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The Creators Ch. 02


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As I watched her, I realized with a strange sort of fascination that I was both horrified and aroused, and that both emotions seemed to beget the other. The woman had been wantonly destroyed, but she had enjoyed it; she had enjoyed more than anything I had ever enjoyed in my privileged life. I ruminated on how it must feel to be so well filled, to be so thoroughly taken that you're no longer a person, but a debased object with a singular purpose: to come. To come, and to please those that make you come. It was... exciting to fantasize about, which concerned me. I was a compulsive and reckless creature, and my fantasies didn't stay fantastical for long.

"Lucilla!" a cheerful voice sounded from above. "So glad you could make it. Please, come up here."

I looked up to the balcony, and saw my father for the first time in over a decade. He was haggard, with an untamed beard and hair well past his shoulders, but he still looked like the man I remembered. I ascended the steps to the balcony, pulling my dress up to keep the skirt from trailing in the sexual filth that littered the floor. Father was in a heated discussion with two of his assistants, whom he dismissed once I reached the top step.

"Your locker is on the far wall," Father said, reading something on his desk and not looking up at me, "you'll find a habit and a pair of slippers in there; I suspect you don't want to ruin your fine clothing."

I stared at him for a moment. Nice to see you too, Dad. I guess we're just going to pretend that what I walked into is completely normal. I remembered Drask's words: poker-face. I walked over to the open locker, took off my stiletto heels, and threw on the habit and slippers. This is what Julia wears every day, I mused, looking down at the formless clothing, it's so boring! No one can see my curves, or my cleavage! I shook the vain thought from my head, and then approached Father. I stood behind him with my hands clasped in front of me, waiting for whatever it was he needed.

"Glatian!" Father called to one of his assistants. "What is Sara doing?"

"Which one is Sara, your Highness?" the assistant asked.

"Three-twenty-seven," Father said, "you really should know their names by now. What is she doing?"

"She says she has cramps, your highness," the assistant said. "She's going to the sauna to warm her muscles."

"No," Father insisted, "tell her we're sorry, but she still has to finish. Give her water for the cramps."

The assistant bustled off, leaving Father alone with me.

"You're rumored to be quite the hedonist, Lucilla," Father said, still watching the debauchery below with a studious expression, "tell me, what would you change?"

"I... uh..." I started, "...I'm not sure what you're implying."

"You have a reputation of getting drunk, using narcotics, and engaging in rampant sexual activity," Father said in a very matter-of-fact way. "So, given your penchant for the carnal things in life, I'd like to know what you'd change to get the results I'm looking for."

There wasn't any judgement in his tone, and there was no way I was going to lie to him about something he obviously deemed trivial. It was apparent that Father would not suffer fools, and I did not want to prove myself as such. I sifted through my mind, recalling Julia's lessons in the carriage.

"You're trying to trigger an extreme-pleasure response," I said, and Father nodded.

"We hired a succubus to design this. I thought incubi would be our best bet, but she insisted that orcs would induce both stress and pleasure in equal extremities. They are a vigorous lot, and at first, the women seemed to be only in pain, but after a while, they adapted. In post-experimental surveys, the subjects gave the orcs resounding reviews. They look like they're in states of extreme pleasure, but still, not a single woman has shown herself to be what we're looking for. We must be doing something wrong." Father slid a thick ledger over to me. "These are all of the experiments we've conducted," he said. "Maybe an untrained eye can spot what we're missing."

I opened the book, and as I read through it, my jaw dropped lower and lower. These women had been through the gauntlet. Some of the experiments were designed to be tortuous than pleasurable, and I noted in horror that the most perverse of these was designed by none other than my dearly-departed half-sister. It seemed that she had tried desperately to get the results Father wanted, but of course, the results never came. I felt a chill run up my spine. How long before he decides I'm useless? Will he kill me, or just send me away?

"It looks like your experiments so far have been very... extensive," I replied, flipping through the pages and taking mental notes on some of the acts for later experimentation of my own. "I'm afraid I don't have any insight I can provide. I just don't have the experience."

"Well," Father said, still shuffling through his notes, "then go down there and get the experience."

"What?!" I nearly screamed.

"Go down there," Father smiled as he pulled the ledger from my hands, "and get the experience you feel you need."

