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The Curse of Magic Mansion Ch. 01


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"It's probably just a ghost," Jane said. "Or one of wassizname's creepy servants."

"I'm glad you're taking all of this so well," Tina said. "But I—" the scratching returned, followed by a snarling sound. "Tell me you heard that!"

"That's not a ghost," Jane said, sitting up, now alert.

"Who's there?" Tina called again.

This time, the response was more pronounced. A snarling bark sounded from the other side, followed by a flurry of deep-sounding scratches. The door shook as whatever it was on the other side tore at the door, trying to get in. "Oh god!" Jane said. "It's a werewolf! It's a fucking werewolf!"

Tina leapt off the bed and threw her body against the door, which now rattled violently in its frame. Her body felt as if was being tenderized as the thing in the hallway crashed into the door. Jane ran to join her, and both girls held the door against the savage beating, scratching and howling. "How do you know it's a werewolf?" Tina shouted over the racket.

"What else could it be?" Jane said, her face now pallid with fear.

"Can you reach that axe?" Tina called, pointing to the one held by the giant suit of armor on Jane's side of the door.

Jane reached for it, but couldn't. The girl shook her head, but said, "I'm not going out without a fight! Hold the door! I'm gonna get it!" Tina nodded, and the younger girl peeled herself off the oaken plank and grabbed at the axe handle. After a moment, she was able to free it from the suit's steel grip. At first, Jane had trouble holding the giant's pole axe, but when she got used to the balance, Tina marveled at the sight. Small girl, big axe, she thought, and smiled.

When Jane gave her the sign, Tina backed away from the door. Encouraged by her little sister's bravery, she shouted, "Come get some, you motherfucker!"

But as if the beast had understood what awaited it, the noise and scratching ceased. The girls heard a few perfunctory huffs and grunts, and then the fading tick-tick-tick of claws on stone as the thing retreated. When they could no longer hear the beast, Jane nearly dropped the giant axe. "Fuck, this thing's heavy!" she remarked. Purple flames engulfed her, and as they had earlier, disappeared in a shower of sparks. "Level up!" she cheered, and then the axe no longer felt as heavy.

Tina ran to her sister and hugged her. "Jane!" she sniffed, on the edge of tears. "You. Are. Such. A badass."

"Heh," Jane said, feeling for a moment that maybe all that attitude of hers wasn't just for show. "Well, I guess I am, a little."

"No," Tina said, holding her sister at arm's length by the shoulders and looking into her baby blue eyes. "I mean it. I was ready to piss myself and die, but you.... You were incredible!"

"I'm pretty sure we were dead, anyway, if that thing decided to come through," Jane said.

"Maybe so," Tina said. "Maybe so, but I wouldn't have died scared."

"Or alone," Jane laughed, as the adrenaline shakes made her shiver. "Speaking of which, can I get back in bed with you?"

"Of course!" Tina said without thinking, and then immediately felt anxiety clamp down on her.

"Thanks," Jane said, trotting off to get her pillow from the floor.

Tina again leapt into bed, trying not to touch the carpet. The adrenaline was keeping the erotic tide at bay for the moment, but she knew she didn't need any extra encouragement. She lay there, sheets up to her neck, trying desperately to clear her mind, when her little sister slid under the covers next to her. "Why do I get the feeling this is only going to get worse?" Tina said.

Jane rolled over to face her, kissed her on the cheek and said cheerfully, "Oh, don't be such a sourpuss! We just fended off a werewolf! I, for one, count this as a win."

In her excitement, Jane had forgotten her estranged relationship with the magic bed. Almost as soon as she had finished speaking, the itch returned. It started slowly, but soon enough it wormed its way into her brain. She tried not to think about sex, but the more she tried, the more she did. Her sister's smell crept into her consciousness, and she tried to shake it out, but it hung tenaciously, teasing. She'd never really thought at all about another girl, sexually. Her world had always been boys, boys, boys. She thought maybe, just maybe, she could get her itch to subside by talking to her sister. Dan might identify with her urges more, but her sister was the eldest. Surely, she would be the wiser of the siblings.

"Tina?" she said, almost stuttering.

"Mm?" Tina tried to pretend like she was only half conscious.

"I..." Jane stopped. "I wanted to ask you something."


"I was wondering," Jane paused long enough for Tina to open her eyes and give the girl a quizzical look. Jane let out a frustrated breath. "I was wondering: what do you know about sex?"

Tina went rigid. "Sex?" Her sister nodded. "Not much. I've never had it."


