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The Dominatrix Order Pt. 04 Ch. 02

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Medical play fetish anal sissy sensual tease and Denial.
5.2k words

Part 17 of the 23 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/05/2018
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Sissy Slut was the only one of Isabella's slaves who had not yet fallen ill. And as such, Sissy Slut was the only slave in healthy enough condition for Isabella to play with. He enjoyed receiving so much of her attention, and she teased and tormented her tease and denial slut unrelentingly.

Twenty five days before the next supply of Medication 42 was due to be manufactured, Goddess Isabella sat in her Council office, dressed in a beige sleeveless romper suit, when Goddess Magdalena arrived, pulling Sissy Slut by his ear. Sissy Slut was dressed in his usual attire of his French maid's uniform and black fishnet stockings, his face beet red from embarrassment as well as from the stinging sensation of being pulled by his ear by the cruel Goddess Magdalena.

"Supreme Goddess, it seems your sissy has been causing quite a lot of trouble as of late," Magdalena said. "Mistress Rachel and Mistress Maria have caught him several times now trying to follow them out of Femininus on their Days of Absentia. Many of the other slaves have reported that Sissy Slut has been asking them about the Days of Absentia. And just this morning, I myself found this pathetic little sissy looking through my diary. When I pressed him, he confessed that he was looking to see if I had written about the Days of Absentia."

"Thank you for reporting this to me, Goddess Magdalena. I won't keep you any longer. I'm sure you have more important matters to attend to than dealing with this insolent little sissy," Isabella said.

"You're welcome, Supreme Goddess Isabella," Magdalena said before exiting the Council office, leaving Sissy Slut alone with Isabella.

"Sissy Slut, what do you have to say for yourself?" Isabella asked.

"Slave is sorry, Goddess," Sissy Slut said, casting his shameful eyes downward.

"What are the rules you are to abide by pertaining to the Days of Absentia?" Isabella asked.

"Slave is not allowed to question the Mistresses about the Days of Absentia. Slave is not allowed to speak about the Days of Absentia," Sissy Slut responded.

"Now you will come over here and lie across my lap," Isabella said.

Sissy Slut positioned himself across Isabella's lap. Isabella lifted the frilly skirt of Sissy Slut's uniform to reveal his perky butt cheeks, which were exposed in the lacy pink thong he wore. Isabella smacked her hand across Sissy Slut's vulnerable behind, causing him to whimper. She proceeded to spank him repeatedly with all her strength, raising her hand as high above her head as she could before each time that she brought it down on his ass. Sissy Slut kicked his stocking-clad legs and groaned and wailed until he eventually emitted a resonant, barking cough. Isabella ceased spanking him and they both froze in silence. Sissy Slut crawled off of her lap. They looked at each, their worried faces mirroring one another.

"Are you feeling okay, Sissy Slut?" Isabella asked.

"It was nothing, really. I think I just coughed because you were spanking me with such force," Sissy Slut said, denying the fatigue he had felt coming on since that morning.

"Well Sissy Slut, we will need to determine whether or not you are ill," Isabella said as she stood up. "Remain here," Isabella said and then exited the room.

Isabella returned carrying a rather large first aid kit. She circled around Sissy Slut, feeding off the look of fear in his eyes as he turned his head and followed her movements. Isabella set the first aid kit on the desk and she shot an intimidating glare at him as she opened it. She next removed a pair of green latex gloves from the first aid kit. She meticulously slid the gloves over her hands. As she slid on the second glove, she stretched it out as far as she could. She released the glove, allowing it to snap, intimidating Sissy Slut further. She then reached into the first aid kit and procured a glass thermometer with a six inch probe. She held the thermometer up by the end and she ran her fingers down the entire length of it.

"It is time to take your temperature," Isabella said. She watched the front of his throat bulge and then constrict as he swallowed with trepidation. "You will need to pull down your panties and bend over the desk," Isabella finished.

"You're going to take my temperature with that, Goddess?" Sissy Slut asked.

"Yes. Now assume position," Isabella said.

Sissy Slut slid his panties down as his timid eyes fixed upon the intimidating medical instrument she was about to use on him. He shuffled his stocking-clad feet as he turned around and faced the desk. He hesitated for several moments. Sissy Slut was about to speak when Isabella grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled hard, forcing him over the desk. Once she had him bent over, she lifted up the skirt of his French maid's uniform.

