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The Crestfallen


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"Are you happy, Christian?" Abigail asked me, softly, as if she knew exactly what was going through my mind at that moment. It wasn't as though we were telepathic, or some such thing, but somehow we were often on the same page a lot it seemed. She wiggled her butt against my cock as she asked the question.

I felt my heart swell inside my chest with the overwhelming emotions that I felt for her at that moment. I was falling for this girl, rapidly. There was no way to deny that. A sense of warmth and certainty grew in my belly as I tried to get a grip on how I truly felt about her. It was very strange how, in a matter of mere hours, we had grown so much closer to one another.

But I had seen her admirable traits so long ago. I had appreciated her for quite some time. Flirted with her, because I couldn't resist it. I had seen how pure her heart was, and how she wanted to make others happy - but in order for that to really work, Abigail first had to know how to make herself happy as well. I had realized it just when she had shown her vulnerability and fear of rejection earlier on. And so, here we were, having our first conversation about how we truly felt and what the future would bring for us together, just mere moment before I would penetrate her again. To say it felt intimate would have been the understatement of the century.

"Abigail.. What you just told me is one of the sweetest things you could've said" I replied after a moment, truthfully. "It makes me feel as though you trust me completely." I paused for a second to try and find the right words. I wanted to tell her everything I was feeling right at that moment. "I feel so connected to you. I think I see how much you wish for someone who is able to understand, and accept you, and cherish you. That someone.. It's something I would like to be for you.." Somehow, it was easier for me to be this open and vulnerable because her head was turned the other way, I realized.

"Oh, Christian.." she said. I felt her soft little hand reach back towards me, stroking my arm gently. Her touch sent goosebumps down my spine. "Make me your anal princess.." she pleaded, almost begged, with a sensual tone of voice that made my cock throb between her legs. I carefully, softly pushed it against her slick entrance once more - it easily glided into place now, found that sweet spot between her cheeks - then I moved forward slowly, until my cockhead made its way into the warm confinement of her sphincter. Once again, we were doing something a little bit taboo, and yet.. Once again, it felt like we were not just fucking, but making love.

--- 10 ---

When my shaft had penetrated deep inside her bowels for the second time, I felt her little hand reach up and grab mine from behind, before she squeezed tightly. She moved it in front of her body, and held it against her chest. She didn't really give me a chance to caress her shapely bosom, because she held my hand so tightly. As I moved my hips slowly, enjoying her warm and tight insides yet again, I leaned over her a little bit to get a look at her face.

It was quite nice, to see her reaction to what was happening. Her eyes fluttered ever so often, her mouth hung slightly ajar with quiet little gasps of pleasure escaping, and when I stopped moving and she opened her eyes completely, she turned her head to me and whispered softly "You make me feel so good.. Please don't stop.." She practically begged for my cock.

The words that came out of her mouth were both beautiful, and sweet - almost romantic, if that weren't such an absurd thought - but what really struck me as a sort of vulnerable, pure aspect of her personality was the tone of voice that accompanied those words. It made her sound extremely enticing and adorable. Not to mention the way she held my hand with hers.

"How does it feel?" I asked her. It was like her feelings mattered to me most.

"A little painful at first, but.." She started to whisper.

"But.." I repeated, softly.

"But.. when you got past the head of your cock, and entered me deeply.. God, Christian.. I've never felt anything like it in my life.." she continued. Her voice was quiet, as if it was getting hard for her to form any coherent sentences while I was sliding into and out of her rectum again, and again, and again. Her eyes were unfocused again. Abigail's voice let out little squeaks, and she leaned back towards me with her head once more, smiling, showing me all of her teeth in that beautiful way of hers.

"Do you want me to go slower, or..?" I asked, tentatively, and the only response I got was an almost desperate:

"P-Please.. Harder!" I sped up a little bit, just enough to keep her pleasure growing in a steady rhythm - but not so fast that it might cause any pain for her. If anything, it seemed as though I was not only exceeding her expectations, but exceeding them even more than she could've possibly dreamed of. Her fingers caressed my hand, squeezing it gently each time she felt the wonderful sensation of her sphincter tightening and releasing around the head of my cock with each of my thrusts. I could see her face reddening and her jaw tightening up. She was very close. And I wanted to be there for it, to see it on her face. I leaned in further, giving her a swift little kiss. And when her eyes locked onto mine, I knew what was happening next.

