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The Dark Star - Aftermath Pt. 06


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"Congratulations you passed your interview with flying colours... sweet little fuck, isn't she?" The Wolf stated across the desk strewn with archaic paperwork that meant nothing to him. "So now little Piggy were going to discuss your terms of employment"

"My... my... Baines was confused he couldn't comprehend what was going on "I don't want to..."

"Work for me?" The Wolf finishes his sentence "You don't get a say in the matter PC Baines ...not after what you just did."

Baines shook his head and finally grasped some authority, "She came on to me."

"I'm not worried about her," The Wolf stated chuckling a little. "I told her to seduce you ...young attractive girl like that do you think ordinarily she'd look twice at a piece of shit like you?"

Baines once again flabbergasted sat open mouthed his eyes darting around the room; he was panicked, he was scared.

"You should have looked twice at her though" The Wolf continued "You're obviously that much of a shit show of a Police Officer PC Baines... if you'd looked twice at her you'd have seen who she was."

His confusion still apparent, "Who ...she..." he stammered.

"Yes ... who she is ... You'll work for me now PC Baines... or I'll anonymously release date stamped CCTV footage to your Superiors of one of their Officers fucking Sophie McAllister... the same Sophie McAllister they've spent weeks and countless man hours looking for... of course, they'll find her body in the Docks"

The Wolf watched as the colour drained from the Officers face. PC Baines had just been fucked harder than he could have ever fucked Sophie McAllister. The best part of the next hour spent by The Wolf, with very little objection, detailing how Baines would monitor and inform him at every opportunity on matters relating to a number of organisations and individuals. How Baines would be his eyes and ears with the Police Force that surrounded The Wolf's proposed new operations. Keeping him informed, keeping him one step ahead of the Law.

At the end of that hour, confident he had him in his pocket, he escorted PC Baines back to his squad car and watched him drive away through The Docks.

The Wolf needed to change out of Jeans and a Tee, he needed food. He was running late but he grinned; he was feeling great.


Jamie pierce set her overnight bag on the edge of the King Size bed in the exclusive penthouse suite of the Hotel

She walked over to the floor to ceiling long narrow patio door that accessed the private terrace and slid aside the door. Late heat of the day still warm enough on her exposed skin as she stepped out and cast her eyes across the city; the hustle and bustle of the day fading into the quieter night-time sounds.

Dressed in a short strapless black dress over underwear that had arrived gift wrapped on her desk hours earlier, the heels of her thigh length black leather boots spiked the concrete paving slabs as she approached the balcony and took a deep breath of air into her lungs.

The setting sun painting the sky a fiery shade of orange, silhouetting the high-rise buildings of the City.

In her hand her phone vibrated, she read the message with a knowing smile.

He was running late, of course he was.


The orange pink glow of the summer night sky framed the stacked Storage Containers as The Wolf approached the gathered throng consisting of three clear groups rather than individuals. All here at his invitation. The Dark Web had responded to his invitation, discreet as it had been. The subtle combination of rosa-blanca.ru had met the right searches for the right groups of associates.

"Gentlemen...I apologise for keeping you waiting it's been an eventful day" The Wolf stated buttoning up his Suit Jacket despite the warmth of the late evening. "I trust you've all taken the opportunity to inspect what's on offer this evening."

He stepped before the open Storage Container turning to face the three distinct small groups of individuals

"One 2019 production Model Audi R8 ...6 thousand miles only on the clock..." A dark sardonic grin spread across The Wolf's face, "I'm sure you'll agree the body is immaculate and I can testify the engine is in good working order ...it comes sold as seen, with all optional extras."

He waited, his anticipation building, a sense of excitement. The hustle was on.

"Shall we start the bidding at Seventy Thousand?"

Immediately a nod from the group to his left from the first interested party.

"That's Seventy."

"Eighty," an Oriental looking Gentleman to the front of the group in the middle stated immediately, his colleague behind him translating into a mobile phone all the time.

"Ninety," The spokesman for the party on the left stated.

"One hundred" The Arabian looking male from the party to the right finally speaks up.

Immediately followed up with "One Fifty" from the Orientals. The excited pace of the conversation on the telephone picking up.

