a warm smile, feeling relieved. "Yeah, good enough."

"Good." She extended a fist to me, and as I bumped it I felt as if a great weight had slid off my shoulders.

And then to my surprise, Alice leaned forward and actually hugged me.

"Catch you later," she said. And then she turned and ran off to class.


I felt much better after that encounter, because even though I realized things might never again be the same between us, I no longer feared that Alice would cut herself out of my life completely.

Naimh, on the other hand...

The whole BTC always came over to my house Friday afternoons, and this day would be no different. Naimh actually beat me to the house, with her car parked on the curb when I pulled the minivan into the garage. Belle said hi before walking over to her house to drop off her backpack and change before returning, and I met Naimh in the driveway with a hug.

"How are you doing?" I asked, still holding her close.

Immediately, moisture formed in Naimh's eyes and I regretted the question, but she sighed and kept herself from crying. "I saw Alice today, actually," she mumbled softly.

"Cool, me too. We had a pretty nice chat, and in the end she hugged me, so that's a good sign. She did say she was worried about you, though."

Naimh sighed again.

I wrapped my arm around her lower back and led her into the house through the garage. "Based on the way you're holding back tears, I'm guessing your conversation didn't go quite so well."

Naimh exhaled slowly and shook her head. "No, it was fine, actually. She said she was glad to see me and offered to meet up more often. Just... not with the other girls. She's made up her mind about not coming back to the BTC, and we all know how stubborn that girl can be when she's made up her mind about something."

I winced and nodded. "In seventh grade she was so sure she was going to win a game of Magic that she literally bet the shirt on her back. That is, she'd wear that t-shirt to school for the rest of the week without washing it. I lucked out, she lost, and good lord did she start to smell by Friday, especially since we were still playing basketball during recess in those days. I insisted I didn't care about the bet and pleaded with her to change clothes, but she'd made up her mind. Wanna beer?"

Naimh gave me a wistful look as she continued on into the family room while I peeled off in the kitchen and went to the fridge. "Yes on the beer. And I don't think you've ever told me that story."

I chuckled. "You can ask her about it sometime, or maybe I will. I can't remember the name of the band on the shirt..." My voice trailed off as I handed her the beer.

Naimh accepted the beer and sat down on the couch. She took a swig, grimaced, and started rubbing her neck.

"Ooh! There's something I can do to help," I announced brightly, setting my own beer down on the side table and gesturing for Naimh to move. "Slide forward so I can get behind you."


I held up my hands. "You look like you could really use a Matty backrub."

"Oh, do I ever," the redhead agreed with a genuine smile. She shifted forward on the couch so that her butt was right at the edge, collecting her brilliant mane of red hair and pulling it all to the front of her shoulders.

I kicked a leg over and slotted myself between her back and the couch's backrest. I reached up and started in on her shoulders, but Naimh wore some kind of polyester sweater that bunched up and made my fingers slip. So I leaned forward and asked, "Mind taking off the sweater?"

Naimh glanced back at me with a smile. "It's not like you haven't seen it all before." She quickly removed the sweater, reached back to unclasp her bra, and pulled the straps down to her upper arms, although she trapped the cups against her breasts.

I did the honors of brushing her hair out of the way again and resumed my rubbing, this time with my fingers on bare skin. And within two minutes, the Irish lass had her head pitched forward, her eyes closed, and her body infinitely more relaxed than it had been before while she moaned in sync with my rhythmic hand motions.

"Fuuuuck, I needed this," Naimh murmured softly when I switched to long strokes up and down the full length of her back, really kneading out her tight muscles.

"Then I'm glad you came first."

"Mmm, not yet I haven't," she muttered back automatically. It took me a second to realize she'd made a sex joke, like in the old days.

Belatedly, I chuckled and leaned forward to gently kiss the back of her neck. Naimh shivered at the touch, glanced back as if she were going to make a flirtatious comment, but then suddenly stopped herself. And all of a sudden, her shoulders were tense again.

I stopped my massage and muttered, "Hey... I'm sorry."

"Why the fuck are you apologizing, Matty?"

I blinked, thought about it, and tried to say lightly, "For being so irresistibly sexy that you couldn't help yourself wanting to fuck me and starting this whole chain reaction that ended up with Alice walking away leaving you feeling like you're being forced to choose between two sets of friends?"

Naimh snorted and shook her head. "That's a lot more accurate than I... Okay well bollocks, that's totally accurate. So yeah, it's all your fault."

I chuckled. "I know. I'm like... such a babe." I waved my hand out to the side like a valley girl.

"I'm serious," Naimh said quietly. "I've been attracted to you since I first met you."

I frowned and realized she WAS serious, but that didn't make sense. "I'd like to think I'm not unattractive, but I know I'm no Brad Pitt, either."

Turning slightly, enough that she could face me, Naimh gave me a little smile. "I didn't fall in love at first sight or anything, or even lust at first sight. When I first saw you, I thought you were kinda cute but nothing that got my panties wet right away. I was, however, quite curious to find what was so special about you that made five other girls include you in their club. And an hour later, I knew."

I blinked in surprise and asked, "What was it that made me so special?"

Her smile widened. "I can't put it into words. You were just so... so Matty. You were so confident with the others, and confidence IS sexy. But you were restrained at the same time, so in control. I watched the way Sam teased you, how FAR she teased you, and any other guy would have broken down and grabbed her boob or something. But you had that self-control, and yeah, self-control is sexy too. You were so masculine in a sea of hot teenage girls, and... well... I could see in your eyes the way you looked at ME. Kinda like the way you're looking at me now. Even with all the other beautiful girls around you all the time, when you looked at me there was this... hunger... in your eyes. Raw desire. And that made ME feel incredibly sexy too."

"You ARE incredibly sexy, Neevie. You're the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen."

The Irish beauty snorted and shook her head, looking away from me and blushing a little at the compliment. "You've already had me. No need to butter me up."

"I'm not buttering; it's the truth." I took a deep breath, kicked my leg over, and moved myself out from behind Naimh so I could sit beside her on the couch instead. Looking her straight in those amazing emerald eyes, I stated honestly, "Before you came along, Sam and those massive tits of hers were my most common wanking fantasies. But you became my number one the day you arrived. You say you didn't fall in lust at first sight for me, but I actually DID. I'm being dead serious. You are... and have always been... the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen."

Now Naimh REALLY blushed, and with her fair complexion her face didn't just turn pink, but her face, ears, and neck all went crimson. "Ohmigawd, Matty..."

"That I couldn't have you felt like the sickest joke at first. I remember praying you WOULDN'T join the BTC so I could ask you out on a date. I hadn't been on a date since the beginning of the year, having decided no one else was worthy of me spending time away from the club. But then you showed up and I prayed so fervently I'd get the chance to ask you out."

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