It was the best possible thing, watching her crumble before my eyes in such an explosive way, moaning and gasping with pleasure. It wasn't just the facial expressions - although that was very arousing - or how tight she had clamped down onto my dick. It was all of these things, and more - together - that made me feel the kind of warmth and satisfaction in my heart that comes along with truly making someone happy. For Abigail, it seemed as though nothing in this world would compare to what she felt at that moment - the connection we shared had her body trembling in the most pleasurable manner possible.

"I love your cock in my butt.." she said, but her words were slurred and barely audible by the end. It was cute and awkward in an adorable way, how she tried to talk with me through what she was experiencing right now. After a few minutes of what I can only describe as very deliberate fucking, I found my rhythm.

We were grinding our hips together, allowing me to feel every twitch and spasm of her anus as it gripped and released against me, each movement forcing little cries from my Abigail's sweet little lips. She didn't say another word. She just leaned back into me, and enjoyed the sensation as my hard member massaged her insides and sent thundering pleasure through her nerves. Her body jerked a little when I slid into her deeply and stayed there, fully erect, for just a moment. Her ass did most of the work in the end, constricting and pulsing around the rest of my length, and her hips were moving back and forth in what seemed like an involuntary rythm.

She came to a climax again - her second one this summit - while I held myself still for another moment inside of her butt, deep down inside her rectum. We both moaned, softly, enjoying that feeling. Then I started to move more rapidly again, as if trying to extend and intensify her orgasm. It almost seemed to be too much for her, because her body froze up in place after the first couple of thrusts, but it quickly subsided and allowed my cock to slide in and out with ease once again. The little noises she made were adorable, to say the least, and I focused on them a little extra because even though she was breathing heavily and gasping loudly through every thrust, her head had returned to the side which faced away from me. And she still didn't let go of my hand. Just kept holding it close to her chest all the while.

Soon, it was too much for me as well. All those little squeezes of her butt, and the way her hole took every bit of me eagerly, desperately.. It made me dizzy in the most pleasant way imaginable. My balls felt full once more - too full, and in need of release. Abigail was pushing me over the edge as I struggled to hold myself together, waiting for that beautiful moment to arrive. As my semen pulsed its way into her depths for the second time - it felt as though it just never stopped - and Abigail's moaning, whimpering sounds continued to echo throughout the room. Her rectum contracted around me in an orgasmic spasm, milking the last few drops of cum from me until there was nothing left to give. My heart nearly exploded.

I fell forward a bit, and slid out of her, feeling as if I might collapse if I didn't take it easy for a moment. I remembered what Doctor Stephen had said about avoiding too much physical activity. But I just grinned. I felt wonderful.

Abigail kicked the covers off, and rolled over so she laid down on her tummy. Then, without missing a beat, and without opening her eyes, she reached down with her hand towards her butt, and scooped up some of my semen. With her pointer and index finger, she raised them to her lips, and tasted it slowly, smiling. My eyes widened as I saw what she was doing. Was she.. tasting it?

She swallowed and licked her fingers clean before taking another spoonful of the thick white substance onto her fingers, and when her eyes finally opened again, they locked on mine and held my gaze while she took another little sample - she licked and sucked her fingers slowly, intently, as if she were savoring a delicious meal.

"What are you doing?" I asked her, amused, as I struggled to gather enough energy and sense of mind to move to lay closer by her side again. She looked at me with a cheeky grin.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist.. You look so sweet with that shocked face" She giggled. "Since we're being so honest with each other - which I love by the way.." She gave me the naughtiest little look. "This is my second time today that I'm doing this.."

Her voice faded off, but I got the gist of what she was getting at.

"You mean..?" I started, and she just nodded, looking mischievous and a little embarrassed.