Shrugging his shoulders, The Wolf looks around the gathering the bid seems to have killed the momentum. An admirable flex of financial muscles, they wanted the deal even if they weren't following the standard practice of auction etiquette.

"Anymore for anymore" The Wolf coaxes.

There's a long pause punctuated by plenty of hushed discussion between the party to the left before a tentative offer of "One Sixty?"

"I'll accept." The Wolf confirms knowing full well he'd have accepted one hundred and fifty-one. Profit is profit after all.

The Oriental immediately counters with a brash; "One Hundred and Seventy-Five"

The Wolf knows it's over, the party to his right barely got into the three-way auction. The body language of the party to the left that of resignation; not wishing to take on the obvious financial clout of the keen party from the Far East. He can't help but wonder what their upper limit would have been. How much he could have raised from this hustle. His greed knowing no bounds.

"Gentlemen" he nods to them "Sold as seen ...you have the payment instructions ...you can take your acquisition tonight so long as the wire transfer clears."

The Wolf turns his back on the three parties. Crouching he peers in through the open passenger window of the Super Car where Laura Mancini dressed in exquisite black lingerie sits bound and gagged, an orange ball gag that matches the colour of the vehicle wedged between her firm collagen enhanced lips. Her eyes wet, her face flushed, it takes a moment for her to focus on him to recognise him. The muffled scream fills the interior of the car as she struggles.

"Buona fortuna Laura Mancini."


"Fuck..." Jamie managed to state thorough exhausted breath "... I'd forgotten how insatiable you can be."

Lay face down across the now dishevelled white sheets of the Hotel suite bed. She watched as he crossed the suite peeling the condom from his dick and dropping it into the aluminium waste bin next to the dresser. The exhilarated aching feeling ran through her body, flushed her cheeks. The satisfaction of the fuck that had started slow, almost tender but built to the explosive climax that slowly now subsided from her body as she propped herself up and watched as he stepped his naked form out through the window onto the balcony on which she'd earlier stood.

Pulling herself up off the bed, the lingerie he'd barely paid attention to now strewn across the floor, her dress a dishevelled heap in the corner of the room Jamie followed him. Dressed now in only the thigh high boots she'd known he wouldn't remove from her. She snatched a clutch bag from the side table and took a pack of cigarettes and a lighter

The chill of the night air welcome across her own naked form as she stepped up alongside him at the balcony. A smattering of stars unusually visible in the clear City night sky.

She lit a cigarette, and he extended a rugged hand. As she lit his cigarette for him Jamie stared up into his equally rugged features. They stood there for moments in mutual contemplation of one another. His mind she had no doubt on what was to come before the sky above them illuminated with the first signs of daybreak.

"So, I'll be seeing more of you then Mr Wolf" She stated as she stubbed out her cigarette under the heel of her boot and set the cigarettes and lighter on a table to her left.

"Can you handle?" He stated flicking his own stub over the side of the building.

"Don't let this go to your head but I missed you" she grinned, instantly her mind back to the last half an hour of passion and sensation. It was the truth. She silently welcomed the smirk that flashed across his face.

"There's something I need you to do for me"

"There nearly always is," Jamie teased him with a playful look.

"You might call it De Ja Vu."

"What do you want?" She leant against the balcony and felt him step up behind her. His hands coming to rest over hers as she felt him press his still hard cock against her ass. She really had forgotten how insatiable he could be.

"Set up another meeting with Jack Hughes ... this time with me."

"Where?" Jamie groaned as he planted kisses down her neck and across her shoulder

"The club should suffice."

"So, we've reached the point of no return?" Jamie felt the tip of his dick probe against her his hands slipping down her sides over her ass prior pulling her ass cheeks apart.

"You could say that."

Jamie braced her arms, her grip on the balcony tightening as she locked out boot clad legs. Feeling his dick slowly enter her ass.

"Condom," Jamie uncomfortably groaned as he slowly claimed her.

"It's OK," The Wolf stated. "I'll cum on your face"

Chapter Four; Nuclear

Lost in his own thoughts Neil Wood walked along the banks of the river in the early evening sunshine. The day hadn't been as oppressively warm as of late, but the beers and barbecue planned with a group of friends later that evening would be a welcome end to a busy week, the workload was certainly not helped by the incessant heat of the summers ongoing heat wave.

