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The Chair

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A man purchases a very special sex toy...
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Chapter 1

He had considered the purchase long and hard. It was a lot of money and he had had to save for well over a year. One benefit of that delay was that the initial prototypes had been tested and the beta model was now ready for purchase.

It was the PS 2000, which stood for Personal Sex 2000. Essentially it was a specially built Chair which had multiple functions as well as artificial intelligence which could learn and adapt to the user's needs and of course all Wi Fi enabled for your smart phone as well as voice controlled.

It was a very special Chair which promised to incorporate all of his fantasies into a single item which could be used over and over and provides the ultimate stimulation. It was not sold in stores of course, and it had to be ordered with a 4 month lead time to allow for design and production to rigorous standards and exacting specifications. The term Chair was like calling a train a kiddie car.

Ron lived alone and had a sizable income from his home based business. He had few excesses but one of his weaknesses was technology. Of course the other was sex. This would combine both.

He must admit after taking the painstaking time and effort to make and record those specifications he was curious about some of them. For instance: The exact distance between his nipples, the length of his penis and the circumference of each of his testicles was also required as was his hat size and whether he had any dental implants.

His waist and inseam and his shirt size including collar and sleeve length he thought was quite normal but his wrist and ankle circumference was also required. He also had to provide the distance between the top of his hip bone and his collar bone within a centimeter while seated both left and right sides! His hip, thigh and calf measurements were also critical according to the order form and had to be submitted before partial payment would even be accepted by the company.

Then he was contacted by a lady from the company to verify all of his measurements and his address. He was required to submit the final payment in full and told that his custom fabricated PS 2000 was in production and would arrive by special courier and that a technician would install it to the strict company specifications required for optimal experience and warranty reasons of course. With the price of this thing there had better be a warranty!

The next 6 weeks seemed to be the longest of his life and the anticipation was killing him!

Chapter 2

Finally he got a call from the company advising that the SP 2000 would be delivered between 9 and noon on Wednesday the 30th of October. He was advised that he needed to choose a place where the Chair could be assembled and installed permanently and the technician would be there the following day- Halloween!

The large and heavy box did arrive at 10 am on the 30th and shortly thereafter he got a call from the technician advising that the installation would happen the following day and please do not open the crate.

His phone buzzed and he checked it to see the technician standing in front of his camera equipped doorbell. Ron activated the app on his phone and the door swung open. He had arrived with a large rolling tool box and a 2 wheeled cart. After a walk through of the basement area where he wanted it installed. The technician began to lay out his tools and told him to go and have a coffee or two as this would take several hours and not to worry the installation was included in the price.

He decided to go for a walk and ended up buying lunch at a chip wagon before proceeding home. He arrived just as the technician was putting away his tools.

The technician took him to the basement and showed him the finished product. It was glorious! It looked just like the photos in the ads he had seen. It was something that may have come from Frankenstein's dungeon and Star Trek all at once. He had a flash of Captain Kirk seated naked in the Chair and laughed out loud which got a curious glance from the technician.

It was matte black mostly but also had large portions of stainless steel inlaid. It looked more like a super modern Morris Chair than anything else with arm rests and legs except there was a horse shoe shaped cutout where the seat cushion would normally be and it was mounted to the 4 foot by 4 foot floor pan by a single large telescoping pedestal and the whole thing was bolted firmly to the floor. An armoured electrical cord ran to a nearby outlet and stainless steel braided plumbing ran from the hot and cold water pipes and another slightly larger one led from the under Chair tray to the floor drain where the sump pump was located. These had been clipped to the wall or floor using cable ties and he had to admit that it looked like a quality installation job.

Several lipstick tube cameras surrounded the Chair, top bottom and sides and a 24 inch LCD flat screen suspended in front of the Chair just above eye level. He thought that this might be the most ingenious part of the whole thing. It would be amazing to feel all of the sexual things this device could perform, but then to be able to review and relive it later would be priceless- as the old MasterCard ad used to say.