"Present your ass to me," Isabella commanded.

Sissy Slut responded by arching his back and sticking his ass out, presenting it to her. His body had grown weak due to his illness, which left him in a particularly vulnerable state. In that moment, she could care for him as much as she liked or torture him as much as she liked, and he could do nothing to fight it.

The glass thermometer felt uncomfortable as she pressed it against the rim of his asshole. Isabella watched Sissy Slut tense up. A warm glow permeated her body in that moment, causing her pussy to moisten and quiver, as she realized she was about to penetrate his virginal asshole. She loved the idea that she would be the one breaking him in. She had fostered a strong connection with him throughout their time together, and his surrender and the trust he placed in her hands meant so much to her. A helpless whimper escaped his lips as Isabella attempted to push the thermometer into his tight asshole.

"Relax, Sissy Slut. Goddess is going to take care of you. We will get your temperature taken, even if it takes all day," Isabella said.

Over the next several minutes, Isabella attempted again and again to penetrate her sissy with the thermometer. He squeaked and squirmed around, his frilly French maid's uniform rustling as he writhed against the desk. Eventually, Isabella used her other hand to tease his balls, causing Sissy Slut's tiny prick to grow inside his chastity cage. Isabella then teased his excited prick through the rings of his chastity cage, lightly brushing her fingertips against the sparsely exposed skin of his throbbing cock. Sissy Slut fidgeted around, his purple cock suffocated by the cruel rings of the chastity cage. After several minutes of teasing Sissy Slut, his entire body, including his asshole, became much more relaxed, allowing Isabella to insert the thermometer into Sissy Slut's tight, virginal hole.

Once she had penetrated him, she was able to push the thermometer deeper into him with great ease. A resonant grunt flowed from his lips, followed by a series of girlish squeaks. Isabella's pussy ached as she penetrated him, as she used his body, as she took him. And being penetrated in that most intimate part of his body made Sissy Slut feel defiled in the most humiliating manner he could have imagined. He felt the discomfort and the pain through all six inches inside himself that she probed him. And then he could do nothing but hold his position, bent over the table with his skirt up, his ass cheeks clenching the cruel instrument that his Mistress had penetrated him with.

"Now Sissy Slut, you must wait while we get the reading on your temperature," Isabella said.

Sissy Slut waited, the discomfort inside his asshole growing into a dull ache. As the minutes passed, he began to wonder if they just seemed to draw out longer than usual because of the pain, or if in fact Isabella was leaving the thermometer in for longer than needed, just so she could prolong his torture. Finally, to his relief, he felt it as she meticulously extracted the thermometer from his sore hole.

Isabella studied the reading on the thermometer. Her heart sank like a rock and dissolved into dust. All of her other slaves had fallen ill, and now her beloved sissy had as well. Before Sissy Slut could turn his head to look back at her, she composed herself, her demeanor becoming stoic and in control.

"Sissy Slut, I am afraid that you are showing symptoms of a barking cough and now fever. You will be placed in the infirmary," Isabella said, masking her worry as she sent Sissy Slut on his way.

Twenty three days before the next supply of Medication 42 was due to be manufactured, Supreme Leader Isabella and Johanna, Head of the Femininus Universal Medicine Association, entered the gates of the city of Imperium, pulled in their rickshaw by Servant Bull. Servant Bull was one of the very few slaves of Femininus who had recovered somewhat from the illness on his own, although he still possessed less strength than usual. Despite that, he was ordered to transport Isabella and Johanna to Imperium on that day.

Imperium being one of the wealthiest and most heavily populated cities in Artemisia, it consisted of an overabundance of grand castles and estates. Isabella and Johanna passed the castles made of grey stone, with heavy metal gates and cylindrical towers stretching so far up to the sky, it was difficult for Isabella and Johanna to see the tops of them once they approached them closely. They passed by Mistresses branding their nude slaves with scorching metal branding irons with numbers in italics; they passed by Mistresses throwing rocks and spitting at a hooded, naked male slave who they had locked up in a pillory; they passed by Mistresses flogging and whipping slaves' erect cocks as the slaves shrieked and cried. As they rode through the city, Isabella glanced over and noticed Johanna's burdened eyes as she stared off into nothingness.

"What troubles you, Johanna?" Isabella asked.

"It is Pomona. She has become quite ill. She has hardly the strength to even rise from her bed," Johanna said.

