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The CEO of Slut

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A young intern discovers the key to succeeding: her vagina.
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My name is Livia, and I'm a college sophomore majoring in business. I dream of one day being the head of a major company, but I have a long path ahead of me if I am to achieve that goal. Recently, though, I've taken a major step toward that goal. A month ago, I started an internship at Prack & Fingerson Co., one of the top companies in cloud computing services. Or maybe they make servers? I'm honestly not that sure.

An internship with such a company is highly sought after. My grades thus far in school have been rather average. But through sheer determination, excellent communication skills, and a lot of lying on my resume, I was able to secure the position. It also helped that after my interviews, the man in charge of the hiring decisions accidentally included me in an email where he called me a 'dumb bitch with decent tits who didn't bother looking up what the fuck our company does before the interview.' I didn't appreciate the bitch part, but I was glad my strategy of doing the interview in a tight shirt got noticed. I got a call shortly after that email in which they offered me the position in exchange for forgetting I saw this email.

I accepted and now have been working here for the past month. However, things have not been going well. I'm constantly missing deadlines, being told my work quality is poor, and my jokes are in poor taste and not funny. I disagree with that last point as I felt it was hilarious calling the administrative assistant a 'slutetary' when she was going on medical leave for a hysterectomy. True, I misunderstood what a hysterectomy is when I made the joke, but it still works as a joke. I was told I was on thin ice and may be kicked out of the program if changes aren't made.

This past weekend, I had dinner with my parents and explained how things weren't going great with the internship. Succeeding in my career is very important to my father. He gave me the following advice.

"This internship at Prack & Figerson Co. may be the most important opportunity of your life. Success here could kickstart all your future aspirations. It isn't enough just to do a good job with this internship. You must stand out. You must seek recognition. Do whatever it takes." Hearing those words inspired me. "Also, learn what the company actually does. It's embarrassing you haven't learned that yet."

I decided to take the first half of my father's advice and seek recognition, whatever it takes. Monday morning at our weekly intern meeting, I saw my first opportunity. Seven interns currently work for the company, and Phillip has been assigned as the head intern. At this Monday meeting, Phillip passes out work assignments to all of the interns. Every week, there is always one task that is much more important than the others. I have yet to receive it, but I will change that this week.

"Good morning everyone. I trust you all had a good weekend," Phillip said at the start of the meeting. "Mindy and Alex, you both can focus on finishing up organizing client data this week. Samuel, I sent you a document outlining an upcoming meeting with marketing I want you to take charge of. Peter and Alexis, head down to records. They need help organizing some personnel files."

The interns all signaled their acceptance of the task they were given. "This week, we've been tasked with collecting and presenting data on a critical customer. Stanley has the data. We just need to compile it into a slide deck. Seeing as most of you have your hands full this week, I'll take this task on." Phillip started to walk away before stopping. "Oh right, Livia. I'm going to assume you are still working on your task of making sure the office has sufficient post-it notes?"

"It's more of a data collection assignment than just simply getting office supplies. That's why it has taken me so long," I pleaded. "Post-it notes nowadays come in a wide variety of colors and sizes, each specialized for certain tasks. This would go much faster if I could get the outside consultant resources I requested."

"Livia, just get it done. My god, it should have taken you an hour to do. That's it, everyone," Phillip said as the group dispersed. Post-it notes don't get you noticed in a large company like this. I wanted the task that Phillip gave himself. That was a task that could turn heads. I ran and caught up with him.

"Phillip, I want the customer data collection assignment," I said confidently.

"You are on week three of letting the office manager know how many Post-it notes we need to order. I'm pretty sure he went ahead, took an educated guess, and ordered them last week. I am not about to give you this important assignment," he told me dismissively.

"Well, if he did, he's an idiot. When we run out of blue 1-inch wide post-it notes next week, I'm not taking the fall for it. But anyway, I promise I will blow you away with how well and fast I can complete this assignment. I'm a customer of many different businesses. I have a unique viewpoint to bring. "

"Livia, everyone knows you only got this position because the recruiter called you a dumb bitch, and they wanted to avoid a lawsuit," Phillip stopped and addressed me directly.