Tina shook her head. "None. Why do you ask? I thought, out of anyone, you'd be the one to know."

"Me?" Jane almost laughed. "No, but I thought since you read all those books, you'd know a little something."

Tina froze and blushed. "What? Uh, what books?" Jane gave her sister a look that told her to cut the bullshit. "Oh, well, I, uh... hey! You little snoop!"

"Don't change the subject," Jane said teasingly but firmly, feeling the erotic energy burning away at her resistance.

"I just read them," Tina said, "like everything else, you know. It kind of an obsession. It's like collecting stamps or whatever."

"You don't get off on it?"

Tina began to shiver with anxiety. She closed her eyes for a moment, collecting her nerves before continuing down a road she knew, at the very least ended up with her telling her little sister everything she knew about the erotic books she'd read—well, maybe not everything, but close. About halfway through her explanation, Jane touched her shoulder. "You're shaking," the younger girl said. "Are you nervous?"

Tina shook her head and said, "A little, I guess. I'm just not so sure I should be talking about this kind of stuff with my little sister."

"Pshhhh," Jane scoffed. "I guess I could go ask Dan."

"No!" Tina's body jerked in surprise. "No. I mean, he's not a girl, right? What would he know? Anyway, it's okay." And then she continued, explaining the books in detail, pretending that she was taking it all down in a diary instead of spilling the beans to her very brave, very pretty little sister. When she finished, she said, "But that's all erotic fiction. It's not really how sex is in real life."

"Yeah, yeah," Jane said. "I just wish I knew, is all."

"Well, you've got plenty of time to find out," Tina said.

"I know," Jane said. And just as she was about to roll over and try to go to sleep, the lustful flames burned away another thread of resistance. "Hey, that book about that flying saucer under that lake?"

Tina had debated telling her about it. It was a depraved little novella about a family that found a UFO. It was full of tentacles and incest, particularly between two sisters, not something that Tina had thought would find interesting, but she found herself thinking about it well after she'd moved on. "What about it?"

"Have you ever thought about other girls that way?"

"Uh, not really," Tina lied.


"Why?" Tina said, a glimmer of hope sparkling behind her eyes. "Have you?"

"Is that wrong?"

"What?!" Tina's head began to spin with confusion, fear, and lust. "No! And don't let anyone tell you it is."

"Oh," Jane said, feeling heat behind her face, as if a fire had kindled in her skull.

Tina saw Jane's face go red, and assumed it was from embarrassment. "Hey, it's okay, really. What's it like, to be attracted to a girl?"

Now it was Jane's turn to laugh nervously, "Attracted? I don't know. I've only thought of it, you know, like a possibility. Sort of like your books. Not for real."

"Oh," Tina said, a little let down. "Right. Of course."

"But now that you mention it, you're kinda pretty," Jane said, not believing she had just uttered those words.

"Uh, what? Like in that way?" Tina nearly lost her mind, and now her lips quivered so much she could barely speak. Jane shrugged and averted her eyes. "Oh, uh, thanks, I guess."

"I shouldn't have said anything," Jane said, turning to hide her shame. "It's weird."

"It's okay," Tina said, stopping her. "I'm just not used to anyone saying that about me."

"You do kind of hide it under all those sweaters," Jane said feeling an almost infinitesimal measure of relief by airing her feelings. "But you've got a pretty smile. You can't hide that."

"But I'm so lanky," Tina said.

"Why are you so worried about what others think of how you look?"

"Because, look!" Tina said, pulling back the sheets. The younger girl's breath caught in her throat. She didn't know what her sister saw, but before jane lay a hot piece of teenage ass. She just couldn't put it any other way. Yes, Tina's legs and arms were a bit long and thin, but they were fairly well toned, and the skin was smooth and delicate. Sure, Jane's own big black shirt hid away other curves, but the younger girl could tell there was something substantial underneath. Jane couldn't help herself. She reached out a hand and ran her finger tips along her big sister's leg, from the knee and leading up the thigh to where the shirt covered gently curving hips. Tina took in a short breath. "What are you doing?" she managed.

Jane drew her hand back. "Oh!" The girl blushed, but she couldn't get out of her head how soft that skin had been. "I just felt like I needed to."

Something in Tina's stomach dropped. "Jane, just out of curiosity, have you been feeling any unusual urges lately?"

Jane's eyes went wide. "Like, about, you know? Sex?" Tina nodded. Jane nodded, and then realizing what was going on, she added, "You, too?" Tina nodded. "Tina, what's happening?"

