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The Destruction of Superheroes Ch. 02

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The superheroine Destinate loses to some common bank robbers.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/12/2020
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This story is mine and was also published elsewhere.


Destinate was young, and had only been a hero for about two years, but already she was making waves in Omen City for her efficiency and power -- not to mention her beauty. She wore a skin-tight silver costume in the shape of a one-piece swimsuit, with a boob window on the chest to display her ample cleavage for the many photo shoots which she participated in. The suit had a blue trim along the end of the sleeves, neckline, belt, and edges of her boob window, and the costume was completed with a blue cape and a pair of blue boots. With long flowing hair, and an impressively sized rack, Destinate was a sight indeed.

But for heroes, this was not indicative of an absence of power -- the two often went hand in hand, and Destinate was no different. She possessed bulletproof skin, the ability to fly and hover, and she could lift roughly five times her own weight. Not flashy, but effective. She had other means of gaining popularity than flashy powers. Despite her encouragement of a certain type of eyes to be laid upon her (a set of eyes which she actively sought to maintain and grow), she would play the part of a starry-eyed innocent young girl in public appearances, and admittedly never acted in an outright sexual manner. Omen City ate the act up, and in her short two years of duty she was already one of the most beloved heroes of the city.

Despite all that she put on and all of her presence, she was still a 23 year old woman, and the news of Supremacy's humiliating defeat and death had shaken her. But finally, two days after the events unfolded and with the city falling into panic and chaos, she knew that she had to get back out there and give the people back some hope. Somebody else had to take over from Supremacy now, and Destinate decided that it would be her.

There was a bank robbery in progress near to her apartment, and she quickly suited up to put a stop to it. If the heroes only focused on the larger crimes and the superpowered criminals, petty crime would continue to rise and the city would not feel safe again for a long time more. This was to be the young pinup girl's message to the world -- that Omen City was under her protection!

Flying gently down through the bank's open skylight with her hands heroically on her hips, Destinate called down to the unpowered ski-mask-wearing criminals that were currently pointing their guns at the register and filling bags up with money.

"That looks like a big loan! How are you going to pay it back?"

"It's Destinate!" One of the thugs cried out as she touched down in the middle of the small circle that they formed and raised her hands into a battle-ready pose.

The criminals at the bank's counter froze and the teller jumped for joy, pumping his fist into the air. The remaining robbers, who had encircled Destinate, were doing some mental calculations -- this wasn't about getting the money anymore, this was about how they could get away. And how many they'd leave behind.

The surprised pause subsided, and as one the criminals surrounding her began running around wildly and firing off shots towards her. Some went to grab discarded bags of money, others went straight for the door, but all of them let loose shot after shot towards Destinate in a vain hope that she might stop being bulletproof for a moment. It had been a while since she'd been shot, mainly fighting against criminals who could punch like a train could drive or shoot fire from their palms recently, but a moment's readjustment was all that she needed before she righted herself and began flying towards the exit to take out the ones attempting an escape, tagged by constant fire all the while.

A throw into a wall and a backhanded fist took the runners out, but as she turned back to the remaining three criminals Destinate was sent reeling by a bullet which found its mark directly over her nipple -- no damage, but the amount of force applied to so little of such a sensitive area was enough to rock her.

The fire continued to land across her hunched, gasping body. She reached up and clutched the tormented boob through her costume's silver fabric, her fingers sinking into the soft and pillowy orb as the impacts slowly stopped.

"Hey, boys!" One of the criminals called, as his remaining two partners eyed the recovering superheroine with him. "Aim for the other one!"

No! Destinate just about managed to think as she stood back up straight, before a hailstorm of bullets fell across her chest, sending her several steps backwards and out of her position to leap back into action. As her back pressed up against the bank's glass door, she lost her footing and fell onto her ass propped up against it, mewling pathetically but too out of it to attempt to cover up her abused pair. This can't be happening... she barely managed to think. They're just ordinary people...