The technician handed him the thick instruction book and showed him the on/off switch and told him to be sure to adjust the microphone close to his mouth before he actually used the Chair and that the Artificial Intelligence built into the computerized Chair would learn his speech and voice patters over time. Alternately he could use his smart phone for some of the functions. Still he was advised to review the entire book before attempting to use the Chair and to always start the process with a time limit. In the book was a 1-800 number to call for customer service in case of any required follow up or explanations. That may come in handy he thought off offhandedly.

He took the technician to the door and after thanking him on the fine job, watched him walk to the plain unmarked van and drive away. He gently closed and locked the door and leaned back against it. He almost whooped in excitement!

Chapter 3

Wow- Finally! He was so excited that he ran downstairs and admired the Chair from every angle. He took out his camera and took a few pictures- particularly from the seat level of the Chair front & back. He had been reading extensively about the Chair of course and thought that he knew all of the voice commands by heart. He sat in the Chair and felt how solid it was. The air shock system gave slightly as he sat down but then It never even jiggled under his weight even while he was wiggling his butt in the seat..

Well, he thought, you get what you pay for! He brought the microphone to his lips and hit the on switch. There was a low hum and the Chair actually seemed to warm up a bit he thought. Was it climate controlled? He did not recall reading about that.

"Hello" he said questioningly.

"Hello" the Chair answered. "What is your request?"

"Run demonstration program" he answered.

"Unable to comply, subject not prepared"

He looked at the index in the instruction book and proceeded to the appropriate page.

Of course! He still had all his clothes on and the Chair had sensed that somehow.

He rose and removed all of his clothing and once again took his seat.

"Run demonstration program, time limit 20 minutes" he said again.

"Running demonstration program level 1.0"

There was a short delay followed by a series of clicks and hums. Flexible metal bands covered seamlessly in leather or plastic slid out of hidden panels and clipped his wrists to the armrests and and his ankles to the Chair legs. He could not budge an inch. Another wide band encircled his neck and another around his forehead. His erection began to grow. He was totally immobilized.

Another hum followed and his legs began to move outward and upward until his legs were spread wide. Now bands came from the Chair and firmly belted his thighs and calves in place. 'Overkill' he thought, like I could even escape from the ankle cuffs!

While he was having this thought his arms began to extend straight out and another band encircled his arm just above the elbow and his arms were drawn backward somewhat until his chest was thrust forward.

"Please breathe normally." said the Chair.

Then a strap was pulled tightly across his chest midway between his nipples and his collar bone and slowly tightened. Yet another strap encircled his waist just above his hip bones and slowly tightened backward and downward pulling his ass into the horseshoe which had the effect of opening his butt hole and simultaneously pulling his cheeks apart in the process

Small flexible steel tentacles emerged from under his arms and found their way to his nipples and a small vacuum tube held and sucked each nipple outward. His nips had always been sensitive and the suction felt extremely good. It set up a pulsing cycle that felt amazing.

He was trying to remember what the next step should be when he heard and felt a warm substance being sprayed on his rectum. Almost immediately a small tube or shaft was inserted into his ass. It began to fill him with some warm solution and stayed in place until he could take no more. A funnel was placed beneath him and the Chair said "Expel first treatment now."

'Like I could stop!' he thought. He heard the splashing and a small pump discharged his enema into the sump pump drain in the basement floor.

The tube was once again inserted and he was flushed out again. Although he was hard as a rock, this was not what he wanted to start out with. He wanted some attention to his cock.

As it the Chair had read his mind, a metal sleeve appeared and was slid over his penis and 2 cup like devices grabbed his balls and firmly stretched them apart.

A hose sprayed a foamy solution all over his cock, balls and pubic area and a razor appeared and started to shave him. He froze- not wanting the blade to slip in that area. He was rinsed and shaved again and this time even the area between his sack and his anus was being shorn. He was as naked down there as a newborn; there would be no showers at hockey this weekend he thought.

