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The Dark Star - Aftermath Pt. 06


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"This won't be the worst thing that happens to you today," his cold words stated on a vaguely familiar voice.

Laura Mancini screamed into the gag as she felt him roughly enter her.


The Wolf sat at his desk and looked down as the blonde knelt between his legs diligently bobbed back and forth on his dick.

Recalling the timid uncertainty with which she'd first taken him in her mouth; as her slender hands gripped his upper thighs, he appreciated how without coaxing she took him now deep into her throat, her cheeks hollowed as she sucked hard around him gaining his second climax of the morning.

"That's it ..." he complimented "...Fuck me that's it"

Gripping the arms of the chair his hips raised, almost involuntarily by her stimulation, causing her gentle wretch as he felt his release deep into the back of her throat. She pulled away as he came coating the inside of her mouth with a thick deposit of his ejaculate.

"Show me," he grinned.

Sophie McAllister looked up at him with wide crystal clear blue eyes. Her mouth parted bringing a smirk to The Wolf's face.

"Good Girl ...now you can swallow."

She didn't flinch as she simply slowly closed her mouth and swallowed, with barely a grimace, the thick pool that she'd held on her tongue for him. She remained knelt as he pushed the chair back and stood, stowing his still hard dick back in his jeans.

"Smarten yourself back up Miss we're expecting a visitor anytime soon."

He watched as she rose to her feet conscientiously brushing dust from the knees of her heavy denier tights before bringing the short black skirt as far down her thighs as it could go. She let down her blonde hair as she buttoned the tight white blouse back over the red lace detail bra. The shirt clinging tightly to her petite frame making the bra clearly visible.

Without a moment's hesitation she returned to her desk opposite of him and sat herself down.

"I expect you to be the diligent little secretary ... Miss Macready."

She nodded her head to him but said nothing.

Minutes later a rap of knuckles on the door to the Portacabin door distracted The Wolf from the news article he read online regarding Kelvin Phillips imminent departure to a leading Italian Football Team.

"It's open" The Wolf stated positioning his screen so that it couldn't be seen from the doorway.

As the door swung open Nick one of the remaining team from the Phoenix, now working hard for him as a driver entered rubbing his hands over his short, shaved hair, looking a little uncomfortable. He glanced over at Sophie with a flicker of a smile.

"Uh... Someone here for you Boss," he stammered over his words before breaking the brief eye contact with Sophie. The Wolf little doubted that he too spotted the red bra through the near enough opaque white blouse.

"Show them in then," stated The Wolf. "We can't have our guest waiting, now can we?"

Stepping aside Nick ushered the fairly imposing form of a male Police Officer into through the door of the Portacabin. Dressed all in black the PC removed his flat peaked hat tucking it under his arm left arm while extending his right arm outstretched to meet The Wolf's already extended right arm; a firm grip of a handshake ensued impressing The Wolf.

"Chloe will you fetch... PC..." his attention shifted straight back to the square jawed Officer "... Sorry, what's your name?"

"PC Baines" he offered in response "PC Lee Baines". Although his eye line visible wandered as Sophie, under the name The Wolf had given her stood and moved across the Office to grab a spare straight backed chair; immediately fulfilling The Wolf's request without him finishing his earlier sentence.

"PC Baines," The Wolf offered back to him his hand now sweeping towards the spare seat, though arguably it was still Sophie who held Lee Baines attention as they sat themselves down.

"Your um ... your call to my colleagues," Baines pulled his attention back to the task in hand taking a pen and notebook from his shirt pocket. Opening it he scribbled down a couple of details. "They said You've been having problems with theft and damage around the premises."

"Five times in the last week," The Wolf lied. "The first two nights nothing much was taken... the last three nights we've lost considerable volumes of Stock and I'm just sat here waiting for you to finally show up with your notepad ...no offence PC Baines but the fucking inadequacies of the Police are an absolute shit show."

The youngish looking PC sat there open mouthed not entirely sure how to respond for the best.

"Miss Macready while I'm pulling up the CCTV can you get myself and PC Baines here a Coffee please."

"Sure," Sophie said meekly from the position in which she'd hovered just behind the now visibly flustered Officer. "How do you prefer it?"