This was such a quiet spot to get away from it all, he regularly enjoyed heading to the remote location at end of week in the office.

It should have been a quiet spot.

Ahead he could hear Doug, his bulldog, barking away furiously for attention. The low growling bark he emitted when wanting to draw attention to something or someone suspicious looking. Rounding the corner of the footpath he could see the tan and white back end of Doug as he crouched low on his front legs but with his back legs up braced, alert. He faced the river barking, continually barking his distrust at whatever it was he could see.

"Not them bloody ducks again is it dopey" Neil stated while drawing alongside of his four-legged companion, his blood froze in his veins despite the early evening humidity.

A body. A female body lay face down washed up against the shallows on the banks of the river, the level of which had noticeably dropped in the drought of the heatwave, the pale swollen skin of her arms and legs an insipid white blue in colour. Mid length sodden brown hair matted with algae and water weeds hung lank in the water. He couldn't see her face, he was glad he couldn't, the body shape was obviously that of a young female of that he was sure.

Then the stench hit him, flies swarmed around the body. Larvae and Maggots crawling over a now visible open flesh wounds as he looked closer.

He wretched bringing a hand over his mouth and nose.

Whoever this poor girl was she'd been here in the heat and partially submerged for some time.

"Come away boy ... come away."

Grabbing Doug by the collar he pulled him away pulling his mobile phone from the pocket of his combat shorts and hurriedly dialling three nines.


Stopping just inside the main doorway The Wolf smiles as he surveys his new kingdom, his new domain

"Welcome," says Jamie Pierce as she approaches confidently, dressed in a short silver dress and high heels.

Her eyes are wide with excitement her face beams with a smile as she sweeps an arm to everything that's behind her.

"He arrived yet," The Wolf enquires bluntly.

"Not yet," Jamie answers. "I've reserved the most discreet booth for the two of you."

The Wolf could have met him anywhere publicly or privately, a restaurant, a quieter bar, The Docks but he wanted to experience this place and get a sense of feeling of its atmosphere, observe its clientele, see how it ran and operated.

Disappointingly Servitu is all but desolate; it's barely Ten Thirty admittedly but the dance floor is empty, the narrow space between it and the bar also empty and the bar is barely one deep. He'd expected the place to be alive with gyrating bodies. Girl's dancing pressed up against Guys, girls with girls and even maybe guys with guys. The place barely had a pulse; it had no atmosphere and nothing to suggest it stood out from any other venue in the City it certainly didn't feel it was free from the shackles of conformity like he'd imagined it would be. The liberal reputation of the club had spread by word of mouth over the years when It had been known as The Dark Star. It painfully failed to live up to the reputation and obviously wasn't encouraging people through the doors as a consequence, perhaps gimmicks of cheap drinks, reduced entry price and other promotions could in the short term, but it needed something to fix it, and fast.

The place was well maintained though. It must have taken time, money and effort to keep this place in order and fully staffed. Now Laura Mancini's inheritance couldn't bridge the gaps something would have to be done to raise the revenue required. The Wolf was cash rich from two significant hustles. The paperwork rushed through legal channels had exchanged the deeds to this place for the nominal fee of a pound. The Mancini Empire might have been able to, but he couldn't afford to keep supplementing the losses that the venue must've been making if tonight was typical of a Friday night.

The Wolf watched as the hostesses, barely a grade up from street prostitutes in their appearance mingle amongst sleazy looking individuals and groups; offering liberally their services to mainly bloated sweaty desperate looking males. He watched as one of the hostesses passed a small clear bag of cocaine a little too obviously to a customer in exchange for cash. Drug dealing throughout the club would be expected. The control of such narcotics would also be a healthy boost to revenue alongside the traditional door charges and bar tariffs. And while illegality brings risk, controlling the flow; flooding the market keeps the unsavoury elements out of the club. But the exchange was what ruled him, the crass unsubtle nature of the transaction.

The Wolf wasn't happy with what he surveyed, and he'd barely scratched the surface. "We've got our work cut out for us?"

"Summers always quieter" Jamie offered

"Bullshit... give people what they want they'll always come back for more... This place is just an upmarket brothel in its current guise."

