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The Bondage Laboratory Ch. 02

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The prisoners are subjected to the Doctor’s first test.
6.5k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/13/2024
Created 04/11/2024
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Breakfast consisted of two slices of buttered white toast with a choice of strawberry jam or marmalade, a small bowl of fruit salad, a glass of orange juice and a strong black coffee. It arrived with a ding through the chute in the wall at he back of her cell, and although Reagan was loathed to accept anything from her captors, she had to admit that it all looked delicious. She took the tray reluctantly and settled herself on the floor in front of the blue energy field that contained her, Milly sitting opposite her in her own cell. She could hear the other girls talking farther up the corridor but such was the design of the cells that she couldn't actually see anyone else. The girls to her left were called Zara and Alyss but that was as much as she or Milly knew about either of them.

"How did you sleep?" Milly asked tentatively.

Reagan swallowed the bit of toast she had been chewing before answering. She had told Milly everything that had happened in the Doctor's lab the other night but she hadn't said anything about the video of herself that she had seen afterwards. In the video she had told herself that all of this was happening for a reason, that it was somehow necessary and that she was there of her own choice. The Doctor had even offered her a chance to leave but she had declined and taken a pill to make her forget. None of it made sense and whatever comfort she had found in her decision was swiftly overshadowed by her confusion. If she didn't understand it, what hope did she have of explaining it to Milly.

"I slept fine," she lied. She had been up all night trying to make sense of that damned video. "You?"

"Yeah, me too," Milly replied. "The beds are surprisingly comfortable..."

Reagan had to agree. The bed was comfortable and what sleep she had managed had been deep and undisturbed. The food was also excellent and the cells were warm and spotless. Whatever this was, they were being treated very well.

"I could kill a shower though," Milly continued as she picked over her breakfast.

Reagan laughed softly and nodded her agreement. In her short interaction with Milly she had already decided that she liked her. She talked a lot, often saying whatever came into her head before she had thought it through. Reagan supposed it was a coping method for her and honestly didn't mind the distraction. It was good to know that she had at least one friend in there.

They finished their breakfast, spending the rest of the meal chatting about food that they liked and didn't like in the vague hope that it might help trigger some kind of memory for either of them, which it didn't. After breakfast they returned their empty trays to the chute at the back of the wall and Reagan decided to take the opportunity to do some basic stretches. Milly had just started to join in when a sharp wail cut through the air and they both collapsed to the floor with their hands pressed tightly over their ears.

"Good morning, ladies!"

She sat up as the sonic siren stopped abruptly. The Doctor stood in front of the large door to the left of his cell, flanked by the two nurses in their short white dresses, PVC boots and gloves and surgical masks. His hands were folded in front of him and he smiled broadly as Reagan and the others approached the doors of the cells cautiously.

"I trust you all had a good night's sleep and enjoyed your breakfast?" he asked to a silent reply. He tutted, a frown creasing his brow as he looked around. "I can see we still have to work on your manners," he mused. "No matter, that will begin today I suppose! We will begin wit a simple experiment, starting with this side of the block."

Reagan glanced at Milly as the Doctor indicated her side of the corridor. Her eyes were wide and her face had turned noticeably paler even through the soft glow of her cell's energy field.

"Restraints are being provided for each of you now. Please kindly put them on, hands behind your backs please. I'm sure miss Reagan can tell you all what will happen if you choose not to comply."

Milly looked pleadingly at Reagan who gave her what she hoped was an encouraging nod. She watched her friend turn and walk to the back of her cell, returning a few moments later holding what appeared to be a ball gag, a set of leather handcuffs, a matching collar and a blindfold. Reagan glared at the Doctor as Milly began to attach the restraints, starting with the collar and gag before sliding the blindfold over her eyes with one final look at Reagan and then snapping the cuffs around her wrists. Reagan watched as one of the nurses marched up the hall and she heard the crackle of her stun baton followed by a yelp of pain before the nurse returned and gave the Doctor a curt nod.

