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Click here"The bra too, please." Sam smiled up at her. Such an innocent, kid-in-the-candy-store smile.
"Joyce?" Lakshmi said.
"It's okay, Lakshmi." Joyce stepped over to Sam's computer chair and sat down, confident she wasn't needed to guide Lakshmi anymore. She watched with wide eyes. It was all so wrong, but maybe this is how they'd get it sorted out.
"Um ... okay, I guess." Lakshmi reached up between her boobs and released the clasp on her bra. Her wedding ring glinted in the morning light. The bra opened and her boobs fell out.
"Wow." Sam couldn't believe it. "You're beautiful Mrs. Singh." Her boobs dropped and bounced. They were big for her small body, standing out proudly and a little to the side. Her areolae and nipples were smaller than Joyce's and so dark that they were almost black. Sam had never seen boobs like these.
"I don't know." Lakshmi lifted up her right arm to cover her boobs. But that was a mistake, because the warmth from the rock had a more direct route. "What would Raj think?" The warmth spread completely through her.
"Honestly? I don't think he'd like it." Joyce watched her friend. "But he'll never know. The important thing is that we have to help Sammy. His thing really hurts him, Lakshmi. He needs some relief and a mother can't do that for her son."
"No." Lakshmi shook her head. "No, she can't." Lakshmi dropped to her knees and crawled over to Sam. She dropped the rock by his left foot.
"Please help." Sam looked down at her.
"Okay. I'll help this one time, because it looks painful." She took a deep breath and looked up at that monster. "Remember all those years ago when you fell off your bike and broke your arm?"
"Yeah," Sam said.
"And I held you until your mom got home." Lakshmi reached out and lightly touched the purple head. Some precum dribbled down the side. It did look like it was hurting. "This will be like that." She grabbed his penis with both hands and stroked up and down. Her hands had a long way to go.
Sam looked back and forth between the two women in his room. His mom sat transfixed. Whatever her plan, Sam guessed it hadn't involved watching her friend give him a handjob.
"It's really thick." Lakshmi stared at her work, mesmerized by her task.
"Ah ... that's really good, Mrs. Singh. But I think I need more."
"Really?" Lakshmi looked up at him with pleading eyes.
Sam nodded.
"Um." Lakshmi pulled her right hand off his penis and brushed a lock of black hair behind her ear. Before she knew hit, that fat knob was in her mouth. It tasted so good. She wanted more.
"That's ... ah ... good," Sam said. He watched Mrs. Singh's little head bob on his dick. "Keep going." He put his right hand behind her head and held her, firm but gentle.
Ten minutes later, Mrs. Singh was still between Sam's legs slurping on his dick.
"Okay," Sam said. "That's ... uh ... enough."
"Uuuuurrrgggghhhh?" Lakshmi said around his dick.
With the hand behind her head, Sam gently pulled on her hair until his dick popped out of her mouth.
"What?" Lakshmi panted. Drool dripped off her pretty little chin.
Sam scooted back in the bed. "Come on up."
"You want?" Lakshmi blinked up at him a couple times. "There's no way that will fit."
"Maybe we've gone far enough," Joyce said.
Lakshmi looked over at her friend questioningly.
"It's okay, mom." Sam pulled off his shirt and tossed it to the floor. "I've got this." He leaned over the edge of the bed, picked up the rock and put it under his mattress. He then grasped Lakshmi's left hand and pulled her up onto the bed. Her wedding ring rubbed against his thumb and Sam thought of poor Raj putting it on her for the first time all those years ago. And how, at that time, they must have been so confident she'd take only Raj's dick inside her from then on.
"I don't know." Lakshmi watched as her teenaged neighbor pull off her pants and sopping panties. "Do you have a condom?"
"Always wear a condom, Sammy." Joyce said
"Oh, yeah." Sam pulled one out from beside his bed, tore the packet, and rolled it on.
Even sheathed, Sam's penis looked fearsome. Lakshmi gulped and lifter her leg over him. "I really don't know." She reached under her and held his penis with her left hand. She could feel it pulsing. Penises weren't supposed to do that. Not like this. She slowly lowered herself and guided it in. "Oh," she said as it spread out her entrance.
"You're so tight, Mrs. Singh." Sam watched his dick disappear inside her. The triangle of hair between her legs was black. The outside of her pussy was the same deep dark brown of her skin. But, as she inched up and down, adjusting, he could see the bright pink of the inside of her pussy lips, stretched to their capacity. It was amazing.