The peppering of fast-moving pellets ceased and there was silence as the entire bank, criminals and civilians alike, held their breath. The powerful icon Destinate, still lying back and propped against the door, breathed slow and heavy, her ample bosom and exposed cleavage rising and falling with each intake of breath. Her head rolled to one side, and a hand reached up slowly to gently massage at a breast through her silver costume before it fell limp at her side once more, but she did not get back up. The teller's wide grin faded, transferred to the masked robbers, as the civilians inside the bank shared in a simultaneous sharp intake of breath. Was she...?

"Hope we didn't put her in a coma, eh boys?" The same robber spoke at last, levity clear in his tone. "Grab the rest a' the cash. I'm gonna..." In lieu of finishing his sentence, he licked his lips and took steps towards the fallen idol before him, who was quietly babbling something incoherent to herself. The other criminals (with a jealous eye on their compatriot) returned their focus to the horrified teller as the man reached her body, loosely trying and failing to move from its position.

The man ran his eyes across her form in silent awe. Her legs, resting still and bent on the ground, her gently shaking and shuddering torso, and her limp arms with their twitching fingers, constantly attempting to rise from the ground. We really did a number on you, hey? The man thought to himself, poking the tip of his shoe into her soft breast flesh.

"Whatsa matter, Destinate? Not spouting off about 'justice' and shit now, eh? Shoulda known you hero-types were all talk. You ain't shit."

He crouched down and reached forward towards the heroine's storied chest. "Let me help you out there." He grinned wickedly as he began massaging and fondling the flesh through her suit, forcing a deep moan out of the young hero as he did what she couldn't right now. And it was starting to feel good...

As she was brought low and groped, the other criminals finishing off the robbery and shooting glances in her direction, Destinate looked around the bank with wild eyes from her inactive body. The man crouched beside her continued his massage as she noticed through foggy vision that some of the civilians didn't look scared -- instead, they had their phones out, and were filming what was being done to her.

"Noooo..." She moaned out at last, trying to roll onto her side but succeeding only in moving her head to the other shoulder. A small crowd of people were gathering at the front of the bank now, peering through the glass of the windows and door at what was happening inside...

"Hey, looks like they like you, Destinate!" The man taunted, squeezing the breast in his hand tightly and forcing a squeal out of the heroine. "Good thing they've got someone like you to protect them, huh? They're clearly very appreciative."

The man stood back up and smiled in amazement when she continued to lie there. These super-types aren't so tough after all...

Taking his gun, he bent over her and pressed the barrel right up against the fabric covering her nipple. "Why don't you get up, Destinate? I'll give you a special present."

As the metal pressed deeper into her chest, Destinate's eyes widened and her breathing quickened. She couldn't take another, not this close... attempting to rise, the heroine managed to get one foot underneath her before the weight of her own body became too much and she fell forward onto the bank's marble, hardened nipples impacting the cold stone and forcing out another whimper.

"You're so WEAK!" The man cried with glee, pocketing his gun once again and reaching down to unbuckle his pants. "Alright, I've gotta try you. Destinate, huh? Look at you now..."

At this, more of the civilians both inside and outside of the bank reached for their phones to film this, none using them to call for any sort of help. She'd be fine, right? When were they ever going to get to see something like this again? And besides... this was Destinate. Omen City had been teased by her for too long, it was about time they got something out of her.

Finding enough strength to raise her head, Destinate saw the criminal's dick come loose from his pants -- fully erect and average in size, but certainly more than she could handle right now. With a gulp, Destinate put in one more effort to rise up from the ground...

As feeble as she had become, Destinate knew that she couldn't possibly escape the man, ordinary as he may be. And if he caught her, and delivered another volley of bullets to her chest...

Shameful as it was, Destinate knew what she had to do in order to both buy herself time and to protect her womanhood. On her hands and knees, she mustered what little strength she still had and crawled towards the hanging criminal cock like a wounded dog to the ever-widening jaw-splitting grin of the awestruck bank robber before her. What luck!

Coming to rest on her knees after reaching the base of his legs, Destinate looked up at the ecstatic criminal with pleading eyes. She saw no remorse. Mournfully, she shut her eyes as she leaned forward towards the cock, clutching its base. The other robbers had finished bagging everything that the bank had to offer, and were now resigned to holding their breath and watching with the rest of the local populace. Several cameras were readjusted to make sure that none of the action was missed.