"Very good," the Doctor said. "And with minimal resistance. I am impressed. You shall all come with me now, the rest of you can enjoy a spot of freedom until this afternoon."

Reagan watched as the energy field on Milly's cell was deactivated and one of the nurses guided her out into the corridor. She was trembling as the other prisoners, ten of them including Milly, were lined up behind her and the nurses began to link their collars together with lengths of silver chain. Once they had finished, they attached a leash to Milly's collar and Reagan gasped as the sonic sirens began to wail once again. She fell to the floor, striving to keep her eyes open as the nurses led the girls out of the corridor through the doors to the lab that had began to open. She caught sight of the Doctor smiling cooly at her before he turned on his heel and followed his charges out of the corridor.

When the sirens at last fell silent Reagan pushed herself to her feet and to her surprise she found the energy field of her cell had also been deactivated. She hurried to the threshold, peering tentatively into the corridor to see nine other heads doing the same. The door that the Doctor and the other girls had left through was shut but at the far end of the corridor another door sat open, a large space visible beyond the threshold. She swallowed her unease and stepped into the corridor, the other girls watching at her as she did so as if they were expecting her to suddenly collapse or burst into flames. The floor was cool under her feet as she strode the lenght of the corridor, glancing at the other girls as she passed their cells. They were mostly human but she spied a fellow Lunar Elf and a horned Taritan who stared at her through large black eyes as she approached the far door. She peered through the opening, seeing a large, hexagonal room beyond, the floors, walls and ceiling all white like the rest of the facility. Tables with white benches sat in the centre of the room whilst a row of showers stood against the far wall. To her eyes it looked like some kind of communal space for them all to use.

"It looks safe," she said over her shoulder, not sure if any of the girls were listening.

She stepped into the room, aware that the other girls were now starting to follow her. She could hear them whispering to each other, pointing to the showers as they bundled over the threshold. She thought of Milly and how she had longed for a shower and hoped that her friend was alright.

"Reagan, right?"

She turned to see a tall girl with blonde hair standing behind her. Like the rest of them, she was naked though she was attempting to cover her boobs with one of her arms. The fact that her bare boobs seemed more concerning to the other woman than the fact that Reagan could clearly see her uncovered pussy was vaguely amusing to her.

"I'm Alyss," she said, smiling awkwardly. "I'm in the cell next to you."

"Oh right," Reagan replied.

"I... I heard you talking to Milly the other night. Did they really do all those things to you?"

Reagan, turned, feeling her cheeks grow warm. It was one thing talking about what had happened in the lab with Milly, it was another discussing it with a virtual stranger.

"If you heard what I said then you know it did," she muttered.

"Do you think that's what's happening to the others?" she asked fearfully.

"I don't know," Reagan growled. She didn't want to think about it if she could avoid it.

"What are we going to do?" Alyss whimpered.

"I don't know," she repeated angrily.

She looked around, suddenly aware that the other girls were all staring at her. What did they want from her? Did they think she was some kind of leader just because she had been picked first by the Doctor? Their gazes were making her feel uncomfortable so she turned and marched towards the showers, looking for something to distract herself from what was going on. There were six showers in total, set close together against the wall with a row of vanity units in front of them. She turned one on and was surprised to find the water pleasantly warm. She stepped under the shower head and closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of the water as it cascaded over her soft blue skin. There were shelves beside the shower heads with soap and shampoo and she spent a long time cleaning herself beneath the water, doing her best to ignore the other girls as they walked around the room, whispering to each other and throwing furtive glances in her direction.

She eventually pulled herself out of the shower and patted herself dry with one of the towels that were stacked between the vanity units. She dropped onto a stool in front of the unit, staring at her reflection as she ran her hand through her long, dark purple-blue hair. She had chosen to come back to this. She had been offered a way out and she had said no. Why?

The day passed slowly, the girls starting to form groups as they got to know each other. Reagan drifted around the room, listening to them all yet not really joining in with any of the conversations. Some, like Alyss, were clearly scared and took any opportunity to discuss the situation and why they were there. Others seemed content to distract themselves with pointless conversations about their likes and dislikes, or what they thought they might have been before arriving in the prison. The other Lunar Elf, whose name was Sophia, talked about the history of their people and surmised that she might once have been a teacher. Reagan thought that unlikely given that their kind were rarely seen off their home planet of Skathos or its colony worlds.

