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The Dwarf and the Hotel Pool

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One short man is determined to get into the hotel pool.
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Within seconds of the pair them walking in at midnight, I knew they were going to be a problem.

The first words out of their mouths were "Is the pool still open?" The second were "but would anyone stop us if we DID go in?" I may not have worked in a hotel for long, but even I knew this meant trouble.

Luckily they didn't seem like too big a threat. The older guy was built pretty well, but he was getting up there in age and I doubted he could really put up much of a fight if they were to try and start one. His friend seemed even less prepared to put up a fight, given his obvious dwarfism. He stood only 4 feet tall, and even though he was lean, I doubted anyone of that stature could resist someone at a normal height. I tried to figure out his age but was stumped. The best I could figure was 20-30 given his light beard and longer hair, but the height and proportions really threw me off.

Deeming them not a real threat I let them go with a chuckle and made sure to boot up the computer in the back to keep an eye on the cameras. Of course not even a full hour passed before I see them try to creep their way in. For what its worth, they tried to be sneaky. They took the stairs instead of the elevator to avoid being close to the cameras and, after peering into the main pool door, decided to head outside and go in through the outer door instead.

Unfortunately for them, our hotel had a camera that caught the entirety of the pool, so I was on my way to boot them out before they had even put their towels down. The older guy was surprisingly quick, and by the time I got there was already in the hot tub. I popped my head in and simply said "Come on guys, rules are rules," before gesturing to the door. They got the hint.

"At least we tried," the short guy commented as he put his shirt back on and headed out the door. The older one seemed less satisfied with how their dip in the pool ended, but got out regardless and they both headed to the elevator while I went back to the front desk. It was from there that I heard the short guy tell his friend to go up and get dried off, and that hed be back up in a few minutes. I was curious as to what he was going to do, but I didn't have to wait long to find out.

"Hey, I didn't catch your name," he said as he walked up to the front desk.

"The name's Rob," I told him, gesturing to my name tag.

"Well nice to meet ya, I'm Danny," he informed me, extending his hand. I shook it briefly before he continued. "So tell me Rob, you ever wonder what a midget's junk looks like?"

"What?" I responded, flabbergasted.

"I said have you ever wondered what a midget's junk looks like? His dick? Balls?"

"Sir, why would you ask me that?" I asked, getting a bit flustered.

"Well I figure most people are curious. And I'd say you definitely are, given how much you're shufflin' around back there. You gettin' hard already?"

As much as I wished it wasn't the case, it was. Having grown up on the internet I was no stranger to the more fetishy side of porn, and midget porn was one of those fetishes I came across in time. His words alone were already starting to get me excited. However, there was no way I was going to let him know that. "Absolutely not!" I stated, probably too assertively.

"Sure, why don't you let me feel it then, and see for myself?" he asked, taking a step closer to the desk. I moved to the side slightly further away from him before responding.

"Sir, we do have a camera system."

"Ah yes, that pesky camera system. But a good employee like you surely must know where the cameras do and don't see, no?"

"Even if I did, I still need to know why you're so insistent on showing me... THAT," I replied, gesturing vaguely towards his crotch.

"It's a simple quid pro quo, I show you the goods," he, less vaguely, gestured towards his crotch, "and you let me and my buddy swim for a bit after hours."

"Sir I can't bend the rules for you, regardless of what you do."

"Sure, sure. Why don't you just decide that afterwards. Now come on, Rob, lets go somewhere with none of those cameras."

"I can't just take you to an area with no cameras, that would look way too suspicious."

"Well then just tell me where they ain't at."

"I can't." He sighed and I started to feel a little bad, given how hard he was trying to get his way (as weird as his way was). "What I can tell you is that it is illegal to have cameras in any private quarters or bathrooms."

"Well thank you for that information," he replied before trotting off down the hallway. He disappeared for a few minutes before coming back up to the desk. "Well Robert, how about that. The bathroom by the pool has a clogged toilet. Now I'll bet a good employee like yourself can't just leave a toilet out of operation, can he?"

