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The Escape Room

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But…but I don't want to cum.
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"Fucking chavs," Lucas mutters, shaking his head in disgust.

Amsterdam is obviously a place where one can find a variety of colourful characters. One of them being British fucking chavs, wearing burberry, apparently. As if Lucas didn't get enough of them at home already.

Lucas is a science teacher at a secondary school in Canterbury. "The youth these days," he often finds himself saying, then cringing at how old he sounds. It's not his fault, though; a large number of his students act like complete idiots and tease the other half for not doing the same.

He has been really looking forward to a weekend away. His cousin, Darren, has organised a surprise destination guy's trip for his own birthday, and honestly, Lucas has been excited about it for weeks. Had he known where he was going, he might not have been so enthusiastic.

"How much for a suck??" He hears one particularly uncouthly mannered "bloke" ask some poor girl in one of the worldly famous windows.

Lucas has always had an odd relationship with sex. He's rather indifferent to girls as well as boys. When the urge strikes, he just wants to cum.


He has an array of toys that help him achieve his desired orgasms. However, only when he is in the right mood. His sex drive isn't like other men's, whom he considers somewhat pathetic for their weak dependence on sexual gratification. Some random girl walks by and smiles at them, and that's it; they're off, cocks leading the way. "Pathetic," his mind remarks as he rools his eyes in disgust.

"I reckon Lucas deserves a bit of twat more than all of us put together," one of Darren's unkempt friends, Adam, decides to comment as they stroll down the cobbled street. "His little act ain't fooling me!" he adds with a nudge of the elbow. "You acting like you're too cool for a bit of fun; I bet you've already cum in your pants just looking at all these whores."

Lucas flashes him a sidelong glance, hoping Adam will stop attempting to entice him to join in on their sexual spree.

"Come on, Adam! Don't be a douche." Darren says, elbowing his friend in the ribs.

Adam scoffs in distain, but lets it go. For now.

The long weekend passes relatively quickly, and soon enough, it's Sunday evening. Their last night.

Lucas has enjoyed walks around the canal, museum visits, and reading novels in the beautiful gardens. Part of him feels guilty for not spending more time with his cousin, Darren, but it's just not his scene.

The last evening, however, they have a nice dinner planned and then an escape room, which Lucas is really looking forward to. He loves a challenge.

They have dinner in a traditional Dutch restaurant, which serves an array of authentic dishes accompanied by fancy cocktails. Lucas, metaphorically speaking, lets his hair down and drinks two! By the time they leave, he's giggling away like a schoolboy. Light-headed and fuzzy-mouthed, he laughs along with his travel buddies. Even Adam, the Neanderthal.

They arrive at the Escape Room just after nine p.m. It's dark and mysterious inside, just as Lucas had imagined it would be. He never asked what the theme would be, but it doesn't matter. He's quite confident that he will be able to solve whatever puzzles come his way. Even in his slightly inebriated state.

A lady with bright red lipstick at the desk calls out, "All forms need to be signed before entry to the rooms." Darren takes the standard consent forms and signs for everyone, while the others all fuck about.

"Ok!" She announces, "You're all set." Her smirk is both welcoming and a bit unsettling, adding to the mysterious atmosphere. "Enjoy," she mutters seductively as they shuffle past her.

They enter a massive room where a large screen shows some sort of scoreboard with their names. Lucas stifles a giggle at the thought of them competing against one another. His IQ is unquestionably higher than the group of friends his cousin surrounds himself with. "This is going to be a piece of cake," he thinks.

One by one, they get called and led in different directions. Lucas's tipsiness is starting to wear off; sensitivity is beginning to return to his lips; and his head doesn't feel so heavy anymore. When his name is called, he leaves the gigantic room and obediently follows the girl who called him.

"You're going to start in Room 1: Eros Enigma Symphony."

He opens the weighty wooden door and takes a deep breath before stepping into the unknown. The room on the other side is dimly lit with old oil lamps and flickering stage lights. It's an outdated theatre adorned with intricate tapestries along the walls. Rows and rows of red velvet chairs in a semicircle all face a majestic stage where a grand piano awaits. Lucas takes a deep breath as he steps inside, and the door closes behind him.

Lucas doesn't waste any time; he's done plenty of escape rooms in his life to know that time is precious. He searches within the rows, checking seating numbers and aisle letters to see if anything is out of the ordinary. He scans the dusty, old paintings on the walls, hoping to discover some sort of clue, still nothing.

The stage is spotless. Pristine and untouched, as if waiting for a performance that will never come. Lucas notices a small envelope neatly placed where one would read music, and his heart races with excitement as he carefully retrieves it. Inside, he finds a cryptic message:

In a room of notes, where melodies softly chime,

A grand piano waits, a riddle in rhyme.

Sit where keys meet; let your fingers entwine.

For beneath your touch, a reward you'll find.

