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The Blending

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Asian SSBBW futa is going to make Jason a futa, too.
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Disclaimer: All characters who are depicted having sex are over the age of 18. 'Cause otherwise it's icky. This story contains futa on male sex, futa on futa sex, pheromones, excessive cum, excessive vaginal cum, excessive vaginal secretions, cum inflation, one SSBBW futanari, being facesat by said SSBBW futanari, gender transformation through sexual transmission, and hyper-aggressive tall, strong dickgirls. Also, mentions of sexual assault by futanari. If any of that isn't your thing, that's why I'm telling you now. On to the story!


I was spun around and pressed against the wall, getting a fleeting glimpse of Tamara Brown's plump lips before she dipped down and wedged her tongue between and through my lips. Had this happened a year ago, I thought I would have died and gone to heaven

Tamara from a year ago was everything I ever thought I wanted. Milk chocolate skin, large soft breasts, and an ass you could rest your drink on. But it wasn't a year ago, and Tamara had gone through the change since then.

I tried to push her away by her shoulders, but she easily grasped my wrists and pinned my arms over my head, getting close enough to mash her tits into my neck and grind her thickening bulge against my abdomen. I could actually feel her phallus throb and lengthen where she pressed it against me, growing to the side along the crease where her leg met her pelvis.

I was debating on whether or not it would be worth it to bite down on her tongue, when she was pulled away from me.

Her friends, Shawna and Kim, each held an arm while she struggled to get back to me, looking less like the girl I used to crush on and more like an animal barely restrained.

I quickly moved away while they tried to talk some sense into her. "Tam, get ahold of yo' self!" Kim told her, "You can't just be puttin' it on anyone you feel like! He ain't done nothin' to give you the green light. Calm the fuck down!"

Those three used to be shorter than me. The change gave them about eight extra inches in height and tripled their muscle mass, in addition to the cock that they had so much trouble controlling.

Girls who went through the change were the worst. They were, for the most part, unused to feeling that level of sexual aggression, the drive to impregnate as many as possible that was derived from millions of years of evolution. Couple that with the enormous strength increase, and you had ticking sex bombs just waiting to go off. Just ask my Dad... I mean my Ma.

"I'm sorry, okay?" Tamara wasn't apologizing to me, but to Kim. "But, I mean, look at him! He's fucking sexy as shit, and smells so goddamn good!"

"Now I know you ain't sayin' he was askin' for it. That he should know better than to dress a certain way, or that he brought it on his-self. Bitch, you was in spittin' distance of rape just now."

She looked a little guilty, but refused to admit to anything. "It's not my fault! I can't help it!"

She wasn't struggling anymore, but her long, thick cock was straining obscenely against her hot pants, the thin material showing every ridge, bump, and vein. Her nipples were bullets barely contained by her tube top. I firmly believe that if her friends hadn't stepped in, I was going to be in big trouble, despite being in the school corridor.

Bystanders would be more likely to watch than to help me. They'd probably even try to join in.

"Okay, look, I know the Unis are hot. But still, you can't be forcing anyone," Shawna told her, "You just fucked up any chance of getting him."

Tamara looked less like she understood that what she did was wrong, and more like she just lost a board game. "Shit..." she muttered.

Shawna turned to me. "I'm really sorry about this, Jason. Let me make it up to you. How 'bout, after school, you come over to my place and I'll cook you up something. We can hang out, or whatever."

I knew exactly what she meant by hang out, and it involved a lot less clothes than she tried to imply. I shook my head and quickly walked away, trying to keep a wide berth between me and anyone else.

A Uni, she called me. Short-hand for unisex, or those dwindling numbers of us who were still a single gender. Evidently we, both men and women, not only looked like sex incarnate to the gender blended, but something about the way we smelled set them off.

Before all this insanity, I was never given a second look. Who would want a short, slightly chubby, freckle-faced ginger with technically red, but almost orange curly hair? Not a unisex girl, I can tell you from experience. But for the blended? I was constantly having to say no. Sometimes with more than just words.

I finally met up with Sumo. "Hey, Sumo." Yoshi Tanaka was my best friend, ever since kindergarten. Second generation Japanese, he stood at 6'2" somehow and carried over four hundred pounds on his frame. In junior high, Frank Delgado started calling him a sumo wrestler and it stuck to the point he even referred to himself as 'Sumo'.