With shuddering breath, feeling each and every fibre of her uniform brushing against her stiffened (and admittedly incredibly aroused) nipples, Destinate leaned closer, closer... the witnesses leaned in closer, watching for her next move closely... and Destinate planted a long, heart-pounding, passionate kiss of submission on the thief's tip with her soft, full lips. He had to hold back from creaming on the spot, as the blushing and feverish heroine continued with her tongue extended, swirling around and over the head. The man finally let out the breath that he hadn't realised he'd been holding in, moaning lightly from the back of his throat through his sealed lips.

"God, I love this." The all-too-common burglar said, stroking her silky locks as she finally took him timidly into her mouth. "Dominating someone who's supposed to be so powerful... shouldn't we be on our way to jail by now, huh Destinate? Shouldn't you be up, stopping us?"

The only reply was the powerful figure choking briefly on his appendage.

"Nope. Here you are. Sucking my-" He cut himself off with a sharp inhale of breath as she leaned yet deeper onto his pole, taking him all the way into her throat. "...God, this is so hot. Guess you're good for something after all, eh?"

Just a little bit longer... Destinate thought, slowly regaining her composure and desperately fending off displaying any signs of her own impending orgasm. Why wasn't she hating this? She should be hating this!

The man brandished his gun once again, other hand holding Destinate's lips to his belly without an inch of wiggle room, causing a squeak from the female powerhouse. Her eyes once more widened, although only briefly before they rolled towards the top of her head. It was getting hard to breath, and there wasn't much she could do from down here... He'd better cum soon, she thought idly to herself as she reached up to gently fondle and squeeze his hanging sack.

"I'd love to seal the deal and take you out right now... leave you to be- ngh, oh god-- recovered by the cops, like that fraud Supremacy was. End you, be the one who did it, who made the hotshot into a stiff cadaver..."

Destinate moaned in what he assumed was a pleading disapproval, but was actually her nearing the verge of an orgasm.

"...cum over your lifeless body, paint your utterly inanimate corpse with my seed..."

Destinate moaned once again, this time a mix of the two.

"...but damn, you're a good suck, and my kids love you. Don't fret, sweet, I'm just messing around with you."

Destinate's undergarments were thoroughly juiced by this point, and the slightest stimulation would be enough to set her off into a humiliating, career-ending, squirting orgasm. She breathed what little air she could manage through her nose, and then held her breath. She could feel him twitching in her throat, and she was nearly back to full power, if he'd just hurry up and...

As the man came in powerful, ropey shots directly down her throat without warning, Destinate attempted to gasp in alarm but instead only choked on the thick substance which he launched deep down into her. At the same time, holding her head against him all the way, the man raised his gun once more and fired off three rapid shots directly over her nipple again.

T-too much!! Nghh~--!!

Destinate came loudly, messily, and obviously on the marble of the bank, the bottom of her silver uniform several shades darker than the top and her overstimulated nipples very visibly poking through the thin fabric. But as she shook in place, shooting her cream all over the floor and the inside of her thighs, she found that she could not mewl and gasp as she wished to -- even though his load had just come to its slow end, the man's seed fully deposited in the heroine's stomach, the man did not remove his dick from her throat -- and with how much her orgasm had taken out of her, the edges of her vision were starting to blacken.

"Figured you might still need air. Looks like I got some smarts after all, huh Destinate? ...Can ya still hear me?"

The heroine's eyes were dull and blank as her shaking body slowed into twitches and her flood reduced to occasional squirts. As he held her there, it didn't take long for her to pass out on his dick, falling limp. As he removed his cock, Destinate remained in her kneeling position a few seconds longer, before slowly slumping forward onto her face, ass raised high in the air and arms loose by her sides on the cold marble floor. All the civilians through the bank's door had a perfect view of her heavily dampened rear end, raising and almost wiggling enticingly towards them. Those inside the bank saw instead her slack jaw open and drooling, and her impressive but tormented pair pressed up against the marble through her silver costume.

"Oh, Destinate..."

