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The Enemy Within


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The duplicate smirked, "I am very real because I am your other personality. I was very selective when I came out, so you would never detect my presence. Normally, multiple personalities do not interact with each other, they just switch, but learning ancient meditation techniques, combined with an experimental psychedelic drug from the American Southwest, has made this meeting possible. Where are my manners? I forgot to introduce myself, please call me 'Mommy.' I chose that name because 'Mommy' loves her girls, Adele and Danica, and sweet husband, Collin."

Emily gasped. "You are the one putting all of Collin's pictures back up!! This can't be happening! I need to see a doctor. I need you to go away and have this problem cured because I have a wedding to plan with Richard Thicke!"

Mommy's face twisted into anger. "How dare you try and destroy Collin, you slut! My poor, sweet husband! It is a good thing I had that restraining order lifted, and cancelled that horrible divorce petition yesterday afternoon! The judge simply was very moved by the genuine tears of a loving wife, who had made a mistake by fucking that steroid-raging Cue Ball. Judge Adams was incredibly happy that I wanted to reconcile. Such a busy day yesterday."

Emily exploded, "What! You cancelled my divorce petition!"

Mommy began laughing. "I did, indeed, cancel the petition. I am not going to let a stupid slut destroy my family over five extra inches of cock."

Emily snarled, "I am not a stupid slut! Richard loves me and will make me wealthy beyond my wildest dreams! Collin is an emo-loser, who is going nowhere. He never was good enough for me! I only married him because he knocked me up and our minister father insisted. I have breaking news for you, sister, that divorce petition is getting refiled this afternoon!"

Mommy smirked, "The divorce is not happening. I will do whatever I must, to save my marriage and protect my babies. I am going to destroy your affair partner and the best part is that you will watch every second. This is why I went to all the trouble with experimental drugs and doing the meditation exercises. I want to gloat and see your face when I utterly break Cue Ball."

Emily realized she was sitting in the client chair by the door, and Mommy was sitting in the executive chair behind the desk! Mommy was now in control of her body, and she was the spectator! Mommy grabbed her purse and walked out her office, telling the secretary to let Richard know she needed take a raincheck on lunch, that she needed to deal with a family illness, but he should come over for dinner at six PM to 'relieve' himself.

Mommy, while going down in the elevator, sent a quick text off to human resources that she did not want any change in Collin's health insurance coverage, and that the hospital claim should cover his entire stay. Emily screamed insults at Mommy. This was outrageous! This Mommy had no right to wreck all their carefully laid plans to make Collin a cuckold! Emily pleaded for somebody to help, but none could hear her ranting and raving.

# 10 Minutes Later

Emily pouted, sitting in the back seat of her Lexus, as Mommy drove towards the hospital. She noticed a bouquet of flowers on the floor of the back seat. Emily, in frustration, shouted, "Let me guess. These are for Collin!"

Mommy nodded. "I cannot wait to tell him the good news about lifting the restraining order, and that the girls will be visiting later! I have my work cut out for me to undo your cruelty to save the marriage, but my girls will help me out. They know all about our DID situation."

Emily gasped. "You told the girls about our mental condition?"

Mommy w smiled and giggled. "No. I told the girls to not trust you, the cheating slut, and to only trust Mommy, who loves them. We have a special phrase that lets them know which personality is active."

Emily started to kick her imaginary legs and futilely beat on the seat like a small child throwing a temper tantrum.

Mommy laughed, "Stupid slut. I have been using our considerable IQ to formulate a strategy to save this family, while you were wasting your time slobbering and gagging on Cue Ball's dick."

Emily sneered, "That dick has given me the greatest orgasm in the world, makes my pussy moan, and will create a billionaire heir."

Mommy grew sad. "I miss my sweet lovemaking with Collin after those evening concerts in the park. We held hands and talked about our dreams. I loved rocking his world when we came home after watching the girls fall to sleep." Her face turned to one of disgust. "My poor husband is going to be upset if I push Cue Ball's cupcake-eating offspring out my coochie. An 'other child' is an impossible hurdle to overcome for a betrayed husband in a marriage."

Emily gasped. "You would not dare use a day-after pill or abort a child! You murderous bitch. Our father is a Baptist minister!"

