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The Creators Ch. 02


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"Lucilla?" I asked as she carefully sat on her bed. "Lucilla, what's wrong?"

She stared at the fire crackling in the hearth, and didn't seem to hear what I said. I walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder, and she jumped in surprise.

"Your Grace?" I asked her, feeling the tension in her body, feeling the panic in my chest rise. I'd never seen her like this.

"He's going to burn the girls," she whispered. "He's going to burn them all alive."

"What?!" I hissed, my panic growing to horror.

"It's why he killed Telavia," she said, her voice hushed and terrified, "because she was going to free them before he could do it."

There was a silence between us as the gravity of her words sunk into my chest. Seven-hundred women were going to be burned alive. Seven-hundred women I could save just by giving myself up. Could I do it? Could I enslave myself to save hundreds I didn't know? How many thousands would die if I put myself in the control of a tyrant? What would he do to me?!

"I..." Lucilla gulped, "...I have to get them out, Julia. If I don't try something, I won't be able to live with myself."

"You can't," I replied, feeling numb. "After what Telavia did, he'll be expecting it from you."

"I still have to try," Lucilla whispered. She sat in silence for another moment. "I think..." she finally said, her voice void of emotion, "...I think you can give me my final rites now."


"No," she said, "don't. Just... just give me my rites, Julia. Maybe if I do this... maybe, if I try... maybe your god will let me into that heaven of yours."

"Let me speak with your father," I said, my voice wavering. "I think I can convince him otherwise."

"Father doesn't care about the words of The Holy Mother. He seeks another god."

"Then," I said, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, "I will bless him with her presence."


Julia splayed her hand before my eyes. The glowing hearth cast shadows across her subtle veins and faint lines, then the shadows were gone. A blue flame ignited in her palm, and bathed her delicate fingers in sapphire. The heat was steady, unwavering, and did not scorch the flesh that bore it. My eyes widened, and my mouth dropped as my heart pounded in my ears.

"Arbitrus Gen," Julia said softly, "is a name everyone knows, but few people understand. In modern tongue, it translates roughly to 'Man of purity.' I am his descendant, Lucilla; I am of pure blood."

"No," I whispered, gazing at the sapphire blaze in the palm of her hand, "that's impossible."

"You will take me to your father, and you will save those girls."

"No," I whispered again, not believing what I was seeing, "no, no, no."

"It's the only way," she said, her voice level and unshaking. "If we don't, then we might as well have lit the match ourselves."

"Julia," I said in hushed tone, touching her wrist reverently, "you're a god."

"I am no god, Lucilla," she smiled down at me. "There is but one."

My hand ran along the soft skin of her arm, it's pale hue bathed in the orange-red firelight of the hearth and the blue blaze in her palm, casting a purple gloss about her complexion. I looked up at her smiling face, and saw the flames mingle in her green eyes, dance shadows across her crimson hair and shining against the flushed roses of her high cheeks. Her red lips glistened in the wavering light, and they creased in a gentle smile about her gorgeous portrait. No, my father would not have this woman. This woman belonged to me. I flattened my palm against her wrist, and stared into those green eyes as I clasped my hand over the blaze in hers. The fire died between us as our fingers curled in an embrace. I guided her forward, our gazes connecting as she leaned into me.

"Lucilla," she whispered as my other hand found her waist, "we can't do this."

"Yes, we can," I smiled, unknotting the rope that bound her habit.

"God forbids it," she replied, not stopping me from pulling the rope loose.

"Do you?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.


"I'm a Creationist now, Julia," I smirked. "Come, let me worship you."

"Your god demands you to stop!" Julia laughed.

"Great," I grinned, "now I'm a sinner in two religions."

I pulled the rope from her habit, and the cloth that wrapped her figure loosened. My fingers trailed along the crease of buttons that bound her clothes to her body, and I deftly pulled each of them apart.

"I can't control it, Lucilla," Julia said, reaching behind herself to stop me. "I'll burn you."

"You won't burn me," I smiled, undoing the last button. "I know you won't."

Her habit fell, and the dainty slip she wore beneath it draped scandalously off her. The soft curve of her shoulders lay bare, the pale crease of her breasts shown from the top of her bodice, and the silky flesh of her thighs angled full and supple from the frilled skirt that barely contained them.

"For a woman of god," I laughed softly, "you have an interesting taste in underwear."

