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The Doll


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Hours later, I felt like I was going to go crazy. The smell, the taste, the heat, the sickly sense of something wet against my face--it was all still going strong.

It was a struggle to act normally around my mother while the sensations of Sonia's power continued to wash over me. I retired to my bedroom early for the night to wait out the coming climax.

The shameful helplessness made the waiting all the worse. Turning the knife over in my hands I sat there on my bed, considering the idea that only way out of my situation might be murder.

It wasn't that I didn't want to kill her; as I sat there in my own home, unable to stop from tasting her pussy while I waited for her to make me come against my will, I knew she deserved it. Even still, I had a hard time imagining myself ramming the knife into her body.

I wondered at what she had planned for our meeting the next day, even as I wondered what my own plans were exactly.

It was just before eleven when things started to change. I felt it first between my legs, the heat and wetness growing along with an ever more urgent demand that I touch myself.

My breathing quickened and my skin went clammy to the point that my face felt as damp as if her wetness was pressed to it. The smell and taste of her grew stronger as well, and my humiliation deepened along with my rage.

I got hotter and hotter, until I couldn't fight it any more. My clenching pussy drooled with slick need and my fingers felt wonderful as I went to work, but I wasn't in control.

I rubbed myself and it felt great, but my arousal only grew at some outside stimulus of hers, so it was at her pace that I rubbed, matching the intensity of the pleasure she sent me through the doll.

In a way, I was already acting like a puppet, remotely pleasing myself in time to her own self-loving. She could toy with me, raping me and making me feel helpless, and do it all while she got to get off.

The orgasm, when it came, was amazing. As the force of it hit me, I hated the idea that it must feel just as incredible for her, or perhaps even better; Sonia was so evil that knowing she was humiliating me with her self-pleasure probably only made the little bitch enjoy it more.

I used my hand to stifle my cries, afraid that my mother would hear me, and when the paralysis set in it hit even more quickly than the last time. That's how I froze, lying on my bed on my side, back arched, one hand in my panties the other covering my mouth.

The phantom sensations disappeared with my control over my body. It took almost fifteen minutes before I could move again, and for that time it was a relief to finally not have her flavor and scent at the forefront of my thoughts.

As my body became my own again, the smell of her came back, along with the taste of her. It was a horrible blow because I'd been expecting to at least enjoy the taste of air that wasn't tainted with her smell after I came.

I cried as I lay there, humiliated and exhausted and unable to get away from Sonia's pussy. It was everywhere. Laying my head against my pillow and trying to sleep was tantamount to nestling my face between her legs and trying to nod off--worse, really, because I could taste her as well.

It was a long time before I finally drifted into a restless sleep.


I awoke with a start to the ever-present smell of Sonia's vagina. It was light in my room. My clock showed it was just before seven, so my mother would already be gone from the house.

The covers felt confining, and my body was warm all over. My pussy clenched with a hot squish of need, and I realized I was turned on. Not just a little aroused, but so horny that I need relief.

I didn't try to fight it, nor did I even attempt to stifle my moans. With the taste of her pussy strong in my mouth I rubbed in time to the surging waves of heat and I gave myself to her orgasm.

In the twenty minutes it took before I could even cry, I vowed to myself that I would go through with it.

Unless there was another way out, I was going to kill her.

Chapter 4: Dealing With The Devil

I left a half hour early because the suspense of waiting to meet with her was too much to handle. My whole morning had stunk of her pussy, her flavor and scent continuously there with me in a sickening reminder of her power.

The phantom wetness on my face felt so real that I kept trying to wipe it off with my hand before realizing it wasn't actually there.

It was a cool spring morning. It had been dry for a few days, but there was still a damp chill to the air. I wore jeans and a t-shirt with a hoodie sweatshirt over top of it.

I chose the hoodie because it had a long pocket across the front that was open on both sides. The pocket was big enough that when I slipped the knife inside it, still wrapped in the cloth, it didn't seem to show.

When I got to her house, I didn't park in front. If something happened and I had to use the knife, I didn't want their neighbors to notice my car sitting parked in front of the house. Instead I parked a block down and a block over and walked to the house as quickly and inconspicuously as I could manage.


