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The Enemy Within

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A Cheating Wife faces an unexpected opponent.
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This is my first short story on Literotica. It is a story mostly told from the perspective of the Cheating Wife who wants to divorce and ruin her husband, but faces an unexpected opponent. Any characters engaged in sexual acts are over the age of eighteen.

Special thanks to Kenji Sato for the edit.

Copyright © All rights reserved.

Emily Rose MacKay screamed 'Fuck Yeah!!!' having sex in the doggy-style position on her marital bed. Her lover had a thick ten-inch cock. Emily was a twenty-nine-year-old beautiful woman, who was five foot nine inches tall with shoulder-length, wavy, blonde hair, thirty-six-inch D-cup breasts, long legs, and a perfect heart-shaped ass. She was almost tall enough to be a model. Emily felt the cock of her lover drill her pussy like a jackhammer tearing up a highway. Her face broke into a huge smile, and she began to pant like 'Poe,' her German shepherd.

Emily was not having sex with Collin MacKay, her husband of ten years and father of their two daughters, Adele, aged ten, and Danica, eight years old. She was a cheating slut, conducting an affair with her boss, who sexually took her to heights she never could reach with her husband.

Emily was an intelligent, ambitious young woman who had graduated from the University of Michigan, with a dual degree in Law and Finance. She was the oldest of twelve children of Andrew Rose, a strict Christian and Baptist minister and Marla Rose, a public defender. Emily had known Collin since kindergarten, growing up in the same neighborhood; the two were friends, but drifted into different social circles.

Emily was beautiful, a cheerleader, popular, and the class valedictorian in stark contrast to Collin, who was a more introverted musician that played guitar and Scottish bagpipes. Emily and Collin never dated in high school, but after graduation, came together in a drunken hook-up at a summer party. Emily became pregnant with Adele, and her parents insisted she be in a 'Godly' marriage to Collin. Collin knew Emily was out of his league, but put his soul into the marriage and won over her family.

Collin, her husband, was five feet ten inches tall, only an inch taller than Emily, with a boyish face, swimmer's body, soft long brown hair, and hazel eyes. Emily at first, was deeply love Collin, who put his Celtic rock musical career on hold to work in construction and care for their daughters, so she could pursue her degree and career. Emily graduated near the top of her class, passed the bar exam, and was highly recruited by dozens of financial services companies and law firms. She chose Northern Financial Services; they were an up-and-coming corporation whose headquarters was close to her family. Northern Financial Services was a brokerage company that managed investments, commercial banking, and retirement pensions for local governments.

Emily interviewed to join their legal department as an attorney who specialized in finance and business law. Emily instantly was noticed by Richard Thicke, the forty-five-year-old chairman and chief executive officer of Northern Financial Services. Richard was six-two, bald, with a neat short beard, muscled arms, but had a slight middle-aged-man belly. Richard exercised daily to overcome the genetics inherited from his mother, Maggie Thicke, a widow who created a gourmet cupcake company. Richard's father had died of a heart attack during a hot dog-eating contest and his four younger brothers all grew up to either be chubby pastry chefs, or video game playing incels.

Richard had never married and was obsessed with being an 'alpha male', having bedded dozens of married female employees. Richard enjoyed cuckolding their husbands, and emasculating them in the eyes of their wives. All that changed when his cock hardened at the first sight of Emily. The intelligent, beautiful, young married woman captivated Richard. Emily was his greatest conquest, and he patiently worked on her for two years.

Emily was smitten and overwhelmed by Richard's strong, dominant, masculine aura, which contrasted with her more laid-back musician husband. Richard's cock was twice the size of her husband and much thicker. Emily had ambitions to be the Northern Financial Services chief legal officer, and to, someday, become a vice-president so she flirted with her boss. Richard seduced Emily a year ago, which was the start of their torrid affair. Richard desired to turn Collin into a cock-cage-wearing cuckold, who that meekly accept a divorce and start a new life as the family slave. Emily urged caution, as Collin's brother, Jaime MacKay, was a local police sergeant and rumored to be a corrupt police officer who took bribes.

Richard and Emily finally, three months ago, decided to bring their relationship into the open and announce their plans to marry each other. Richard did not want to leave his fortune to his four doughball brothers, and wanted a son from Emily to inherit his fortune, while becoming the father figure to her lovely young daughters, Adele, and Danica.

