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The Bimbo Slut Game Ch. 03

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Maddy's wardrobe malfunction leads to a good tube ride.
4.9k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 12/14/2023
Created 08/29/2023
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All characters in this story are over the age of 18.


Simon's games continued; he sent Maddy around town where she was groped and felt up by various strangers. She jerked many men off and whilst they were allowed to feel her with their hands, none of them penetrated her or even got to enjoy her with their mouths. She had kissed some of the men, but her lips and neck were the only places their lips had been allowed to touch. But Maddy knew that would not be the case forever. The idea of doing more didn't bother Maddy the way it used to. The more she took the pills, the more she enjoyed the games, and the less she cared about other things, like dignity and shame.

Two weeks after her recruitment Simon instructed her to get dressed and return to Nigel's shop for her first check-in. Today's outfit was a tight pink dress with a plunging neckline and a hem that stopped just under her ass. The material was thin, almost like paper, and she was amazed she didn't tear it just getting it on. As she looked at herself in the mirror she admired the way her breasts pushed against the tight material, threatening to burst free at any moment. Her boobs hadn't grown much since the initial spurt, not enough to be noticeable, but her booty had. She turned and looked at her fat dump truck and she liked what she saw. Her ass was plump and juicy as Simon liked to remind her. It swelled inside the fabric of her dress like a sumptuous peach.

"Do you like your new curves?" Simon said, his smooth voice sounded pleasant in her ear. She'd gotten so used to him being in her ear that sometimes she missed him when he wasn't around.

"Yes, Sir," she cooed.

"Good girl. Get over to see Nigel then."

Maddy left her apartment, as usual taking nothing with her. She jumped behind the wheel of her pink convertible, a reward from a previous game, and sped straight to Nigel's shop.

Nigel smiled warmly when she entered and opened his arms for a hug. "So lovely to see you again, Maddy, and my have you filled out." Such a comment might have offended her or made her self-conscious a couple of weeks ago, but now she took it as the compliment it was.

"Thank you, Nigel," she said, beaming with pride as she stepped into his hug. He wrapped his burly arms around her and pulled her tightly against him. Her breasts pushed up against his chest and her pink nipples started to stiffen.

"You look incredible, girl. I mean, I always thought you were a bit of a stunner anyway, but wow." He patted her bum twice and kissed her gently on the cheek. Maddy blushed with pleasure and pulled away from him. "Come, let's get to work."

She followed him through to his office and took a seat at his desk. He pulled out his iPad and she got straight to work on the IQ test. The questions were very similar to the ones she'd answered last time, but this time they were more confusing. She found it difficult to concentrate and the more she tried to focus the foggier her mind became. She persevered and answered the questions to the best of her ability. She knew that it took her longer to complete it this time. When she was finished she passed the tablet to Nigel.

Whilst Nigel looked over her results, she heard the click from her earpiece and knew that Simon was back. He didn't say anything and so neither did she. She was not to speak unless spoken to.

"Well, Maddy, your IQ is now 83. You've dropped 18 points," Nigel said.

"Oh..." She wasn't sure how to react. She didn't know if it was good or bad.

Nigel smiled warmly. "How do you feel about that?" he asked.

"I don't really know like how to feel about it to be honest," she said.

"It's a good thing," Simon said.

"It is?" Maddy asked, her tone taking on a chirpier note. Nigel's gaze flicked to her ear; he knew she was talking to Simon now.

"Yes, you don't need to fill your head with anything unnecessary. You're a bimbo. Your brain should be nice and empty. Remember: brains are for boys, girls are just toys. Isn't that right?"

She felt the small prickle of an insult at his words but it was quickly swallowed by her gratitude that he was pleased with her. "Yes, Sir," she said.

"Say it back to me then."

"Brains are for boys, girls are just toys," she said, unsure of herself, feeling like she was somehow betraying herself by repeating Simon'd words.

"Again. This time say it like you like it."

"Brains are for boys, girls are just toys," she said cheerily.

"Good girl. Now ask Nigel for your last dose of the bimbo medicine."

Maddy looked over at Nigel who was waiting patiently behind his desk. "Please may I have my last dose, Nigel?" she said sweetly.