Sonia greeted me at the door with a smile. She wore comfortable house clothes, a t-shirt over loose sweatpants. She looked like nothing so much as a well-adjusted high school girl.

It was difficult to reconcile her appearance with what she was doing to me. It was a struggle to imagine that this normal-looking, smiling girl could be so evil.

"Melissa, come in."

I followed her inside and she led me to the kitchen.

"So, how are things?" She had a wicked sort of smirk to her delivery that belied the innocence of the question, and already her veneer of sweetness had cracked.

"Why are you so nasty?" I asked her.

"Me? Nasty? What have I done that's so wrong?"

"You know what you've done."

She didn't say anything; she just smiled at me for a long moment. Oh how I wanted to punch the smug look off of her face, but if there was any way out of the situation that didn't involve murder I would probably need her help.

As much as I hated her, I had to try to get her to see reason. She'd always been a bitch, but even Sonia had to know that this was going too far.

"You have to stop, please."

"What fun would that be?"

"Sonia, I'm serious. You're ruining my life. Please, you have to stop."

"I suppose I would be willing to consider letting you go. You were a real bitch about the whole voodoo thing, though. For me to even think about releasing you, I'll need to get something from you in return. Magic doesn't like debts."

She sounded so high and mighty that the punching urge came back with a vengeance, but I stifled it because for the first time she was talking about undoing what she'd done with the doll.

"What do you want?"

She paused, looking up as she seemed to consider my penance before regarding me a superior look as she continued.

"I want you to do something for me, something to make it up to me for being such a bitch before."

Another blanket of sickeningly wet heat pressed against my face. Her smell filled my nose, and then her taste was on my tongue.

To my growing humiliation, my own sex throbbed with liquid need. It felt so horrifyingly good that I had to stifle a moan before I spoke, and the sight of my discomfort made her giggle.

"What do you want from me?"

"Hold on, I have something to show you first. Come on, it's up in my room."

Sonia headed up the stairs, and I followed. My hand closed around the knife in my pocket.

I stared at her torso as we ascended. It would be almost too easy right then. She was so confident that it would be simple to literally stab her in the back.

What then, though? It wasn't like I could just tell the police "it was self-defense, she was using voodoo on me" and then they'd let me go.

The reality was that I'd end up in prison if I killed her. If I was going to do it, I'd have to get her someplace secluded to have any chance of getting away with it. Not only that, I wasn't sure I could go through with it. The idea of the knife plunging into her body made me sick. She was horrible, but could I really kill her if I had to?

She had to know that I hated her and probably wished her harm, but she didn't seem concerned at all. Her arrogant confidence burned at me and just made me want to stab her all the more. The knife stayed in my pocket and Sonia never looked back. We reached the top of the stairs and went down the hall to her room.

She led me to the dresser by her bed, and on its surface was a circle of dirt and small stones, with a pattern of irregular white lines across it. In the center of the circle sat a squat vessel. It was a round, open-mouthed jar with thick and lumpy sides that appeared to be constructed from the same dirt and rocks.

"It started forming after the first time I used the doll. That was when it got real to me. I mean, before that I was just fucking around, but when this thing just started to build itself up out of the dirt, everything changed. That's when I knew this wasn't just bullshit."

I stared at the weird little jar. It seemed... important, somehow. There was a throbbing energy pulsating from it that I couldn't see, but that I could feel.

"The first time I masturbated with the doll it started, the dirt built itself up into a disk. I didn't see it happen, but I noticed the change so the next time I got off, I watched it. The rocks and dirt moved on their own, it was incredible."

It was incredible, incredible and terrifying. I struggled with the humiliating realization that an eighteen year old girl of no particular distinction really could destroy my life with nothing but her dirty panties and a scoop of soil from her family's garden.

"As I kept masturbating, each time it just grew up a bit more. Look at it--it's amazing isn't it? It's almost done, I think. Andre told me it would be ready when the doll could fit inside it. I have to admit it; at this point, just looking at it turns me on."

"It's not amazing, it's evil," I said, finally managing to find my tongue again.