"Lucilla," Julia whispered, her body leaning into me, her eyes baring a needful, pleading glint, "we need to stop."

"Do we?" I asked her, one hand still clasped in hers, the other trailing up her arm, to her bare shoulder.

"Lucilla," she whispered again, her voice shaking slightly, "please stop."

"You keep saying that word, 'stop,'" I smiled as my hand found the strap of her slip, and pulled gently downward. "I don't think you know what it means."

Julia's slip trailed from her top in graceful flutter of folding silk. Her chest was laid bare to me; perfect, sloping breasts that swelled from her figure into milky domes that hinted at their supple nature, each dotted with a small pink nipple, each nipple covered in goosebumps and throbbingly erect. She concealed them with a shy forearm as I guided her to me by the waist. She sat tentatively on my lap, like a child on her father's, and I couldn't stifle the laugh.

"Julia, what the fuck are you doing?" I giggled endearingly, guiding her by the hips to face me, and pulling her thick thighs apart until she straddled me about the waist.

"Trying to decide whether or not to set you on fire," Julia laughed back, some of her anxiety fading. "You're not making it an easy choice."

"And you," I said, gently gripping her covering forearm and pulling it away from her, "are a god with body-image problems. You do know you're beautiful, don't you?"

Her arm fell away from her chest, and I guided both her hands in my own. I placed her fingers along the straps of my dress, and smiled as she nervously hooked them. She pulled down, sliding the spaghetti straps off my shoulders and watching as inch after inch of my breasts were exposed to her until we sat bare-chested in front of each other. Her eyes lingered on me, soaking in every curve of my bust, trailing along the arch of my neck, and then connecting with my gaze. She giggled bashfully, and her face fell, concealing her expression in a tumble of luxuriant crimson locks. I laughed with her, and then brought my hand to her face, cupped the gentle bow of her blushing cheek and raised her eyes to mine. The smile that was revealed beneath the parting curtain of hair was not a scared smile, but a loving, longing smile. I shared it with her, and then brought our smiles together.


I-can't-do-this-I-can't-do-this-I-can't-do-this-I-can't-do-this! The rational thought blared in my mind as our mouths connected. Lucilla's breasts pressed against mine, forming a seal of warm flesh about our squishing busts as our lips formed a seal of humming love. I felt the apprehension melt from me, the anxiety bleed from my body as her lips gently drank of my budding lust. Her tongue flicked playfully across my own, and I joined her in the fun. I felt my body draw deeper to her as if she was pulling us together through some unseen, irresistible force. My hands moved from their cautious perches at my sides, and tangled into her platinum hair; blonde strands twisting about playful fingers. Our mouths rotated about the axis of our lust, and the novice nature of my embrace fell away to instinctive confidence. I tilted her head back with guiding fingers, and pressed myself closer to her as our kiss deepened. I could feel her heart beating through our squishing busts, and I could feel the need of our bodies soaking through my slip. Our breaths grew heavy in each other's mouths as we inhaled the sweet life from our lungs, burning its passion into our hearts.

Her hands trailed down my sides, and pushed the slip from my waist. I lifted my legs about her, and let the last piece of my clothing fall from me. Our tongues entwined in lustful combat as I hovered my body over hers, and dragged her dress down her torso, over her pelvis, and off her legs. Our lips parted, and we stared at each other. Her sapphire eyes gleamed in the light, her porcelain skin was flushed with her lust, her full pink lips were parted and smiling, and her body... Good Mother, her body! Her breasts swelled from her dainty figure, larger than my own, but not exaggerated. Her belly was a soft concave curve of pale flesh with a navel dotting its perfect center, and her glutes widened from her pelvis in lascivious curves that rounded into toned thighs, whose precipice formed a gap where her tight slit was glistening for me.

"Well," Lucilla smiled, "are you just going to look at it?"

"I'm not sure what to do with it," I giggled, brushing my dangling hair over a pointed ear.

Lucilla sat upright, and took two handfuls of my backside, sinking her fingers into the delectable fat that rounded my curves. She dragged my body across hers, and our slits ran through each other as our clits connected. A shot of pleasure raced up my spine, and a shiver followed it. A vulnerable gasp slipped from my lips as the enormity of being touched so intimately for the first time came to my mind, and Lucilla smiled knowingly into my eyes.

"You know," she smiled, "I've never done anything with another woman before, so this is new for both of us."

"Well," I smiled back, shifting my hips and savoring the feeling of her wet heat pressed against mine, "this feels nice; maybe we should keep doing this."