"I don't know," Tina said. "Tell me how you feel." Jane hesitated, but her sister said, "It's okay."

Jane took a breath. "It's like there's this burning in my skull, not painful, but like a storm. It started in my belly, but now it's everywhere. It feels like I'm losing control. I just have this need to do... things."

"Do you not want to do them?"

"I don't know. I think I do, maybe, but the feeling is so strong, you know. It's scaring me."

"When did it start?"

"When I laid down on the bed?" Jane said meekly.

Tina's eyes went to the onyx flames carved into the headboard. "Fire," she said.

"Fire?" And then it all fell into place for the younger girl. "Fire. Oh god. Tina, what's happening to me!?"

"Not just you," Tina said. "For me, it's the carpet. I think they're some kind of talismans. Maybe they resonate with our individual types. The magister said you're fire. I'm water, and Dan's earth."

"Does it feel the same for you?"

"No," Tina said. "For me it's a desire to know. I feel like I have this ocean inside me, filling me up, and the only way to drain it is to replace it with knowledge. Uh..." she hid her eyes while she said it: "sexual knowledge."

"What do you want to know, exactly?" Jane said, her heart pounding.

"Everything," Tina said.

Jane now visibly shook, and had to sit up in bed. Tina followed, and Jane put her head in her hands. "God, Tina, I don't know what to do! I felt like the fire started to go away when I touched you, but..." she shook her head.

"It did?" Tina felt the first cracks in the dam that held back her self control. Jane nodded, face still in her hands. Tina took a breath put a trembling hand on her little sister's shoulder and said, "Do you want to touch me again?" The girl nodded again. "Okay." Jane lifted her face, eyes puffy from holding back tears. "But," Tina said. "I want to know one thing first."

"Anything," Jane said. And with that, Tina leaned in and kissed her. Jane's eyes shot open again. Soft lips, any lips, against her own was a wholly new sensation, one that exploded into her brain and blasted away all other concerns. Just as Jane was about to return the kiss, Tina pulled away with a look on her face that the younger girl couldn't describe.

"Okay," Tina said. "Go ahead." Tentatively, Jane reached out and stroked her sister's soft, smooth legs. She couldn't believe what she was doing, but far from being a scarecrow, her sister's body felt amazing. Emboldened, Jane ran her hands up Tina's thighs, pausing when she reached her hips.

Tina bit the side of her lip, nodded slightly, and then felt her sister's smaller hands slide under the baggy t-shirt and up over her hips. It was nothing like she expected. Jane's hands were warm and gentle, appreciating every one of the older girl's curves. It wasn't long before the caresses reached her breasts, but this time, the girl didn't stop to get the go-ahead. Tina gasped audibly and closed her eyes as the nimble fingers caressed and explored her breasts. A thumb and forefinger gently pinched a nipple, and Tina let out a moan. Jane's hands retreated a bit.

"Was that wrong?" Jane asked.

"God no!" Tina whispered. "But I need to know something else."

"Oh yeah?" Jane said. "What do you need to know?"

"What yours look like."

"I thought you'd never thought about another girl before," Jane said, removing her hands from her sister's breasts and beginning to unbutton the front of her pink flannel pajama shirt. Tina watched as slowly, button by button, the younger girl's shirt split open. But whether purposefully or out of nervousness, Jane was just going too slowly. Tina grabbed the girl's shirt by the lapels and tore it off her body. Jane shrieked playfully, and her hair tumbled around her head, mussed.

"I lied," Tina said. Jane combed her hair back with her fingers, and her big sister admired her young, but shapely form.

"They're not much," Jane said, seemingly untroubled, "compared to these." Tina tried to retreat, but got backed up against the headboard. Jane was quick and agile, and before Tina knew what was happening, the younger girl had gripped the waistline of the t-shirt and yanked it off of her body. For a moment, the sisters froze, taking in each other's bodies. Jane had straddled her sister's lap, and stared into Tina's eyes.

"Oh, fuck it," Tina said, and grabbed her sister's head, kissing her again. Their breasts squeezed together between them, and both girls let out sighs of pleasure between kisses. Tina's hands wandered down Jane's back and over her hips, and came to rest on the girl's tight little flannel-covered ass. She gave a little squeeze, and Jane made a little squeaking sound and opened her mouth to her sister's kisses. For the first time, their tongues touched, and then probed, and then danced.