"He also said I had good tits. Don't just focus on the negative feedback he gave."

Phillip glanced at my chest. "Right... can't forget that. But it doesn't matter. You aren't getting the assignment." He walked away, shaking his head. Already, I was failing and letting my father down. If he were here right now, what advice would he give me? Then, I knew what I had to do.

"If you give me the assignment, I'll suck your dick Phillip," I yelled out to him. It's not that my father would have suggested I give Phillip a blow job. Instead, he would have told me to impress my colleagues by doing the best job I could with the tasks assigned to me. I hated that idea and thought I rather just lick his cock for a while until he agreed to give me what I wanted.

Phillip came storming back to me. "Are you fucking insane yelling something like that in the middle of the office? You will get us both fired if anyone hears you say that."

"I'm sorry, you're right. I should have sent an email instead of taking up your time. I'll go send it now." I turned to walk back to my computer, hoping an email template existed for proposing a blow job to a colleague.

But before I could take two steps, Phillip grabbed my hand. "Stop kidding around. You know they are tracking email for sexual messages like that."

I was getting frustrated. "Then just tell me how I am supposed to request permission to suck your dick so I can get this assignment?"

He stared back at me in disbelief. "You're serious, aren't you? You're willing to give me a blow job, all so I'll give you this minor work assignment?"

I nodded my head. "I'll... do it topless too." My voice cracked a bit when I said that. The truth of it was I had never had a man's dick in my mouth, nor have I shown my tits to anyone either. Last semester, I offered a guy a blow job if he would tutor me for a chemistry test, but I didn't realize the girl he was holding hands with at the time was his girlfriend. He declined at her encouragement.

Phillip was staring at my chest. I was equally nervous that he would accept or deny me again. I wanted the chance to prove myself with this assignment, but was I really willing to suck Phillip's cock? "I... I can't do this, Livia. I mean, I want to, but this assignment isn't what you think it is. It's just a time waster they gave us to keep us busy. I just took it because it was easy. Honestly."

That couldn't be true. Phillip had to be lying to me. Men only think and care about one thing. And that was taking the most prestigious work assignments for themselves. Somehow, I needed to get this man to think about sex rather than work.

"If it isn't important as you say, then give it to me in exchange for me sucking your dick. If you are worried that your penis is too small and will keep falling out of my mouth during the blow job, rest assured I can squeeze my lips together to form a tiny hole." I then demonstrated my ability by pressing my lips together to make it look like I was whistling. At least, I assumed that's why he was hesitating to agree to the BJ.

"My dick isn't small. Look, you can have the assignment. There's no need to get sexual. Just go talk to Stanley for the information you need," Phillip said, looking a bit defeated.

He started walking away, but I grabbed his hand. "What are you playing at? You are going to tell everyone you gave me this assignment, and then I didn't pay you what we agreed upon, aren't you?"

"You think I'm going to lie and tell everyone I agreed to give you the assignment in exchange for a blow job that you didn't give?" I nodded my head.

"Because then I'll never be able to exchange anything in this office again for giving head. You'd like that, wouldn't you?" I said accusingly.

Phillip looked at me blankly. "I mean, kind of? You really should be selling your body in the office for favors."

I walked for a while and pulled him along by his hand. He gave little resistance and looked confused. A short distance away, I walked into a supply closet, pulled him in, and closed the door. "You are a deceitful jackass Phillip," I said as I unbuttoned my shirt.

"I'm deceitful for giving you what you wanted without making you get sexual?" Phillip asked, confused, as he watched me strip. I got my last button undone and pulled my shirt off. Reaching behind my back, I got my bra off, revealing my naked tits to my co-worker.

"Yes. Now do the right thing and stare at my boobs so you get hard enough for a blow job."

My totally justified anger faded, and I came to appreciate the situation I was in. The entirety of my naked boobs were now completely visible to this boy, who was following my directions and staring at them. I felt very dirty, but I steeled

myself. This was for my career.