"Ah, of course!" He opened his desk drawer and pulled out a small syringe. Maddy's eyes widened and she stared at the tool fearfully. She'd never liked needles. "Relax. It won't hurt. And once I've done this you won't need to take those pills anymore."

"Oh, okay," she said, still not feeling great about the jab. "Stand up and place your hands on the desk."

She was about to ask why but she knew better than to question her superiors. She stood and placed her hands flat on the desk. She'd never gotten a shot of anything like this before, usually, she remained seated and the nurse jabbed her in the arm with the needle. Nigel placed a hand on her waist and pulled her butt out just a bit. His touch sent a little thrill through her. He grabbed hold of the bottom of her dress and hoicked it up, tugging it over a plump rump and exposing her bare cheeks to his view. She was wearing a pink thong that matched the color of her dress but the thin string vanished up her crack, hidden by her voluptuous cheeks. Maddy let out a small sigh as he placed his palm on her left bum cheek and gently rubbed the flesh, warming the skin. Instinctively, she pushed her butt out a little more.

"You'll feel a small, sharp, prick," Nigel said.

"I bet you wish for a bigger one," Simon said and Maddy giggled.

She gasped as she felt the stab of the needle in her backside. A moment later he pulled the needle out and pressed a cotton ball against the puncture site. "All done," he said. "Hold this until it stops bleeding. We don't want to send you out with a bandaid on your delectable rump."

Maddy reached behind her and took hold of the cotton ball, pressing it against her bare bum.

"That should kick in at some point this evening. It was very good to see you again Maddy. I dare say I'll be seeing you again soon. Stay as long as you need and show yourself out when you're ready." With that, Nigel strolled out of his office.

"How do you feel?" Simon asked.

"Pretty good," said Maddy. There was warmth radiating from where she'd been injected, spreading through her body and making her feel amazing.

"Good girl. You should have stopped bleeding now."

Maddy pulled the cotton ball away. She looked at her ass in the mirror that stood in the corner of the room and the prick from the jab wasn't even visible. She pulled her dress down to cover herself. It was a struggle getting it back over her butt and for a moment she wondered if it had somehow grown since Nigel had pulled up her dress.

Simon was gone all day so Maddy loitered around her apartment watching TV and wondering what the injection was for. At about 9 pm she was thinking about going to bed when she got a text from Simon telling her to put in her earpiece.

"Now, Maddy, it's time for one of our games," Simon said. His words sent a shameful tingle through her and she felt warmth between her legs. What was happening to her?

"Yes, Sir."

"You're going to get on the tube and stay on it until I tell you to leave. When you exit the tube the game is over."

"What do I have to like do when I'm on the tube?" she asked.

"The game this time will be different because I'm not going to give you any specific rules. All you have to do is be a good bimbo until I tell you to get off the train. If you are a good bimbo you will be rewarded with a new apartment. If you are a bad bimbo you'll lose all of the money you've earned so far this month. Not including your base pay. Do you understand?"

Maddy gulped. This was the first time she'd ever played without specific instructions and the stakes were higher than ever. She didn't have a choice though. "Yes, Sir," she said.

"Good girl. Now, from the moment you step on the train, you won't be allowed to speak to me unless I tell you to. You'll get no guidance. But I will be listening and I will be watching."

"Okay, Sir."

"Let's go, my dumb little bimbo," said Simon.

Maddy walked towards the tube station. She got a lot of attention from passing men; she was getting used to it now since it was a daily occurrence. She smiled at the leerer and thanked the ones bold enough to compliment her.

"You sure are a fine slab of ass," one man said.

"Thank you," she replied, smiling sweetly.

She stepped onto the train to find it was pretty empty. She knew that Simon was not going to tell her what to do from now on, so she had to think for herself. All she had to do was be a good bimbo. Brains are for boys, girls are just toys. Considering Simon had said that it was pretty odd that he now expected her to think for herself.

She stepped onto the train car and took a seat in the very middle. There were only 2 others on the train: an old lady in a shawl and a filthy homeless man who was half asleep. Maddy silently hoped that he would stay asleep because, despite the growing itch between her legs, she did not want him to scratch it.

She was grateful when he staggered off at the next stop. A few men in business suits wandered onto the train. One sat opposite her and the others stayed standing near the doors. Maddy's eyes met the man's and they exchanged friendly smiles. His eyes wandered down over her body before he pulled out his phone and was consumed by whatever was on his screen.