"Plenty of milk and plenty of sugar" Baines apparently welcoming the distraction from The Wolf's opening gambit. Sophie turned on her high heels and headed out of the Office leaving The Wolf with the still flabbergasted Officer furiously scribbling down notes in his pad. "I'm sorry Mr Underhill my colleagues obviously haven't passed me the full details," his stance and his confidence firming again. "Why don't we start at the beginning?"

The Wolf sat back in his chair with a false huff of indignation before beginning to recount night after night of fictitious criminal activity and the theft of imported clothing held in the Warehouse; the Warehouse that were the PC to even bother to check would be discovered to be nothing more than stacked high empty cardboard boxes, each rested one on top of another as high as the ceiling on racks of shelves that provide cover for DS Enterprise Import and Export the business supposedly operating out of Warehouse 17.

Minutes later Nick hurriedly showed himself back into the office. "Problem Boss"

"Fucks sake Nick...Can it wait?" The Wolf answered sternly despite the pre-planned interruption.

"Those crates from Greece... there's a big fucking problem with the quality," Nick offered convincingly.

"I'm sorry Officer Baines...I wear many hats around here... can you give me two minutes?"

Baines looked up at him already drowning under comprehension of what he faced and his inability to capture everything that had just been fired at him.

"Um ...oh ...sure," he stated, "Am I in the way?"

"Absolutely not," The Wolf stated standing and heading towards Nick who waited with a docile expression in the doorway. "Problem of being the Boss... never a dull moment... Let me go knock heads together and I'll be back for your undivided attention."

The Wolf left the office and began following Nick through the Warehouse. As they passed the side of the Portacabin Sophie came heading back towards them, clutching two mugs of steaming hot coffee; she ignored Nick but looked up and met The Wolfs eye-line.

"Keep him company," he smirked as they passed one another. Hearing her the heel of her shoes strike the uneven floor behind him he looked back over his shoulder at her pert little ass squeezed into that tight little black skirt.


I drop the fourth cigarette in the last hour into the empty can of Stella Artois serving as makeshift ashtray as I squinted looking up to the Sky, the brightness making me nauseous against the lingering emotional and physical hangover. The second day of my break from work and I wasn't sure if I'd be better off actually being at work today. Despite my fuzzy head the distraction would be more than welcome.

My mind fuzzy as it is finds itself in a million places at once and none of them are where it should be.

Every time I close my eyes, I can see that look on her face. The silent realisation the barely audible gasp as she slipped backwards her hair rushing up past her face. I reach for her but she's too far away. I watch as Chloe falls, I watch as her eyes widen, her mouth falling open on words never spoken. She didn't scream with the air no doubt sucked from her lungs in panic and fear. I'd pushed her. I'd meant to push her away from me, but I'd pushed her from the top of the Storage Containers on which we'd both been stood.

I hadn't meant to; the push had been to break free of her. To step away from the vitriol and bile she spat at me with her every goading word.

Had she really killed my Father, was she really the one who'd never been caught for his murder?

The level of detail was scary, details very few could have known. Details correlating with her previous claims to have known him, to have been with him. If she had been with him then to have then been with me was somewhat sickening and deranged in itself. To embark on a relationship with the Son of the Man you'd murdered, let alone anything else, was actually beyond deranged. I couldn't comprehend the craziness of the situation. Dad's life had been a mess; the details alone of his diary still etched into my mind. The diary he'd left outlining his exploits that bordered criminal activity in some cases. Chloe hadn't detailed exactly what had gone on between the two of them, but her ire enough suggested she'd been damaged in incomprehensible ways. I knew so much more now about my Father than I ever had but in truth I knew very little about him. I wanted the diary back to cross reference what I thought I knew. I cursed my petulant destruction of the only copy I held and my stupidity at not making a copy of the contents. I knew a little from memory but perhaps no one knew the truth. The web of exploits and deceptions had given clues but no real substance.

Either way that didn't alter matters, that didn't alter the fact that Chloe, like Spider before her was dead. She had died at my hand.

I assume she's dead. I'd run like a coward, hurrying from the roof tops of the storage containers, taking stairs two to three at a time as I panicked. No one had seen, no one had witnessed I hadn't wanted to be there when they found her.

