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The Clan Pt. 01

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Love and politics make strange bedfellows in a matriarch.
7.1k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/14/2020
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Wednesdays for most people who construct the built environment are often very long and tiring. Hump day. Saturdays and Sundays are good; time spent with family, maybe go to a game or the beach, clean up the honeydew list, or just a backyard barbeque with the boys. Mondays were all about getting back into the grind, followed by Tuesdays where there was more time ahead until the weekend than behind, leading up to Wednesdays when fatigue and longing for the weekend were at their peak.

For Nicholas Connor however, the middle of the week was his favourite. After spending nine hours doing the kind of work that allowed you to look back and see the difference, he would head home, jump into the shower, rinse off the dust of the day and then after a brief session of stretching, hit the streets and trails for a nice long run, one of his greatest passions. Mondays and Fridays, he would break up the run with some strength training at the park gym, Tuesday was the dojo and Thursdays was weights and yoga- but Wednesdays, rain or shine, were all about running as fast and as far as he could for ninety minutes. Everyone thought him mad.

Running was a lifelong pleasure and his favourite form of decompression. He would start at a gentle pace, allowing his respiration rate and length of stride to gradually increase to the point where it felt like effort. Then he would kick off and push for ten minutes, or until he felt the world and his vision closing in, then drop his strike rate until he recovered before repeating the cycle for the rest of his run. Although his fitness routine gave him the strength and endurance of a national level marathon runner, he had never competed outside of a couple of military ironman contests back in the day as a young soldier.

He was well educated, having studied engineering physics before earning a commission as a military engineering officer. Leaving the army after four years despite offers of promotion and choice of duty assignment, to complete an apprenticeship as a construction electrician. His army career manager was dumbfounded at his choice but with a handshake and best wishes reminded him that he could always come back when he came to his senses.

Nick's life was well organized, almost preordained. Career path had been decided long ago in his junior school years. He never discussed his personal goals or details of his youth with anyone save a few of his closest and lifelong friends who had a similar history, and who owed their lives, ambition, and loyalty to the same cause.

He lived alone, travelling as a journeyman electrician between cities where large capital works projects would give him a year or two of steady employment, always staying at a large detached house located somewhere in the city where he worked. He'd accumulated few personal possessions, save some climbing gear, a decent sound system, and a late model silver sport utility vehicle. He earned well, usually assuming a senior supervisory role on most of the projects he worked, but was frugal by nature and over course of his working like had amassed a large pool of savings that was carefully managed by a very talented financial planner. As he understood it, he could look forward to a lucrative and comfortable retirement beginning at age forty-five.

Although taking fierce pride in his work, Nick considered it a vocation only. It provided the means to move through society at large, inconspicuous to the wider world and actively practice his life's work- something he could not imagine being without. In the first quarter century of his life he had easily mastered two traditional professions, as a soldier and an engineer. His true calling, however, was as protector and guardian of the ancient society that had given him life. He pursued his duties with the endless passion and devotion of a zealot. The practice and ceremony of duty was for Nicholas a spiritual endeavour in which he excelled and consequently his star was on the rise. It hadn't occurred to him just how quickly or vast the arc of that journey was to become.

Rounding the corner of University and Gordon, he headed down McDonald Street to College Avenue. Now fully warmed up, he decided to run through the arboretum to avoid the late afternoon sun. His mind wandered briefly, revisiting memories of the conversations and challenges of the day before packing them up and letting them go. He began thinking of the Bruce trail hike and climb that he'd been planning for the weekend and rehearsed the conversation he would have with Sofie securing her approval. She was certain to push back hard but in the six months they'd been together, he'd figured out how to get his own way now and then.

She would poke him about the risk of serious injury, and he would counter with how much he enjoyed it and what great exercise it was. His three partners were highly skilled climbers and equally cautious by nature. The escarpment was hardly a challenge for them but there was little else within reach for a weekend climb.