A blast of hot air dried off his parts. And the tools retracted.

A small flexible arm appeared and on the end was a soft cylinder which wrapped itself around his penis. It was also warm and lubricated. It slowly began to stroke his already rock hard cock. He tried to thrust his hips to meet the strokes but he was completely immobilized.

Whoa, he thought I can't take much of this!

A cylindrical object was now slowly being inserted into his anus. Of course this was part of his fantasy and a reason for the purchase of the PS 2000 in the first place yet it still felt alien to him but the Chair thought of everything- the fake penis in his ass was warm and felt pliable and nearly human although he had never had another man inside him hence had no comparison.

Then the object in his ass came to life. It began to swell and then slowly thrust in and out and he could feel lubrication of some sort being applied on the out going stroke so the next incoming stoke felt more slippery. Damn, that was starting to feel good.

While all this was taking place he noted the small red flashing light on the cameras indicating that he was being videoed. The recording would be uploaded via WiFi to his home computer.

With a small hum the Chair legs moved upward and outward even more. He was being stretched and fucked and jerked off all at the same time while the alternating suction on his nipples was driving him over the edge.

"Do you wish to complete your orgasm now? The Chair said.

"Nooo please not yet", he replied panting "please slow down a bit and make it last."

The Chair complied and he felt like he was being serviced by a gentle lover- one who would never tire and always be alert to his needs. The tube around his penis stopped jerking him and merely alternated between squeezing and expanding- this reducing the friction but still felt amazing.

Likewise the cock in his ass slowed its thrusting and alternately swelled and reduced in size- certainly stimulating but not overpoweringly so.

"please verify instructions" said the Chair.

He thought for a moment and then replied "Oral stimulation please". He was embarrassed to say it out loud but there it was.

A small flexible arm appeared and a pliable 6 inch long cylinder slowly inched past his open lips into his mouth. He began to suck as it moved in and out and moved his tongue around it.

Holy fuck! He was sucking a cock while his ass was being screwed and his penis was held and his nipples were being sucked.

Stimulated or not his mind took over and he began to come. Long streams of cum spurted from the tube holding his member and he gasped around the rubber cock and attempted to thrash in his restraints but could not budge even to move his hips upward into the tube holding it.

His orgasm seemed to last for minutes and as he relaxed and his cock shrank from the tube the Chair stated flatly "Orgasm achieved, cleanup in progress."

The tube was removed and his crotch and lower belly was sprayed with a soapy solution and then with warm water followed by the burst of warm air. The suction cups left his nipples and the pliable cock was removed from his mouth.

Ever so slowly the cock exited from his ass which spasmed in post orgasmic throes for some minutes. He felt a spray on his anus followed by a rinse and the drier.

His legs were lowered and came back to their original position and his balls were released and his sack fell back between his legs as the individual restraints sucked back into their hidden recesses. His arms also returned to their starting point and the straps on his chest, hips and arms neck and forehead disappeared.

He was glad to be sitting down because he was empty, done-the word 'spent' came to mind and for the first time he thought he knew what it meant.

He slowly climbed down from the Chair and turned to look at it. It seemed so innocent just standing there. He staggered up the stairs totally nude, but he did not care at all. He took a hot shower and fell into bed.

Chapter 4

He decided that he would leave the Chair alone for the rest of the day. He thought that he could easily become addicted to this and end up like those video gamers you read about who were found drooling into a cup and sitting in their own soiled pants after hour on hour of non stop gaming.

He read and re- read the manual - finding out a few things that the on-line literature did not reveal as well as the levels of complexity and 'intensity' of the Chair's programming. An interesting turn of words, he thought.

He also read that the Chair could be named, with a few simple steps it would respond to whatever name he chose for it. This was a significant step he realized.