Mommy smirked, "You are hardly one to lecture me about the commandments." Mommy pulled into the hospital parking garage and found a space.

Emily smirked, "I doubt Collin will even want to see me after our last meeting. I told him he can only stay if he eats Richard's cum out my pussy. Collin surely hates me."

Mommy responded, "My Collin loves me. You will see."

Emily narrowed her eyes. "Enjoy this while it lasts. You cannot keep me in the back seat forever. I will get my body back."

Mommy ignored Emily and inspected herself in the rearview mirror. Mommy applied more lipstick, inspect her flawless skin, and fix her tied-back, wavy blonde hair. She looked good and wanted Collin to know she was putting in her best effort just for him.

Emily sighed, "We look perfect. We always look perfect."

Mommy smiled, "We agree for once."

# One Hour Later

Mommy continued into the hospital with the flowers, took the elevator upstairs, then checked in with the front-desk nurse before entering Collin's room. Pneumonia was not contagious as Mommy knew, but she asked the nurse anyways if it was okay to visit. The nurse gave her permission and Mommy entered her husband's room.

Collin was coughing and wheezing, but was slowly getting better with the antibiotics and treatments. Mommy's heart broke at the sight of her poor husband. He was too skinny and emaciated. Collin gasped, seeing his wife walk into his room— it was the first time he had seen her since that fateful talk. Collin thought his wife utterly hated him, but there she was, standing in his room with a look of sorrow and concern on her face, holding flowers.

Emily felt a pang of guilt, looking at her husband's sorry state.

Mommy's eyes teared up at the sight of Collin, and put the vase of flowers down. "I am deeply sorry, sweetheart. This is entirely my fault, and you did nothing wrong. I had the judge lift the restraining order and my mother will bring the girls by later for a visit. They are desperate to see you!"

Collin coughed and wheeze, "Thanks! I miss them terribly. I do not understand this change of heart, Emily. I thought you hated me!"

Mommy then grasped Collin's hand. "No! I love you, sweetheart! I love you with all my heart! I have not been right in my head for a while. It is overly complicated, but I will have Adele explain it to you tonight. Listen to her carefully, and trust our daughter! She will teach you a phrase when you can trust me, and when you cannot."

Emily screamed into the void, as Mommy was now bringing Collin into her conspiracy. She could not read Mommy's thoughts to get the code phrase! Mommy had locked away her plans, and had used the training from the mental exercises to create a wall that Emily could not breach. Emily was at a disadvantage when it came to Mommy.

Mommy continued, "I withdrew the divorce petition today, made sure you still are on my health insurance, and I am bringing you home when released from the hospital! I hope to someday earn your forgiveness for the horrible things I've done."

Collin wheezed, "What about Richard? He will..."

Mommy narrowed her eyes. "You let me deal with Richard. That horrible man exploited my mental condition and ambitions to take advantage of me and ruin our marriage. I now understand the 'Me Too' movement fully!"

Collin got angry and coughed, "Did he sexually assault you, Emily? Was he extorting you? I wish you had told me; I would have done something. You need to tell Jaime!"

Emily was furious because Mommy was lying by implying being sexually assaulted! Emily knew the truth, the only thing remotely 'Me Too' about her situation was she eagerly spread their legs for Richard's meat like every other female employee. Collin was buying her lies because he was sick, beaten down, and broken. Mommy was offering him love, warmth, and a return to his life. Emily pondered about Mommy's plans for Richard. Maybe Mommy was going to try to frame Richard at six PM tonight for some kind of assault?

Emily was frustrated as she could not wrest control of her body back from Mommy. It must have something to do with the meditation Mommy had learned. Emily cursed as Mommy began to soothingly stroke Collin's long hair.

"You are the best husband in the world! Lying sick here in a hospital bed due to my actions, but are more worried about me! I do not deserve somebody like you, Collin MacKay! You just need to worry about getting well, my love. I will take care of everything and fix this marriage. Get sleep, my love." Mommy kissed Collin gently on the lips and her tears were real.

Emily stared at her husband for a second, as Mommy walked out of the room. Collin was very thin, his eyes hollow in the sockets, almost emaciated; he didn't look good. The stress of the divorce and being framed for heroin possession was taking its toll. Emily felt a pang of guilt deep in her soul, maybe that pain was where this Mommy persona was born.