Sighing, I grabbed the plunger from the back room and followed Danny to the pool bathroom. Our pool's bathroom was set up kind of like a typical locker room, with a few rows of lockers, some shower stalls, a few urinals, and some normal toilet stalls. Six toilet stalls to be exact, and as I followed Danny inside I found that each of them had been clogged with copious amounts of toilet paper. I gave Danny a sharp glare (to which he responded with a shrug and a "Wonder how that happened") and got to work unclogging the first toilet.

About halfway through the first one I heard a rustling noise from behind. I turned to see Danny, already shirtless, working on sliding his pants off.

"Come on man, stop that. Keep your clothes on." I complained.

"This is a changin' room, is it not? Its one of the few places I CAN be naked," he retorted.

Given the sudden stop of the rustling noise, I figured he had finished stripping and was now standing around bare ass naked. Intent on trying to get me to look at his junk, he tried to creep into my field of view as I worked on unclogging the toilets, hands on his hips and his goods on full display, but each time I turned and pointedly avoided looking at him. By the time I was working on the last toilet I could tell he was almost as annoyed as I was.

"Say, why DO you have to unclog toilets? Seems like that sorta thing should go to housekeeping, or maintenance or something," he asked.

"Its the night shift, neither housekeeping nor maintenance is here so everything pretty much falls on me." I sighed.

"Even cleaning and stuff?"

"Yeah, I suppose. Not that there's much stuff to clean at night."

He went silent for a while, and I thought he was finally over his little game as I finished up the last toilet until I heard a soft splashing from behind me. I turned around to find him pissing not in a urinal, not in a toilet, hell - not even in a damn shower drain but onto the lockers on the wall.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I exclaimed.

"Well, I figure this'll take you a bit more time to tidy up than those toilets," he responded, slowly shuffling over and coating the next line of lockers in his piss.

"Fucking stop!" I shouted at him.

"Make me," he replied snarkily.

I had had enough of him and his dumb game, and I drew the line at having to clean up someone else's piss. I marched up to him and grabbed him pulling him back and away from the lockers, but he kept pissing. I dragged him over to a shower stall figuring it could at least go down the drain but the bastard twisted and arched his back, making sure that his stream of piss landed outside the stall. I finally had enough and grabbed his dick, trying to stem the flow manually. He just thrusted into my hand, continuing to piss into it. Fed up with this, I aimed his dick back up at himself. He only grunted, and continued to piss onto his chest and stomach while staring right into my eyes.

After what seemed like minutes his stream finally start to trickle to a stop. He gave another thrust into my hand, as if he was gloating. I looked around at the piss covered lockers, benches, and floors and was furious. I knew that I had to get even with him. I dropped his dick, shaking his piss off my hand before reaching down and taking my own dick out. I walked over the the table where he had set down his dry set of clothes and let loose, drenching them in my own piss. They were the only clothes he brought with him into the bathroom, so if he wanted to leave without being caught naked on the cameras (and subsequently charged for public indecency) he'd have to do so drenched in my piss.

I decided that wasn't enough though. After thoroughly soaking his clothes, I moved back over to him. Given his already short stature, all I had to do was force his head down slightly to piss directly onto his head. His longer hair was filled with my piss, becoming a sopping wet mess. The excess dribbled down his face and his neck, dripping down his back and onto his chest. Eventually his hair couldnt hold any more piss, all of it running down his face so I aimed for a new target. I took one hand and grabbed his jaw, forcing his mouth open and continuing to empty my bladder into his open mouth. Some of it dribbled out of his mouth and continued down his body, but the majority of it he managed to keep in, swallowing my piss mouthful after mouthful. A few moments later my bladder was finally empty, and the piss finally trickled to a stop. Danny was smirking.

"Well what do ya know, seeing a midget naked might not be too kinky for ya after all if you're into watersports like that." He walked over to his pile of clothes, now sopping wet and smelling of piss. "Unfortunately for your revenge plan there, so am I." He took his shirt and lifted it above his head, twisting it to wring the piss out. Leaning his head back, he caught all the piss in his mouth, gargled it, then spit it straight up so it landed on his face and dribbled down his chest even more. "Now that we're finally having fun, how about you get more comfortable," he gestured towards me and I realized that despite what I just did, I was still fully clothed (minus my dick now hanging out of my pants).

Not seeing the point of being coy anymore, I stripped, making sure to put my clothes on top of a (dry) locker out of Danny's reach, just in case. I noticed that despite our previous activities Danny was still completely soft, his dick hadn't hardened up at all. I myself was only semi-hard, as my anger had diminished my arousal a bit.

