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The Chair


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He had had 3 sessions with the Chair today, something he had told himself he would not do. But why not? He had paid for it, why not use it? He observed that he never said 'on' the Chair but 'with' the Chair. Maybe because the Chair was sometimes-often in fact-in him.

He once more staggered off the Chair and up the stairs to his room sprawled on the bed naked and fell immediately into a deep sleep.

Chapter 5

From her penthouse on the 23rd floor of the downtown hi rise, Nancy W. watched the subject stagger from the Chair and pull himself up the stairs. She had made her fortune long ago with the invention of the artificial intelligence chip that made the Chair able to do what the Chair was able to do. Many of the Chair purchasers were unappealing and she had no interest in them, deleting their information as soon as she realized who & what they were.

Some were women and she found that she also enjoyed watching them get what they wanted-but whether male or female what they all had in common was the Chair of course and that eventually they all got what she wanted them to get.

This latest one was interesting; he was a good looking man and and she enjoyed making him come. She, of course had the final say in when and how that happened. Something the man called Ron did not yet realize.

The shaving for example was not part of the normal routine. She had enabled this feature to see how he would take it and to make him more naked and suggestible to her whims. He seemed to enjoy being shaven so she continued this part of the routine whenever he sat in the Chair although that was certainly not necessary when he used the Chair 3 times a day..

The cameras that transmitted the hi quality video images to his computer via WiFi also contained a Trojan horse program that in turn transmitted those images to her computer for her entertainment. There were additional images that he would never see- like the one from a camera hidden under the Chair which showed him being anally taken in great detail by her sophisticated dildo. He had not yet felt the full effects or range that her incredible toy could achieve.

One day soon he would be ready. Then she would totally take over the program and give him a fucking and orgasms that he would never forget. For that performance she thought that she may have to be there in person...

This evening she wore her black spandex yoga pants and a simple white athletic top with spaghetti straps. One breast lay naked above the plunging neckline as she had been fondling it while watching him. Her crotch was very damp as she had also rubbed herself there and of course wore no underwear during these sessions.

She stood up and peeled off the 2 thin pieces of her wardrobe and proceeded naked to her own special Chair.

"Desmond, program 2.6 duration 20 minutes please."

"Yes Mistress" answered Desmond the Chair.

The Chair's restraints smoothly wrapped themselves around her arms, legs, waist, chest, throat and forehead.

The enema was next and she had come to like the sensations. There must also be some isometric benefits from being restrained and trying to move she thought since her already voluptuous figure seemed to be accentuating and she had definitely toned up in some areas.

As Desmond spread her legs upward and outward, 2 small arms gently but firmly clamped the lips of her smooth and totally hairless labia and pulled them apart. A spray of lubrication preceded a rotating wheel with 6 tongue-like attachments. It oscillated slowly while it moved in and out between her lips and wetly stroked all the right places until it finally concentrated on her clitoris. By then she was already on the verge.

Meanwhile, slightly to the rear, a circle of what might best be described as lips attached themselves to her anus and began to gently massage her ring. In a few moments an artificial tongue began to work its way into her ass and tongue fucked her in a most pleasing manner. She squirmed and wiggled her ass as much as possible (which was not much) and basked in the feelings spreading from her pussy and ass.

But there was more to come. A pair of soft suction cups attached themselves to her large nipples and began to pull and knead them in a most delicious way while her breasts were moved up,down and to the sides as if cupped by a lover's hands.

"Now the kiss please' she said throatily and a lifelike mouth descended on hers. A moist and warm tongue parted her hungry lips and caressed the insides of her lips and tongue. They were so real because they were copied form a previous lover. He could certainly kiss. Even the taste and smell of his breath had been reproduced. The moist lips pressed hard on hers and she moaned as the never ending kiss took hold of her and went straight to her loins. With a small cry she orgasmed, the lifelike mouth crushed hers and she literally vibrated in the Chair for several moments while multiple waves washed over her and her artificial lover knew exactly what to do and for how long and how intensely.

Desmond of course did know what to do because his artificial intelligence had taught him. One by one the stimulants decreased until there were just the lovers 'hands' cupping her breasts and the tongue flicking her lips. Eventually they too stopped and disappeared back into their respective tanks for sterilization.

