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The Cabin

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A free spirit brightens a much needed vacation.
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 11/21/2007
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Finally, he was getting away from the world. Somewhere along the way, the philosophy of work to live had turned on him and changed to live to work. It was time for a much needed rest. He couldn't afford to take a whole vacation at the moment, but at least things were slow enough now that he could get away for the weekend. He'd packed up a bundle of random clothes into his old tan backpack and crawled into his little SUV. He pulled away from his island home and headed upstate.

As the flat of the interstate started to turn into rolling hills, he became vaguely aware of his surroundings once more. Everywhere he'd passed through, each town looked the same. They all had the same size malls, the same configuration of shops and fast food joints. Each of the bigger cities that he crawled through, in road construction traffic, could have been the exact same as any other in America. Damn life on this planet was boring, he thought to himself.

The radio station he'd been listening to since the last big city started to crackle and fade and with a groan he twisted the knob to off. It figured, he really liked that song and it wasn't likely to be over played anymore. He reached the top of a particular hill and spotted his destination off to the right. The old set of cabins that he and his parents had come to so frequently in his earlier years. His nostalgic reverie was broken as a clap of thunder rolled through from the west and warned him of the impending storm. He was lucky that he would make it to the cabins before the dark clouds rolled in.

Driving through the winding trail into the hills he pulled up to the parking lot in front of the offices. He stepped out of the truck and stretched his legs arching back, joints protesting loudly. His ass was sore from sitting for so long, but he smiled brightly as the fresh country air and the scent of the coming rains filled his nostrils. There was a saliva-inducing waft of fresh bread coming from the little bakery on the corner. He made a mental note to stop in there after he checked in and got his cabin key. His stomach was growling harshly.

He stepped in through the double doors and glanced around in whimsical interest at all the touristy curios and novelties as he approached the main desk. He found himself smiling as that old man was still at his post at the desk after all of these years. Old Bill smiled with recognition as he approached the front desk.

"My goodness, little Jack Powell," the old man said with a delighted smile. "I haven't seen you up in these parts in...what is it now...fifteen years?"

Jack nodded and smiled. "Hello there Bill, how have you been? How's Eudora?"

Sadness lined the old man's face. "She done passed away a little over five years ago."

Jack nodded sadly, unsure of how to reply to that. He trailed his fingers over the old and chipped polished oak desk. "I'm really sorry to hear that Bill, she was a good woman." Old Bill turned and reached behind him and took the key to cabin fourteen from its hook on the wall behind him. He slid it across the desk with well-weathered hands. "How're your folks doing? Been a long time," the old man said as he checked off Jack name on the thick ledger.

"Well, Mom's doing well. Taking good care of herself. Dad, sadly, passed away last summer. It's okay though, he's no longer in the pain that he was for most of his life," Jack said with a wistful smile. Old Bill just nodded solemnly.

"Well, we've got you in cabin fourteen. The one we usually reserve for you and your family," the old man said gently. "Have a wonderful weekend Jack, if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

A clap of thunder boomed close by as Jack snapped the key up in hand and moved to the door. Just as he reached for the handle a young woman stepped in hastily, soaking wet from head to toe. She was dressed in a thin gray t-shirt, well-worn jeans and sneakers. She stopped and smiled at Jack, with a look of mild irritation, having been caught off guard in the rain. She shot him an appraising glance and brushed past him on her way to the desk. Jack just stood there watching her with a bemused stare. Her jeans looked to be painted on and her t-shirt clung to her magnificent curves. Her brown hair hung in wet curly tendrils down her back and she brushed it back over her ears as she approached Old Bill.

"Excuse me sir," she said in a soft throaty voice. "I'm kinda stranded here, is there any chance you've got an extra cabin available?" Bill shook his head lightly and informed her that they were all booked up for the weekend due to the big fishing contest up at the lake. Her mild irritation turned to one of solemn annoyance. She turned on her heel and made for the exit, grumbling to herself about how this day just royally sucked.

