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The Doll


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"Where are you going? Stay, I want to see the look on your face when I come. There's no point in trying to resist me, Melissa. My pussy owns you now. I own you," she said.

Fighting through the oppressive sensation of being buried in a gigantic phantom vagina, Sonia's vagina, made it difficult to even walk. Gasping in breaths of air that stank of her sex, I fought to get away from her.

"You can't run from my pussy!" she yelled behind me as I struggled out of her room, and then she laughed again. "Nobody can!"


I slumped against the wall in her upstairs hallway as I tried to regain my balance.

The sensations of heat and moisture, along with the crushing invisible pressure of her sex bearing down on me grew stronger still. My own arousal was an ever-present distraction as well, but I had to get away from there.

She didn't follow behind me, and it was clear what she intended. Sonia was going to get herself off, and then I'd be frozen in place, waiting for her to come and collect me.

Negotiating the stairs was almost impossible as the sensation of her body consuming me grew stronger still. It was hot, so unbearably hot. I could feel her slick cunt all around me, enveloping me and clenching down on me with rhythmic spasms.

Somehow I fumbled open her front door and out onto the street. The air should have felt cool and damp, but it still felt hot because I could only breathe in short gasps of her steamy pussy smell.

Sweat dripped down my face, but the wetness that overwhelmed my senses was phantasmal. My whole body felt slippery and dripping with her boiling heat.

Gasping and wobbling, I tried to orient myself as I stumbled through her front yard. My car was still two blocks away, where I'd left it in my clever plan to avoid it being noticed. Now I wished I'd just parked out front.

It was so hard to breathe, every hurried, gasping breath filled me with her boiling, reeking heat. I rushed down the sidewalk as quickly as I could manage, but my arousal was rising too fast.

I was going to come before I made it to my car and it horrified me because I knew that when I did, I was going to freeze on the spot.

The throbbing need between my legs demanded my attention, and her taste was so strong in my mouth that I had to keep swallowing it down. I moaned without meaning to, and had to pause in place to gather myself as another wave of arousal washed over me.

I was going to come soon, but there was no place to hide and I was still a half block from my car. Eyes darting, I searched for something, anything better than to be found standing on the sidewalk like a mannequin.

Another moan escaped me, and I felt myself getting even closer to climax. There was no more time, so I did the best I could and sat down by a huge tree between the sidewalk and the road. I leaned back against it and closed my eyes, as if I was taking a nap.

It was a struggle to keep my hands away from my crotch. I settled for clenching my thighs together around my dripping-wet pussy as I groaned and felt her pleasure explode through me.

Somehow I managed to remain upright and in place against the tree as I shivered and shook with the climax. The flavor and scent of her evil cunt faded, and I found myself alone in the darkness behind my closed eyes as my body went paralyzed and still.

Chapter 5: Sonia Takes Her Time

Trapped in my head, I tried to figure a way out. Sonia knew I would be frozen, so surely she would come looking for me.

As minutes passed and she didn't appear, I began to wonder if I had a chance after all. Maybe she wouldn't find me before the waking coma wore off, in which case I could at least put some distance between us so I'd have time to come up with a plan.

When I heard footsteps, I had another thought--what if someone else found me? Someone walking their dog or driving by that wondered why a girl was sitting by a tree on a not-particularly warm spring day.

If someone found me, they would surely call for medical assistance when they discovered I was unresponsive. I should have just stood in the middle of the street where I would have been more likely to be noticed.

The footsteps came closer, pausing, and I hoped beyond hope that it was anyone but her.

The sound of her laughter crushed my hope. "Oh my, you're just frozen there like a marionette with nobody holding the strings. You can't even open your own eyes."

She paused, and I felt her moving in front of me.

"Luckily for you, you don't have to wait any more, because your puppet master is here. Let's give it a try. Open your eyes and look at me," she said.

My eyes opened, and it took a moment for them to adjust to the light. Sonia crouched in front of me. Her eyes glittered with excitement and she was smiling with predatory glee.

"This is what I've been waiting for. I really did it, didn't I, Melissa?"

"Yes," I said, and from the look on her face my response surprised her as much as it did me--I hadn't meant to say that.