She would mention how injury would certainly compromise his ability to honour his primary responsibilities- not to mention his ability to work. He would rebuttal with, how it was also incumbent upon him to stay fit and capable and that meant practicing his fieldcraft regularly. The ultimate decision was of course hers, but he would carefully choose his moment to bring it up, optimizing the chance of her acquiescing.

The three kilometres of College Avenue were dusty and busy with traffic. There were several runners ahead of him that he quickly overtook before turning in to the groomed trails of the university arboretum. Running through the dappled emerald light of the forest was a joyful experience. The trees closing in on him along the trails created the illusion he was moving much faster than he was. He soared past the garden of rhododendrons whose flowers had only recently fallen. Breathing deeply, he looked upward through the canopy of overarching pine and hemlock, filled with contentment. Occasionally he would run through a pocket of cold air, delighting the senses.

A satisfying hour later, he was closing the last hundred meters home at a near sprint driven by the anticipation of a cool shower before a cold glass of beer and a nice meal with the Matron, Sofie. Using the back entrance to the house, he casually tossed his shoes in a box on the deck before entering and stripping off his sweaty running gear into the laundry hamper.

"Nicholas, hi!" It was Sofie appearing in the doorway to the hall that led to the kitchen.

"Matron." Nick replied adjusting the temperature controls for the corner shower to a few degrees below normal body temperature. "How was your day?" he asked, smiling at her.

"You're naked. Nice. Just to let you know we have an important unscheduled visitor this evening for supper, which is fish by the way. She's helping me in the kitchen. How was your workout? Do you need any extra calories?"

"No Matron, just a cold beer would be awesome, thanks." he replied. He could feel the warmth of her eyes upon him as he stepped into the fine spray of the shower, enjoying the gentle cooling effect of the water instantly. With his back turned to her, he allowed himself a gentle smile. Nicholas was proud of the way he looked naked and was particularly pleased at how much Sofie seemed to enjoy looking at him.

Against all protocols, he secretly harboured a deep feeling toward her but would never compromise their association by broaching the subject. The Matron performed a highly valued and respected service for the clan, and it was his privilege to assist her. He would never dream of doing anything that could embarrass her or bring the wrong kind of attention to her work.

She watched as the shower spray first appeared to bead, then gather in tiny rills running down the bronze contours of his muscular back before descending into the fold between his gorgeous buttocks. Taking some liquid body wash in the palm of her hands, she began to gently wash his back and shoulders. After a minute he turned around, leaning his head back, and enjoyed the cool water running through his thick brown hair and down his back. His body felt electric at her gentle touch. Sofie treated him to a soapy massage of his chest and abdominals, as she studied his exercise hardened torso.

This one, Sofie thought, is by far the best, the most beautiful and kind, and the brightest star they have ever sent me. This one is my favourite. She smiled and thought, I choose this one for me. Her tenure as a Matron was due to expire in the next year, at which time, in reward for her service to the clan, she would be entitled to select a mate of her choosing among the eligible clansmen, and raise a family of her own.

She soon began to pay attention with her caresses to his manhood, gently pulling and squeezing the length of it, looking for confirmation that he had not overdone his workout and would be able to perform sexually if required this evening. Nicholas quickly reacted as expected to her skilled manipulation. Satisfied, she retracted his foreskin and softly worked the soapy lather along his entire length again, removing any trace of the day. She stopped before he became completely engorged, remembering he was prone to epididymal hypertension and didn't want to cause any unnecessary discomfort, nor release his semen wastefully into the shower drain.

"Turn around Nick." she instructed, and he turned his back to her once again. Replenishing the body wash in her hands, she made sure his butt and anus were clean. She then reached through between his legs and slowly grasping his scrotum just under the base of his penis from behind and gently squeezed.

Nick moved his legs apart slightly and relaxed. This was a regular part of her frequent examinations and he'd learned it was less uncomfortable if he allowed himself to relax. Sofie carefully continued to rhythmically and gently pull and squeeze until she was able to achieve an all-around grasp between his penis and testes, stretching his considerable package slowly downwards. He was tighter than usual but otherwise everything felt the way it should. Probably the temperature of the shower, she decided. He may also have really pushed his workout today.