"It ... fits." Lakshmi was breathing hard again. She'd hit bottom and it hadn't killed her. She gently rocked her hips. This was all so warped. How was this actually happening? "Ughhhh ... I have to ... go slow. You're ... ah ... oh ... so much bigger than my husband."
"That's fine, Mrs. Singh." Sam reached up with his right and caressed her left boob. A little more compact than his mom's, but still very heavy and full. When she didn't push him away he grabbed each boob and gently massaged her. She was rocking too slowly for Sam. He pulled on her boobs a little to get her into a faster rhythm. It worked. Her wide hips ground down onto his narrow ones with an increasing pace.
"What's your husband ... ah ... doing right now?" Sam moved his hands from her boobs down to her hips and held on tight.
"What?" That brought her back to reality. She looked down at the boy she was riding, with his smug grin. "He's ..." But her hips wouldn't stop. She leaned forward and placed her hands on his meager chest. So unlike her Arjun. "He's ... uh ... uh ... playing tennis with ... oohhhhh ... friends." She was getting close.
"And Arjun?"
"Aaaaahhhhhh." Her pussy clenched and she stopped her rocking motion. She closed her eyes tight and trembled all over. Thirty seconds later, she was back grinding at a steady pace.
"I asked ... ah ... about Arjun." Sam watched her petite frame rock back and forth. She wasn't as smooth as his mom or as frenetic as his sister. She was probably not all that experienced.
"He's ... ah ... basketball practice." She spit the words out.
"The whole ... Singh family ... playing with balls," Sam said.
"Don't torment her, honey." Joyce leaned forward on the chair, looking on in fascination.
"Sorry, mom." His grip tightened on Lakshmi's hips. "I'm ... uh ... getting close."
"What ... uh ... uh ... uh ... what do I do?" Lakshmi looked down at Sam below her. Those big balls held a lot of cum. That condom might not hold it all.
"Finish him with your mouth," Joyce's voice was almost a whisper.
Lakshmi dismounted him with some effort. She crawled between Sam's legs, grabbed his penis, and pulled off the condom. She lowered her mouth and sucked for all she was worth. Her butt stuck up directly in Joyce's line of sight. Her best friend probably had a clear view of her gaping pussy. This thought disturbed Lakshmi, but not enough to stop.
"Aaahhhhhh." Sam erupted in her mouth.
Lakshmi coughed and sputtered. She pulled off his thing and he sprayed her face, hair, and boobs. It was all over her. She couldn't believe the intoxicating smell. This was all a revelation. A horrific revolution to her thinking about pleasure. His cum was so much hotter than her husband's. She licked her lips. And tasted so much better. When he was done, she turned toward Joyce with a look of complete disbelief and then fell face first onto the blanket.
"That was awesome, Mrs. Singh. Can't wait to do that again," Sam said from somewhere behind her.
"Never ... again," Lakshmi said between gasps for air.
The bed bounced a little as Sam moved behind her. If he was anything like Raj, he'd be soft by now and ready for a nap.
"Don't you dare, Sam Higgins," Joyce said. "Not like that. I mean it."
Lakshmi sighed. What could she be talking about? He'd already done everything he could do.
"It's okay, mom." Sam got on his knees in between Lakshmi's legs. He placed his hands on her wide hips and pulled her up onto all fours.
"What are you doing?" Lakskshmi looked back at him over her shoulder. To her horror, she discovered he was still hard.
Oh no, he was going to mount her.
Sam pushed in.
"Ooohhhhh." She felt him split her wide open. "I won't be able to ... oooohhhhh ... take it. In this ... position." She panted as he inched it in.
"You're treating her like an animal." Joyce had her fingers over her eyes, peeking in between them like a kid watching a horror movie.
"It's okay." Sam hit bottom. Her pussy spasmed around his dick. He held on firmly to the curve of her hips and pushed and pulled, getting into a steady pace. The pink of her pussy clutched desperately to his dick on every outthrust.
"Oh ... God." Lakshmi looked up at Joyce. Sam's cum dripped off her chin and down her cheek. It was all over her hair. "I can take it ... aaaahhhhh." Lakshmi's face was twisted in desperate ecstasy. Her mouth hung open, her eyes glassy. "Joyce ... I ... uh ... uh ... can take it ... uh ... uh ... I can take it ... all."
Sam was really giving it to her now.
"Oh, Sammy. I can't believe you're doing that to her." Joyce's hands dropped to her knees. She watched in amazement. Her little friend was bouncing like a rag doll, her back arched, her boobs swaying beneath her.