"This is so awesome," she said as she stepped back and straightened up to look down at me. "Stand up," she ordered.

There was nothing I could do but watch as my body obeyed her and I rose to my feet.

"You see, Melissa? You're a puppet now. My very own little cunt-puppet, aren't you?"

"Yes," I said.

"When we're alone like this you should probably show me a little more respect. From now on, call me mistress if nobody else is around to hear. "

"Yes, mistress."

A car drove by and the driver didn't give us as much as a glance. We looked like two normal girls just talking by the sidewalk. There was no way for them to know that one of us was an evil voodoo practitioner and the other her terrified victim.

"Now let's try something trickier. Andre said that if I made a pussy-zombie, it would be able to follow even very complex orders. That it would be able to do almost anything the person I'd made it from could do. Let's try that out now," she said.

"We're going to walk back to my house. We've still got over an hour before anyone else will get home, plenty of time to finish your transformation. You're going to walk with me, and do everything you can to act as if you're my closest friend on the way there."

"So, how are you doing, Melissa?"

"Good, mistress, how are you?"

Despite of everything else she'd made me do already, somehow hearing my voice speaking to her while I thought something else entirely was the worst thing yet.

"I'm fantastic. I'm having the best day ever. I'm going to make my sister's best friend eat my pussy. The best part is that when I come, my pussy is going to steal her soul and turn her into my slave forever. Isn't that just awesome?"

"Yes, mistress. If anyone deserves to have a zombie slave it's you, mistress."

It just got worse and worse-where did that eagerness come from? Zombie-me must have thought that was what a close friend would say upon learning that their BFF had taken up voodoo soul-stealing.

She put her arm around me and gave me a little hug as we walked, and I leaned into it and let her. To anyone else we would have looked so close, just two friends having fun.

"You're so right. I do deserve this, don't I?"

"Yes, mistress."

"This is so much fun, but I do need to make sure we finish up in time. Tell me, how long did you stay frozen the last time it happened?" she asked as we continued to walk back to her house.

"About twenty minutes, mistress, but it's lasted longer every time you've done it to me."

"That's plenty of time for what I need to do, well, what you need to do, really," she said as we reached her front door.

She paused and turned to smile beatifically at me before opening the door.

"Melissa, would you like to come up to my room and lick my pussy now?"

"Yes, mistress."

She giggled and led the way. "Great, come on in then."


Even though we were the only ones in the house, she closed the door once we were inside her room. More accurately, she ordered me to close the door and I did it for her.

I had the sense that every time I obeyed a command, she was still a little bit surprised.

"Take off my shirt," she said.

I watched myself step closer, standing face to face with her as I removed her shirt. Her eyes sparkled with wonder as she observed me doing her will. She looked at me as if I were the most amazing new toy, which I suppose I was, in a way.

"And my bra."

I unfastened it and slipped the straps off her outstretched arms. Her breasts flopped into view, pale and heavy, larger than my own.

"Now the pants."

I slid down her sweats, kneeling by her feet as I pulled the pants down over one foot and then the other.

"Kiss my feet."

Scooting back, I knelt lower and pressed my lips to the tops of her feet, just above her toes. She laughed above me, and I don't think she even enjoyed the sensation. She was just making me do it because she could, and because she thought it was funny.

"Stop," she said, and then she turned around and put her hands on her hips as she looked back at me. "Now kiss my ass."

As I pressed my lips to the bulging curves of her soft buttocks, I smelled the all-too familiar scent of her nearby pussy, and this time Sonia didn't laugh. I heard her breath catch, and then she gave a little moan of pleasure as I kissed her over and over again, showering her ass with soft kisses.

She pushed me away and turned to face me again.

"Take off my panties, Melissa."

I worked her panties down over her hips and slid them down to the floor, which left me kneeling almost face to face with her bare sex.

It would have been a strange scene to anyone who walked in on us. Sonia was naked, and there I was kneeling in front of her, completely clothed.

I suppose I should be thankful that she'd left my clothes on. In all of her ordering me around, at least she hadn't made any effort to touch me sexually.

