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The Dragon Chief Ch. 05

Story Info
Willa undergoes the ritual.
3.6k words

Part 5 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 10/28/2020
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Everyone was still at the table, save for Barr. Jorvun settled into his chair with Willa still in his arms. He sat her in his lap and kissed her neck before gesturing at the barkeep to bring another round. As the gel took a hold of her senses, she melted further into him, nuzzling her face into his neck as he drank down a pint of beer. Her wine was clutched close to her body and Willa drank it down too fast, leaving her unsteady in his lap. He easily supported her swaying body with an arm around her waist.

"Are you ready, Oro?" One of the men at the table gave Jorvun a curt nod. Willa was only vaguely aware of what was happening when Jorvun scooped her up once again. She giggled into his shoulder when he grabbed a fistful of her ass cheek. Without another word, the two men took her down a hall and to a room heavy with incense smoke. Nothing but a large cushion and several altars occupied the room.

Jorvun set the drunk and drugged woman on the giant cushion. She wrapped her arms around herself, conscious of Oro's cool eyes on her from where he stood in front of the doorway. When Jorvun began trying wrangle her into cuffs, Willa started to panic. As he shoved her face-first into the cushion, she begged him.

"Sir, please," her words slurred together from the numbing gel and wine. "I will do as you wish. Just please don't tie me up again."

Jorvun chuckled. "You'll do as I wish whether I tie you up or not."

He wrestled her over his knee and as he snapped the cuffs on both her wrists, Barr entered. He was in his traditional clothes: simple wool pants and leg wraps. His face was painted and he was shirtless to bare the ritual scars over his massive chest and shoulders.

"Is she ready?" Barr asked, his blue eyes drove into her and Willa found herself curling into Jorvun's warmth and away from the intensity in Barr's eyes.

"Mostly. She's still a little raw. The gel and wine made her a little more cooperative." They spoke about her as if she wasn't there.

"Good. The gel will have to do for now. We'll let her rest after the ritual."

Barr stepped toward Willa and she retreated into Jorvun's chest, instinctually seeking his protection. Barr quirked a brow up.

"I see you're coming around to him fast?" Barr laughed at her frustrated expression. "We're not going to hurt you. Well, not much. Just try to relax."

His instruction did nothing for her pounding heart and fast breath. She knew they were going to continue inflicting their will upon her. Jorvun wrapped his arms around her to hold her in place and Barr knelt before her. He said something in a strange language, tracing a symbol over her forehead. Jorvun still held her firm in his lap when Barr leaned in and kissed her. At first it was tender. As he gently suckled her lips, Barr eased her back and Jorvun extracted himself from beneath her. Willa was weary but she did not fight off Barr's kiss. It was gentle and made her wine-fogged mind forget where it was. Soon it was just her, pinned beneath 300 pounds of muscle. Jorvun and Oro watched in silence. Jorvun was smirking down at her and Oro's emotionless gaze seemed fixated on neck.

Barr's mouth became more aggressive and he began biting and sucking at the sensitive skin over her throat. He moved to her lips and overwhelmed her mouth, crashing his tongue between her lips and grinding his knee between her legs. She started to squirm away from his assault and Barr swiftly delivered a slap to her thigh.

"Be still." His voice was soft but firm and she stilled. Something about him made Willa want to trust him. He had been the only one of them that hadn't hurt her since she'd been here. Their interactions had always been strangely comforting to her, aside from when he held her down while Drue hurt her.

Barr parted her thighs and settled fully between her legs so that his hardness, tented through his wool trousers, ground against her bare core.

"Bring me the oil." Jorvun stepped forward and handed a small wooden bowl down to Barr and Willa started to squirm uncomfortably until he simply used the warm oil to trace the same symbol from before onto her throat. It was fragrant and overwhelmed her senses with a deep floral scent. "Blessed be your words with the will of the gods."

He traced the symbol again onto her temples. "Blessed be your mind with the voice of the gods."

Finally, he moved to her lower belly, making her muscles flutter as he traced over them with the oil. "Blessed be your womb with the seed of the gods."

Willa flushed as he spoke the last words, looking her dead in the eyes. He set the oil aside.