No one but Sam noticed he was no longer wearing a condom. But that was fine. He'd pull out. "This is ... my first ... uh ... uh ... doggystyle. You?"
"My ... my ... husb ..." Lakshmi was quite the sight. Her knuckles turned white as she gripped the blanket. Her butt rippling with every thrust from Sam. Her eyes rolled upward. Sam's stuff still dripping off her face. She couldn't get out the words. She came again.
"You and Raj do it like that?" Joyce stared on. "I can't believe you two."
"I'm going to ... going to ... cum ... Mrs. Singh." Sam jackhammered into her.
"AAaaahhhhgggghhh," Was all Lakshmi could say.
"Goodness, Sammy." Joyce's hand went to her mouth. "Not inside her. You don't have a condom on." She had noticed after all.
"Ah ... okay ... mom." Sam pulled out and blasted load after load all over his neighbor's butt and back. She was now nearly covered from head to toe. Sam fell next to her onto to his back. He looked over at the sweaty, cum soaked, mess she'd become. "That was great." A big smile spread from ear to ear. "Will you be my girlfriend Mrs. Singh?"
Still on her hands and knees, panting, eyes closed, Lakshmi thought about her situation. She'd gotten up this morning a happy suburban wife and mother. And now this. How could this happen? "Not in a million years," she said.
Joyce stood, picked up one of the clean towels by Sam's bed, and wrapped her friend in it. She helped her off the bed. Lakshmi's legs wobbled. She walked her to the door and looked back at her son. His thing still stood straight up. "Give it a little time, sweetheart. These things take time." She turned back to Lakshmi. "Let's get you in the shower."
Sam watched them go. They turned into the hallway and disappeared. The last thing he heard was his mom. "I can't believe you let Raj get behind you like that."
Lakshmi swore she didn't know what came over her, and it'd never happen again. But the next day, she arrived at the Higgins door right before Sam got home from school. Sam took her in his room again and covered her in cum while his mom watched. It was the most perverted scandal ever to hit their neighborhood and she was right in the middle of it. No one could ever find out.
Each day, as Lakshmi cleaned off in Joyce's shower, she'd vow never again to let Sam's horrific thing near her. But the day after, she'd find herself walking next-door around 3 p.m.
Why did she let this happen? Why did Joyce let this happen?
She was just lucky Sam was responsible enough to keep his cum on the outside.
But that wasn't all. Every night that week, she'd accost Raj for sex. He was thrilled at first, but by midweek he was making excuses. And Lakshmi found herself in her bathroom, furiously fingering her pussy and thinking of her teenage neighbor's enormous cock. What had she become?
Bex got home early on Thursday. Usually she'd be working at the coffee shop in the afternoons, but someone covered her shift. "Mom?" She expected to find her mom in the living room, reading. Or in the kitchen. Or working out in the garden. But she wasn't around. Maybe she was out shopping or something. Bex didn't care enough to check the garage.
Time to get back to coding that app on her computer. She walked upstairs and down the hall toward her room. She stopped by Sam's door. She put her ear to the door. It was unmistakable. The rhythmic thumping, slapping skin, and grunting. Sam had a girl in there.
Well, good for him. Maybe he'd stop being such a pervert if he was getting some. But he should be more careful. He couldn't let mom catch him. She'd flip out if she knew he was banging someone under her roof. Bex listened and smiled.
"Sam ... aaaahhhhhh ... oh ... it's so deep," a girl said.
Her smile faded. Wait, Bex knew that voice. Not a girl at all. That was a woman. It couldn't be.
"Right there ... ahhhhh ... bounce on it, Mrs. Singh," Sam said.
Oh ... my ... God. Bex could not believe he was banging Mrs. Singh. She was old enough to be his mother. Jesus. It was so wrong. Suddenly, Bex noticed that her panties were very wet. She snuck back to her room and rubbed her clit for a long time. All the while, imagining her little brother breaking the pussy of their married next-door neighbor. Pure insanity.
Oh, the haters are gonna be haters, regardless...too bad they cannot control their senses, have to post all these "negative vibes" all over the place...nobody appreciates them...
Especially with a story like this around to read!! I am more interested how this story is turning out than in the haters comments...
I LOVE how mom thinks "doggie" is for animals, and will not let Sam fuck her from behind...and is then socked when Lakshmi takes him, ALL OF HIM, in her little Indian pussy...
So Lakshmi Singh finally got it, eh? I wonder when their neighbor Korva Coleman will join the party? ;-)
Lol, "Writing should never be for money". That cracked me up.
Keep up the wonderful work, thanks for sharing it with us for free.
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