"I swallowed your previous load in the bathroom.." she said softly. It almost sounded like a confession. I was actually a bit surprised myself. Abigail had such a submissive and naughty attitude towards sex - it was both a little surprising and very arousing.

"Oh" was all I could think of to say. It was, honestly, rather sexy in its own way. And it definitely showed me a whole different side of her personality, which made her even more attractive to me.

"Tastes like you, Christian.." she purred, and then she crawled closer to me. She laid her head down on top of my chest and let me take her into my arms.

She wiggled a little bit, but didn't stop. Just tried to find some comfort in my arms - as if she had something on her mind.

"I can't believe how much I like you, Christian.." she whispered, softly. "Like, how happy I am to be here with you" I heard the emotion in her voice, and saw it on her face as she looked up at me. It wasn't hard to see that she felt this way - she was such an open and vulnerable person, especially since we had gotten closer to one another. But it still felt a bit odd to me that someone as cute and adorable as she was, could possibly feel so strongly towards me. She seemed like she was not yet over all of her anxieties and concerns that would be associated with dating someone, but that was perfectly fine by me.

"I.. feel the same way" I replied, honestly.

We stayed like that for a few minutes, basking in the afterglow of our orgasms, but she broke the silence by saying:

"I am glad, but.. I like you more, though!" It was almost a little childish of her to say so, but it was quite the endearing comment all the same. And besides, if anything, it confirmed the impression that Abigail might be a very submissive partner who would do anything in her power to please me. It gave me a warm feeling inside. She sighed, and looked away from me, seeming deep in contemplative thought. "I mean, I've never felt this way before.. So I wouldn't really know.. but..."

"I understand, Abigail. I think it's great that you're so honest and open about your feelings towards me" I said. And I really felt that way. It didn't scare me at all. I had always felt that honest communication was one of the most important aspects of any healthy relationship, and it inspired confidence in me and our future together that she was so willing to speak on what she felt.

She gave me a smile, which made me return it. Her expression softened even more as her gaze found solace in the eyes of the man who she had chosen to date and give her affection to. It still wasn't very late at all, probably not even quite 8PM, but she looked a little sleepy. Her eyelids were closing slowly as she took in deep breaths. Her hand moved over my body, down my side until it reached the other side of my stomach. The skin on skin contact was very nice and calming. So when I noticed she seemed to be drifting off to sleep, I didn't disturb her. I simply let her tiredness embrace her, and stayed like that, holding her in my arms for a long time, until finally, I fell asleep too.

--- 11 ---

As I woke up the following day, so early that the sun wouldn't be up for another few hours, Abigail was still on top of me. Normally I would move around a lot in my sleep, but something about her presence seemed to make me calm, and peaceful. My mind drifted back towards all of the recent discoveries between us, and how quickly things had changed. Only two days prior, Abigail had confessed her feelings for me at last, and the very next day we had not only gone on a date, but shared some intense lovemaking sessions and taken our relationship to the next level - made it official. Where we moving too fast? Perhaps, in a way, we were. But the way she made me feel, and what she could do to me with that cute little butt of hers... There wasn't anything in the world that would have been able to keep us away from one another. At least that's how it seemed.

Sadly, I had to disturb her sleep, because I really needed to pee. I tried to move her gently, and not wake her up, but I was unsuccessful - she opened her hazel eyes with a tired expression and beamed the biggest smile at me.

"I'm just going to the bathroom. I'll be right back." I informed her as I let my legs slide out from under her, so I could sit up on the edge of the bed. She mumbled something along the lines of 'mmh' and nodded, before instantly getting up herself. The way she sleepily stretched her arms above her head, looking cute and sexy, only added to her already quite mesmerizing beauty. She was not a perfect woman by any means, and yet, she sure felt that way to me.

"How are you feeling?" she asked me when I returned a couple of minutes later. She was still sitting up in bed, holding a hand over her belly. She gave me a curious look, as if to inquire whether I was okay, but I assumed she was asking about my emotional state, about me and her.