He didn't know where it came from, but Jack spoke up without even thinking. "Miss? Um...I've got a cabin booked," he croaked and cleared his throat. "If you want, you can stay with me tonight."

Her brow furrowed and then smoothed as she looked into his eyes from behind her tangled mane. A smile curled on her lips. "Oh, that would be wonderful. Are you sure you don't mind?" She said with a sweet smile. Jack nodded graciously, as he hid the fact that his heart was pounding louder than the thunder from within his chest. His face flushed slightly. He held the door for her and led the way to his truck and drove them down the little trail to cabin fourteen.

Jack unlocked the door to the cabin and held it as he signaled that it was safe for her to leave the SUV without getting too much wetter. She stepped out and smiled, holding her face to the sky as the cool rain cascaded down upon her. She loved the feel of rain, washing down on her. Jack found himself chuckling lightly as he watched her from the doorframe. She was a vision of beauty as she crossed over onto the porch. She stood there, dripping wet. Her chilled nipples poking through the thin t-shirt. She smiled at him, wrung her hair out on the old worn porch and then offered her hand. "By the way, " she said in a voice like velvet. "I'm Layla."

Jack took her proffered hand and squeezed lightly. Her hand was warm in his and he smiled broadly. "I'm Jack."

He placed his hand at the small of her back and ushered her into the warmth of the cabin. Flipping on the lights as he lay the key on the small table by the door. He glanced around as nostalgic memories flooded in from the confines of his childhood. The place looked the same as it always had. He knew that if he took the time to look, he'd find his name carved on the underside of the dining room table.

He shoved his hands in the pockets of his jeans and bounced lightly on the balls of his feet. He watched with great interest as she picked her way through the kitchen, checking the cupboards and refrigerator. She turned and beamed at him. "You never know what will get left behind," she said with a shrug.

Jack withdrew his hand from his pocket and thumbed off to the left. "Bathroom's over there if you want to dry off or freshen up." She smiled and nodded as she moved past him to the little bathroom. He found that he couldn't take his eyes off of this wondrous creature. She almost appeared to be on a flight of fancy as she moved about the cabin with casual feline grace.

A few moments later he heard the faucet squeak from inside, followed by the rustling of the shower curtain. He leaned against the closed door and called out that he'd be back in a moment, he was going to make a quick run up to the general store for supplies.

"Okay," she called out over the steam of the shower. "Could you pick up some of that bread I smelled when I got here. It smelled scrumptious" Jack laughed lightly to himself.

His thoughts were filled with imaginations and fantasies of his impromptu companion as he came back thirty minutes later. He closed the door behind him and set the damp sack on the table. Jack looked around and smiled as he spotted her curled up lazily on the sofa. She was reading a dime store novel that had been left behind by a previous visitor. He cocked his head aside as he read the title, "Stacked Deck- a DarkWalk Investigation".

"Any good?" He asked quietly as he turned and loaded the items from the sack into the fridge. He set the bottle of wine on its side on the top shelf to let it chill.

Layla smiled and nodded over the novella. "Not too shabby, this guy's pretty good. It's about a detective agency run by a vampire." Jack raised a brow and smirked.

"Well alrighty then, " he chuckled. "You ready for some food? I'm starving."

"Ravenous," she purred as she lowered the book.

They ate a meal of salad with chunks of grilled chicken breast; a loaf of fresh sourdough smothered in honey butter and had now moved on to taking down a wild bottle of Chardonnay. They sat at opposite sides of the sofa and Jack found himself lost in her dark eyes as she gazed wistfully at him. Her fingers twirled a stray tendril of her milk chocolate locks as she became lost in thought.

"So, um...about the sleeping arrangements," he began as he shook himself from her hypnotizing gaze. "I was thinking that you should take the bed tonight and I'll just take the couch." She tilted her head aside as her fingers lazily wandered along her thigh. He stifled a yawn and rose, stating that he'd had a long drive and was going to take a shower.