My view remained centered on her crotch as Sonia spread her legs slightly and slipped two fingers inside herself. She fumbled for a moment before pulling out one end of the colorful little voodoo doll that was the bane of my existence.

I watched as she extracted the doll from her sex and moved to place it in the jar that still sat in the circle of sand atop the dresser by the bed. She stuffed it down into the rocky vessel until it was completely below the rim before turning back towards me.

"I don't know exactly what is going to happen with the jar, but I want to see it. Set up my pillows against the wall, here," she ordered, gesturing to the end of the bed.

My body hurried to obey her, gathering the pillows and standing them up along the wall, making a nice comfortable spot for her to recline. I stepped back and waited for my next instruction.

Sonia stepped in close to me, invading my space until I could feel her breath against my ear. It was an intimate closeness, and it was horrifying to be able to do nothing but stand there and feel her so near.

"I bet you wish you hadn't called me a chubby slut now. What else did you call me? Disturbed? Hmm, you also said that I was stupid if I actually believed that voodoo magic was real. That didn't work out so well for you, did it?"

"No, mistress."

She smirked down at me.

"I'm not stupid or disturbed, but I am going to steal your soul with my pussy. I'm going to take it from you and seal it up in that jar and I'm going to keep it in there forever."

Sonia crouched naked in front of me, so close that I could smell her sex again, through the normal, non-magical means, as she leaned in close and continued her gloating victory dance.

"You're going to be my zombie slave forever, just like you are now. That means I'll get to have my very own servant who will do anything, and I mean anything, that I want."

The wicked excitement on her face left no doubt in my mind that she meant it. She wouldn't just control me; this was a girl who would hurt me because she enjoyed it. I could only hope that her need to show off would give me enough time to make some move against her.

"Now let's compare that with your prize. You get day after day of being trapped inside yourself, watching as you obey my every command. Do you still think I'm the stupid one?"

"No, mistress."

If my paralysis would just wear off, I would show her how it felt to be terrified. I would show her what it felt like to suffer.

"All that's left now is for me to get turned on enough to come again and the best part is that you're going to help me, aren't you?"

"Yes, mistress."

"Crawl over here," she said, leading me to the far side of the room.

She regarded me as she stepped back to stand in front of the bed.

"For starters, get down low on the floor," she ordered. "I want you face down, ass up with your arms stretched out in front of you."

I folded down and forward, stretching out my arms as if I were prostrating myself before some false idol. All I saw was the carpet as I knelt there in that degrading pose.

"That's it. Bow the fuck down to me, Melissa. Bow down and tell me that you're my slave."

"I'm your slave, mistress."

She giggled as I pledged myself to her.

"Tell me that you worship me as your god," she ordered.

"You are my one true god, mistress."

Had she always been this arrogant, or had using black magic corrupted her? In the years that I'd been around her I'd always thought her a nasty brat, but I had no idea that this level of megalomania could lurk within her.

"That's right bitch, I am. I fucking own your ass, and don't you forget it. Now crawl to me."

I looked up and crawled towards her. She rubbed her pussy and watched me, stopping only when I reached a spot at her feet.

It was clear that she was getting fired up by what she was doing to me, but I felt nothing. The pleasure that I had previously felt when she masturbated with the doll was gone, leaving now only my humiliation and rage to keep me company as I watched myself cater to her perverse whims.

"Get up on your knees."

Sonia spread her feet further apart and moved her hands to her hips, thrusting her crotch towards me in a brazen display as I rose to kneel in front of her.

"Take a good look at it, Melissa. Take a long, hard look at the pussy that's stealing your soul. Now kiss it. Kiss my pussy, bitch."

I was helpless to do anything but watch myself obey as I leaned in and kissed her sex. The evil girl giggled above me, and it made me die inside to know that Sonia had forced me into this position using some innate female sexual power.

Her right hand took a possessive grasp of my head as she rocked her hips with a soft moan. "That's a good girl. Kiss that pussy like you love it. No tongue, not yet."

Kneeling there with my lips pressed to hers, I could feel the wet heat of her arousal, but only physically--the phantom sensations of experiencing her pussy through the doll's power were gone.