With a shake of his head, the criminal buttoned up his pants, hoisted a sack of stolen money along with his comrades, and exited the bank. Nobody gave him so much as a twitch of resistance as he left. As he had said, Desinate would be recovered by the underfunded police force several hours after his departure, resting in her passed out state in the middle of the bank for all this time. If she copped the occasional feel or spanking, she would never know... but she did wake up with a significant amount of sperm on her quivering lips, even though the criminal had sent it all straight down and into her -- maybe a few delinquent teenages had rubbed their heads against the soft pair and not been able to hold it -- and when she at last showered that night she would find significant pools of it dried between her chest's orbs, where it seems her costume may have been used to its fullest advantage.


Destinate would never fully recover from her first loss. Her powers returned eventually, but her breasts were permanently hyper-sensitive after this encounter, to the point where each of her several nervously attempted comebacks against common thugs ended just as this one had -- with her on the ground before these ordinaries, once the city's brightest hope and future, creaming herself silly all over the place. The first four times had been humiliating beyond any belief, but the next eight? The next eight she had given up trying. She only persisted for the thrill it offered her.

Destinate was rebranded as an easy lay for anybody who could give an average-strength titpunch. A needy, wanting slut who got passed around by all the common lowlifes of Omen City, and who loved every second of it. This branding was fairly accurate. Despite her intense wet dreams of another encounter, she would never again run into the man who had retired her...

The young and promising heroine Destinate had been destroyed.

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Almax898Almax898about 4 years agoAuthor
Thanks for reading!

Hey ChaosBreakerX! Glad you liked the story. I've actually had a request for more Destinate on the site I originally posted the story on ( as well, so that's definitely in the pipeline now that two people have asked for it. Probably not another one exactly like this, because I don't want to repeat myself, but if she's interfering in crimes for her own sexual pleasure now, then I'm thinking that a police officer might start to get sick of her....

Anonymous -- I don't quite understand. How would Destinate getting dressed up as a hero again, and then getting humiliated and dominated be a redemption arc? Wouldn't it just be more of the same? I don't want the story to devolve into just mindless repetition, but please do correct me if I misunderstood what you meant, because ideally you'd be enjoying the story as much as possible.

Also, I do actually have a thing planned where eventually there's a flip and the heroes start winning sexually! So there's that for you. It's a good suggestion, and one that I'd happily take if it wasn't already planned (and of course you had no way of knowing that it was planned, so suggesting it was totally the right thing to do), but do be careful how you go about it. It's a little weird seeing "where the hell's the redemption arc at?" on Chapter 2 of something.

Also, wait a sec, Destinate literally did do that! I just realised. It says at the end that she kept going back and trying to fight crime, but failed and got humiliated each time, just like you were asking for -- getting up again and again but failing. The only difference is that it happened off camera, because the main sexy scene had already happened and this story is about multiple heroes losing, not the same one losing over and over. I'm also not quite sure where you got that Supremacy was a bad guy now (he's not) -- maybe from the first chapter saying that he was taking a break, and that when he returned it would be under a new name because of how humiliating his end was?

Anyway, long thing that I just typed, but I hope it covers all of your stuff! I also hope you can still enjoy the story, but no sweat if you can't. You might like the story "The hero of sunset city" over on though, based on what you asked for, so maybe give it a try! One of my favourites.

Everyone else, please let me know if you have any suggestions/critiques as well, and I hope you enjoy the story! Have an awesome rest of your day.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
I like... BUT...

I think that there should be more to the superheroes fall. They are superheroes and, although not all heroes are Superman or Supergirl, heroes are supposed to be able to stand up again after a defeat. No matter how many times they've fallen only a real hero, a true savior, will stand up after every defeat and learn from their defeat. This just leaves me feeling depressed and sad for the main superheroes. Where's in the Hell is their redemption story at! I have an idea, have Destinate be a superhero when hearing about the former Supremacy, but she doesn't know that Supremacy was still alive but became a bad guy under a different name, and what he's doing to terrorize the city, and she dons the cape one more time and former-Supremacy-turned-bad-guy humiliates and dominates her physically and sexually.

ChaosBreakerXChaosBreakerXabout 4 years ago
Please write more adventures of Destinate

I really enjoyed this study. I like the concept of a heroine's intimate areas are her weakness. I would like for the character to return in more Destinate. I think a good followup would be a story about her trying to bounce back after the robbery, but discovers the weakness is a permanent effect.

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