"Can you relax for me, Willa?" When he spoke to her, she realized that her legs were tensed around him and her muscles were tight where his erection pressed against sore hole. His hand snaked between them to rub circles into her sensitive button as he rocked against her. Willa's hips bucked against him and she turned away from Barr's arrogant smile, flushing red like the wine she'd drank.

"B-Barr... that's your name, right?" Willa's words were still slurred. He nodded, flashing her a grin that reminded her of the one from the dunes, playful and affectionate. She lowered her voice to a shaky whisper. "I don't want this. I don't belong here."

Barr's grin fell and he shifted so that he could speak directly into her ear. "I know you don't. But you ARE Adhvhar. I'll be as gentle as I can."

Willa shuddered and her arms twisted against the cuffs nervously when Barr stood above her and removed each item of his clothing, folding and setting them aside. He was massive, much larger than Jorvun, and Willa couldn't believe he would fit inside her tightest hole. She shook her head at him.

"There's no way." Barr and Jorvun laughed at her words. Oro still watched quietly. Willa looked to the silent one hopefully. "Please..."

Oro lifted his eyes from where Barr was stimulating her and flashed her a miniscule smile. When Willa took notice of his growing erection, she lost hope. Barr began to trace oil symbols onto his own flesh. He chanted in a strange, beautiful language as he rocked against her. His eyes fluttered as he chanted. Abruptly, his massive body stiffened above her and he was completely still for a moment. Willa was breathless at the display.

She startled when his eyes shot open and he was looking down on her. What she saw left her frozen in terror. She couldn't breathe. His pupils had narrowed into reptilian slits and the boyish charm was gone. His expression was stony and serious. Everywhere his impossible eyes studied her was left feeling hot and strange.


Willa gasped loudly when the voice echoed in her skull. She started struggling beneath what had previously been Barr.


Willa looked wildly at the men standing in the room. Although the voice was deafening in her head, no one else seemed to react or hear it. She looked back at Barr. He was still studying her.


Barr's hand reached out and touched her cheek. It was warm and Willa subconciously leaned into it. The voice seemed... familiar. It made her feel lower stomach warm and made her feel vulnerable but the masculine baritone comforted her. She believed it when it said it wouldn't hurt her.

A memory that did not belong to her played in her head when she closed her eyes against his touch.

In the memory, she could barely move. Her body hurt everywhere. Willa had many broken bones in her life and the woman's body she occupied definitely had a broken arm. She was sore between her legs like Willa was in the present.

A man with hard eyes and soft hair was laying his head in her lap. She was stroking his hair with a scarred, tanned hand. He was in leather armor and she was wearing bits of armor over a rumpled linen dress. They were in a gravel road, surrounded by bodies.

"I'm sorry I was too late." She murmured to the man in her lap. He did not look up at her.

"We are alive. And together. That must do for now."

"What will we do about the city?" He squeezed her thigh reassuringly.

"There is nothing we can do now."

The memory faded out and she was looking at Barr's snake-like eyes again. She was visibly confused. The thing possessing Barr parted her pussy lips and pressed his massive cock between them without fully penetrating her. It looked up at her flushed face.


He pushed into her wet cunt and Willa let out a gasp before sighing and rocking her hips against him. Barr shifted so he could scoop both of her legs up on one shoulder. He began fucking her slow and deep from this position, skimming over the plug with each stroke.

Her brows furrowed when his hand traveled down to wrap tight around her throat. She did not squirm or fight but somehow knew she should close her eyes.


The hand started squeezing harder, and Willa's eyes flew open. The small room had become open field and blue sky. Her confused gaze landed on the face of another woman. She was in a simple linen dress and there was rage in her eyes. She was strangling her. Willa clawed at the woman's arms as she wheezed for air. When her struggling had no effect, she began flailing around for something to hit her attacker with. When her hands dipped into a basket of bread and knocked over a glass of wine, Willa realized they were on a picnic blanket.

"He'll know what it feels like." The woman snarled the words at Willa as she squeezed her neck. Willa's hand landed on an unopened wine bottle, which she gripped and swung at her assailant. The bottle cracked against the woman's head, making an unpleasant wet thud sound. She cried out and let go of Willa, rolling to the side in pain. "You bitch!"

Willa was surprised when she used her own weight to the knock the woman over and pin her down. The words that came from her mouth did not feel like her own.