Fresh guilt consumes me; what if she'd survived and lay there critically injured. If she had been found and survived what now and what of the ramifications and consequence.

From the open window above me I hear the shower door slide closed, distracting me from my troubled train of thought. Reaching for the packet of Marlboro Silvers I light up yet again. Inhaling the first lungful's deeply in a futile attempt to quell my anxiety. I need something stronger than nicotine.

Slipping the packet back into the back pocket of my shorts I feel the now familiar shape of the switchblade knife Chloe had dropped as she fell. The only thing I'd stopped to retrieve, it hadn't left my person since I'd returned from The Docks. Turning it over and over; examining the sharp steel blade that I pulled from the handle. The dried blood that stained the hilt of the knife ominous; had this really been the weapon that killed my Father had this weapon really killed others as Chloe had intimated. And if so, Who?

"Is this all you're gonna do all day... sit around smoking?"

I look up and back as Sarah casts a shadow over me dressed in a light blue floral slip dress. Her damp towel dried hair frames the scowl across her face.

"My day off," I realise I've angrily retorted immediately; not so much by what I've said but by how I've said it.

I couldn't burden her with my problems, even if I wanted to. How could I begin to tell her what I'd done? As I look up into her face a sneer of anger at my snappy response still crosses her features mixed with a sadness, a haunted resignation that had shrouded her since Sophie had gone missing.

I drop the latest spent cigarette into the empty can. What was she doing there yesterday with him? The Wolf. I feel my teeth grind as I set my jaw realising, I'm in an impossible situation as I can't ask directly what she was doing at those Docks, not without explanation of why I was there. My only reason for being drawn there, beyond Chloe's persistent messages was that I still wasn't sure that I believe Chloe in relation to Sophie; in that she wasn't aware of Sophie or details of her disappearance. The raid on The Mills had been all over the local press, the brief details of horrors of the unnamed girls discovered there during the Police activity suggestion enough that there was so much bring covered up, not just by Chloe. We hadn't come close to discussing those matters.

Despite the raid the fact remained that Sophie was still missing and any connection to The Mills, to Chloe, to The Wolf, whoever the fuck The Wolf was, remained unclear. Something didn't feel right though. Something niggling me, preventing me from letting the subject go.

Somehow Sarah was now connected to all of this. Sarah was there seemingly in the middle of everything, alone with the faceless man identified by Chloe as The Wolf less than 24 hours ago. Was she genuinely connected or was there a more innocent explanation? If she was connected what was she not telling me about Sophie's continued absence, my head spun with the complexities as I saw them.

"Don't stare at me like that" Sarah snarled

"Like what" I pushed myself away from the patio table unawares I'd been focussed on her. Sarah backed away a little through the doorway retreating into the house. All the time I'm trying to work her out, suspicious of the one person who until yesterday had been the stable influence in my life. The one person I genuinely thought I could trust.

She shook her head, "With those cold eyes."

"Cold," I state raising a brow, "We've both become cold around one another... we've both become broken... haunted... the last few weeks have..."

I'm shocked at my honesty, despite not finishing my outpouring. Sarah backs away no further as the kitchen table now presses up against the backs of her legs.

"I know..." she utters a compassion in her wobbly voice, but she's also still seems distant. She can't bring herself to look up at me. I step forward and gently touch her chin lifting her face to meet mine.

"What's gone wrong with us?"

Her head shakes from side to side but she offers no response.

"We don't even fuck like we used to," I state quietly.

"We don't fuck... full stop," Sarah whispers back.

"You're right,"

"You stink of smoke" she looks up at me with doe eyes

"You stink of floral shower gel," I grin as I run my hand through damp hair.

I can feel my arousal instantly straining at the inside of my shorts. I step closer to her. Our eyes meeting as intensity blurs into something else. Sarah takes a deep breath as she lets me turn her. Almost instinctively she drops her body across the kitchen table. As I gently pin her lower back, I pull up the loose skirt of her dress. My free hand unbuckling my belt hurriedly in the sudden moment of intense passion. My shorts dropping down the backs of my legs. She groans as I feel her tight warmth around me. Her face turning to the side to look back at me with a slight grimace, she bites her lip before slowly turning her head to look away from me.