"That was marvelous as usual Desmond" She said and slumped in the Chair as the arms retracted. Her arms and legs came down together and she resumed a more normal posture. Despite having had no real penetration of her pussy and ass they were both twitching and feeling as if they had been fucked- in the most delicate yet intense way possible.

Sometimes she liked and needed to be fucked- spit roasted and triple penetrated roughly so that she felt like a whore being gang banged while Desmond held her spread and helpless in his grip. The Chair could achieve full extension so that the subject was vertically or horizontally suspended either face up or face down- a fact that most owners rarely discovered. But sometimes she just needed to be stimulated and 'loved' and that is what she had had tonight. It was hard to think that any lover could compete with Desmond.

Like Ron had earlier she eventually staggered to the bathroom, brushed her teeth and lay naked beneath the silk sheets and immediately went to sleep, dreaming the most delicious and decadent dreams. In some ways this was what she looked forward to the most- the dreamlike state after her poly orgasmic sessions with Desmond where anything and everything was possible. Her hands found her sex and cupped her smooth vulva as she slept and a soft moan escaped her parted lips.

Nancy was a dark haired beauty with sparkling blue eyes. She had been a quick study in her hometown high school. When she first heard the word 'computer' she was hooked. While her peers thought that computers were boring she started working on the intricate workings of these machines and how to make them work faster, smarter and in miniaturization.

He had a few boyfriends and some were notable but teenage boys came too quickly for her satisfaction and of course as soon as they were done, they were no longer interested in her needs..the only good thing is that they were often ready to go again in short order.

One day after class she was walking in the woods with 3 of her closest girlfriends when they came upon a dump site where someone had dropped off an old TV and a big old Morris Chair. They dragged the Chair into the open and took turns trying it out. Two of her girlfriends tied her to the Chair with pieces of rope and, knowing how ticklish she was, began to tickle her rib cage and the soles of her feet.

Susan even reached up under her short school uniform skirt and tickled her inner thighs. Things got quiet after that and the girls untied her and they all continued on their way. She realized that she liked to be restrained. She had almost come in her panties with a slight tickling of her thighs-although Susan had not even touched her pussy.

She began to experiment with her lovers and found that while she liked to be tied down- teenage boys were not to be trusted. One of them mused aloud that he should see if some of his buddies wanted to come over & 'pull a train' on her. He was straddling her chest feeding her his cock at the time while she was tied spread eagle to his bed. The feeling of her teeth on his cock changed his mind. Luckily social media had not yet blossomed so all of her adventures went undocumented.

However, more than a few of them liked her to be in charge and this included some memorable bondage sessions where she got all the cunnilingus and ass play she wanted as well as nipple sucking- because her prone partner had no choice. An occasional touch to his organ always kept them interested. Once the preliminaries were completed to her satisfaction, she rode them to earth shaking climaxes. She always made sure that they had orgasms once she was satiated if they had not yet done so and understandably got very few complaints although some called her weird and discontinued the relationship.

It was long after high school that her expertise in the field of computer AI and Robotics changed her lifestyle and her habits and desires. Being in charge was one thing. Being able to do something with that power was quite another. She wanted to wield power, not simply use it to make someone satisfy her. She sought her own means of satisfaction.

Chapter 6

Ron had owned the Chair for several weeks. He thought that he had learned what the Chair could do and he also thought that the Chair was beginning to know what he wanted- sometimes before he himself knew. He was still debating a name, but 'Chair' seemed to work for now. He was in no hurry. He had all the time in the world..

He decide to try a new Level. He randomly picked level 2.7 for his next experience.

He thought that the increments were akin to 'Word 2.1' etc. They were not as it turned out. Odd numbers had a slightly different twist than the even series. He believed that there were likely a dozen or so levels increasing in intensity as the numbers got higher. He was also wrong about that. There were only 4 levels.

He settled himself in the Chair and it restrained and shaved him- again.

"I don't know if that hair is ever going to grow back" he thought.

"Chair: let's try level 2.7."

'As you wish" said the Chair.

The sleeve closed around his penis and squeezed. He felt knobby protrusions inside and this somewhat reduced his erection and that was different, but he knew the Chair would respond to make him harder.