"It's had better times," Jamie honestly admitted guiding The Wolf towards the booth she'd had roped off earlier as reserved.

As The Wolf brushed past her to take a seat she offered, "There were definitely more interesting times"

"Reputations are easily restored," The Wolf stated.

"I'll fetch you a drink" Jamie offered "Your usual?"


I walk back into the Club having bypassed the pay booth by giving my name to the doorman.

Jamie Pierce was a name I hadn't considered in a long time. Her recent text messages catching me not so much unawares, but they certainly were unexpected. She'd requested I come and meet her here. At this Club, the place despite having visited only twice before I deliberately avoided. I'd told Sarah I was away to meet up with Harry for a few beers. Whatever was so important had better not be time consuming, not that I sensed Sarah truly cared what I got up to.

The place is far quieter than I remember from the last time I was here I'm thinking as I see her walking towards me; I try to hide the grimace from my face. The last time I'd been here I'm not sure Jamie Pierce had even been aware. The last time I'd seen Jamie Pierce she'd been tied to a bed in one of the rooms to my left. Blindfolded while I'd paid to sleep with her, paid to fuck her in a spiralling moment of depravity. Inwardly cringing as she steps before me, she looks good in the short silver dress though, looks good for an older woman at least. Her smile broad she embraces me with a hug that I find uncomfortable given the circumstances.

"Hey Jack, glad you could make it," she enthusiastically beams on letting go of me.

"Your text ...you said it was important." I offer realising I haven't met her greeting. "What's so important that you drag me down here on a Friday night?"

She immediately seems visibly a little on edge, nervous, overly excited, I can't quite put my finger on it.

"Yes ...um" she takes hold of my wrist and I spot a black star tattoo on her wrist that I don't recall from before. "I think you'd better just follow me Jack."

She leads me away into the club from the entrance foyer my mind not really on where she leads me, what the fuck is going on? As I follow, I catch the scent of the strong sharp perfume she wears. Triggering a further memory of the last time I was here. I watch her slender figure in the backless dress. My eye-line falls to the backs of toned legs wrapped in fine denier, as she walks her dress rides up a revealing the slightest glimpse of patterned stocking top with each step. I think of her lay there, her breathing fast and heavy having fucked her hard, her hands cuffed to the bed the blindfold across her eyes. She had no idea at the time I doubted if she did in this moment. The thought of the promiscuous liaison I'd paid for the privilege of excites me briefly then fills me with remorse.

Jamie looks back with a smile.

I keep following her as she leads me a zig zag path through a maze of private booths, most of which are unoccupied. Leading me to the darkest furthest corner of the club. I can see a bottle sat there on the table that she approaches. What does she need to discuss, what can't she have told me any other place but here?

A bottle, an ice bucket, two tumblers now visible and as Jamie turns back once more, she says something I can no longer concentrate on as she steps aside to reveal him.

My legs week I reach for and grip the table edge as Jamie steps aside to reveal the male sat facing me.





"How are ya Jack the Lad"

His voice resonated in my ears, my eyes still not believing what they were seeing. I'm conscious of Jamie stepping away. Inexplicably I turn to her. The feeling of my stomach rushing to my throat. My head explodes I can't comprehend what's playing out before me.

"What ...what is this?" I utter to Jamie, her free hand coming to her mouth in shock as she tries to back away.

"What the fuck is this!!" I demand

Gripping her hand pulling her back as she pulls away sharply shaking her head "I ... I better ... I better let him explain."

Jamie pulls away and suddenly I'm conscious of two burley looking door staff stood between myself and the only clear channel of exit from this corner of the club, the club that functions around us. Heavy Dance music providing the soundtrack to the most surreal experience I've ever known.

"Let me explain" his hand taps the bench seat next to him as he pours a brandy over ice into one of the tumblers. "I hear you've a taste for it yourself"

A drink, a fucking drink my dead Father sits in the corner of the nightclub he once ran nonchalantly offering me a fucking drink.

"No... no... no... what the fucking hell is going on here... you're dead ... you're fucking dead." I feel the burning tears in my eyes as my hands run through my hair, fingernails pulling at my scalp in frustrated desperation "You're fucking dead"

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