"Wow Livia. You really didn't need to do this, but you are beautiful," Phillip told me. Or rather, told my tits based on where he was looking. The compliment felt good as I was nervous about whether he would find me good-looking. I had never had a guy call my boobs beautiful before. Fun bags, milk jugs, slut pillows, and a good place to put my dick. But never beautiful before today. Maybe Phillip actually liked me? Perhaps this is the man I start a family with.

I shook my head clear of these thoughts. Dating in the office would be very unprofessional. "Get your dick out so I can suck it," I commanded.

"Livia, please. Seeing your breasts is more than enough. We are even. Put your top back on so we can get back to work."

I rolled my eyes and got on my knees. "Thank you for the reminder that you're an asshole. I can't believe I was just thinking about you impregnating me." I said annoyed

"What the fuck...," but before Phillip could finish that thought, I started undoing his pants. He put up some minor resistance, trying to keep me from pulling down his pants, but with minimal effort, I was now faced with my first in-person penis.

"This... is considered a small dick?" I questioned, remembering that was why he was hesitant to get his dick sucked in the first place. I had seen a lot of videos of women giving men blowjobs, and Phillip's dick was around the size of those. I became annoyed that somehow I had been exclusively watching small dicks getting sucked. They should really label those videos better.

"No. Stop saying my penis is small. It's not!" But I ignored him as he was just being insecure about his size.

Having watched so much blow job porn, I had a good idea of what I needed to do. However, a realization came over me. All of those videos involved women blowing guys in a bedroom, car, or backstage at a carnival. This is an office, and thus, I needed to be professional about this. I thought about the three tips I was given when being in an interview. Sucking cock was kind of like an interview, right?

The first step is to summarize your professional standing. I briefly stood up and shook Phillip's hand. "Hello, my name is Livia, and I'm here to put your dick in my mouth."

"What... hi... what?" Phillip seemed confused and unprofessional. The next step was to explain your work history and key relevant accomplishments.

"This is my first time giving head, but last week waiting in the Hardee's drive-thru, some guys walking by said it looked like I had great lips for sucking dick."

"This is your first time? Livia, do you really want your first time being with a guy like this to be in a supply closet that people sneak into to fart," Phillip asked. I was shocked at how terribly unprofessional he was being in an interview. Or rather, pre-blow job.

The final step is to end the conversation by proposing what actions you would like to take next. "I hope now to move my lips up and down your dick until you spew cum down my throat." I was going to give the most professional blow job this company has ever seen, assuming there's a security camera in here.

We stared at each other briefly until I got back on my knees. I took hold of my first-ever dick in my hand. Again surprised that a penis of this size is considered small. Shrugging, I inserted it into my mouth. I wasn't expecting it to taste like anything, but it was satisfyingly salty. Moving my lips across his shaft was equally pleasant. I looked up at Phillip to see how he was reacting and was happy to see him with his mouth agape. That assignment is as good as mine I thought. But he already said I could have it. So why is his dick in my mouth? The excitement of giving my first blow job was making me a bit scatterbrained. I'll ask him after we are done why I did this.

I positioned my tongue to lick the lower portion of his cock. The taste was delightful to me. In fact, the whole experience proved to be very pleasurable for me. Obviously, I knew the man was supposed to get pleasure, but I didn't realize women could enjoy giving head. I quickened my pace, and my heart was throbbing, knowing that at some point, I was going to get a mouth full of his semen. It was like I was playing Russian Roulette with his cock, except I was guaranteed to get shot. Shot by spum. Maybe I could do this every week with Phillip to get the best assignments. He doesn't need to know that I'm actually enjoying this. He'll think the only thing I'm getting out of this is the workload. I just hope Mindy and Alexis don't also get the idea to start sucking his dick.

Suddenly, my mouth was filled with a warm, salty liquid, which initially caused me to panic before I realized that Phillip had come. I gingerly pulled my lips back to the tip of his cock, being careful not to make a mess. With my mouth free of cock I stood up and swallowed the entirety of the load in my mouth. "I think this worked out well, don't you? Maybe we do the same deal next Monday, not that I enjoy sucking your cock or anything," I said totally convincingly.