The way he smiled was almost paternal, but not quite. It was the kind of smile someone gives you when they're disguising an order as a request. It was not the kind of smile I could refuse. Tevalia's head was on a spike because she didn't recognize the danger in that smile.

"I..." I swallowed, not believing what I was about to do, "...of course I need more experience. I'll do it."

"Wonderful!" Father said, the danger leaving his smile, "When you're done with that, you can leave for today; I suspect you'll be of little use to me afterward."

Father turned away and recommenced looking through his notes, trying to find the reason nothing was working.

Because it was a lie by an old man, you insane fool! I wanted to scream, but I didn't. Instead, I turned from him, and walked down the steps, into the debauchery below.

I stared blankly at the scene before me with no idea where to start. Do I just... jump in? I thought, or do I pick some orcs from a lineup? How much control do I have? God, those things are huge; how do those women get them to fit?!

"Hey," a female voice said from behind me, "we're out of wine over here, could you give us a refill?"

I turned, and saw a group of beautiful teenage high-elves chatting with a robust group of orcs at a table. They were all smoking, drinking and laughing as if the hellish debauchery surrounding them were nothing but a picnic. And I supposed for these girls it probably was.

"I'm not a steward," I said, more than a little intimidated by the women, whose nonchalant nakedness and easy smiles put my sexual confidence to shame, "I'm a princess."

"Nice to meet you, Your Grace," the woman smiled, and shook her empty glass. "Now, could we get some more wine?"

"I'm not here to serve you!" I said, lifting my chin with a touch of royal indignation, "I'm here to... to..." I dropped my head and sighed. "Can one of you tell me how this works? Father says I need experience."

"Oh, virgin blood!" the girl exclaimed happily.

"I'm not a virgin."

"Yeah, you are," the woman smiled, punching out her cigarette and walking toward me. "I don't care how many princelings or farm boys you've fucked, Princess, in here, you're a virgin."

She strutted around me, assessing me. I felt like an idiot being the only girl wearing clothing, so I pulled off my habit, and kicked off my slippers. The girl touched me on the shoulder before I could take off my dress.

"Leave that on," she said, her voice a sultry fry, her eyes studying me. "I want to watch it get torn off you, piece by piece."

"I didn't know you were in charge," I said sternly to the woman, "what's your name, girl?"

"Sara," the woman smiled, "and yours?"

"Lucilla," I said, aware that honorific titles meant nothing here. "How are your cramps, Sara?"

"Oh, they're much better now," she smirked. "I didn't even need the water; Bron just fucked them out of me."

I laughed at that. It was a nice change to talk with women who didn't lecture me on my behavior, or speak to me like I was a child. For once, I wasn't the whore of the room. Actually, I was probably a prim maiden compared to these girls. I let my pride fall, and put myself in a pupil's role to the women and orcs who would be my teachers. There was no use in clinging to titles and decorum here; I was a novice in need of experience.

"I have to admit," I said to Sara with a nervous smile, "I have no idea what I'm doing."

"That's obvious," Sara chuckled, taking my arm. "I'll be your coach for today, Lucilla. You just do what I say, and you'll get all the experience you need."

She walked me to the table, and then patted an empty bench. I sat down, and she gently guided my hands to the edge of the tabletop.

"You're going to need to hold on to something," she winked, and then began to pull up my dress from behind me. "Have you ever done anything back here?"

"Yes," I said, feeling my heart flutter as my dress was pulled past my hips, exposing my supple naked backside, "many times, to avoid pregnancy."

"Oh?" Sara cooed, and pulled out a bottle of lube, "Maybe I underestimated you, Lucilla. Do you like it in the ass?"

"Yes," I grinned back.

"Perfect," she whispered, and squirted some lube into my crack, "then I don't need to stretch you out."

Two strong green hands grabbed my shoulders, and a pain the likes of which I've never felt before shot into my rectum. My eyes flashed open and trembled in their sockets, my knuckles turned white against the table's edge, and my mouth gaped wide, but no sound came out. My back curved into an arch so deep it hurt, but it was all I could do in the wake of the agonizing penetration I was experiencing. My rim expanded and stretched into a tight pulsing white circle as the orc's cock pushed deeper and deeper into my bowels. The snug tender flesh within me uncoiled about his advance, and I felt his rigid heat separate me in places I didn't know existed, breaching the sphincter to my colon. He throbbed in the tightest reaches of my sinful hole, his pulse drumming against my thin membranous flesh, adding a second heartbeat to my own. Finally, his pelvis met the supple fat of my backside, and he held me there, forcing me to accept his brutal invasion as my destroyed protesting hole mouthed in useless clenches around him.

