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The Commuter Train

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Two women meet on a train.
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(Dedicated to my most wonderful sweetheart Deni, my honey, my darling, my mentor, my inspiration! And to Penny, my 'precious' Penny, my Australian darling. These are some of the most important people in my life! They have a very special place in my heart and can never ever be fulfilled by anyone else. I love you Deni. I love you Penny.)

I felt her whole body shaking as she lay in my arms. "Oh God," I thought to myself as I ran my hands over the smoothness of her bare back as she hugged and held on to me as though her very life depended on it. "Her skin is so smooth ... so soft." Then I heard the little cute high pitched and yes, excited voice again, full of anticipation ... oh so full of need ... so ready!

"Dottie ... Dottie, I think I'm ready ... I think ... I ... I ...," she said, almost in a whisper before I cut her off.

"I know baby ... yes, honey ... I know," I answered her in a very soft and soothing tone of voice. "Here my darling ... let me get my leg between your legs. Yes ... yes ... just like that. Now honey, rub your tender sweet honey pot on my knee ... yes, that's it ... just like that."

"Oooohhhh ... oh my goodness," the voice came back to me again, even in a higher sounding tone than before, her breathing becoming more intense. "Oh ... I think I'm ... aaahhh ... I think I'm getting your leg all wet."

I wanted to laugh at her innocence ... but I couldn't! I knew this was her very first time. This was the first time she had ever been with another woman and I was determined to make it a night she would never forget!

"That's ok honey ... that's just fine. I love to feel your honey juices on me," I answered her, trying to reassure her ... trying to get her ready for her orgasm. "Do you feel the waves coming honey?" I asked again in as soft a voice as I could, taking into consideration my own excitement at bringing this beautiful petite woman to this high point of passion.

"Oh God yes ... yes ... I feel like ... I feel like I am going to ... to explode," she answered.

"Good baby," I replied. "Tell Dottie what you want to do honey."

"Oh geeze ... God ... oh God, I want to ... I want to ..." her voice came out in little spurts between her increasingly rapid breathing, her embarrassment apparent at her own knowledge that she was losing control ... that she was reaching the point of no return.

"Go ahead and say it honey," I kept encouraging her. "Tell me baby ... tell Dottie what you want. Dottie loves to hear you say it."

"Oh God Dottie, do I have to ... do I have to ... say it?" she said again, the bashfulness obvious in the tone of her voice.

"Yes sweetheart, yes ... you have to tell me what you want honey," I replied. "I like to hear you say it sweetie. It gets me excited." As I spoke to her this time, I moved my knee a little forward and deeper into her vagina ... then moved it upward. "Find the spot," I thought to myself as she began moving her hips back and forth in earnest as though she was fucking my knee. I ran my fingers through her hair. The same hair I had washed just a little while ago. Then I kissed her on the forehead and ran my hands down the small of her back letting my fingers slowly drift down her spine until they came to rest on her hips to both guide her and slow her down a bit to kind of hold her off. I didn't want it to happen too fast. I wanted her to feel what it was like to be at the peak of her sexual arousal and to linger there for a while taking in this euphoric sensation. I wanted to keep her there for as long as I could so she would have the most intense orgasm of her life.

But I also had another motive for keeping her at the peak of her arousal. I knew a woman in this state of sexual stimulation was much more likely to be amenable to my suggestions and I wanted her to be mine ... at least for this one night!

"Go ahead honey ... tell Dottie honey, tell Dottie what you need," I said as I moved my head closer to her ear so I could whisper even softer to her to give her a sense of 'belonging' ... a sense of 'privacy' ... a sense of 'security.' Then I took one hand and moved it from her hip and put it on her ass. I moved one finger down between her legs to gather up a small amount of the lubricants I found there. I moved the palm of my hand back up to her ass cheeks resting it just at the beginning of the 'separation' of her ass cheeks with my fingers disappearing in the 'valley' ... one finger in particular heading for its designated target!