Emily filed for divorce, and took Collin by surprise in a 'we-need-to-talk discussion, with Richard and his massive bodyguard and chauffeur named, Mako, present. Mako forcefully detained a tearful and stunned Collin, while Emily explained she no longer loved him, and that he needed to leave the house.

Richard next arranged for Mako to follow Collin to a music bar he occasionally patronized, rough him up, and inject him with heroin. Collin was found in the alley, then arrested by the police, with over a dozen needles and a small personal-use dosage on his person, planted by Mako, naturally.

All of this was to ensure custody of the girls went to Emily, and not even Jaime MacKay, could make the arrest go away with the police chief. Jaime did convince the district attorney to allow Collin to accept an Alternative Rehabilitative Disposition in a rehab facility that did not go on his permanent record.

Collin was devastated that Emily was cheating and divorcing him; worst of all, a restraining order prevented him from seeing his girls, Adele and Danica. Collin lost his job and was a broken man by the time he was released from rehab. He lived on his brother's basement couch, played sad songs on his acoustic guitar, and unfortunately, soon after, fell sick with pneumonia. Emily had difficulty with Adele and Danica, as neither girl liked Richard, and both wanted their Daddy to come home.

Emily was never going to allow that to happen, as she had fallen in love with Richard's wealth, status, power, and large cock. Collin could never measure up and, at best, become a one-weekend-a-month parent, whose child-support payments did not offset any alimony he received. They wanted Collin impoverished and broken down to agree to becoming a cock-cage-wearing personal cuckold slave.

Emily screamed, "Cum in me, Richard! Make your heir!"

Richard's huge balls smacked on her ass and his cock continued to jackhammer her pussy. He began groaning loudly at the thought of siring a son, and his organism released a river of cum into Emily. Emily screamed like a banshee wailing in the night, and have an intense orgasm, the greatest of her life.

Emily suddenly felt a sharp pain in her head, a spasm that caused her vision to blur for a second. The pain passed quickly, and Emily collapsed onto the bed with a smile. Richard roared like a male lion. Emily was positive Richard's had impregnated her, as she was at the peak of her ovulation.

Richard smiled. "In nine months, I will have my prince and heir!"

Emily coyly smirked, "In six months, I will be Mrs. Emily Thicke. We are so close. Nobody can stop us!"

Richard took a shower, kissed Emily, and headed out the front door to return to the office. Poe began barking and growling at Richard as he left, which was strange, as their dog had always been previously friendly to him.

Emily decided to lounge in the bathtub with bath salts to relax her sore muscles and mild headache, until she needed to pick the girls up from school. One advantage of being the CEO's girlfriend was she could make her own hours, and it helped with custody. Emily smiled and dreamily drifted off to sleep as the nearby wall mirror steamed over. Her last thought was a vague notion that her reflection's smile was unusually wicked.

# Later

Emily opened her eyes and notice she was in her silk pajamas in her bedroom. Odd. She did not remember getting out of the bathtub. She looked outside her bedroom window and realized it was late at night. Emily panicked as she realized she must have overslept and missed picking the girls up from school! She hoped the girls would call their grandmother. Emily rushed out of her bedroom down the steps to the foyer where she saw the girls sitting in the family room on their phones, giggling.

Emily sighed in relief, "I am sorry, girls. My nap went too long."

Adele smiled at her mother. "How are you feeling, Mom?".

Emily responded, "Tired, baby."

Danielle nodded her head. "It is okay, Mom. You looked tired after picking us up from school, taking us to soccer practice, shopping at the outlets, then making us homemade spaghetti and meatballs."

Emily was shocked, as she did not remember doing any of those things. "I thought you girls were going to wait until next year to do soccer, until your father and I work out schedules? I don't think he has his driver's license back yet from the suspension."

Adele and Danica looked at Emily, then smiled to each other in understanding. "You must be very tired, Mom, because you already sent a text message to Daddy about soccer."

Emily looked at her phone and, indeed, she had sent a text message to Collin saying that since he could not drive yet, she took the girls to soccer practice. Emily scrolled through the conversation and was shocked that she ended it, saying, 'feel better' with a heart-love emoji. "Girls, were either of you playing with my phone?"