She couldn't help but notice that all of the girls in the room were very attractive. Some, like Alyss, were tall with large breasts and hips whilst others were more petite. They seemed, for the most part at least, not to be bothered by their lack of clothing and Reagan couldn't help but wonder if they had more in common than just their level of attractiveness.

They had not long finished lunch, a selection of salads and cold meats that had appeared out of the centre of the tables, when a loud beep sounded from speakers in the corner of the room and a screen appeared above the door leading to the cells ordering them all to return to their cells. Reagan stood, following the others as they shuffled back to their cells. Whatever sense of relaxation there had been was gone and she could immediately feel the nerves of the other girls growing as they stepped into their cells one by one and watched the blue energy fields flash back to life.

Reagan had just entered her own cell when the horribly familair wail of the sonic siren had her on her knees once again. When she opened her eyes the Doctor and his nurses were standing in the corridor, though Milly and the other girls were nowhere to be seen.

"Good afternoon," the Doctor said cheerfully. "I hope you enjoyed the chance to stretch your legs and use the facilities. The more you comply with my orders, the more treats like that you will receive."

"Where are the others?" Reagan snapped, her frustration building as she glared at the man's smug face.

He chuckled. "You cannot help yourself, can you, Reagan?" he said. "They are all fine, I assure you. In fact they shall be back here very shortly. First of all though, we must get you all ready for this afternoon's experiment. If you'll please?"

She heard a beep from the back of her cell and turned to see the chute that normally dispensed her meals open. She walked over to the hatch, unsurprised to see the same gag, collar, blindfold and cuffs that had been delivered to Milly's cell earlier waiting for her.

"Please put the restraints on," the Doctor said. "Nurse, if you wouldn't mind seeing to Reagan?"

She turned as one of the silent nurses marched up to her cell and deactivated the energy field, her stun baton crackling in her hand. Reagan snarled at the woman, bearing her teeth as she tried once again to duck past her only to receive a sharp jab in the ribs from the device. She screamed as the electric pulse shot through her body, her legs giving way beneath her as she tumbled to the floor. She groaned as the nurse flipped her onto her back and straddled her hips, pulling her arms behind her back and securing the cuffs tightly to her wrists. The ball gag was shoved into her mouth and pulled tight around the back of her head before the nurse did the same with the collar. Strangely, she did not apply the blindfold and instead pulled Reagan roughly to her feet and pushed her out into the corridor.

"Comfy?" the Doctor asked softly.

Reagan scowled, the ball gag pressing down on her tongue, preventing her from uttering the curse that came to mind as he took a step towards her.

"I did enjoy our time together last night," he whispered in her ear as he gently pressed a finger to the gag in her mouth. "I'm looking forward to getting to know you more intimately, Reagan."

She hissed at him as he shot her a wink and stood back. The nurses had brought the other girls out of their cells, all of them gagged, blindfolded and bound. The nurses linked their collars together with lengths of chain as she had seen them do with Milly's group and when they reached her she thought she saw them both smirking as they tugged her blindfold down over her eyes and fastened a leash to her collar. She heard the door to the Doctor's lab open and a few moments later stumbled forwards in surprise as one of the nurses tugged sharply on her leash and lead her away from the cells. They stopped a short while later and the cooler air told Reagan they had entered the maze of corridors that led to the Doctor's lab. She thought she could hear other people, their were low moans coming from her right and after a while she heard footsteps on the cool tiled floor. She tried to call for Milly but the gag rendered the sound little more than a muffled moan that in turn earned her a sharp slap from someone. She heard the doors slide shut behind her and after a while they were on the move again.