"Jesus Jace, you look like you were just put through the wringer. Who was it this time?"

"Tamara Brown. I don't know how to deal anymore... Let's get the fuck out of here."

We started making our way to the parking lot, and I was as glad as ever the school day was over. To think that I actually used to like school!

"Hey Sumo, how do you deal with it all, anyway?"

He chuckled, "I don't get nearly the hassle that you do. I mean, yeah, I'm a Uni, but I'm still a big boy." He slapped his protruding belly, sending a shockwave rippling across it. "Not as many want me when there's tastier prey."

I didn't know whether to feel bad for him or jealous of him. "Uh, should I say sorry or something?"

Whatever he was going to say would never be heard, as we caught sight of my car and the giant leaning against it.

"Uh-oh," I whispered to Sumo.

Lindsey saw us, and casually pushed off from my vehicle. "Jason, Sumo," she greeted. "Hey Sumo, think I could have a minute with Jason?"

I stepped in, there was no way I wanted to be left alone with her. "Sorry Lindsey, I'm Sumo's ride home. Whatever you have to say, I'm sure he can hear."

She thought for a moment, before nodding. "Fair enough. Listen, I know you've been getting hassled a lot lately. Pick anyone to start your change from yet?"

"I'm not ready yet, Lindsey. I'm sorry."

"I get you, I really do. Just let me point out a couple things you might not have thought of. The Unis are vanishing, Jason. Everyday, more go through the change, and that means that those of you that are left get more attention. Matter of fact, you and Sumo are two of the last in school."

"It's not going to get easier, sweet cheeks. But all these horny futa? They don't see the long game, like I do. All they see is a guy who is still unblended that smells amazing. You know what I was like before my change, right?"

I did. Old Lindsey was tall, and wide, and unfortunate looking. She looked more like a football lineman than anything female. But now, she was nearly seven feet tall, bulging with muscle, and looked more like a man than anyone who had blended should have.

"Yeah, I see you do. Before, I looked so much like a dude that the blending pushed me to the other side. I look and smell so much like a man now that I get futa begging me for dick, all of the time. So what does that have to do with you? You're in the same boat, Jason. When you finally take the plunge, you'll look like a Unisex girl. You won't get bigger or stronger, because guys don't. You'll get curves and a more feminine face, and judging from your body fat those curves are going to be devastating. I can see it."

I could feel the blood leave my face. This might never be over for me?

"Whoa, whoa," she tried to calm me, "I didn't mean to freak you out. But there's a solution, here, for both of us. I'm not these other cunts, looking for a quick fuck and then going about my way. No, I want you, and I want to keep you. No one will try anything with you if you're with me, and no one will be able to compete with you, so I'll get left alone too. It's win-win."

"I don't... I'm not..." I stammered.

"Hey, it's cool. I get it. You probably don't even find me attractive yet. Just remember this talk. I don't have to be the one to change you, I won't be jealous or anything. But when you finally do? Come find me. We can be awesome together, I know it."

I watched Lindsey Wagner confidently walk away, like she knew, just knew, that it was only a matter of time.

"Sumo, let's really get the fuck out of here now."


"Hey Mom," I greeted as I walked in the door to home, finally feeling safe.

"Hi Jason. How was school?"

I looked at her, and every day that I saw her I still missed the way she was before. She used to be my height, about five and a half feet tall, and thin. Now she towered over both me and Ma at just a little over six feet, and the general thickness of her body changed her from maternal to almost intimidating.

I plopped down at the kitchen table and heaved my backpack onto it. "Same old stuff. Learned a couple things in class. Got accosted twice. Got seventeen texts with nude selfies. You know, the usual."

She frowned at me, and crossed her arms, the position making her biceps flex. "You should just pick a nice girl and get on with it. It's time, Jason."

I scrubbed my palms over my eyes. This was not a new conversation. Time to try a different tack. "Okay, look, when you went through the change, you got taller, right? Stronger, too."

"Yes I did. What does that have to do with anything?"

"But when Ma went through it, she didn't get bigger or stronger, did she?"