"Fuck me Jack," she whispered her hands stretching to the sides of the kitchen table which she grips hold of. "Fuck me hard."

I duly oblige.


The Wolf watched the grainy image on the CCTV monitor specifically rigged to the camera in his office. Watching as without struggle Sophie McAllister's hands grip the side of the desk tightly.

Her short black skirt high over her waist, her black denier tights pulled down across the backs of her thighs

Stood behind her his hands gripping her slender hips PC Lee Baines fucked her hard and fast. The hurried frantic style of a man who couldn't believe the opportunity presented to him and who was keen to make the most of said opportunity. He wouldn't last long.

The Wolf turned off the monitor all too aware of the eager grin that spread across Nick's face to his left. The Wolf had seen the sideways glances he'd always thrown at Sophie. Nick knew the rules though, appreciated the respect of the ultimate hierarchy. Sophie belonged to The Wolf; only he could farm her out as he saw fit. Nick would never be worthy of a beautiful creature like Sophie. Not without doing something to hugely impress him.

He'd wondered if she'd be up to the task in hand, if she could adequately deputise in a role Chloe would have handled with ease. Walking through the stacks of pallets The Wolf stopped dead, stricken by the memory not 24 hours earlier of lifting Chloe's lifeless body from the floor, her hair and upper body soaked from the pool of her own blood in which she'd been discovered by a Forklift Operator. Her fragile frail body limp in his arms, the lifeless stare set on the sky above her. No clue as to how she'd met with such a fate, no evidence to suggest foul play but no reason given by how she'd been behaving of late to suggest any reason she'd take her own life. Chloe was Chloe, Chloe had always had an edge to her from the first time he'd met her, he'd sensed the mischief within her. Mischief that as he'd gotten to know her had manifest quickly into her own brand of psychotic craziness.

Chloe was cold, manipulative, calculating, she was ruthless, and she was as driven as he was. She'd been his lieutenant for months. For years. Everything the Wolf had achieved recently had been with Chloe at his side, and more often than not sharing his bed, giving herself up to his sexual appetite, without question.

Clearing his throat, The Wolf strode forward. Chloe was gone, too much was playing out now for him to be distracted. Too much having been set in motion following the recent brush with the Law. Chloe he could tell hadn't had full faith in his plans to emerge seemingly legitimately with a stranglehold on a business empire that would facilitate so much more than illegal Warehouse parties, as profitable as they had been. He knew where the opportunity to make money was. Their audience and scope would no longer be limited by the excess of the demographic that attended Warehouse party's hell bent on cheap thrills, the popularity they would struggle to maintain wouldn't fade with the plan he had. They were going after wealth once more. Lopping the head off the body as he already had was the final step. Mainstream was where the real money was to be made. He'd studied the form, he knew the inadequacies in the current forces that controlled the high risk, high yield shadowy underworld markets. So much was happening so quickly that the loss of Chloe couldn't be mourned. The Wolf had no time to mourn, The Wolf lived for the moment.

Stalking his prey, he was set to pounce again.

He flung open the door to the Portacabin. He'd missed PC Baines moment but doubted Sophie had.

"Well... well... well..." he stated as shocked by the circumstances he found himself in Baines hurriedly pulled out of Sophie and addressed the exposed erection protruding from his open fly. The Wolf swiftly averted his eye line from the Officer. "I leave the Pig in my Sty for moments and he's rooting out my finest Truffles."

Baines stuttered and stammered but could find no words having been so caught off guard by the ferocity by which The Wolf had entered the room.

"I'm... I... I..." he offered

"Sit down and shut the fuck up" The Wolf demanded.

In the corner of his eye as Baines took a seat The Wolf saw Sophie embarrassingly pulling up her tights and straightening her skirt. Hair dishevelled; the tight white blouse hung open exposing her breasts from which the red bra had been crudely pulled down.

"Leave us" he coldly stated. Sophie's head hung low as she swiftly, apologetically, made her way from the Office. Drawing her hands across her chest to cover herself she seemed unable to look at The Wolf or Baines who she'd just allowed to fuck her.

The Wolf sat back at his desk; eyes set only on the somewhat flushed face of PC Lee Baines.

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