A few minutes later he was standing in front of the bathroom mirror drying himself off. He leaned on the counter and stared into the mirror for a moment, gathered his thoughts as they strayed to the curvaceous vision in the other room and then brushed his teeth. He pulled on a dry pair of jeans and opened the door to let the steam out. Looking around the corner of the doorframe at the sofa, he noticed that she wasn't there.

He knocked lightly on the bedroom door and started to turn the handle. She beckoned him in with a playful lilt in her voice.

"I've been thinking about the sleeping arrangements, " she purred as she writhed and stretched across the sheets. "And I'm not sure that's going to work for me." Her eyes burned through him with desire, as he stood framed in the doorway, unable to take his eyes from her exquisite naked flesh.

His cock instantly sprang to life as he moved over to the bed. She tightened herself at the knees and rolled slightly, her hands splaying out her hair out around her. She slowly let her fingers caress her smooth skin from her cheeks, down across her breasts, along her ribs and down along the rolling curves of her hips. Layla rolled over onto her side and drew her knees up to her chest, slowly revealing her glistening pink flesh to him. He licked his dry lips as he drank in every subtle curve and line. Her hand slithered between her thighs and trailed sinfully between her silky pussy lips.

Again she writhed before him, shifting over the other direction. She parted her thighs and arched up toward the ceiling, her eyes taunting and urging him forward as she ran both hands along her slick folds, spreading herself before him. He lowered his jeans to the floor, his cock springing forward, aching for her touch. Her heat. She rolled once more over onto her stomach and raised her hips to him, her round ass wriggling lewdly before him. Her wetness running down her thighs, glistening in the dim light.

Jack leaned forward and pressed his lips to her wet heat and kissed her slick lips gently. Then the hunger took over and he pressed himself deep into her folds. His tongue invading deep into the core of her being. She gasped and moaned as she pressed back against her. He flickered his tongue rapidly against her aroused clit. His hands holding her ass cheeks spread apart as he devoured her wicked lust. With a slow agonizing swipe he pressed his tongue to her delicious lips and licked upward, circling her tight ass as she gasped at the sensations and momentarily shuddered at his touch.

She writhed and fell slowly to her side once more, then onto her back. Her smoldering eyes locked on his as he prowled his way up her body, leaving a trail of burning flesh as he nipped at her skin every few inches. Jack lowered his lips to her right nipple, kissing and licking lightly. She splayed her fingers across the back of his head and drew him tight to her. She gasped loudly as he captured her tender flesh between his teeth a pulled. Her whole body quivered as it was set alight the pain subsiding into supreme pleasure.

He released and kissed along the swells of her breasts to the left and circled his tongue around the tightening flesh. He bit and pulled roughly again, her nails leaving crescents in his back. Her breath caught in her chest as she arched against him and instinctively she raked her fingers down his back. Jack raised his lips to hers and took her in a deeply passionate kiss. His cock pressed against her yearning as their hips ground desperately against each other.

She reached between them, and slid two fingers into her wet pussy, gathering her slick juices and stroked his cock in her slender fingers, rubbing his head along her yearning lips and against her straining clit. She arched against him and guided him into her. He entered her slow and deep, pressing against the wet inner walls. They shared a deep moan and she again clawed down his back, leaving large red welts.

Jack ground slowly against her, withdrawing back to the tip and returned deep within her as her heat sheathed his pulsing cock. Their hips rose and fell as the pace became more frantic. Slow passionate lovemaking quickly turned to frenzied animal lust. The moans and gasps turning quickly into growls and grunts. Together they clamped down on each other's shoulders and bit to the point of almost breaking the skin. Pressed tight against each other holding on in blind desperation, as their bodies collided violently against each other. She reached her strong whirling orgasm, as if a strong wind whisked her off the cliffs into insanity. A scream of purest ecstasy was pulled from her throat on threads of obsession, as her muscles contracted around him.

She reached between them and withdrew his cock from her. She rolled over and quickly straddled him. Her eyes glimmered with her ache for him. She poised her lips over his; hovering tauntingly, her eyes searching deep within his for...something. She quickly took him in a hungry kiss. She sucked his bottom lip between her teeth and bit down, drawing blood. Releasing with a playful grin. She backed herself down his strong muscular chest kissing and licking and nibbling his inflamed skin, the perspiration seeming to rise in shimmering waves in the dim light.