I hated that memory, of Mom pulling me out of school to rush to the hospital, where Dad was being treated for injuries sustained during his assault. Two of his co-workers had decided that no didn't really mean no. Thankfully, he healed up over the next day and a half while he changed, and a couple days later we were taking care of Mom while she blended. The worst part? Those two got only sixty days of jail time, with work release, on account of temporary insanity, or some such bullshit. I'm sure that the fact that the judge, lawyers, and jury were all futa had nothing to do with it.

"No, she didn't. Well, her legs got a little longer. Where are you going with this?"

"I had it pointed out to me today that the blending is going to push me to the other side. I'm 5'6", Mom. No muscles. I won't get bigger or stronger either. I'll just look like a Uni-girl, and this will never be over for me. At least like this, I don't have to worry about getting my period or pregnant on top of everything else."

She uncrossed her arms, concerned. "But at least you wouldn't smell so enticing anymore, right?"

I buried my head in my folded arms atop the table. "Not as much, no. But still some, I guess."

"Well, I still think you should do it anyway, so that what happened to your other mother doesn't happen to you."

"I'll keep that in mind," I lied. The weekend was one more day away. Just one more gauntlet to run, and I'd have two whole days to get my feet back under me.


My bedroom used to be a safe haven for me, but lately it was becoming more and more a prison of my own making.

Sumo didn't show up to school on Friday, I couldn't get ahold of him by text or phone over the weekend, and he wasn't at school today either. I had to deal with the increasing sexual aggression without him as a buffer for both Friday and today, and was all alone in my room pretty much all weekend.

I didn't dare go out in public alone. School was bad enough with the teachers doing a half-assed job of keeping order, I didn't want to know what it would be like without them.

Four days where the only ones that didn't want to fuck me were my parents, and all they seemed to talk about was that I just needed to get over it. I would have thought at least Ma would understand, but even she was applying pressure.

I heard the doorbell, and strained to listen, but couldn't make anything out. Then I heard heavy footsteps plodding up the stairs, making loud creaking noises with every step.

My breathing quickened, and a cold shiver of fear shot down my back. I knew those footsteps, and I had a pretty good idea why my best friend had been incommunicado for days.

The footsteps stopped right outside my closed bedroom door, and nothing happened. I looked around my room with wide eyes in a panic. This was the last place I would want to be alone with a futa! I mean, my bed was right there, and everything!

The seconds dragged on, seeming like minutes, before a hesitant knock sounded from the other side.

"Hey, uh, Jace. It's me, Sumo. Can... Can I come in?"

Even though only one person on the planet called me Jace, that wasn't Sumo's voice. This was higher, far more feminine. That pretty much assured me that I was right about why I hadn't been able to get ahold of him over the weekend. "I don't think that's a good idea, Sumo."

There was a soft thump as a head impacted my door. "Look, I know this will be weird, Jace. But you're my best friend, and I haven't seen you for days. I won't give you any reason to be afraid of me, okay? I just... I wanna hang. Can we hang?"

I thought furiously. 'Okay, Sumo will probably be attracted to me now, but she can handle it. It's not like she just got blasted with a guy's 'fuck everything you can' urges at full power. They came gradually to her when she was still a Uni, and she can deal. Also, she's the only friend I have left, everyone else I pushed away for making passes at me.'

"P-promise me, Sumo. Promise you'll stay cool. If you forget that no actually means fucking no, this friendship is over."

"I promise, man. Bottom of my heart."

"Okay... okay."

The door slowly opened, and I got my first look at the new her. She was bigger than ever, a couple inches taller in the legs, but that was the least of her changes.

Her face was far more feminine, even sporting make-up. She'd sprouted half a foot of additional hair length since I'd seen her last, and had it cut so her bangs barely touched her thin, arched eyebrows.

Her belly looked just as big as it ever had, but now she had literal watermelon-sized breasts resting on top of it, with a mile of cleavage showing through the low-cut V-neck sweater. Her hips jutted out so far to her sides that it was more of a drop-off than a gentle curve, and her legs were smooth skin-covered barrels, the mid-thigh skirt hiding almost nothing.

She fidgeted, but let me take all the time I needed to absorb how she looked now. "My moms helped me with make-up and clothes, I didn't... do I look okay?"

What was I going to say? Her bulk hid every thing male about her except for her height, so it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. "You look great, uh, Yoshi." It didn't seem right to call her Sumo.