It took longer to reach the lab than Reagan remembered but she presumed that was because they were having to go slower given that they were chained together and that none of them could see. Once again she lost track of the number of turns they made and after a long time she felt a hand on her shoulder bring her to a stop. The leash and linking chain were removed from her collar and she was led to one side of the room. Hands quickly secured leather cuffs around her ankles and a moment later her wrists were released from the cuffs only to be re-secured to a length of chain above her head. She grunted into her gag as the chain was pulled taught and she was forced to balance herself on her toes as she was left alone. Minutes passed and she could hear the others being similarly repositioned around the room. Her arms were already beginning to ache and she wondered how long she would have to stay like this when the Doctor began to speak.

"Commencing Log. Day one. Test subjects; Alpa, group B. Present are myself, Nurse A and Nurse C."

She heard his computer whir, the only other sounds the creaking of the chains and the occasional muffled groans as someone stumbled or pulled pointlessly at their restraints.

"Begin preparations," the Doctor continued.

Reagan flinched as she heard someone cry out through their gag, their chain rattling as they tried to pull away from whatever was being done. The sound repeated itself, though some of the exclamations were made more out of surprise than anything else. She tensed as she felt someone step close to her, her skin crawling as she recognised the Doctor's admittedly pleasant aftershave.

"This is quite a simple experiment," the Doctor said calmly. "We are testing stamina. Think of it like a game. Whoever can last the longest wins."

Reagan shuddered as she felt him run his hand up her inner thigh before pressing something small and hard between the lips of her pussy. He paused as he pulled his hand away and tutted.

"Well," he whispered in her ear. "Someone is certainly ready to play."

She flinched as he touched his fingers to her lips and felt her cheeks burn with humiliation as she tasted her own juices on his fingertips. How the fuck was this turning her on?

"Initiate phase one," the Doctor said as he walked away.

Reagan gasped, clenching her fists as whatever the Doctor had taped to the top of her pussy began to vibrate. It was slow at first, the sensation gradually spreading through her body as the device vibrated against her clit. She could hear the other girls moaning, their chains rattling as they tried to dislodge the vibrators that they had all clearly been fitted with.

"Nurse," the Doctor said, his tone clipped. "Please make sure subject Alpha Seven is properly secured."

The crackle of a stun baton sounded along with a muffled scream. The rattling of chains immediately settled down, replaced instead by the buzz of ten different devices working in synchrony.

"Increasing speed," the Doctor said.

Reagan bit down on her ball gag as the vibrator between her legs kicked up a notch. Her pussy was starting to ache and the heat rising from between her legs was telling her that she was already getting close to an orgasm. She twisted her hips and crossed her ankles as she fought against the rising sensation inside her. She couldn't be the first to cum, she wouldn't give the Doctor the satisfaction.

"Setting speed to max," the Doctor said slyly.

Reagan couldn't explain it but she knew he was looking at her as he spoke. She could imagine him sneering at her humiliation as she bucked her head and bit down as hard as she could on her gag, beads of sweat rolling down her forehead and strings of drool oozing from her lips as she fought the sensation between her legs. The heat in her pussy was becoming to much to stand and she staggered on the edge of an orgasm that she no longer felt she could hold off. Just as she was about to cum, however, she heard someone else moan loudly and longly into their gag followed moments later by another of the women.

"Subjects nineteen and seven have reached completion," the Doctor said.

It might have been her imagination but she thought she heard a note of disappointment in his voice. He had wanted her to cum first. He had wanted that power over her. The victory, whether imagined or not, hardened her resolve and another five of the ten women had screamed and moaned their way to orgasm before she could at last hold hers back no longer and gave in to the vibrations. She threw her head back and gasped a silent scream into her gag as pleasure flooded her body in waves. Her wrists and ankles stung as she strained against the cuffs but for the briefest of moments she did not care as she surrendered to her feelings.

"Subject one has reached completion," the Doctor said. She could tell the bastard was smiling.

To her relief she felt the vibrator switch off and she was left to catch her breath as the last of the women gasped and shuddered their orgasms. The last to finish was subject three, Alyss, she realised. She heard her opposite her as she came, her little squeaks of pleasure mingled with whimpering cries and heavy sobs as her vibrator fell silent.


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