His butt was once again filled and flushed, but the liquid was different somehow, it burned a bit. When the anal intruder entered him it did not take the time to ensure that he was sufficiently stretched and it hurt a bit. Luckily there was lots of lubrication.

The Chair began to move again form the open spread position but did not stop at the 'normal' place. He found himself laying flat on his back and spread wide. He didn't even know the Chair could lay him out flat like this..

The tentacles attached themselves to his nipples, but this time it felt like clamps- not suction cups. They pinched him sharply. And he jerked with the short intense pain.

" Hey Chair, a little less pinching on the nipples please" he said into the microphone.

"Applying more pinching to the nipples" said the Chair.

Shit that hurt!

"OK Chair that's enough: End demonstration program"

"level 2.7 cannot be canceled until the cycle is complete" responded the Chair.

Shit! He had neglected to give the Chair a time limit. He was annoyed at himself and the Chair.

"For fuck sake you stupid Chair let me go right fucking now!"

The Chair spoke: "Harsh language will not be tolerated: punishment level 1 will be administered."

Arms appeared from near his chin somewhere and they joined in front of his mouth with one prying open his jaws and the other inserting an elongated ball which began to inflate.

There was now no way to use the voice control to turn the damn thing off and with no time limit- how long would this last?. A stiff blindfold was firmly placed over his eyes and headphones covered his ears. His world shrank to what he was feeling. He was fucked now -

In a moment his assessment came true. A long lubricated finger like thing went into his anus and began to swell, thrust, rotate and vibrate all at once. It was like there were 3 cocks in him all doing different things. The cups holding his balls started to both squeeze his balls and pull them apart, to knead his balls in time with the fucking. He was held so tightly that he could barely shudder let alone do anything about it. The steel tube holding his penis meanwhile did absolutely nothing.

Then it started to do something; it was getting smaller in circumference and it felt like there were pointy things inside the tube holding on to his penis. He started to shrink and then it began to jerk him until he started to swell again- then it began with the shrinking and pricking cycle. Then his legs began to move and although he didn't think it was possible they were spread even wider and the Chair tilted back until his head was lower than his ass..

Just when he thought that there could be no more to this thing he felt slaps on his ass. A small wheel with leather straps was rotating and whipping his ass as each 6 inch strip of leather passed by his cheeks like a small whipper snipper. It varied the speed and intensity and randomly changed direction while it moved all around his open suspended ass and sometimes struck his balls and his widely stretched skin between them while he was being mechanically fucked. The frigging tit clamps started to rotate and then pulled his nipples alternately further apart and then closer together- up and then down.

Another hum was all the warning he got before the cylinder in his mouth elongated and began to thrust in and out like he was being face fucked.

He did not know how long this went on. He was being totally spit roasted, tit tortured and edged all at the same time.. God he really needed to come but the damn machine seemed to sense when he was close and the shrinking pointed penis tube made him start to shrink instantly. He began to get a weird feeling somewhere deep behind his balls and ahead of his anus.

Come started to seep from the end of the tube around his cock - a prostate orgasm. It was not very satisfying. "Pleasure is not allowed during the punishment phase" said the Chair and pulled his balls apart further than ought to be possible. His spread legs rose higher into the air. At the same time his penis tube shrank until only the head stuck out like a mushroom. The object in his ass became longer and larger and ridges formed on it as it began to pump vigorously in and out of his ass. The small whips increased their speed and power until his ass was on fire and the thing in his mouth got longer and harder and plunged in and out of his mouth and partway down his throat. His nipples were on fire with the violent shaking they were getting.

What had happened of course was that Nancy had taken over the machine. She drove to his house and used his code to enter through the front door and wiped her image from his doorbell camera as well as the unlocking of his front door. No one would ever know that she had been there.

She proceeded to the basement where she now watched live what she had programmed to happen to Ron through her invention.

"Time to intervene" She thought.

Ron could not hear or see her of course.

She removed her overcoat to reveal thigh high black stockings, a push up bra and high heels. He sex was already wet and her nipples protruded. She licked her red lips.

She dropped her tote bag on the floor and began to rummage through it for what she was going to use for the next few hours. She adjusted the microphone in her earpiece and said. "Stop Chair"

All movement stopped. Arms and devices retracted but Ron was left spread wide and helpless before her. This is where she took over...

Up to you to fill in the blanks....

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