"Feels like you really drove your body on that run Nicholas. Any discomfort?" she asked.

"No. It's all good."

"Okay, finish up. Supper in ten minutes. Brace yourself, we are dining with clan royalty tonight. I'll put out a glass of Riesling for you with that. It goes better with the fish.

And then she was gone.

Royalty? Nicholas washed his hair, his erection slowly subsiding to normal. He wondered who the guest would be. As far as he knew all the Matriarchs and their immediate families were in the zone of the interior. If a Lady was in the province then he should have been briefed and assigned protection duties. This seemed highly irregular.

Five minutes later he was dressing casually in preparation for supper. The smell of fresh Arctic Char made a gentle assault on his nostrils. Wow, he thought, she is sparing no expense. Char was one of his undisputed favourite meals. How odd that Sofie would choose to serve that on a royal visit.



When Nicholas presented himself in the kitchen, he found Sofie making final preparations for supper. She removed a whole char from the oven that looked to be at least three pounds and began to break it up into single serving size pieces, placing them on a platter. Looking up she smiled at him and beckoned him sit on the stool across the peninsula where she was prepping the fish. There was already a glass of white wine poured and waiting for him. It was chilled to perfection as evident by the beads of condensation that covered the bowl of the glass, and simple the fact that it was in Sofie's kitchen.

"Lady Juno, may I present Nicholas Connor. Nicholas, the Lady Juno." Sofie announced very formally as a petite young woman in her mid-twenties appeared from behind her holding a bowl of salad that she quickly put down on the counter before extending her hand with a smile.

Juno was the name of one of the six royal lines of the Vestalem, the college of Matriarchs. It was only permitted for clan members who were two generations removed from the line's Matriarch. Succession always skipped a generation. Matriarch's successors were chosen from among their granddaughters only, and only with a majority approval of the five other Matriarchs. This young Lady was probably a granddaughter and potential successor to Amelia Juno, a very influential member of the college.

"Just Zara, please. It's a pleasure to meet you Nicholas Connor." she blurted out, only slightly betraying the tiniest element of nervousness in her otherwise lovely voice.

"Lady Zara." Nicholas said stealing a glance into her striking emerald eyes. Her complexion was distinctly olive, her hair a blue black, pulled tightly back into a long thick ponytail. She effortlessly conveyed an exuberance and confidence beyond her years that befit her station. Taking her hand, he nodded slightly with the tiniest hint of a bow as was the custom when meeting a young woman from a high born, influential family.

"Just Zara, Nick please! May I call you Nick? It is nice to finally meet you." she said smiling, clearly attempting to downplay her royal status within the clan, probably in a graceful attempt to put him more at ease.

She was beautiful in the simplest yet most radiant of ways. It was immediately apparent. Her smile put him gently at ease. He allowed himself to behave just as he would when meeting an attractive and intelligent younger woman at a social function at work outside the world of the clan. Friendly, genuine, and respectful. The tone and tempo of the meeting was Zara's to control, by clan tradition but she would be looking for certain qualities in him. If he had them it was best to show it honestly, letting her make an informed decision, rather than try to anticipate what she was looking for.

"Zara then- yes of course you may call me Nick." he

smiled and then released her hand realizing that he'd held it a moment too long.

Her eyes flashed on the verge of laughter as she withdrew her hand. The two made small talk as final dinner preparations came together. She spoke with the confidence of someone skilled in conversation with both captains and kings. She seemed genuinely delighted to be sharing their company and a break from what would doubtless be a very busy schedule.

The three moved into the dining room where Zara assumed the head of the table position and paused briefly before sitting to thank Sofie for her wonderful hospitality on such short notice, and then to offer a prayer of thanks in the ancient language. Nicholas pulling back her chair, helped her be seated comfortably before taking his own to her right, directly across from Sofie.