"I feel really happy" I replied, and walked over to her, planting a kiss on her forehead, then gave her a big smile. Abigail smiled right back at me. It almost seemed as if my smile made her own genuine smile even wider and more radiant than it already was, which just made me smile even more. "You're so beautiful."

"Awwww" she giggled and blushed a little, which gave her an even cuter look. She held out her hand for me to take and we interlocked our fingers, then crawled back down into the covers together - this time, as snuggle buddies instead of sexual partners - before she curled up by my side.

"I feel really happy too.." she said. "But I was asking about your health." She caressed my arm, where the emergency bracelet I always wore was located. The way she cared for me really warmed my heart.

"No complaints today, nurse.." I said, and grinned. "But please do remind me I have to take a larger dosage of my medication alongside breakfast today, since Doctor Stephens altered my treatment."

"Does it feel weird.." she started, suddenly with a hint of sadness in her raspy morning voice.. "To bring a part of the hospital with you home, now that we're together? I know you don't like it there."

I realized it was a legitimate concern for her, but I wasn't exactly sure what to say.

"I'm not sure. I don't think so." I said, honestly. "Sometimes, when you hold my hand, it reminds me of you sitting by the side of the hospital bed with me. It's a very comforting feeling though, so don't you worry! Besides, I clearly brought home the only part I really like about the hospital!" I gave her butt a little smack as I said that - not hard, just a playful one. Abigail squealed and smiled. Then she leaned in to kiss my lips. Her mouth felt amazing. We spent a little while like this, making out in bed - bad morning breath included. It didn't bother me at all.

"I wish I didn't have to work today.." she said, a few moments after we pulled away from each other. "I don't want to sound clingy but I just can't get enough of you.." She looked straight at me with her hazel eyes and cheeky smile, before leaning in again, kissing me once more. She really was enthralled with me, I thought. Was she falling in love with me already?

After we broke our lip lock, we simply looked into each other's eyes for a while. Abigail broke the silence, looking almost shy.

"I need to be honest, Christian.. You make me feel so alive and excited that I can barely contain it, but there are still some things that worry me.." There was a hint of vulnerability in her eyes. I took her hands into mine.

"It's okay" I replied. "Do you want to talk about those worries?"

Abigail gave my hand a little squeeze.

"What if.. My busy work hours starts to really bother you or something?" They way she said it was strange. Almost as if she was willing to throw away her entire career just to prevent that from happening, which obviously seemed completely crazy to me. But maybe I was just reading into it too much.

"Then I'll just have to let my health get worse so I can visit you at work!" I said, jokingly. She giggled at that. But it clearly wasn't a laughing matter for her. "What else is bothering you, Abigail?" I asked. She blushed a little and looked away. "No, tell me."

"M-My butt.." she said shyly. "It's already addicted to your cock, I think.." She had this tiny little smile on her face that looked like the most innocent thing in the world. It was so cute that I almost couldn't stand it.

"That won't be an issue", I assured her with a smirk. "I'll take good care of it."

--- 12 ---

We stayed in my bed for quite some time. Then, Abigail showered at my place, and afterwards we had breakfast together. She wore my bathrobe, which was way too big for her, and at one point she accidentally dipped the oversized sleeve in her bowl of cereal. The look on her face made my heart melt - all flustered by the situation. I took her home not too long after that, so that she wouldn't have to feel stressed getting ready for work. Besides, I should probably get started with my own chores and tasks for the day, I thought.

"When can I see you again?" she asked me as we said our goodbyes in the hallway of her flat. The look in her eyes told me she really wanted to spend more time with me, that it was important to her that we meet up again as soon as possible. I leaned in for another kiss and put my hands on her hips. I could feel the warmth radiating off of her body.

"You should probably start sending me your work schedule.." I said, and grinned. "So I know whenever you're free." Working in a hospital meant your work hours could often be quite sporadic. Sometimes she even worked nights.

"I get off at six today.." she replied instantly, and looked at me with an expression that I recognized from yesterday. It was the one she wore when she first tasted my semen - a combination of arousal and fascination. It almost took me aback, seeing that look on her face all of a sudden. This girl of mine was insatiable.


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