Mommy turned and looked at Emily in pity for a second, but continued to walk down the hallway, her high heels making clicking sounds on the floor, as she strode back towards the elevator.

# Later that Afternoon

Emily watched, as Mommy finished taking a shower using the towel to dry her shapely ass and long legs. It was 5:45pm and Richard was due to arrive soon. Mommy had arranged for their mother to pick the girls up from school and take them to see Collin. Emily nodded in appreciation at how good she looked. Emily noticed that Mommy had placed sexy black lingerie on the bed.

Mommy sighed, "Well, I guess it's almost time to give you back control."

Emily's eyes opened wide. "What? You are letting me back in charge?"

Mommy nodded. "You don't seriously think I am going to spend my evening gagging on Cue Ball's meat and cheat on my sweet Collin. You can take care of Richard. I am going to recharge in a sleep cycle. It is exhausting dealing with a cheating slut."

Emily was perplexed and uncertain as to Mommy's plan. Emily needed to learn more and decided to goad Mommy. "If you let me back in charge, I'll undo everything you did today!"

Mommy smirked and shrug. "I hardly think you want Richard to know you have a split-personality mental disorder, given he is already super paranoid from taking all those steroids. Richard frets over every pound added to his gut. You will also look like an irrational lunatic if you refile the divorce petition, or cancel the health insurance tomorrow."

Emily angrily responded, "I will go to hospital and tell Collin he is a small-dicked, worthless piece of crap!"

Mommy laughed, "Go ahead. You do not know the code phrase. Adele is telling Collin right now, and he will ignore everything you say. This has been such a fun day, but I need to recharge. See you tomorrow... sunshine."

Emily stared at herself holding a towel, and Mommy was nowhere to be seen. She was back in control! Emily's mind was rapidly deciding on how to spin her actions to Richard. Mommy was right, she couldn't possibly tell Richard the truth. Emily could spin this somehow to her favor by appealing to Richard's obsessive need to break and cuckold Collin.

Emily heard the doorbell, then greeted Richard at the door, and gave him an enthusiastic kiss. "The girls are with my mother and won't be home until 8:00 pm. We have two hours to ourselves."

Richard smiled and entered the family home. "What was the family emergency? One of the girls sick at school?"

Emily had a serious look on her face, and stared into Richard's eyes. "Collin is in the hospital. I am still his wife legally and his contact on the health insurance."

Richard stared in disbelief. "I told you to tell human resources to drop him from the insurance! We could break him financially with the medical bills."

Emily sighed uncomfortably and then begin to spin, "Do not forget sweetheart, I am also a lawyer and did some research on our state family laws. No offense to your attorney, Robert, but he is merely an Ohio State law graduate. It is just a fact Michigan has a better law school. Anyways, I think these vindictive tactics could make us vulnerable in court by some of our actions against Collin. We did not think this through fully."

Richard groaned and walked over to the nearby bar in the dining room and poured himself a glass of brandy. "Okay. What about our fantasy? We talked often about turning Collin into a completely broken cuckold who becomes our personal slave for our honeymoon! You know how bad I want him to eat my cum from your pussy, Emily!"

Emily nodded in agreement with Richard, but sternly added, "I want him to eat a creampie as well, but we need to be more cautious. Jaime is talking to the girls and is now on a mission to bury me in traffic tickets."

Richard shook his head. "I don't fear that incel shithead. Jaime is as pathetic as his brother. I am more concerned right now about President Judge Adams tampering with your divorce case. I donated to his opponent last election, and he will, no doubt, try to screw us over and drag it out."

Emily nodded. "That means we need to be much more careful and hope Jaime doesn't have the ear of the district attorney or the judge. They don't like dirty cops, but maybe may be willing to overlook his antics if you piss them off."

Richard gulped down the glass of brandy in frustration.

Emily stroked his back soothingly. "When Collin is released from the hospital, he will need a place to live and bed to recover, and since technically he is legally still my husband, it would be best if he recovered in his place of residence, instead of Jaime's spare couch."

Richard shouted in anger, "You can't let Collin move back into the house! That will reset the separation!"