She took his throbbing cock lightly between her slim fingers and pressed it to her cheek feeling the warmth. She purred against him and with slightly parted lips covered his length in adoring kisses. Flicking her tongue slowly around the ridge of the head and across the slit. He arched and moaned, one hand tangling in her hair the other balling up into a fist as he twisted the bed sheets, as she began stroking his cock toward the exquisite rapture.

She parted her lips and took him into her hot mouth with such leisure that he was in agony with anticipation. She took him into her until he pulsed at the back of her throat and as she withdrew him, she scraped her teeth along the shaft with light pressure, intensifying the sensations and making him gasp and groan. Her eyes lit up as she watched his body language, taking great delight in his reactions, as she continued to urge him toward his own climax.

She licked down along the shaft once more and nibbled at the quivering skin of his balls. Chuckling lightly to herself as they twitched at her attentions. Layla then took each ball, one at a time between her lips and sucked steadily as her hand gripped his cock and stroked him languidly. His hips bucked and ground compulsively.

Jack's head shot back and he grasped at the pillow with one hand as she sucked his cock deep into her mouth again. His breath caught in his chest, fingers digging into her brown tresses. His release exploding into the back of her throat and a violently feral growl made its escape. His body frozen in mid thrust as wave after wave of orgasmic bliss flowed over him, fogging his mind and making his ears ring. The raging storm unheard by him as it pounded on the roof and windows.

Layla took all that he had to give, swallowing his essence with glee. As soon as he could think again, Jack pulled her up to him and held her tight, absorbing each other's warmth. He pulled the covers over them and kissed her passionately, the mix of both of their flavors creating sinful ambrosia. They closed their eyes and sighed in contentment, soon to fall asleep within each other's embrace. As he drifted off to the dark realms of the mind, his thoughts turned to whether he could convince this free spirit to stick around for a while. He sincerely hoped that he could...

© Jay Phantym 2007

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rightbankrightbankalmost 10 years ago
Hello, my name is Jack

shall we share a bed?

the end

JohnnyMaxJohnnyMaxabout 12 years ago
Good but

Good use of descriptives, spelling and grammar good. I felt her response to his invitation to share the cabin needed more realism. A hesitation, maybe some support form the owner. Suggest you slow down a little, they don't have to jump into bed together before they've known each other 5 minutes. The build up is what enhances the erotica.

1star1starover 14 years ago
Wordy wordy

Hey JP, I really enjoyed this story, however you're probably already aware (considering you had already told me that it was not your best work), it does go a little overboard on descriptive word use. I did have a chuckle at how you interlinked your other story into this *grins* will keep on reading *hugs* stellar

Leggy1979Leggy1979almost 17 years ago
If Nik leaves you

I'm willing... *laughs* Thanks for the link, I loved your stories hon! ~Leggy

JPhantymJPhantymalmost 17 years agoAuthor
Regarding Comments

While I would never remove any negative comments due to my strong views on censorship. It is freedom of speech that makes this medium so great, after all can't have everyone kissing your ass all the time. However, let me please state that while a negative comment is welcome and refreshing, at least be kind enough to detail where it should be improved.I'll never learn and grow as a writer if you aren't willing to help.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Contrived, predictable and dukll.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

..enjoyed the story JP. i'm glad you gave me the link to read them all. i'm looking forward to more of your thoughts and imagination. ~ranger~

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

where was the build up? it was a fast stroker, pure and simple. it certainly wasn't romantic.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

I hope you don't lose your muse. I definately want more.

vixen62vixen62almost 17 years ago
spine tingling

another great erotic tale to come from the mind of JP.. keep writing i love it xxxx

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

OooOOoh JP!! Your story is fantastic!! I Like the characters and the storyline. Wonderfully erotic. I'm so glad you wrote this. You are a wonderful writer--thank you for the wonderful read and for starting my day in arousal! xOxOx Burny

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