I let my one finger rest at the opening ... at the aperture it found there. I pushed ever so slightly ... just enough to make the little 'rosebud' give way and make her feel the sensation of being penetrated there. She hesitated for only a moment, then actually pushed backward to 'take' a little more of my finger. Then I tried to regulate the movement of her hips so they became synchronized with my finger. On the 'downward' motion of her hips my knee would penetrate her vagina and I could actually feel the stiffness of her engorged clit! On her upward motion my finger would insert itself about a quarter of an inch into her tight anus and I could feel the contraction of her 'rosebud' gripping my finger. Now she was never free of some penetration ... either in the 'front' or in the 'back.'

"Oh God yes," I thought to myself. "She is giving herself to me so willingly." I knew I was reaching my own peak ... my own almost uncontainable arousal. My breathing was becoming more rapid and it seemed like my rapid breathing was alternating with hers. When she would breathe in, I would breathe out, thus we were never separated ... not even for a second. When the air was expelled from her lungs, her breasts, especially her nipples were against my nipples, and as she inhaled and I exhaled the process continued. Our nipples were always in contact with each others. Just like two electrical wires we were 'spliced' together, the connection between us was solid, and the electrical current that flowed through our two bodies was now one.

I moved my other hand between my legs and started to rub my own soaked outer vagina lips letting first one finger slip into my opening ... then two fingers. I knew at this point, this beautiful little woman wouldn't be able to 'hold off' much longer ... and I was right!

"Oh God ... oh God ... I want to ... I need to cum ... Dottie, please, please ... Dottie, I want to cum," she cried out to me, her voice almost seemingly in a state of panic! "Yes, yes, yes ... oh God Dottie ... please, take me ... take me!"

"Yes honey ... oh shit honey, let yourself go baby ... yes, yes honey ... I have you honey ... let yourself go sweetheart ... oh goodness ... I'm cumming with you baby ... we're both going," I shouted even louder than her as I felt all the built up waves of passion beginning at the top of my head shoot rapidly through my body and release their energy deep in my vagina and my own lubricants let loose like a torrent of water breaking through a dam.

I felt the last downward push of her hips on my knee as though she was trying to take my whole leg inside of her. Then the familiar pause when one is letting go and releasing the life force living deep within ... letting the beauty of an unfathomable orgasm happen in unison with someone else. Like two singers singing our parts in a musical passage at the same pitch or in octaves, we had reached the perfect harmonic combination of two tones ... and now we were 'melting' into 'one.'

We had both reached the top of the cliff and had gone over. It was a very steep cliff and we found ourselves suddenly suspended in air with nothing under us ... absolutely nothing! When we looked down, a river ran thousands of feet below us cutting through a deep green forest. But we weren't falling fast; rather we were drifting peacefully downward ... downward toward the pure green forest. This beautiful woman that I held in my arms was kissing me on the lips, on the nose, all over my face ... not once, not twice, but it seemed like hundreds of times.

I took her head and rested it in between my ample breasts and stroked her head very gently as the last of her 'tremors' began to subside. I put my mouth once more close to her ear and whispered as a mother would to a new born child ... "I love you sweetheart."

Then I heard her sweet high pitched voice again ... "Oh God Dottie ... oh my goodness Dottie ... oh God, I love you ... I love you too Dottie."

I held her tightly in my arms, her head still resting between my breasts as she came down from her high. She was still shaking from her wonderful explosion and I could actually feel the little quivers of excitement almost coming to a complete stop. I moved my hand down to her back and pulled her as close as I could rubbing her back as lightly as I could. I rested my head on the top of her head feeling the silkiness of her copious dark hair on my face and the wonderful scent of her beautiful soft curls filling my senses as she fell into a peaceful sleep. Then I watched the full moon through the partially opened blinds on the window and began to think ... to think back to just this morning when it all began ...


'Brriiinnnng,' the alarm clock went off! I reached over to shut it off, got up to sit on the edge of the bed and began to orient myself for a new day. I sat there for a few minutes in the dark. "Friday," I thought to myself. "God, it feels so good ... this last day of the week."

Then I thought of the little 'mind' game I would get to play with my alarm clock tomorrow morning ... Saturday! I never changed the setting on the alarm clock; rather I would let it ring at the same time settings on Saturday morning as well! But there was a difference on Saturday mornings ... a big difference! When it would ring on Saturday morning I would reach over and hit the 'snooze' button. Then I would say 'fuck you, I don't have to get up this morning.' I would do this every fifteen minutes and then finally shut it off! It was just my way of getting 'revenge' for the other five mornings the damn alarm clock would wake me up.