Adele shook her head. "We don't know your passcode and don't want to get Daddy in trouble for any contact. Hopefully, Daddy won't reply to your text. That judge said we aren't allowed to talk to Daddy, but we asked Uncle Jaime to see how he is doing."

Emily cursed inwardly, as the girls had found a loophole way to check on their father. It was unlikely the restraining order could be extended to Jaime MacKay, either. Emily was a wealthy lawyer and Richard a powerful CEO, but Jaime MacKay was a loose cannon with a badge and a gun. "How is Daddy?"

Adele's eyes narrowed in anger, and a tear ran down her cheek. "Daddy is in the hospital. Uncle Jaime says he has pneumonia but will live."

Emily sadly nodded and put her arms around Danica, who was crying.

Adele shouted, "We can't even go see him, Mom!"

The girls always made Emily feel guilty about what she was doing to Collin. "I know, baby. It was because Daddy was sick from taking those drugs. I want him to get better. I will talk to the judge about removing the restraining order first thing in the morning. In a day or two, Grandma can take you to see Daddy."

Emily, of course, had no intention of getting the restraining order removed, as it gave her leverage in the divorce, but didn't want to be the villain in the eyes of her girls.

"Once Daddy and I work out the custody, things will get better, girls. I promise. Now off to bed with both of you."

Adele and Danica went upstairs to get ready for bed, while Emily walked around the house to make sure the doors were locked, and the lights turned off. She walked into her living room and noticed the large family portrait of herself, Collin, and the girls she had done four years ago. Emily swore she had packed that portrait in the basement, as she wanted a new one created with Richard, instead of Collin.

# The Next Day

Emily groaned and stretched, as she was woken up by her six AM alarm. Emily's muscles felt sore, as if she had done a strenuous workout. Emily usually exercised several times a week at the corporate gym which had ellipticals, treadmills, and weight machines. Richard was a fitness enthusiast, largely due to genetics; he came from a family of chubby people with large stomachs. If Richard slacked off from his diet, and did not exercise, he bloated up like a microwave marshmallow.

Emily went downstairs to the kitchen where the girls were eating breakfast before school. She really needed a cup of coffee right then.

Danica was sitting at the table eating breakfast cereal, and ask, "How are you feeling Mom?"

Emily smiled at her younger daughter, and answered, "A bit sore this morning. I must have been more tired than I thought. I need to start getting more sleep." Emily placed a filter in the coffee maker's basket, scooped out several cups of gourmet coffee, fill the machine with water, then start the brewing. Emily noticed on top of the nearby microwave a small, heart-shaped picture of her and Collin. Emily remembered this picture; it was taken on their honeymoon in the Bahamas. This was supposed to be in the attic with the portrait and other pictures of Collin.

Emily made herself a piece of toast and had orange slices for breakfast. She kept glancing at the picture on top of the microwave, and then back to Adele and Danica. Did the girls put the picture of Collin back?

Emily did not want to press the issue; the girls had been upset they hadn't been able to see Collin for weeks, and were still angry she was divorcing him to be with Richard. Her parents and siblings sided with Collin as well, making Emily 'persona non grata' with most of the family. Emily sighed; she wouldn't make a big issue about the picture and look like the villain again.

After she finished eating, Emily decided to go back upstairs until the coffee finished brewing and decided to apply her makeup and get dressed. She usually wore a tight business skirt for Richard, with a blouse and suit jacket. Emily was looking for a specific pair of black heels; she had dozens of shoes, but this set matched her grey and black outfit.

Emily searched under the bed and saw a yoga mat and a pouch. She opened the pouch and noticed several different-colored crystals. How did these get under her bed? Maybe the mat and crystals belonged to Collin? He liked Celtic and fantasy stuff, but hadn't been in the house in two months. Emily was now starting to worry that something was amiss. The girls couldn't possibly be responsible. Emily went back downstairs to pour herself a cup of coffee into a disposable paper cup with a lid to take her to work.

# One Hour Later

Emily was driving her Lexus to work at Northern Financial Services, which was downtown and a twenty-minute drive from home. Emily cursed as the lid on her disposable paper coffee cup was not tight, and was dribbling all over the cupholder. The lid was starting to fall off with what was be a disaster for her Lexus' upholstery.