"That's more like it," he said, walking over towards me. "Now, since you've already seen me naked, that's no good for our deal. So, I've got a better idea. A bet, more like." I didn't say anything, just kept watching him. "I bet that my dick is bigger than yours. Simple as that."

I burst out laughing. Midget size aside, I had already seen his dick soft, held it even! The little prick's little prick was tiny, while I had a decent six inches under my belt. "And what would you get from this bet, IF you even managed to win it?" I asked.

"Me and my friend upstairs get to do whatever we want in the pool tonight, and you wipe the camera footage afterwards."

"That's two things," I replied

"Fine, then you get two things as well if you win."

I thought for a moment before deciding. "Fine, I'll take your bet. And when I win, you have to leave the pool alone, AND clean up all of the piss in this bathroom - with your tongue!"

Danny smirked before holding out his hand, and we shook on it. I was giddy at this point. There was no way the dwarf would win this, so not only would I not have to deal with him anymore, but I'd also get my revenge by making him lick every piss covered surface in this bathroom. We both got to work on our dicks, jerking them off and slowly getting to full mast. Without any porn or anything to watch, we looked at each other as we worked our hands up and down. It was because of this that I watched in dismay as Danny's tiny dick grew to rival the size of my own. His soft size was deceptive, the dwarf was a total grower!

When we both decided we were fully hard, we went face to face with Danny on a short bench so our crotches were at equal heights. Flattening down our own pubic hair with our hands, we put our dicks beside each other's, pointing toward the other person. I was shocked to see Danny's dick poking into me while mine still had nearly an inch to go to reach him. The midget must have been nearly 7 inches long! Given the proportions of the rest of his body, it made his monstrous cock seem even bigger. The dwarf looked like he was hung as a horse! Even his balls were bigger now that I had a good look at them. I was ashamed.

"Well, got anythin' to say?" he gloated, wagging his hips. The motion made his junk sway back and forth, smacking my smaller set as it did so.

I sighed before replying through gritted teeth. "Alright, you win. You're bigger."

"Well that's not true! Just look at the size of me!" He chuckled, gesturing to the height difference between the two of us.

I gnashed my teeth even harder. "Your dick is bigger than mine. Are you happy?"

"I will be once I get my end of the bet."

"Fine, go do whatever the fuck you want in the pool."

"That's what I like to hear. Stay here a minute." I was confused, but decided to just go along with it. He walked over to the wall where a phone was mounted (the hotel was required to have one in every room, in case of emergencies), and called up to his room, presumably to invite his older buddy back down. It wasn't long before the man walked into the bathroom, taking a look around at the piss covered room and our own naked (and hard) bodies.

"Looks like you two had fun in here," he remarked.

"Well Ellis," Danny grabbed the older gentleman and brought him over towards me. "This is Rob. And on account of my dick being bigger than his," he smacked my dick with his own once again just to prove the point, "We get to do whatever we want in the pool."

"Is that so?" Ellis replied, looking me up and down. Still standing there naked, I decided I had enough.

"Are you done, you tiny pervert? Can you two just get on with it?"

"I don't think you understand, Rob. You said we can do whatever we want in the pool, right?"

"Yes?" I replied, confused.

"Well we want to do you," Danny stated, matter-of-factly. It finally clicked in my mind what he meant.

"Now hold on just a minute, I didn't think-" I started to say as I walked toward the door. Ellis blocked me before I could make it. While Danny was explaining to me what he had in mind, Ellis had stripped, and now up close I could see age hadn't affected Ellis as much as I had thought earlier. It had made him older in a silver fox kind of way, but clearly hadn't had much of an effect on his strength. The man could easily stop me if he wanted to.

"You wouldn't go back on a gentleman's bet, would you?" Danny asked rhetorically, as if I had a choice. He walked over and grabbed my by the balls, pulling them and leading me out into the pool area by tugging on them. I cringed as we walked out of the doorway, knowing we were now on camera. Luckily the other half of the bet was still on, and I would be deleting the footage later.