"Oh?" Lucilla asked with a raised eyebrow as she guided me to grind on top of her, "Is this enough for you, Julia? Does it feel just... nice?"

Our clits rubbed against each other, each touch singing electric pleasure into my pelvis. I felt the wetness between my legs grow, and a hunger in my nethers ache with tortuous vacancy. The emptiness needed—no—craved to be satisfied. No, no this was not enough for me. My eyes drooped in the heat of my desire, and a needful, pleading whine drifted softly past my lips.

"No," I whispered, pressing our breasts closer together, feeling her erect nipples toying with my own, "Lucilla, I need you to fuck me from the inside."

I couldn't believe those words just came out of my mouth. I said a silent prayer as Lucilla's grin broadened to a wicked smile.

"Sister Julia!" Lucilla exclaimed through giggles, "Did I just hear you say that?"

"Forgive me, Holy Mother," I started, feeling my face flush, "for the words of my—"

"Shh." Lucilla smiled, putting a finger to my lips, silencing me. Her blue eyes twinkled as the tip of her finger circled the outline of my mouth, gently deforming the luscious flesh. She pressed her finger to the crease of my pursed lips, and I hesitantly opened them for her. When she put her finger into my mouth, I... (forgive me Mother for my lewdness) ...I sucked it. I twisted my lips around her finger, and hummed a needful tone as I drew my cheeks gaunt with suction, my tongue flicking her fingertip playfully. Lucilla's thumb gently traced my cheek as I wetted her invading digit, and then she pulled it out, a sheen of my spit glistening from her extended index finger.

"Your hip movements need some work," Lucilla smirked, reaching behind me with her wetted finger as she spread my glutes wide with her gripping hand, "I think I know just the trick."

"Lucilla!" I gasp, alarmed, "That's the wrong..."

Lucilla's wet index finger traced a teasing line down the crease of my backside, rested on the tight puckered dot of my rim, and then pushed inside. I felt my sphincter open to her external pressure, and then tightly close around her bottom knuckle. Her warm finger sunk into my sinful depths, and radiated its pressure into the coiled channel of my sensitive rectum. The feeling was so invasive, so perverse, so wrong, and so... so... oh, Good Mother above, what was wrong with me?! It felt so good!

"...hole." I finished, my words seeping from me in a breathy exhalation as my body melted into hers; relaxing in sensuous flaccidity as her tender invasion gradually twisted inside me.

"Oh no," Lucilla laughed softly, her breath tickling my lips, "the holy, pious, Sister Julia likes it in the ass."

"Mother forgive me," I whispered, astonished at the pleasure I derived from the alien sensation, "but it feels so good. Why does it feel so good?!"

Lucilla laughed gayly as she began twisting her finger inside me, compelling my hips to shift with her rotations. She was controlling me from the inside, making my body react without my permission, making me bend to the whims of my pleasures. I began to gyrate perversely; my hips tilting and swaying behind the stretched curve of my abdomen, my weight sliding from leg to leg as I moaned in pleasure for the first time in my life. Lucilla's voice joined mine as she moved me to her liking, compelling my pelvis to shift against her in just the right ways, guiding our clits to rub tenderly together above the connecting petals of our erogeneity. Strings of viscous nectar mingled within our brushing and deforming flowers, mixing the secretion of our pleasure and glistening through the swollen lips that bore them. She spread her legs between mine, guiding me by the thighs to stretch wider as she toyed with my anus, opening it, making it relax until I wasn't even clenching, but surrendering to savor the sensation. The twisted pleasure reverberated from my defiled rectum, and sent its caressing tendrils into the extremities of my body. My arms grew weak, and I struggled to keep them planted at Lucilla's sides.

"You're like my puppet," Lucilla mused with a smile and a moan, "you're so reactive, Julia."