As humiliating as it was to be made to kneel there kissing her labia as if they were a long lost lover's lips, I silently cheered her on. That's it, show off. Take your time. Just give me a chance, just one chance.

The horrible reality of my future was all too clear. Sonia could, and clearly would, make me do any degrading thing she wanted, and I was going to be right there for every moment of it, aware but powerless to resist.

My only hope was that she dragged out this little victory celebration just long enough for me to regain the power to control my body. If she did, I would gladly stick that knife in her heart--a lifetime in prison would be a small price to pay.

"Oh yeah, that's what the doctor ordered. Now let's finish this spirit jar," she said as she pushed me away.

Chapter 6: Melissa's Last Chance

I watched as Sonia settled onto the bed, lying back against the pillows. She spread her legs, sitting with them lifted up, bent at the knee so that her sex was completely accessible to me.

"You can start by kissing your way up my legs. I want this done right. When you get to my pussy, I want to you tease me with the softest kissing and licking."

The earthen jar, with that evil little doll visible within, sat on her dresser only a couple of feet away as I moved between her legs and pressed my lips to her ankle.

"When you have me going, I want you to gradually increase the pressure, until you can feel me getting close to coming. Then I want your tongue on my clit, hard and fast, do you understand me?"

"Yes, mistress," I said between kisses, as I moved up her calves, alternating from one leg to the other.

Every moment that passed without her coming was a minor victory. She'd already toyed with me as long as I'd ever been paralyzed previously. I just needed her to keep taking her time and I would have my chance.

She leaned back and sighed as I softly kissed my way higher up her legs. Her breath quickened when I reached her inner thighs, and the smell of her arousal was thick in the air.

"I could get used to this," she said, as I watched myself lean in lower to feather her pussy with the gentlest of kisses.

She began to moan, and her wetness drooled from between her inner lips. Zombie-me raised the intensity of its oral assault, the scattered kisses and licks moving in closer to its target with ever-increasing force.

Every second that I watched myself worship her sex, I desperately willed my body to obey me. If only the doll would relent its hold for just a moment, I'd pull my face from her pussy and make her wish she'd never fucked with me.

Sonia's hips started to rock and buck as I softly licked her, my tongue now working at her clit in an elaborate pattern that dipped down between her lips and then danced along either side of her engorged love button before slipping back down to taste her quickly again.

Her moans picked up speed and my hopes fell. Everything about her, from her ragged breathing to the ever harder thrusting of her hips up to meet me, to the now stronger taste of her excitement told me that she was going to soon come.

"That's it... just like that. Now look up here... oh fuck... keep licking, but... oh... look at me, Melissa," she said between her moans, as my eyes locked up on hers.

How I hated her then, as I lay between her legs helpless to do anything but devote myself to her absolute pleasure. She wasn't content with just beating me, either; she needed to rub it in my face.

I willed my body to pull away from her and grab the knife that was still in my pocket, but I was still disconnected. It was hopeless, she was nearly done. I was nearly done, for that matter. I was going to be stuck staring up at her face as she came on my traitorous tongue.

"I'm the one doing this to you. This chubby slut is... oh fuck... this chubby slut is....oh... about to become your new god," she gloated with ragged breath.

Even if I could just close my eyes, at least then I wouldn't have to watch her and see her enjoyment. I tried concentrating on that, on just shutting out the sight of her, and it was then that I finally felt something happening.

My eyes didn't close, but my lapping tongue began to slow, and then it stopped altogether and remained in my mouth. I couldn't yet move, but at least I had stopped licking her.

Based on what Madame Deveraux had told me, Sonia needed me to get her off to complete the spell.

"Don't stop now," she ordered with annoyance in her voice.

Sonia looked down at me with surprise when I remained motionless there between her legs.

"What the fuck?" she said as she realized that I was no longer obeying her commands.

I wasn't out of danger by any means, because I knew that all she had to do to make my paralysis return was to grab the doll and get herself off again.

That left my only option clear--I had to stab the bitch before she masturbated to completion. I hoped I could manage that but the fragrant, slippery hot evidence of her arousal was right there in my face and I knew it probably wouldn't take her long.

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