Sonia stared at me. "Really? You don't see how awesome this is? Are you telling me that if you had the power to make someone into an obedient zombie that you wouldn't use it?"

"No, I wouldn't. I wouldn't do this to anyone. Nobody deserves this."

"Well, somebody will be getting turned into a zombie, because there's no way I'm going to let this gift go to waste. It can easily still be you--your jar is ready now--but I'm willing to think about letting you go if you do what I want. If that happens, though, you can bet I'll be making another doll for someone else."

If she let me go, there wouldn't be a next time. Not if I could help it--nobody should feel this helpless. Somehow, some way, I would stop her.

"What do you want from me?"

"If I am going to let you go, I need to at least learn what I can from you so I can be better at it next time. I need you to tell me everything. I need to know what you've experienced."

"What do you mean?"

"I want to hear what it's felt like for you when I've been using the doll. Don't lie to me either, I may not know everything, but I do know enough to tell if you're holding back. How does it feel when I do it to you?"

I couldn't talk about this with her; it was hard enough just being in the same room with her. She seemed annoyed by my delayed response, so she continued.

"How about if I go first? On my side, if I masturbate while touching the doll, it feels really, really good. I mean, like wonderful good. There is something about it, something powerful. I can feel the connection the doll has to you. When I come, I can feel my pussy ripping a part of you away and taking it. Pulling it from you to me. What do you feel when I do it? I have to know," she urged me.

The thought of describing it out loud, to her of all people, was awful. I had the impression that she knew already, and that she just wanted to make me say it out loud for her amusement. If she would let me go, though, I supposed I could bear having to say a few embarrassing things.

"First I get warmer and warmer. I can feel this wet heat pushing in at me, all over. Then there's this smell, and I get a taste in my mouth. I get so horny, and then I come."

She had this look of superiority and amusement then, her eyes opening wide and her mouth curling into a smile. I had to look down because I couldn't bear the sight of her enjoying this so much.

"A smell? What do you smell?"

"You. I smell your... I can smell your pussy."

As if to emphasize the point, another wave of steamy heat flared across my face as her scent filled my lungs with even greater intensity. I breathed in with a gasp.

"You know?"

"I went to see a voodoo lady and she told me how it works."

"Andre said that to complete the doll, I needed to get off with it, and that you would feel me through the doll's magic when I did."

My face felt wet, and knowing that it was her nasty twat that I smelled filled me with helpless rage. Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked back at the smug little bitch. "This is so fucked. How could you do this to me?"

"I honestly didn't think the doll was going to work at first," she said.

"Why didn't you stop when you figured out it was real?"

An ephemeral flash of shame crossed her face. "It felt too good to stop. I knew it was wrong, but it was just too hot to resist. Besides, you have been kind of a bitch."

"You can't think I deserve this. Do you understand what you're doing to me? You're destroying my life, Sonia. This isn't a game," my voice growing louder.

When she spoke, her voice was low and calm by comparison. "Try to imagine if you were in my place and all you had to do to take complete control of another human being was to masturbate."

The room felt so warm and my skin felt wet all over. My sex was just as slick, and I hated the helpless feeling of growing arousal that seized me.

"Imagine how it would feel if you could overpower someone's mind completely, totally, permanently--with your pussy?" she said, closing her eyes as she finished with a low moan and an exhalation of breath.

My pussy clenched, and I felt its slick surrender to the growing heat.

"There is just something so primal about being able to dominate another woman with my pussy. It's like I'm superior to you as a woman on some fundamental level," she said.

Heat washed over me again, so hot and wet on my face that it was hard to breathe. The smell intensified, and then the taste of her filled my mouth. Gasping, I couldn't stifle my moan as a wave of pleasure rippled through me.

"Oh my God, you're doing it now," I said.

"I'm sorry Melissa, but even talking about it is enough to get me turned on."

"I don't understand, I thought you had to be touching the doll," I said.

Sonia smirked, and then her hands went to her hips. She slipped her sweatpants down around her legs and spread them slightly as she exposed her underwear to my view.

I stared at her crotch. There was a bump there, where something was obviously trapped under her panties. The edges of some colorful cloth strips protruded from under the crotch panel on one side.