He often thought of being restrained and anally gang banged, but did not consider himself a homosexual. Bisexual maybe, but a woman's body still turned him on like crazy. If he names the Chair as a female he could tell himself that he was being tortured and pegged by a female (an on going fantasy). But what about the cock in his mouth? An accomplice to his Femdom Chair persona perhaps? Did it matter? A name would wait for now.

The next day he approached the Chair and situated himself in it and once again gave the command and the Chair came to life as before and after setting the parameters in about 30 minutes gave him the most amazing orgasm he had ever experienced. It felt like he came buckets and his ass was so sensitive he thought that he might be able to orgasm without any stimulation on his cock.

Four hours later he was back in the Chair and put that theory to the test and indeed he did have what is called a prostate orgasm. Not as much come and a different sort of feeling- more inside than outside but certainly exceptionally fulfilling. He thought that the excitement of him being bound totally spread open & helpless added to the excitement and his ultimate release. Regardless, his mind wandered while he was being fucked anally and he felt that in the end (no pun intended) that is what got him off.

It was 11pm and he was consumed by another thought. What about strictly penile stimulation? That was what it was all about, right? Every guy wants to come- every girl wants to come, that is the goal.

Ten minutes later he was again in the Chair.

"What is your request?" said the Chair.

He pondered for a moment- perhaps when he named the Chair he would add an accent- perhaps a British accent, or French. He'd have to consider that- maybe both depending on the scenario..

He took a breath and stated slowly and clearly "I would like to achieve orgasm purely through manipulation of my penis- like a blow job. I'd like it to last a long time- I think they call it edging. Let's say 60 minutes."

"Certainly" said the Chair and began to strap him down. Of course he was already naked and had been shaven a few times but the Chair did not care- it shaved him again. By now he was familiar with the feeling of the restraints and according to the literature, the Chair now knew his measurements exactly and applied the correct amount of pressure to put him in the appropriate posture- and frame of mind.

Once he was secured and spread, he already had an impressive erection. A globe-like object about the size and shape of a football came from somewhere on a flexible tentacle and one pointed end opened and engulfed his manhood. The lips started at the head and slowly moved to the base of his cock applying pressure all the way. Then it reversed and did the same on the way out until only the crown of his cock was within its grasp. Then what felt like a small hand engulf his balls and began to knead, squeeze and gently pull on them. This was not what he asked for- he only wanted penis stimulation. But he was not stupid- it felt amazing. He watched his blow job on the flat screen in front of him. Had he been able to move his hands we would have held the globe and thrust into it, pretending it was his lover's head he was fucking.

He did not know what was inside the globe but it was hot and wet and slippery. It began to move up and down his shaft- somehow not touching the crown of his penis. It alternately sucked and then blew warm air on him. It squeezed and milked and it felt like there was a row of lips pressing on his penis. He was less than a minute into this and god he wanted to come!

But he had given his instructions and the Chair sensed when he was close and released his penis and backed the sphere away from him. His cock bobbed in the air and he almost spurted with no stimulation at all, but timing was everything and since the Chair monitored heartbeat, blood pressure and god knows what else, it always stopped before he could come. This happened several times, he had lost count. He was sure that his come would cover the wall of the basement if he let it go.

"I am ready to come now" he told the Chair.

"Do you not wish to complete the cycle?" Said the Chair.

"How much longer will it take?" he asked.

"Approximately 20 minutes" replied the Chair. He looked at the wall clock and realized he had already been edged now for 40 minutes but it seemed like hours.

" Yes please make me come now."

The football engulfed him and in 10 seconds he was shooting streams of come into a synthetic mouth- by far the best he had ever felt on him. He surged and strained into the restraints trying to thrust his hips but he was securely held and could only feel himself drained. When he had finished the Chair sucked the remnants of come off of and out of his cock and released his restraints in the usual sequence.

"Cycle complete" Said the Chair. "Do you wish to proceed to level 1.6?"

"No- no thank you Chair not now. Now I need to sleep- perhaps later."


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