But I knew tomorrow morning would be different. This was my last day in Connecticut. Tomorrow morning I would be leaving for California and my new position with the corporation where I had been employed for the last fifteen years. "Damn it," I thought to myself, "I worked hard to get this position and I deserve it." And I felt a wave of satisfaction come over me at my accomplishment ... at what I, a woman in a man's world had achieved!

After my marriage ended in divorce, I had made up my mind not to ever again be depended on a man, or anyone else for that matter, for my livelihood or my well being. "Oh yeah," I thought to myself, "a lot of people at my office called me a 'bitch' but I had done it. I was now at the top of corporate ladder and I didn't need anyone ever again."

As I got up from the bed I went on 'automatic pilot.' I had gone through this morning routine for so long now I could do it blindfolded. I went to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and poured myself a glass of orange juice. I finished the orange juice in two gulps and started toward the bathroom peeling my pajamas off as I went, leaving them in an almost perfect straight line. I never wore panties to bed so it was an easy maneuver and didn't take long before I was stark naked. I always wondered what the maid service thought when they saw my under garments thrown so carelessly along my path to the shower. I turned the water on in the shower and let it run until it got hot. I hated to step into cold water or even warm water ... it had to be hot!

As I stepped into the hot water I would soak my soft wash cloth, work up a good amount of lather with my perfumed soap and in a few minutes I would feel the luxurious feeling of the softness of the wash cloth on my body ... everywhere on my body! I thought of the times when I would use this simple little soft wash cloth to get myself off! My hormones were really 'raging' this morning and I briefly thought of playing with myself then thought better of it. Even though I could get to work on time by taking the six o'clock commuter train into New York, today I wanted to make sure I caught the five o'clock commuter train for one reason and one reason only ... 'she' would be on it!

I had a fresh perm so there wasn't any need to fix my hair ... it just sprung back after a little drying with my high speed hair blower. As I was tucking my white blouse into my gray flannel skirt, I looked at the clock. "Four thirty-five," I thought to myself, "right on time." I put my makeup on, slipped on my long fur-lined all weather coat and was on my way out the door. "January in Connecticut," I thought to myself. "Shit, this cold weather sucks."

Then I got in my company-owned Mercedes Benz. "God, this is one of the 'perks' I was really going to miss," I thought to myself as I thought of leaving the car along with this luxurious company-owned condominium they had provided for me and I was living in. "But damn, my salary was going to be twice as much plus I was going to get stock options in the corporation which was expanding all the time. And I will be living in California ... somewhere I always wanted to live."

As I started driving toward the train station ... it happened again! Just like it did for most of the last two months. My mind suddenly focused on 'her' ... the woman on the train. I had never spoken a word to her. I didn't even know her name. Yet ... I knew her morning schedule just as well as I knew my own! "Why?" I asked myself oh so many times over the past two months. Yes, I had a few experiences with women ... but it had been years! "Why," I asked myself again, "why did I get this feeling toward this woman, someone I didn't even know ... why did I get this unexplainable feeling in the pit of my stomach?"

I knew she took the five o'clock commuter train into New York every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I knew she would stop at the coffee shop inside the station and get a cup of coffee. "Black," I thought to myself. "Damn it," I even knew how she took her coffee. Was I obsessed by this woman! And if so ... why?"

'Obsessed,' ... the very sound of the word in my subconscious mind sent goose bumps up and down my spine. "Maybe that's why I didn't miss a five o'clock train in the last two months ever since the very first day I noticed her," I continued with my thoughts.

"God, she is pretty," I thought to myself. The picture of this woman on the train was so vivid, that it produced a strong and clear impression on my senses. The more I thought of her as I neared the train station the more intense the picture of her in my mind became.