Damn! Why don 't they make the lids fasten better on these blasted cups?

Emily, while trying to get the lid back on, turned right onto North Street, and only saw a police vehicle behind her turn on its flashing lights. Emily cursed as she pulled over into a street parking spot. The police vehicle pulled up behind and an officer stepped out of the vehicle. The officer was five feet ten inches tall with buzzed-cut brown hair that contrasted with his handlebar moustache which turned down towards his chin.

The officer wore sunglasses, and his uniform was perfectly ironed.

Emily muttered, "Shit!" recognizing her brother-in-law, Jaime MacKay, who was two years older than her husband, Collin. Collin was calm and friendly in stark contrast to Jaime, who was a total asshole. They were opposites in many ways, but Jaime was protective of his younger brother Collin, especially after their parents both passed away last year. Jaime was unmarried and committed to being a lifelong bachelor due to a previous troubled relationship.

Emily and Jaime previously had a friendly relationship, but with her filing a divorce against Collin, he turned completely hostile.

Emily sighed. This was going to suck.

Jaime adjusted his hat then motion for Emily to roll down her window. "How are you feeling today, ma'am?"

Emily looked at him in disbelief. "Ma'am? You know who I am, Jaime MacKay!"

Jaime smiled slightly. "You will address me as Officer MacKay. I am going to need to see your driver's license and insurance card registration. You were one mile an hour over the speed limit, and did not use a turn signal on that right turn."

Emily, in disbelief, stared at Jaime, whose eyes were hidden behind the sunglasses. "You are pulling me over for one mile an hour!"

Jaime smirked, "There is also the failure to use the turn signal on a right turn. We wouldn't want some delivery driver smashing into your nice Lexus, Mrs. MacKay. I assume MacKay is still your last name and not Rose, Thicke, or Cheating Slut. I am going to need that driver's license and insurance card registration."

Emily angrily dug her license out of her purse, then found the insurance card registration in her glovebox. "The Chief is going to hear about this harassment!"

Jaime smiled, as she handed both documents over to him. "The Chief also wants us to make our fine revenue projections from lawbreakers at the end of the month.

Being one mile per hour over the speed limit and having failed to signa, makes you a lawbreaker. You will have a chance to appeal this ticket to a magistrate. I'll be keeping a close eye on your journey to work from now on..." He checked the driver license. "Still Mrs. MacKay."

You might want to pay more attention to the road, too many tickets could cause a license suspension and affect a custody hearing. Judges prefer parents with good driving records. I'll be right back after I run your information to make sure you don't have some hidden criminal record and bring your copy of the ticket."

Emily cursde inwardly, "FUCKING ASSHOLE!" as Jaime slowly walked back to his police vehicle.

# One Hour Later

Emily angrily stormed into her new office, clutching the traffic ticket. Jaime took his sweet time running her information, claiming there was some kind of database outage. Emily's new office as chief legal officer was the top-floor executive suite next to Richard's office as the chairperson and CEO. Emily usually joined Richard for lunch, which usually ended in giving him a blowjob in his office. Emily put her purse down and sat in her plush executive desk chair. Emily glanced at the wall and strangely noticed that all the pictures she had removed of Collin were back in place.

Emily was getting angry; somebody was messing with her head. Emily closed her eyes and counted to ten, trying to calm down. She exhaled, then opened her eyes and gasped. Emily saw herself in the same clothes, sitting in a client's chair across from her desk, with a motherly smile.

"Good morning, Sunshine. It has been long overdue for us to meet."

Emily quickly wondered if she had a concussion, or if Jaime had slipped her some kind of hallucinogen!

The duplicate Emily shook her head. "No and no. No concussion and not drugged by Jaime."

Emily realized the duplicate in front of her had read her mind. How?

The duplicate answered her unspoken question, "A condition called dissociative identity disorder (DID). They used to call it multiple personality disorder, or a chronic condition that involves the presence of two or more distinct personality identities. Unfortunately, it runs in our mother's family. Remember Grandma Edna, who sometimes thought she was a foul-mouthed truck driver?"

Emily gasped in horror. "No! No! No! I am not crazy like Grandma Edna! She used to grab her crotch and smoke cigars. You cannot be real!"

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