"You dare soil the House of the Dragon?" Willa's voice was low and dangerous, but she was quickly realizing that she was only a guest in someone else's scene. "You ate from my trees. You bathed in my water."

"Laya..." the woman beneath her pleaded as Willa (or Laya, apparently) brandished her sword and raised her voice.

"You slept under my roof." Laya raised the sword above her, ready to plunge it into the body beneath her. Tears rolled over her cheeks. "I trusted you."

Suddenly, Willa felt an excruciating pain, directly between her shoulders. She glanced down, and the steel end of a sword was protruding from her abdomen. Willa, or Jaya, plunged the sword down, finishing her kill as it became impossible to breathe. She slumped over the traitors body.

"He will destroy you." Jaya wheezed through the blood in her mouth.

"I will destroy him first." The stranger spoke from behind her. It was a male voice. A strangely familiar voice.


The possessed Barr was still rocking in and out of her when she woke from the dream.

"I think so." Willa whispered to the voice. Her head rolled back as he continued fucking her in sharp thrusts that jarred her across the cushion. He came inside her and he felt unnaturally hot. She thought it would burn her insides, but her muscles still clenched around him.

The god in Barr's body turned its attention to the glass plug in Willa's sore behind. He pulled and wiggled until it popped free and Willa let out a yelp. The god-creature dipped it's fingers in the fragrant oil and relubricated her. Willa's breath was shaky as Barr's fingers slicked around her sensitive asshole but she tried to relax herself. He was huge and she was still bloody from Jorvun.

Willa jumped slightly when Jorvun settled in just above her head. He stroked her hair wordlessly. When Barr's possessed body finished preparing Willa and himself, the two men maneuvered her on her belly so her ass was presented to Barr and her face was buried Jorvun's lap. Her arms were still cuffed behind her back so she could not fight them. Jorvun kept stroking her hair as Barr's possessed form lined himself up with her entrance.


He did not wait for her answer before he pushed into her. Barr grunted at her impossibly tight hole. She was weeping quietly into Jorvun's lap but she did not try to writhe away from the God's intrusion. Her muscles flexed around him and her body twitched as he drove deeper into her, pushing until he was fully sheathed.

The voice echoed in her head again.


Willa sniffled and nodded through her sex and wine induced haze.


Barr began to thrust into her and she squealed into Jorvuns crossed legs. Barr's hand dropped down and he massaged her clit as he used her from behind. Willa climbed toward her climax, blacking out just as her body began to shake.

"Jaya?" She opened her eyes. The body of the woman from before was beneath her. They were both soaked in wine, sweat and blood. "My Jaya..."

Jaya had hoped she would die before he found her. A tear slipped over her cheek. She knew his fate now that she had failed him and perished. They had connected. Thu had spoken to them, and tied their souls together. He would swiftly follow her into the next life.

But when his warm arms pulled her against him, she was thankful for his presence.

"I'm sorry I was too late." His voice cracked when he spoke. She could barely breathe and could not speak so she used what strength she had left to squeeze his arm.

As Laya faded into the darkness, Willa opened her eyes to a brand new scene. In this one, she was floating above, and neither Laya or her warrior were present. To her disbelief, she was looking upon the blond sorceress from before. But she was dressed like Laya, in linen and wool clothes from a time long since passed. She listened closely to the conversation Drue was having with an older, very lean warrior.

"I will not have that beast on my lands. His House is not welcome here." Her dainty mouth was set into a scowl.

"Milady, we have word from a maiden of the Dragon house that the Dragon himself has connected with an Adhvhar. Removing him will be no simple task." The warrior shared Drue's exotic accent.

"Why was I not informed of this before the connection was established?"

"M-milady, we only recently learned of this development."

Drue was seething. Willa could see the gears turning in her head.

"If I might suggest," the slender warrior started. "Why not have the Adhvhar slain? The Dragon would be destroyed. And that would sever the connection to her power, correct?"

Drue looked like she was dealing with an ignorant child.

"Slaying the Adhvhar would cut him off, but he would follow her swiftly into the afterlife. It is the way of the cycle."

"Is that not a good thing, milady?" She narrowed her eyes at the warrior.

"No, you fool. They will be reincarnated together and threaten my lands in the next life. Your lifespan may be fleeting but mine is not."