Lucilla's ring and middle finger pressed alongside her penetrating index. I felt a stir of panic roil in my chest, and I opened my mouth to protest, but she pushed inside. My rim expanded, my sinful channel stretched, and the walls of my anus grew taut against the warm fingers inside me. My trembling arms gave out, and I collapsed face-first into the supple cushion of Lucilla's breasts. My red lips gaped open and gasped as my cheek slid back and forth to the whim of my possessed gyrations. Holy Mother, it was good. Expanding, stretching, searing felicity ballooned from my violated hole, turning my pious equanimity into a splay of possessed delight. Lucilla's nipple stood erect alongside my moaning mouth, and I took her between my lips and translated the pleasure of my body into my sensuous nursing. She tangled a hand into my crimson locks, and pressed me closer to her breast, cooing soft murmurs of bliss as I suckled from her, and she tenderly violated me. Our bodies locked to the swaying cadence of our lust, and we shifted together on the sheets. As our clits reddened with the constant grinding of our pelvises, the sheen of our nectar wetted between us, emanating from our joining in lewd squelches. Her fingers curled inside me, pressing against the walls of my anus, and I torqued in reaction to her, arching my back and pressing my body deeper into hers, savoring the thrumming of her heartbeat, the soft whimpers and moans of her mouth, and the seeping warmth of her flesh radiating into mine.

I reached between us as I nursed from her, sliding my hands along soft muscle and silky skin. My fingers found the wet petals between her legs, and I watched her from my sumptuous feeding as I pushed in one finger, then the other, then the other, marveling each time at how another woman felt from the inside. Lucilla's brow furrowed, and her pink lips opened to sing her soft approval. My sucking mouth quirked in a smile, and I curled my fingers inside her womanhood as she had done to my tighter hole. Her head fell back into the bed, and her grip inside me tightened. A squeal of delight permeated from my occupied mouth, and I began rubbing my fingertips along the soft wet channel inside her. Her chest jutted forward, lifting my head upward, and her heartrate quickened. The crown of her head pressed into the sheets as her neck tilted back and striated with tension. I could feel it; the expansion of pleasure building within us both. Lucilla was losing control of herself, and I never even had control of myself. I simply responded to the motions of her lust, and now she was caught in the same reactive prison; bending and shifting to the demands of her pleasure.

"Oh, fuck!" Lucilla gasped, her chest heaving in sporadic breaths. "Julia, you're making me come!"

"Oh, Good Mother," I gasped, my open lips brushing her nipple, strings of my saliva glistening from its pink tip, "Lucilla, I feel it... I FEEL IT!"

It took me over, spreading through me in a flood of euphoria. The tingling gentle pleasure from our pressing clits grew to an exhilarating rush that propelled my moans into cries. Lucilla's fingers gripped me like a handle from the inside, her knuckles whitening as her tips pressed into the delicate flesh. It sent a scream of ecstatic pressure deep into my abdomen, expanding in harmony with the surge of delight singing from my erogenous bead. My hips shot forward, pressing into the wet tender heat of Lucilla's lust, and my cries grew shrill. Then, I felt the other thing. The inferno that laid dormant within me, the blaze that tickled just beneath the surface. Oh, no! Oh, Sweet Mother, not now! My horror and pleasure mingled in a final crescendo, and I forcibly launched myself backward as my naked figure erupted in blue flame. I echoed the release of my body in euphoric terror as I writhed helplessly on the stone floor, my back arching in the climactic sensation; my chest heaving in the cathartic tones of diminishment. I looked up to see Lucilla's terror-stricken face staring back at me from the bed, and I felt my heart sink into my chest.

I can have no one, I thought in despair. I can never feel the touch of someone I love.

"Julia?" Lucilla's soft, shaking voice asked me from above.

"This is why..." I panted, feeling tears evaporate from my flaming eyes, "...this is why we can't do this, Lucilla; I'll kill you."

The rug beside me was singed, the bedsheets by my feet were blackened and flaking with embers. I was the embodiment of destruction, a force that could not be contained. Lucilla knelt beside me, her eyes brimming with love. I looked away.

"I killed my parents," I whispered, staring into the orange flame of the hearth, seeing their blackened screaming faces in every tendril of smoke, "and I'll kill you too. I'm no god, Lucilla; I'm a monster."

"Julia..." Lucilla said, her hand reaching for me.

"Stay back!" I screamed, rolling away from her, seeing a flashing premonition of her scorched shrieking face in my mind, "Don't come near me!"

The flame brightened and flared with my outburst, and Lucilla cringed backward, covering her face with her hands. This is what I am, I thought as I watched her fall away from me, just stay away from me, Lucilla. I rolled to my side, not wanting to look at her horrified expression.

"You should take me to your father," I said, staring into the orange flame of the hearth, seeing my screeching parents again and again. "Save those girls before they burn. I deserve everything that will happen to me. Only though pain can we heal. I need to be punished for it! Maybe then I will finally find forgiveness!"

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