She ran her fingers through her hair nervously. "Okay, I'm just going to say this up front. If our positions were reversed, and it was you who grew the giant tits, I wouldn't be able to stop staring at them. So, I'm not going to be offended or anything if you stare, okay? Look all you want."

I looked away, unable to meet her eyes. "I don't know, Yoshi. I don't want to be creepy. Uh, you want to play a game or something?"

She sighed with relief, and waddled sideways through the doorway and then over to sit on my bed. Sumo and I had spent countless hours sitting side by side on that bed with game-controllers in hand.

The mattress sank down under her massive weight, the bed frame creaking loudly as she settled. "I'd love to. Look, it's only creepy if the person staring is someone you're not attracted to. I'm not going to make moves on you or anything," she cautioned at my look of panic, "but I'm blended now, and you're still a uni. That makes you hot, okay? And these tits are pretty much all I've got going for me, so get your fill and then some."

I handed her the game controller, and took her up on the offer to look. The smooth jiggly flesh on display crammed against itself to create a crevice that was somehow hypnotic, with at least a foot and a half of visible cleavage. The pink V-neck knit sweater did a terrible job of trying to contain her bulk, as there were no parts of her body that weren't straining against it.

She playfully bounced her rack, setting waves of motion rippling across their surface. "Pretty amazing, right?"

I finally tore my eyes away, finding her smiling face watching me. I cleared my throat. "Yep. Pretty spectacular, Yoshi. I think you hit the titty jackpot."

I loaded the game system up, and she patted the mattress next to her in an invitation to sit.

I sat on the other end of the bed.

She sighed, "Okay, look. You don't have to sit so far away. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I just... I just thought that I'd share, right? It's not a come on, or anything. I mean, you can't find tits this big on the internet outside of one or two models from before the blending started. I just wanted to let you see, and maybe show off a little too, okay? And if you can't call me Sumo, which I really don't mind, call me Yuna. I went and got my name changed all legal-like today."

"Sure, uh, Yuna. Yeah, so I am uncomfortable, but that's on me, not you, okay? Let me get used to the new you a bit."

She focused on the television, and paged through the games until she found the fighting game she liked so much. "So, in the interests of fair play, I should let you know that your moms sent me up here to either talk you into the change, or start you into the change."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I dunno. I think that they think if I talk to you about it, it won't terrify you so much anymore, or something... or that I'm going to somehow seduce you, like I have any idea how that's supposed to go."

I moved my cursor around the portraits of the fighters available to select while I thought. The game was developed after it was more normal to be gender blended than just a man or a woman, so there were twenty six tall muscular female-looking avatars to choose from. I picked Sakura, as I usually did.

"Are you okay with telling me about it? I mean, I don't know if I would be in your place."

She picked her own favorite, Blaize, and the loading screen popped up. "No, I don't mind. What do you want to know?"

We fought against each other, pretty evenly matched as we traded combinations, most of which went unblocked. "Well, I guess what I want to know first, is why did you? And who? If that's not way out of line."

Blaize went down, first match to me. "Francine Delgado. She offered me four hundred dollars for one encounter, any way I wanted. And I thought, maybe it was finally time to just do it, you know? Plus, money, so there's that."

I paused the game. "Wait, Francine? As in the asshole who stuck you with the name Sumo? That Francine Delgado?"

She chuckled, "Yeah, and part of anything I wanted included fucking her in the ass, so... revenge, a little?"

"That's unreal." I couldn't believe it.

She shook her head. "It was stupid, is what it was. I did one in her pussy, and one in her ass, and left."

"How exactly is that stupid?"

"Because the gender blending comes from a virus, right? If I'd let her cum in me even once, maybe I wouldn't have taken so long to change. It was like three whole days because I didn't get much for a starter set of changers."

Ma had gotten through it in about a day and a half, and was attacked by two at once. My mom took about two days, and she got it from Ma, so maybe there was something true in what Yuna said. "Was the actual change bad?" I un-paused the game, and we went head to head again.

"Well, it wasn't fun. You sleep through most of it. When you're awake though, you're starving, and thirsty, and feverish and achy, but as soon as you get enough food and drink you fall back asleep. And then, every time you wake up, your body is different, and clumsy, so that's a thing."

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