"It's quite the sensation, isn't it?" Sara whispered, her breathing heavy in my ear. "To take an orc into your ass for the first time? I wish I could experience it again; the pain is just so...exquisite."

I found my voice, and the sound that came from my chest was not a sound I'd ever made before. A shrill animalistic scream erupted from my gaping lips, and Sara clapped her hands and giggled. She pulled down the bodice of my dress, and my porcelain bust flew out in a jiggle display of nipples and domes. She pinched her thumbs and fingers about my erect nipples, and slowly stretched them forward, rolling them between her digits as she did.

"Your older sister made that same face," she smiled as the orc began to pull out. "I liked Telavia; I wonder why she left?"

The orc's girth had ruined my channel, causing my rectal flesh to cling to him like a sleeve. I could feel myself exiting my own body, and my scream grew higher, but not for the pain. Though I was in abject agony, the feeling of being turned inside-out was so alien, and I was a hedonist of new bodily experiences. The pressure inside me subsided as my insides relaxed into their former positions, and I could feel air sinking coolly into the prolapsed pink bud that clung like a fleshy condom to his birthing cock. There was a tingling pleasure that permeated from my emptied rectum, and a... a hunger within my vacant channel. My scream subsided on my lips, and I looked up to Sara through teary-eyes, and smiled.

"What an adaptable little creature you are," Sara smiled back. "It's already starting to feel good, isn't it?"

"So fucking good!"

She twisted my nipples harder, and grinned as I moaned. "God, I love breaking-in prim royal sluts." She torqued breasts until they were shadowed with spirals, "Welcome to the fucking sisterhood, Princess Lucilla!"

A moan escaped me, and I twitched my ass, looking backward at the well-muscled monster lining up his next shot. What a fearsome beast he was; all tattoos, tusks, and dreads. An alpha male stud made for violence and death, a subhuman piece of beast filth who'd be raping high-elf girls even if he wasn't getting paid for it. I despised his kind, but in that moment, I loved the idea of being his helpless little rape victim. I gave him an inviting bit of my lip, and a vulnerable tilt of my head. He grinned, and thrusted back into me even harder than before, and I screamed in comingled delight and agony as my insides were filled again. It felt like he was forcing my colon into my guts, and I savored every brutal inch of it. My body was propelled upward; the backs of my hands colliding with my ribs, my arms bending sharply at the elbow, my breasts bursting from above the table, and my ass lifting off the seat, where strings of glistening nectar snapped from my leaking pussy.

In minutes, my screams of agony became moans of pleasure became screams of ecstasy. I'd never been taken so deeply, so violently, so beautifully. He treated me like a piece of meat, like a baseless slut with no humanity, and I reveled in it. I'm just your little anal whore, I thought, GAAH, fuck me like the worthless pig I am! Then I wondered why I would keep those thoughts to myself, so I vocalized them, encouraging him to fuck me harder, to drive deeper, to impale my pink insides until they were raw and weeping.

"My, my, my, Princess," Sara laughed, twisting my nipples with malice, "those are not words royalty should be saying."

I clung to the edge of the table as my body shook with the fervent blasts of his lust. His cock scorched through me, and then abruptly stopped as his pelvis smacked into my ass. The porcelain canvas of my backside was marred with the red impact of his pelvis, the pristine complexion of my face was flushed with my exertion, and the tender flesh of my breasts was pulled by Sara's calm, yet sadistic pinches. God, it was good, better than anything I'd ever had, and it only got better. The orc picked me up by the hips, his cock still throbbing in my desecrated anus, and then he grabbed me by the underside of my thighs, and spread me wide. Another beast approached, his massive engorged member swaying from between his muscled quads. My eyes widened in fear and arousal, and I simultaneously beckoned him forward as I cringed for what was to come. The orc in my ass stopped thrusting, and my new partner lined up his shot. He grinned at me, the tusks protruding from his lower lips gleaming, his black eyes shining, and his nostrils flaring like a bull in heat. I smiled weakly back, the vulnerability and apprehensiveness mixing with the carnal hunger. He teased me with his tip, separating my tender petals with a girth I doubted would ever fit, but with every brush of his brutal organ, my need grew, my insides opened, my nectar flowed. My body shifted on its own about the man impaling me, and I moaned a pleading tone. I no longer cared if it would hurt, I no longer cared if it would break me, I just needed it inside me; I needed it more than anything. He stopped his teasing, his cock glistening with the sheen of my lust, and he pushed inside.