Danny noticed me cringing and followed my gaze, seeing the camera. Still pulling on my balls he led me over and underneath the camera. He hopped up onto a chair, then onto a table and adjusted the camera so that it was pointing straight at me. "That's more like it," he said, grabbing my junk again and giving it a wag toward the camera.

Ellis came over now and moved a small table over, gently forcing me onto my back on it. The table was at just the right height that my ass was level with Danny's crotch, though Ellis had to kneel to get his dick near my face. Now up close and personal with Ellis's equipment, I saw that it wasn't as long as Danny's or even my own, but it was thicker than either of us. His balls were decent size, and his pubes were the same gray as the rest of his hair, which I know knew he had a lot of over his body.

While I was checking out Ellis, Danny got to work on my back end. He drooled into his hand until he had a decent amount built up, then slathered it between my cheeks. Prying them apart, his fingers reached for my hole and started to work their way in, retreating often to get more lubricated by Danny's mouth.

Ellis's appendage, on the other hand, was swiftly being lubricated by my own mouth. With me on the table and him on his knees, his dick was about equal height to my chest. My head was tilted backwards off the table, making my throat essentially a straight line for him to thrust into. I was no stranger to sucking dick, but Ellis was thicker than any I had had before, so it took me a while to accommodate him. Even when I did, I couldn't breath at all while he was fully sheathed inside my mouth.

By the time Ellis got to that point, Danny had moved on from fingers to the real thing. I could feel him stretching me open, and despite my whines it seemed he had no intentions of slowing down. Whenever he encountered more resistance he just thrust harder, spearing my onto his seven inch pole.

After a few minutes of this on both ends, both Ellis and Danny were balls deep in their respective holes. Danny's huge balls slapped against my ass as he pounded into me while Ellis's slapped against my nose since my face was upside down. They kept at a solid rhythm for a few minutes until Danny interrupted the silence.

"Ellis, you'd never believe was Rob did earlier in the bathroom."

"What's that?"

"He held my mouth open and pissed right into it!"

"Is that so!" Ellis responded with exaggerated astonishment. "Well, we'll just have to see if he likes a taste of his own medicine!"

Using both his hands, Ellis grabbed my head, his fingers on the back of my neck and his thumbs under my jaw and used the leverage to thrust all the way into my throat, sealing it off with his dick. After a few seconds he began to release his bladder directly into my throat, giving me no choice but to desperately swallow. I kept swallowing, whining and trying to push him off of me to catch my breath but his grip on my head was solid. He wasn't going to let me catch a single breath until he was done. I desperately kept swallowing his piss as the edges of my vision went dark, and I began to lose feeling...

The first thing I felt when I woke up was the stinging. My eyes and nose burned, and judging by the stench it was from piss. Some of it must have gone back up my throat and into my nasal cavities and dribbled down my face and into my eyes, burning them. My balls ached too, hard enough that I felt like I would be sick. It was as if someone had kicked my in the nuts time and time again.

Danny and Ellis were nowhere to be found. I slowly got to my feet, still woozy after being choked out by Ellis's dick. I was drenched head to toe, likely in a combination of piss, cum, sweat, and spit. Both my throat and my asshole were on fire, throbbing with each heartbeat. I stumbled into the bathroom, making my way to the shower. I used the spray of water to wash out my eyes, not even bothering to clean the rest of my body. Even with the water cleaning most of it off, I could still feel liquid seeping out of my asshole and down my legs.

Finally able to see again, I reached on top of the locker for my clothes only to find that they weren't there. I reached around, thinking that they may have been pushed farther back when I spot Danny's piss soaked clothes still on the floor. Since Danny wasn't here, he must have had Ellis grab him my clothes, leaving these ones behind. With no other choice, I began to pull them on. Surprisingly they were still quite warm, meaning one of them had likely emptied their bladder onto the clothes again before leaving. I would place my bets on Danny, since my bloated stomach indicated that Ellis had likely completely emptied himself into me.

I stretched the drenched clothes on as best as I could, but they were designed for a midget's body. On me they clung too tight and were far too short. The shirt ended up looking like a crop top, and his pants were essentially shorts on me. They were so tight that they couldnt even be zipped in the front, leaving my junk bulging out in his uncomfortably tight (and now yellow-stained) tighty-whities. I didn't even bother trying to put on his shoes or socks.


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