She started to pace around the small, lantern-lit room. "I must sever the connection."

The slender warrior was now silent as his mistress thought. The pieces were falling together for Willa.

"I will do this myself. She must be driven away from him," Drue declared. "Leave me to my thoughts. Go."

The warrior bowed and hurried out of the room.

Suddenly she was spinning and when the blur slowed to a stop, she was looking down on Drue again. This time, she was in tight jeans and the flowing white cloak Willa met her in. She was speaking to Jorvun but he looked years younger, only barely a man. There was a nude, collared woman slouched at Drue's feet and Jorvun looked down on her apprehensively.

"Your Adhvhar will be strong. She is destined to follow you onto the battlefield. This means you must be firm with her." The Sorceress planted a heeled boot between the woman's shoulders and kicked her forward. "A disobedient Adhvhar is like a horse without a rider. She will use her strength only for herself and can destroy you in the process."

The woman on the ground was still. "She belongs to you, like this woman does while you learn. She must know that she belongs to you if you wish to use her power."

"Yes, my lady." At his reply, Drue handed him the leash attached to the woman's collar.

"Now, whip her," Drue instructed, offering a short, cruel-looking whip to the distraught man.Young Jorvun frowned at Drue.

"She hasn't done anything." Willa's heart sank for this teenage Jorvun. The woman on the ground was crying softly and the young Jorvun started to stoop down to her. Drue swiftly stepped in and pulled Jorvun up by the hair. She backhanded him hard across the face and Jorvun barely flinched.

"You will do as I say. You must be strong if you are to be Chief."

He looked at the whip and hesitated a moment before accepting it. The teenage Jorvun glanced down at the crumpled girl and took a deep breath before drawing back and delivering the first strike. It cut across the girl's skin and left a hot, red trail. Willa saw moisture in Jorvun's eyes and the girl's screech became a ringing in her ear as she started spinning again.

Willa gasped as she fell heavily back into her body. The air was knocked out of her as she came back to earth. Jorvun was slapping her cheeks, looking down on her with panic as she woke. He let out a relieved groan when her eyes snapped open and she looked up at him.

"What happened, Barr?" He snarled at the painted priest, who was feeling her wrists for a pulse.

"I... I don't know." The priest turned his attention to her wide eyes.

"She's a traitor." Willa whispered when he met her eyes.

"What?" Barr and Jorvun looked at each other with furrowed brows. Oro still stood at the door, watching the scene unfold with a frown. Willa pieced everything together as they looked on, confused.

"The Sorceress. Everything she has told you is lies." Willa turned in Jorvuns lap to face him. His eyes softened and her voice dropped. "You were with me there. Everything was... different. None of this is right."

"My pet?"

"We were equals. I was a healer on the battlefield and you were a warrior." Willa was speaking fast. "You were our leader."

"You are speaking of a past life?" Jorvun was frowning at her. She nodded.

"I think... I think Thu is telling me to fix it. Drue... she was our enemy. She wanted us gone. She said that to get rid of you, she needed to break our bond." Jorvun started shaking his head.

"Drue has guided me since I was a child. This... can't be. And if it was a past life, it couldn't have been her. She is barely aged 60." He sounded like has trying to convince himself.

"She spoke to Thu. I know it." Barr spoke up. "I could hear him. And we did not speak his name before now. How could she know?"

Jorvun looked distressed. "Did you see anything else?"

"I saw how... how it happened." She struggled with recalling the vision. The pain and fear had been so real. "We were on a picnic. A woman was trying to strangle me. I knew her. I... trusted her."

Willa felt Laya's emotions seep back into her.

"I fought her off. I was going to kill her. My sword was over her heart when someone stabbed me from behind. It was a man... he drove it straight through me. But I still slew her. You..." Willa teared up and she looked into Jorvun deeply. "You came to me when I was dying. I didn't want you to because I was scared to see your face, but I was glad you were there."

He was squeezing her when she finished. After a moment, he took a deep breath and released her.

"Barr, come speak with me." Jorvun stood and pulled him aside. He spoke to him in hushed tones. Barr was looking at Willa with worried eyes. He nodded at what Jorvun said. The Priest stepped towards Willa, who was still curled up on the cushion.


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