"Well that is why we are here today; for our slaves, and for Femininus," Isabella said.

"Do you think this summit will be a success for us?" Johanna asked.

"I believe so. General Suarez is corrupt, for certain, but she is also reasonable. She wants what is best both diplomatically and economically for all of Artemisia. It's General Callisto we should most be concerned about. She is unhinged. Don't let her appearance fool you. She may be small, but her wrath is colossal," Isabella said, noticing the worry on Johanna's face grow. "But do not fret, Johanna. We will take care of our slaves. We always do."

"But that is the problem. I am unable to take care of her. I loathe seeing her like that. It makes me feel like there is nothing I can do and I hate it. And there are no slaves that can take care of her, so I'm left with bringing her food and comforting her, and I am just not equipped to handle that," Johanna said and paused. "That is the terrible irony; I have spent my entire life fighting for universal healthcare, fighting for the sick, but when the woman I love becomes sick, I cannot handle taking care of her."

Just then, Servant Bull stopped the rickshaw, and Isabella nodded and gestured, as she and Johanna had arrived at the Imperium Capitol building. They were greeted by two male Imperium slaves who led them into the Imperium Council Chambers. General Suarez and General Callisto were there waiting.

"We appreciate you meeting with us today," Isabella began. "I have hopes that we can resolve this issue. The illness has spread through Femininus quickly, most of our slaves have fallen ill. Now, Imperium and the rest of the cities in Artemisia rely on the production of Medication 42 in Femininus, as well as other goods. With our slaves fallen ill, we have resorted to having many of our citizens harvesting the plant for Medication 42, as well as many of our slaves who are ill, and who are now working under terrible conditions. We implore you to allow us to keep more of the production of Medication 42 so that we can treat our work slaves. If you do not, we do not see how we will be able to keep up with the manufacturing demands of the medication in the coming year."

"We will lend you some of our slaves; they can work in your fields. We need a higher production of Medication 42 far more than we need the extra slaves," General Suarez said.

Isabella faintly sighed in frustration, thwarted by General Suarez's reasoning. Isabella collected herself, speaking with authority and eloquence.

"We demand you allow us to keep the entire one hundred percent supply of Medication 42 for this upcoming month, and that you increase our allotted amount from ten percent to fifteen percent each subsequent month," Isabella said.

"One hundred percent?" General Callisto scoffed.

"One hundred percent this upcoming month plus fifteen percent each subsequent month will treat every one of us for the remainder of the year," Isabella said.

"We appreciate your situation, Supreme Leader Isabella, but Imperium's orders remain the same. You will only be receiving ten percent of the supply, end of discussion. I shall arrive in Femininus to obtain ninety percent of the supply the day after Medication 42 is manufactured" General Suarez said.

"Why are you demanding more medications? What are you going to do with them?" Johanna asked.

"If you must know, we will be selling Medication 42 overseas to the countries of Moliena, Ivankania, and Rodin. Our entire country of Artemisia stands to gain a lot of profit," General Suarez said.

"You mean Imperium stands to gain a lot of profit," Isabella said.

"This is all about profiting off the medicines?" Johanna asked. "Medicine should be for all, even slaves. Medicine should not just be reserved for those living in castles. Your sense of entitlement is abhorrent. There is enough medicine to treat every citizen and slave in every city in this country. You are putting profit over the health and well-being of people."

"We have said all we have to say on this issue," General Suarez said. "There is one other matter to discuss, and that is the issue of our missing Slave. Imperium is going to reapply for a search warrant. We are going to begin searching your citizens' homes again. It is not just General Callisto who is invested in finding Slave 111. I want to find Slave 111 just as badly as General Callisto, and have that defiant little slave sent away to Mater."

General Suarez and General Callisto abruptly ended the summit, and Isabella and Johanna were swiftly escorted out of the Capitol building. As Isabella and Johanna departed Imperium, their rickshaw was stopped at the gate by a male Imperium slave. The Imperium slave was nude, and Isabella couldn't help but notice how well-endowed the slave was, his thick, long cock hung down a great deal of the length of his muscular inner thigh.

"Supreme Goddess of Femininus, I need to search your rickshaw as well as your bags before you are permitted to exit Imperium," the Imperium slave said.

"This is preposterous. I haven't the time for this," Isabella responded.