The fish was excellent, served baked with dill and a lemon butter sauce, and petite pois with of course, Sofie's amazing scalloped potatoes. As always, the wine paired perfectly with the main and was followed up with an ice vintage from the Niagara region and some chilled pears in syrup with just the slightest hint of ginger for desert.

Zara quickly proved to be a very skilled conversationalist and continued probing Nick, asking him at first very high level, getting to know you, questions and then drilling down on some detail or other about his past as it came up. Occasionally they would speak in the old language which both Nick and Zara spoke flawlessly. Sofie understood it perfectly but her speaking of it was awkward so she chose to listen when the other two conversed in it.

Clearly, Zara done her homework and knew much more about Nicholas than she let on, which served to reinforce his decision to be as genuine and transparent as possible. Sofie for the most part was not excluded from the conversation, enjoying a good laugh now and then and having an opportunity to recount a tale or two in turn. Zara was able to steer the discourse without dominating it which had the effect of making what was obviously an interview of sorts into a friendly chat.

Eventually Sofie realized it was time to excuse herself rising and offered tea as she gathered up some of the dishes.

"No Matron, thankyou that would be lovely, but I'm pressed for time. I have meetings in the morning to prep for. I would like Nicholas to escort me on a short after-dinner stroll if that's allowed." It was more informational than a request.

She turned to Nick, "Nicholas can I impose?"

"My pleasure Lady Juno."


"Zara. Yes of course. Would you like to take a walk to the local municipal park? There is a nice winding river, a few benches and a lot of lovely mature oak and maple trees." He asked rising and moving behind her to pull back her chair.

"That sounds awesome! Let's go!" she announced with a smile bouncing out of her chair and then turned to face Sofie, "Thank you so much Matron for just an amazing meal. I'll have to reciprocate soon. I'm staying at a place on the harbourfront in the city. Do you think you could join me for an afternoon and an evening meal?"

"I'd love to, Lady Juno. Let me know when and I'll clear my schedule." Sofie, slipping into addressing Zara formally, had mixed feelings. This was an obvious signal that she was on the verge of a decision regarding Nick and wanted to involve Sofie directly in what was to come next.

"Monday evening then. I'll send a car for one o'clock in the afternoon."

Nicholas escorted Zara to the front door where she'd left her shoes. He had admired her cobalt blue chiffon blouse during dinner, but when she bent over at the waist to put on her shoes with her back to him, he nearly gasped allowed. Her backside, perfect in every aspect, was now neatly framed in her white with blue chalk stripe ankle length pants. It instantly seemed obvious that she had done this to delight and tease him, but then dismissed the idea, gathering his composure.

She donned a pair of canvas deck shoes and standing before him offered one of her most bewitching smiles. She was perhaps a hundred and sixty centimetres tall against his one hundred and eighty-five and was clearly very fit and beautiful on both sides of her skin. He was reacting to her on some primal level that he was unfamiliar with and recognized that he needed to muster more self-control. He dared not offend a royal. Doing so, even one as gracious as Lady Juno could have lasting consequences.

"Ready Nicholas! Where shall you take me?" her eyes flashed slightly, and she smirked at him playfully.

Nick cleared his throat, his face flushed slightly with mild embarrassment, having caught the inuendo, and held open the front door, as she stepped out into the evening air. It had cooled slightly with the lowering of the sun, now firmly into golden hour. They descended the short path to the sidewalk. Nick's instincts and training now kicked in as he looked both directions up University Avenue. He could see a protection vehicle at either end not more than a block away with no vehicle in front of either of them to obstruct either movement or view. Good, he thought, she has her escort. He felt at first relieved at their presence and then chastised himself for not seeing them as he'd returned from his run. Not cool, he was slipping, and needed to practice his awareness skills.

"Which way?" Zara prodded.

"I apologize Zara but its later than I thought. The park is more than a kilometre away and under a thick canopy of mature trees. It will be getting dark by the time we get there. It's not secure."

"You do see that I have my escort Nicholas?" Zara sternly quipped.

"Yes of course Lady- ah Zara." he answered reacting to an unfamiliar crisp tone in her speech.

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