Emily shook her head negatively. "Collin will be sleeping in the spare bedroom, and it will have no effect on the separation agreement. I asked the court to remove the restraining order, which will make me look gracious in the eyes of the court. It may delay the divorce process slightly, but will give me time to mend fences with my parents and the girls. Collin staying in the house could be made to work in our favor."

Richard pondered the impact of Collin moving back into the home, and smirked, "Collin could babysit the girls, giving us more date nights. When we are together in your bedroom, he would have to listen while lying in the spare room."

Emily smiled and wrapped her arms around Richard. "Collin will, no doubt, get an erection hearing you fuck my pussy. He may even come to like it and ask to watch! Is this not what you hoped for all along!"

Richard smiled broadly. "Now, I'm hoping for a speedy recovery! Okay, keep Collin on the company insurance for now. When is he getting out of the hospital?"

Emily shrugged. "I am not sure yet. Likely, in a couple days."

Richard changed the subject and pull a document out of his suit jacket. "I wanted to show you this at lunch before, when you were supposed to give me that blowjob. I don't want my dough-ball brothers to wreck my legacy. I have updated my will, that, in case of my death or incapacitation, any children you bear fathered by myself will inherit the entirety of my wealth. It will grant you power of attorney, and automatically name you as chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Northern Financial Services.

Emily nodded. "You are a genius, darling."

Richard added, "My brothers would piss my company away in porn, games, and buttercream icing. They are just like my useless father."

Emily beamed, "I need to make it up to you for missing that lunchtime blowjob. We better go right upstairs so you can fill me with sperm and make that baby."

# Next Morning

Emily awoke the next day to see Mommy lying in bed across from her, staring with those baby blue eyes and a big smile on her perfect face.

"Morning, sunshine! I hope you enjoyed your evening of debauchery and scheming. Spill the tea!"

Emily smirked, "I had a wonderful time with Richard, and afterwards, we spent an hour preparing the guest room for when Collin is released from the hospital. The girls seemed incredibly happy their father was coming home. I guess I should thank you for making me do the right thing."

Mommy laughed. "Finally putting that Michigan education to use! I wondered how you were going to spin everything to Richard last night. Appealing to Richard's disgusting urges to cuckold Collin is a clever strategy while letting 'Daddy' live here gives you brownie points with our girls. You almost look like a decent person. But I know better."

Emily stretched her limbs. "It will be easier to keep Collin under control and Jaime off my back. I should have done this in the first place."

Mommy raised an eyebrow. "You didn't because you are a selfish bitch and a narcissist, singularly obsessed with a single cock."

Emily didn't have time to respond, as Adele peeked her head into the bedroom seeing her mother lying on the bed. "How are you feeling, Mom?"

Emily turned and smiled at her daughter. "I feel just wonderful, baby! How was Daddy doing last night?"

Adele tilted her head slightly, and coolly said, "Daddy was still coughing but starting to feel better. Grandma talked to the doctor and said he can come home maybe next week. She wants to talk to you again."

Emily w nodded her head and was happy that her mother was maybe starting to come around. Emily's parents opposed the divorce and were furious when they somehow learned she was cheating on her husband...

Emily glanced sideways towards Mommy, who was smirking. Emily then realized who had told her parents about the affair.

"I will call Grandma from work. You get ready for school."

Adele smiled briefly and continued down the hall to get dressed for school.

Emily got up from the bed and stared at Mommy. "I assume you are trying to get me to reconcile with Collin, and think having him here will change my heart."

Mommy laughed. "Reconciliation is going to happen. This is what is best for everyone. Me. You. The children."

Emily narrowed her eyes at Mommy. "You are going to try and sleep with Collin?"

Mommy wryly smiled. "There is no conceivable way I will be able to keep my hands off my sweet, sweet Collin. He must be sexually starved, and I must express my love, and have him reclaim his woman. I am afraid Richard is going to have put up with sloppy seconds."

Emily angrily yelled, "How dare you! This is my body!"

Mommy laughed, "Don't you mean our body, but my choice?"

# One Week Later

It was the second night since Collin had returned to the family home. Mommy had settled Collin back into the house yesterday. Collin was still physically weak, so he mostly lay on the couch and mainly talked with the girls, helping them with their homework. They were all in the living room finishing watching a movie. Poe, the family German shepherd was lying on Collin's lap on the couch.

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