"Since yesterday I've been keeping it down here", she said, gesturing to the little lump over her pussy. "I was getting turned on all the time and I didn't want any of my delicious pussy-juice to go to waste."

She pulled and teased at her panty crotch until the outline of the doll was visible.

"I know it's evil, but there's something about knowing that when I get wet you can taste it in your mouth that turns me on like crazy."

Sonia rubbed her crotch, mashing the doll in against her with a moan. Another nauseating wave of steamy arousal washed over me and I gasped.

"Oh my god. Stop this, please. Take it out," I said.

"I can't do that--if I take it out, my panties will get all dirty. With the doll there, they don't--it seems to absorb every drop of me. See, I'm all hot and bothered now, and there's no wet spot," she said, pulling her panties tight again to show me the doll nestled in her crotch. "It's like the doll is absorbing my juices and sending them to you. How hot is that?"

Her phantom pussy overwhelmed my senses then, to the point that I could barely breathe. The air I breathed stank of her, and it felt so hot and wet that I was gasping. My own pussy throbbed with shameful need.

"Every time I think about how I'm dominating you with my vagina, it makes me so wet. I guess I don't have to tell you that, though. Can you feel me right now, Melissa?"

"Yes. Please stop."

"And you can smell and taste me? I mean, do you smell my pussy right now?"

"It's all I can smell, I can barely breathe. So yes, I can smell your nasty pussy. Now quit being a bitch about this. You've proved your point, I admit I was wrong and you were right. Now let me go, please--I can't take this anymore," I said.

"We're almost done, just bear with me a little bit more. I need to learn everything I can from this, for the next time I do it, and you're going to help me. Can you feel anything when I touch the doll, like this?" she asked, and then she caressed her crotch.

Another moan escaped me as everything intensified, the heat, the stink of her, the taste of her, all of it.

"I can't feel your fingers, but when you push it against you it makes the feeling stronger."

"So when I do this," she said, her index finger moving to land on the spot where the doll lay as I watched, pausing there for a long moment before pressing her finger down, "you can taste it and smell it even better?"

"Please don't, please stop doing that."

Her hand settled into her crotch, and she gave a little groan as her fingers rubbed in a circular motion, mashing the doll in against her.

"Does my pussy taste good, Melissa?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with wicked glee.

The room felt hotter and more humid still by the second. Everything was wet heat, both on my face and between my legs. It was humiliating to feel so helplessly aroused by Sonia's evil pussy power.

"Please. You said you'd let me go if I did what you wanted."

"I said I'd *consider* it, and I have," she said with another moan.

"What? I'll do whatever you want, just stop that, please."

Her fingers continued to swirl, pressing the doll in harder and harder, until she was pressing a crease into the crotch of her panties.

I felt a velvety-soft force squeeze in around my whole body and the slick heat on my face grew until I couldn't catch my breath. The smell of her arousal was so overpowering that if felt like my ever-faster gasps were pulling in more of her scent than air, as if I was breathing nothing but her pussy.

She moaned and then gave a little sigh as her fingers pushed the crease even deeper before pulling her hand away to reveal that her panties lay smooth over her mound. The bulge from the doll was gone and as I gasped for breath in the steamy heat, I knew where it had disappeared to.

"Stop? But it feels so good. This is even hotter now that I can see the effect working on you."

My discomfort seemed to fuel her excitement, and her fingers moved higher as she rubbed herself through her underwear.

"You don't look like you're feeling so well, Melissa. You're clammy and you're gasping for breathing like a drowning person. I'm so fucking wet that I guess you are, sort of, aren't you? Are you drowning in my pussy?"

Her fingers kept up their work between her legs, and she made no attempt to hide what she was doing. Her eyes fell almost closed and she moaned again as she seemed to concentrate on her pleasure. If she came, I knew I'd be frozen there and the idea that she could just order me to do anything was horrifying.

Sonia wasn't going to stop herself, and I really was going to have to kill her. First I had to get out of there before she came, though. I was in no shape to attack her, I could barely breathe. I turned, heading for the door, and she laughed at me.

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