"Supreme Goddess, I must be a good boy and search your bag and your rickshaw, just as my Mistress has commanded" the Imperium slave said.

"And I must return to my city immediately. Femininus is in a state of medical emergency, and given the news from your Generals, we haven't much time to act. I need to leave now," Isabella said.

"My apologies, Supreme Goddess, but these are the rules," the Imperium slave said.

"And do you not know of Artemisian Law 108B, which states that if a Supreme Leader is responding to a state of emergency, she is exempt from local city laws such as the regulation you are attempting to impose on me now?" Isabella responded.

"Um," the Imperium slave hesitated. "I am unfamiliar with that law. I will need to confer with my superiors, like a good boy."

"Slave," Isabella said as she unexpectedly grabbed him by his exposed balls, squeezing them with authority. "You can trust me," she continued as she ran her finger down the shaft of his long cock.

The Imperium slave looked around nervously. His gaze returned to Isabella as he stared at her bountiful breasts, which were pushed up by her corset and on display. Isabella then grabbed the base of his cock as she stared deeply into his eyes. The slave responded with a rugged grunt. Isabella ran her fingers up the entire length of his cock and then back down.

"I think you know that a Supreme Goddess such as myself deserves the utmost respect, don't I?" Isabella asked.

"Yes, but," the Imperium slave stammered.

"Yes Goddess," Isabella interrupted, sliding her delicate fingers up and down his cock as it swelled and grew in her hand.

"Yes Goddess," the Imperium slave responded.

"Good boy. You're such a good boy for me. I like good boys," Isabella said.

The slave bucked his hips, his mammoth cock hardening to its maximum. Isabella took her time stroking his manhood. She tugged roughly on his balls as she teased his cock. She then leaned in towards him, and her soothing breath flowed against his ear and down his neck as she whispered to him.

"If you continue to be a good boy for me, I shall remember you upon my next visit here. I will be visiting here frequently. And I can continue to show you next time just how much I appreciate good boys," Isabella said as his huge cock throbbed in her hand.

She let go of him, and as she glared at him, her eyes were the most lascivious and powerful he had ever seen. Isabella leered at his package, and his long, heavy cock twitched like a boa constrictor ready to strike. Isabella nonchalantly gestured him towards the gate, shooing him away with her hand. The slave mindlessly opened the gate, his engorged, thick, enormous cock leaking precum as it bobbed and swayed. And Isabella and Johanna set off for the long rickshaw ride back home, to tell the people of their city the unsettling news.

Nineteen days before the next supply of Medication 42 was due to be manufactured, General Callisto rode into Femininus on her rickshaw, pulled by one of her slaves. Isabella was briefed on the situation and she confronted General Callisto at the Femininus gates. Callisto stood dressed in a black leather corset and matching black leather pants, with a large satchel slung over her shoulder, the long strap of which hung down well below the waist of her short frame.

"General, what brings you here?" Isabella asked.

"I have come to check on the status of Medication 42. Is the plant growing as scheduled?" General Callisto asked.

"Of course it is. We have been doing this for a very long time," Isabella said.

"Well I want to see the progress for myself," General Callisto said.

"Very well," Isabella responded with a sigh. "I will escort you personally."

Isabella led General Callisto to the fields where the plant for Medication 42 was harvested. They arrived at the fields and looked out at the rows of green and brown which stretched out for acres and acres. Hundreds of the younger, stronger Mistresses, as well as a handful of male slaves, had been put to work, tending to the plants. General Callisto eyed the operation with unpleasant scrutiny. Isabella led General Callisto all the way down to the very end of the fields, even past where the Mistresses and the few slaves worked, and they walked along the row of plants alone.

"As you can see, we need our slaves to be in good health. Our Mistresses cannot keep up with this demanding work. We need to be able to keep more of Medication 42 so we can treat our slaves," Isabella said.

"And tell me, how is my slave doing? Is she holding up with the illness?" General Callisto asked.

"I have told you, I have no idea as to the whereabouts of your missing Imperium slave," Isabella responded as they continued walking further away from the workers.

"Slave 111 is such a sexy, petite, fun little thing to play with. Once I regain possession of her, I may just keep her for myself. But most likely, I will send her away to Mater, where she deserves to be. That is General Suarez and I's plan," General Callisto said and then she abruptly stopped, prompting Isabella to do the same. "I want Slave 111 back. Give me back my slave," General Callisto said.


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