She had angelic facial features and short dark hair that came down to just above her neckline and seemed to be dancing so naturally with waves and curls. She was very petite with a perfectly framed body. She had the prettiest lips I ever saw ... full and very sensuous. Looking at her lips one could almost hear them saying 'kiss me if you dare.' She was almost always dressed in white which gave me the impression that she was probably in the medical field or at least had something to do with medicine. The train station, the ramp to the train, and the train itself were always well heated and when she would take her coat or jacket off I could see the outward shapes her ample breasts made on her tight fitting white sleeveless button down garment.

I remembered the first time I saw her on the train. The five o'clock train into New York was never very crowded. There were always plenty of seats, so much so that almost anyone who wasn't accompanied by someone else could sit alone and most people took advantage of this situation even though they were all double seats. Most people on the 'five o'clock' were kind of 'regulars' and it seemed to me sitting in the same seat whenever possible almost became habitual. Thus 'she' always sat in the same seat as did I. All of the seats were 'reversible' and you had the choice of riding into New York facing forward or facing backward. She was one of the few people in our car that always rode with her back going toward New York.

I often wondered if she had not made the choice to ride in this fashion if I would have ever noticed her. "Probably not," I thought to myself since I always rode facing forward and her back would always have been toward me. She always sat three seats away from me which was a distance of some 20 feet. The more I saw her the more I appreciated her striking beauty. It just seemed like the more one saw her, the more of her pretty features you discovered.

My captivation with her was developing to the point where if I didn't see her on the train my demeanor would completely change and I would actually feel a sinking sensation within me and that would set my 'mood' for the rest of the day. But I only saw her in the morning going into New York. I never saw her in the evening coming from New York and I often wondered why.

The last week or so she would somehow catch me looking at her. As soon as her eyes turned toward me, I would quickly try to divert my eyes away from her but it was very apparent it wasn't quick enough. It was quickly developing into a sort of a 'cat and mouse' game ... I would look at her, she would turn her eyes toward me, I would try to divert my eyes away and then as soon as I could peek to see if she was looking it would start all over again.

The last few days when our eyes would meet in this 'cat and mouse' thing, I noticed when I kept my eyes on her eyes long enough; she would be the first to look away. This gave me the distinct impression that she was looking at me as much as I was looking at her and the situation was turning. She was actually feeling embarrassment at being 'caught' looking at me!

As I arrived at the train station today, I parked the car in the 'all day' parking lot and went into the station and headed straight for the coffee shop. I was just a little later than usual and as I neared the take out coffee line ... I didn't see her! My heart beat seemed to increase with anxiety.

"Oh God, no," I thought to myself. "Damn it, please don't let me miss her today ... not today ... not my last day," I heard my mind saying to me.

Then I saw her come in the door. I could feel the lightening sensation of relief pass through my body as though some heavy burden had just been lifted from my shoulders. I watched her going toward the coffee line and tried to time my movements so she would be ahead of me. Although I didn't plan it somehow she ended up right in front of me.

"Play it cool," Dottie I was telling myself in silence. I had never been this close to her before and now I was so close I could smell her perfume. "Damn, she smells good," my mind was rapidly shifting to the 'bi' part of me. I knew it by the awakening I was feeling in my loins. For the first time in the two months that I had been seeing her I felt like somehow today was going to be different ... I just knew it! My sexual desires were just pushing me in a direction that I hadn't been in a long time.

There were about ten people ahead of us and I took this time to look at her with more concentration then ever before. She had her coat draped over her arms and it gave me a chance to look at her and run my eyes over her from her back side. Her back sloped downward to a very thin waist and then flared outward to a very prominently shaped yet modest posterior.

She must have 'felt' my eyes on her because just I was looking at her she turned and looked at me.

"Oh God," I thought to myself. "I hope she didn't notice me staring at her." But I knew she had! Her eyes were so beautiful ... large big brown eyeballs that seemed to be floating in pools of a pure white background. I felt little tremors of excitement dash through my body as my eyes made contact with hers from this very close distance. Then I watched as the corners of her full lips curved upward and she smiled! I saw the blood rush to her face ... she was blushing and she knew it was apparent to me. I smiled back at her taking advantage of her embarrassment feeling a perception of self-confidence ... the same feeling I got when I was negotiating a tough contract and knew I by indistinct I had the 'upper hand!'

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