As the train trundled through the tube, Maddy noticed that her breasts felt incredibly sensitive. She reached up absent-mindedly and rubbed her nipple, easing the sensitivity. It felt different, tighter somehow. She glanced down and her eyes widened. They'd grown. There was no denying it, her tits were definitely bigger than they had been this morning. They'd grown so quickly before and... The jab Nigel had given her. It must have been a stronger form of the pills she'd been swallowing every morning. It wasn't just her breasts that were tighter in her dress, her ass was too. She was literally swelling inside the tight wrappings of her little pink dress. Her nipples were so stiff they were practically stabbing their way through the garment.

The sound of a camera shutter got her attention. She snapped her head up and stared at the man opposite her who had obviously just snapped a picture of her with his phone.

"Excuse me," she said, frowning.

He swallowed nervously, "Sorry," he said, and she noticed a dark wet patch in the crotch of his pants.

Then she remembered the game: she had to be a good bimbo and a bimbo would not object to having her picture taken. "That's okay. Would you like another?" she asked. As she said the words she felt herself growing warmer, getting turned on by her own whorish behavior.

"Ah, yeah," he said. He raised his phone again and she watched him zoom in on her tits. She helped him out by pressing them forward for him. His camera sounded several times and then the train stopped. "Thanks," he said before hopping off.

Two young guys in sweatpants got on the train next. They had bottles of beer in their hands and had clearly been drinking for some time judging from the volume of their speech. Maddy instantly tensed up; she'd never felt comfortable around drunk men. They had a tendency to be unkind.

They sat down opposite her and carried on their conversation. They kept looking her way, stealing glances at her body, but neither of them said anything to her. She resisted the urge to move, knowing that she would lose the game if she did that. As she shifted in her seat she heard her dress tear and her heart froze. Looking down, she saw that her boobs had expanded even further and the fabric had torn right where her cleavage was. She mistakenly moved her leg and a small tear formed between her legs. If she continued to grow she would burst out of her dress, the material was too feeble to hold her.

As the two young men laughed and bantered back and forth with each other, sloshing their beers over the already sticky floor, Maddy started to relax. They weren't paying her much attention, they were far more interested in their conversation.

The train jolted and her dress tore a bit more. This time when she looked down she saw that her tits were literally swelling before her eyes. She was suddenly frozen with fear as a thought struck her, what if she didn't stop growing and she burst from the dress? The guys would see her! She'd be standing nude in front of them. The fear and the shame increased her arousal. Her pussy was wet between her legs, soaking the small patch of material that made up her panties.

She started to wonder if she was doing the wrong thing by sitting in such an empty train car. Maybe she was supposed to seek people out. Maybe she was supposed to initiate a conversation. Surely Simon didn't want her to just sit here? But she'd never had to initiate anything before. She'd always waited for the men to act first. Except in the Warhammer shop, she had initiated that. Her head started to hurt from all the confusion. She didn't know what to do. She needed to move. She needed to get away from the rowdy boys so she could think properly.

Maddy's fingers trembled as she reached for the pole that ran from the floor to the ceiling, her mind racing with indecision. The fabric of her dress strained against her body as she stood up too quickly, the seams already stretched to their limit. With a loud rip, the delicate material gave way and her voluptuous curves burst out of her dress. Her bare skin tingled in the cool air as her breasts bounced jauntily, their hard pink nipples exposed to the world. A flood of tears rushed between her legs, both front and back, and the dress seemed to explode open, revealing every inch of her ample form to the young men nearby. She stood frozen in place like a frightened animal. Her thong and the tattered pink material that hung around her waist were the only clothing she had left.

The two drunken men sat staring, paralyzed in their seats, their conversation abruptly ended. After an eternity, one of them started to speak. "Holy fuuuuuuck..."

Maddy yelped with embarrassment. The heat between her legs only made her want to cover up more. She was a dirty girl who had bad thoughts that were now out in the open for these young men to see. But then a strange sensation gripped her body, growing stronger with every breath she took. Her eyes flickered shut as her entire body tingled with arousal. Her pussy was dripping through her panties. She loved being exposed in front of them and her humiliation only made her love it more. When her eyes opened again both young men were staring at her lewdly, their eyes drinking in every inch of her body. On impulse, she pressed her arms over her tits, covering as much of the mountainous melons as possible.