Phillip was still recovering from his orgasm and panting loudly. "What? No... I mean, yes, it was awesome. But if we get caught, we are going to get fired, Livia." He pulled up his pants, and I put my bra and shirt back on. I made a mental note to put 'suck Phillip's dick' on my calendar for the following Monday.

With us both fully dressed, we exited the supply closet, only to meet a larger gentleman standing by. "What were you two doing in there," he asked suspiciously. Both of us panicked and didn't know what to say. I then remembered what Phillip mentioned earlier.

"We were in there farting," I said confidently. The man eyed me for a minute before smiling.

"Oh, good. I'm not the only one who does that. Now excuse me, I need to use the closet," he said, walking into it and closing the door.

Before I could head out, Phillip said one last thing to me. "Talk to Stanley for the information and have the slides done by the end of the day. Even though I said it's just a task to keep us busy, I'll get chewed out if we don't do it." I nodded and headed towards Stanley's cubicle.

Stanley was a quiet, middle-aged gentleman with whom I'd only interacted a few times. I needed to get the customer data from him to assemble this presentation. Phillip said it needed to be done by the end of the day, but my plan was to impress everyone by getting it done by noon. I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up replacing Phillip as head intern after that, and people would start offering me blow jobs, but the woman version of it.

I made a quick stop at my small desk and grabbed my large purse, which I suspected I might need. Afterward, I found Stanley working at his desk in his relatively secluded corner of the office. He smiled as I approached. "Hello, Livia. You look like you need something from me."

I smiled back. "You are correct. I've been tasked with a critical assignment that requires me to get information from you about our biggest customer. Can you give me that data?"

"Ah, yes. I was told to expect this. I wouldn't really call this a critical task. More of a task to give you guys some experience, so don't stress over it. I'm in the middle of something this morning, so I'll get it to you after lunch, okay?"

My heart sank when I heard that. I was betting my whole career and future as a CEO on getting this assignment done by noon today. But if Stanley didn't give me that information, I was screwed. I knew I couldn't give up. My father was going to be proud when he heard about the initiative I took with Phillip, provided I lie about sucking his cock. Now, I had yet another chance to make him proud. But I couldn't offer to give Stanley a blow job. He was a full-time employee here at the company. I'm sure he had a higher salary expectation and thus had a higher expectation of sexual bribes.

Stanley had gone back to working on his computer. "If you send me that information now, I'll have sex with you, Stanley," I said in a shaky voice.

He stopped typing on his keyboard immediately. "What... what did you just say, Livia?"

"I indicated that in exchange for sending me that information right now I will fuck you. I mean sex. I will have sex with you. Please don't report me for cussing." I undid my pants and pulled them down, showing off my pink panties to the middle-aged man.

Stanley looked panicked and ducked down in his chair. "Are you insane? Put your pants back on. Jesus Christ, if it means that much to you, give me twenty minutes to finish what I'm working on, and I'll send it to you." I knew this tactic. He was trying to pull as Phillip tried the same thing.

"No deal," I said, pulling my panties down. Once they were free of my hips, I let them fall to the floor and stood there bottomless in front of my co-worker. Just as Phillip was the first to see my tits, Stanley was the first to see my naked pussy. I was beyond nervous doing this, but I had no other option to convince him to send me the information right now.

"In exchange for sex... you send me that information right away. Okay?" I could feel my legs shaking. Was I really about to give up my virginity? Growing up, I was constantly told that I should save my first time for someone special. Someone I loved. Someone I could see myself spending my whole life with. This... kind of fits that, right? I mean, I had no attraction to Stanley at all, but I was in love with the idea of being a CEO. Fucking him would almost surely guarantee I'd become one. I mean, there were a few more steps after that, but still.

"Holy fuck, this can't be real. You're trying to trick me or something? No way you are doing this just to get me to send you an email faster." Just then, three cubicles over, I saw another co-worker, Gregory, stand up and walk towards the meeting rooms.

"Oh, good morning, Gregory! Happy birthday, two weeks late," I yelled while waving to him while bottomless.

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