My legs stretched to lateral splits, my back arched behind me, my shoulders pinched back, and my neck striated with tension as I tilted my face skyward to yield a scream. My dress hiked past my hips, the slits on the sides draping about my exposed thighs, the trail of my skirt soaked with the secretion of my violation. My heart thundered in my chest as I felt the greatest pain and pleasure I'd ever known. Deep, stretching, piercing penetration; the cocks inside me pressed along the fleshy division of my channels, rubbing mercilessly through every nerve-covered expanse of lewd flesh as they thrusted in unison, lifting me between them and then dropping me, impaling me mercilessly, exploiting every inch my body had to offer, hollowing me to the bottom. My violation was so complete, so filling, so perfect. I screamed higher and higher, louder and louder as my body shifted up and down, flailing and jiggling, writhing and squirming. I clasped my fingers together behind the neck of the orc sodomizing me, and I danced in a possessed gyration; my abdomen flexing in waves, my breast jutting outward and then falling, jiggling to the cadence of our fervent samba. My dress was torn and darkening with the strain of sex, my body was moving in simple reaction to the feeling, and my mind was clouding, drifting in haze of lust. Focused thought gave way to transient inklings, and I lost myself for a blissful, euphoric moment.

It started as a weakness; a wonderful, disarming feeling that left me incapacitated and gelatinous. The sensation slowly changed, becoming something more primal, more... violent. It churned in me, boiling in my desecrated nethers and simmering its heat into my pelvis. The feeling expanded, rushing into my abdomen, scorching into my chest, leaving me breathless, gasping, trying to find a voice that was no longer there. It compelled me to move, to shift, to clench. My body tensed as the feeling built and built, ballooning from the center of my defilement and radiating its electric pleasure into every extremity that bore nerves. It roiled through me until I could take no more, and then it burst. The cathartic release washed over me, and my scream sung out high and clear as my back wrenched into an arch that touched my shoulders to one man and my navel to the next. I bent myself backward in the wake of my euphoria, and I squirted the final note to my debauched symphony. The orcs erupted into my depths, sending their viscous lava into the ruined caverns of my body. It seeped into my colon, and burned its wonderful heat into my open womb.

"Holy. Fucking. Shit!" I stammered when language reentered my brain. They pulled out of me, and my ass prolapsed in a wonderfully exhausted ruin. My pussy didn't fare much better, but at least it stayed inside me. Hot white seed leaked from my violated holes, and dripped freely from my body to the floor below. Sara helpfully pushed my ass back inside me, and a shiver of residual pleasure shot up my spine. I turned to her, matching her gaze. Then, I was kissed by another woman for the first time in my life. Sara's lips were sweet and lush, and her tongue was gentle and playful. I found my eyes drooping in bliss, and my hand entangling in her platinum strands. As I drank the woman in, my mind drifted, and for some reason, my thoughts went to Julia.


A single blue flame danced in the palm of my hand. I focused on it, trying to keep it small and manageable, trying to keep my emotions in check. I was a devout servant of the Holy Mother, but that was only half the reason I was a nun. Nuns live a sanguine life of moderation, nuns live a life of humble service, nuns live a life without passion or lust. Nuns experienced neither extreme pleasure, nor extreme stress; perfect for a Creator in denial. The flame dwindled in my palm, becoming a sapphire ember. Terondia was a place of terror and anger, and would test the limits of my resolve. I had avoided traveling into the keep, but I was still just a few footfalls from the heart of the beast. There was something I'd been avoiding that I could no longer. I would have to face it now, lest it consume me at a dangerous time, and dangerous times were upon me. I took a deep breath, and the flame became nothing but a spark.

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