Tina's hands circled around from her sister's hips and up to her small, firm breasts. "Oh, fuck," Jane breathed. Tina flicked her nipples gently, and Jane pulled back and leaned her head back breathing heavily as she enjoyed her big sister's ministrations. Suddenly, Jane felt something warm and wet on her nipple, and she looked down to find Tina's tongue licking circles around the pink little nub. The girl let out a little cry of pleasure and ran her hands through her sister's golden brown hair.

Tina was ecstatic. Not only was she finding out what it was like to be with a girl, but she found she really, really liked it. She put her mouth over Jane's sweet little nipple and sucked gently, making the girl moan in earnest. The horny young thing had even begun to rock those agile hips against hers, and Tina felt herself getting wet.

Jane gripped her sister's hair, and pulled her away. For a second she got a look of confusion, but when she put her own tongue on Tina's nipple, she heard Tina let out a quaking breath. She gently kneaded her older sister's larger breasts as she licked and teased their nipples. Tina's hands ran all over her back, and when she felt her sister's long fingers slip down the back of her pants and grip her ass, she slowly trailed one hand down Tina's belly until it reached the top of her panties. Jane hesitated for a moment when Tina's breath caught. She lifted her face to her sister's. "It's okay," Tina told her. "Do it. I want you to do it." When Jane slid her hand under the thin fabric, she saw her big sister's face change from pleasured curiosity to unbridled lust. She noticed that Tina was smooth, and grinned to herself. They had something else in common, it seemed.

When Tina felt her little sister's fingers slide against her smooth labia, she nearly came right then and there. The girl's baby blue eyes stared back into hers, and slowly but surely, the girl began to massage her pussy. "I can't believe we're doing this," Jane said, still massaging.

Tina, barely able to speak, managed, "Do you want to stop?"

"Fuck no," Jane said. "Don't be ridiculous."

With those words, Tina felt her sister's finger slide into her. "Oh fuck!" Tina gasped. Slowly, Jane began to slide it in and out, causing sparks to go off behind Tina's eyeballs. She'd had her own fingers, and on occasion a small vibrator inside her, but never before had someone else been at the controls. When Jane slid a second finger in and began to finger fuck her for real, Tina felt her breath leave her. Heat radiated through her body, and the dam that held her back began to spring leaks.

Jane, her fingers buried in her sister's soaking pussy, loved the feeling of tight, wet warmth around them. More so, she loved seeing the usually mousy, timid girl writhe against her, moaning. She touched Tina's clit, and the older girl went wild, whining like a bitch in heat. "Janie! Oh fuck! You're so fucking good!"

Jane kissed her sister's neck and whispered into her ear, "Of course I am. You're only talking to the horniest girl ever."

"Oh god," Tina said. "You are horny, aren't you? Well I guess we'll have to do something about that, then." As much as she hated to, she took Jane's wrist and dragged the girl's hand away from her aching pussy. With a mighty push, she shoved Jane backward on the bed. Peeling herself off the headboard, she crawled over her sister, grabbed the waistline of her pajamas, hooking her fingers into her panties, as well, and yanked them over the girl's young hips and off her legs. To her delight, she saw that her sister made herself smooth. She removed her own panties, and drank in the sight of the youngster laying naked in front of her. That smooth little pussy did not disappoint, and though Tina wondered what it tasted like, she would have to wait just a little longer to find out.

Jane lay back as her sister crawled over her, smooth and warm. "And here I was," she said as Tina kissed her neck, "thinking that this was all going to be some kind of nightmare." Tina's lips landed on hers, and again their tongues danced.

"So, it's not a nightmare?" Tina said. Jane nodded, and then felt fingers brush her smooth labia. She heard a moan escape her lips. Tina's fingers teased her pussy until Jane couldn't help bucking her hips off the bed. When she did, Tina pushed her back down and then slid a finger into her.

"Oh!" Jane said. "Oh my god!" Jane had never before felt anything in her other than her own fingers, and Tina's long, thin digits stirred up feelings she never knew she could have. Ecstasy rolled across her like thunder, and Tina's fingering continued until Jane thought she could take no more.

"You ready?" Tina asked her, but she was only half aware of the older girl's voice.

"Huh?" And then she felt a hot wetness against her pussy lips. She looked down, and from between her own breasts Tina's eyes stared right back into hers as the older girl dragged her tongue from the bottom of her aching slit to the top, until it ran over her clit. "Oh god! What are you—! Oh shit!"

"Want me to stop?" Tina teased, her tongue in position for another pass.

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