"Don't spoil the fun," one of the guys said, his words slightly slurred.

"Yeah, drop those arms," said the other.

Maddy knew she had to comply, she had to be a good bimbo. With a pit of shame, she lowered her arms, and the guys let out a collective noise of approval.

"You look nervous," said the first one. He stood up. Maddy could feel her arousal growing. As he approached she could see the fabric of his sweatpants stretch as his crotch expanded. He grabbed the tattered remains of her dress and ripped it off her, discarding it on the floor. "That's got no use now, has it?"

Maddy shook her head, biting her lower lips as his cheeks flushed red. "I think you have, though," he said. He grabbed her breasts, his palm pressing into her soft flesh, making her grunt. His fingers traced the band of her thong around her hips, playing along the material, pulling it away so he could see her mound. Her pussy was slick, soaked with arousal, as he slid his fingers into her panties.

"As smooth as I thought," he said, running his hand along her bare lips. "You're a cutie," he continued, reaching around and grabbing her bum, squeezing its soft flesh with his hand.

Maddy gulped. "Thank... thank you," she whispered, the shame of her situation was never far from the surface. She jumped to attention as he grabbed her neck and pulled her toward him. The heat between her legs built to an orgasmic crescendo as she felt his erect penis poke against her thigh with lustful need. Her breathing grew ragged as she anticipated what he might do next, but she couldn't tear herself away from his eyes.

"Let me introduce me and my friend," he said. "I'm Dan and this is Michael," he pointed at his friend to the side, and Maddy tried to look as demure as possible. "And you are?"

"Maddy," she said quietly.

Michael stood up and came behind her. He gripped her ass in both hands, bringing his lips to her neck, before biting down on the flesh. Maddy let out a short grunt of pain, but the sensation sent a warm tingle all the way down to her pussy. He squeezed the soft flesh between his fingers as they began to play with her body. Dan buried his face in her ample bosom, cupping her tits in his hands.

Michael grabbed her panties and yanked them down. Without being told to, Maddy lifted her feet one after the other and stepped out of her remaining piece of clothing. She was now standing on the train completely naked.

"I'm gonna keep these, is that okay?" he asked, dangling the thong in front of her face. She was too horny to say anything but yes, and she knew that was what Simon expected of her. She was a bimbo. A good bimbo.

"Of course, you can have anything you want," she replied.

He shoved the soaked thong in his pocket.

"Alright then baby girl, on your knees," said Dan.

There was no hesitation, Maddy kneeled on the floor. She stared at the bulge in his sweatpants and her pussy throbbed.

"Give my schlong a nice rub down," he said.

Maddy obeyed, sliding her hands around his waist and feeling the contours of his chiseled body. His sweatpants slid down, revealing a long, thick cock that stood to attention. "Such a hot bimbo." He grabbed her by the hair, pulling her close as he brought her lips to his cock. She wrapped her lips around him and began to suck on it. The salty taste of his precum filled her mouth as she felt his shaft slide between her lips. She let out a slutty moan of pleasure; the taste of cock was unbeatable.

Michael stood next to him and dropped his pants too. "You can take two can't you, slut?" he asked. She felt her pussy almost growl with lust.

Michael's cock was fatter than Dan's but not as long. It twitched as it pulsed to life between his legs. She stuck out her tongue and began to trace the length of it, using her hands to twist Dan's shaft at the same time. She felt Michael run his fingers through her long hair.

She tended to both boys, switching from cock to cock, sucking them to the best of her abilities. She loved the taste of them and could feel her own juices dribble out of her cunt and onto the floor. Suddenly, Dan grabbed her and pulled her off his dick. "You're such a good little slut," he said. "I want that tight little pussy now."

Maddy's eyes lit up. She wanted his cock in her cunt more than anything else in the world. Dan lay down on the floor and patted his lap. Maddy did as she was told, moving on top of him, spreading her legs as she straddled his waist. Her pussy was hot and slick with arousal as she lowered herself down on his dick. They groaned in unison as she slid along his length. His enormous member stretched her out and filled her up. Despite the size of his cock, it felt natural and comforting in her slick little hole. Michael stood next to them, stroking his member as he watched her breasts jiggle about with every bounce.


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