He reads it again, desperate to figure out his next move. He settles upon the piano bench and starts tapping away at the black and white keys as if some sort of breakthrough would materialise before his eyes. The notes disturb the stillness, making Lucas halt instinctively. The air is thick with anticipation; Lucas is determined to escape before his cousin's stupid friends--

Suddenly, a spotlight shines down, precisely on where he sits, temporarily blinding him. He squints, but as he goes to rub his eyes, metal shackles clamp down onto his wrists, forcing him to stay in place. His ankles are also bound, trapping him in the spotlight's harsh glare.

"What the fuck?" He splutters as panic sets in and causes him to struggle.

"Well done." A robotic voice sounds from all around. "You've found the way out."

A surge of adrenaline pulses through his veins as he realises he is now part of some twisted game.

"The only way to escape is to endure," the eerily welcoming voice says.

"Endure what?"

The robot merely giggles in response before the floor opens up beneath him, and a boy appears underneath. The boy smiles up at him with big doe eyes. "He's pretty," Lucas's mind provides unhelpfully.

"What is this?" Lucas asks him.

Pretty boy gives him a quizzical look. "This is the game."

Lucas stutters a few throaty noises before spluttering out, "What am I supposed to do?"

The boy smiles again. "You do nothing," he answers, as if it were obvious. "You have to stay until the alarm goes off."

"Stay??" he shrieks, incredulous of the boy's composure. "Where the fuck can I go? I'm shackled to a fucking piano!"

"Uhh," the boy mumbles, looking up at him as if he were dumb. "You have a safe word." It sounds like a question.  

Lucas's stomach drops. A safe word? Fuck. He knows instantly. Darren and those moron friends of his. 

Lucas chuckles, "Sorry, I know what's happened here," he begins. "I'm here with some friends, and--" he chuckles again, nervously. "They're playing a trick on me. I don't know of any safe word." 

The handsome boy gazes up at him and cocks his head to one side. "God, I love guys like you."

Lucas frowns.

"You all want to pretend you don't like getting your little cocks sucked by a cute boy like me." 


"Yeah, you love it, but can't even admit it to yourself." 

"That's... That's not why I'm here." 

Pretty boy smiles and says, "You really are gonna love this."

He reaches up and starts to unbuckle Lucas's jeans. 

Lucas gasps. "No, no, no!" 

Pretty boy giggles. "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me," he answers. "Well, almost."

The big wooden door creaks open, and one by one, people begin to enter the theatre. Lucas is horrified.

He yanks Lucas's pants and trousers down to his ankles and smiles when his soft dick plops down between his thighs. 

"Hmmm, it's thanks to guys like you that I still volunteer here," Pretty boy says before pecking an unfairly sweet kiss on the head of his cock. "Oh, and the free snacks aren't bad either."

"No! Don't!" Lucas gasps, squinting out at the crowd.

Pretty boy hums to himself before doing it again and grinning up at him. "What, this?" He asks, "Are you really sure that your precious little cock won't get nice and hard?" He kisses the head again.

Lucas closes his eyes, willing himself not to get hard.

"You don't get it," he says through gritted teeth. "I don't like sex at all."

Pretty boy lifts an eyebrow while rubbing his plump lips over Lucas's cockhead as if it were a delicious ice lolly in the middle of summer. "Are you implying to me that you're ace?"

"Ugh, I don't like labels!" Lucas yells.

"So you mean to tell me that your 'friends' brought you here, shoved you in a sex-escape room, didn't tell you the safe word, and you're ace?"

The ever-growing audience laughs out loud.

The story does seem rather absurd.


"So if I suck on your cock, you won't like it?"

"No," Lucas answers, matter of fact.

"And you're absolutely certain that I can't persuade you?"

Lucas, with his face still buried in his hands, shakes his head.

"Sweetheart," Pretty boy calls softly. "How do you explain this?" he asks, looking up at him with the most innocent expression.

Lucas looks down to find his cock stiffening. It's still only half-hard; however, it's certainly not going to help his case. "It's not my fault. I can't help it."

"Hmmmm... That's true." Pretty boy ponders, "Who do I listen to though? You, or your gorgeous dick? 'Cause right now, this little guy wants to feel good," he says, teasing him with a little tickle with the tip of his tongue on Lucas's slit.

"Ah!" Lucas gasps, his body reacting immediately. The crowd gasps with him, a cruel reminder of their presence.

"Yeah, that's what I thought."

"But...but I don't want to cum."

"Sorry, sweetheart. In this room, you get your cock suckled on until the clock chimes."

Lucas looks up to find a large clock counting down from one hour. It currently reads 39:31. Shit.

Pretty boy leans on the sides of the trap door opening and teases, "Tic-toc, tic-toc, tic-toc. Sit back and enjoy; no use fighting it if you don't know the safe word. I ain't gonna stop until that alarm goes off."

Lucas groans. He doesn't want to cum. He doesn't want to cum.

Now that his eyes have adjusted to the spotlight, he can make out the individuals who make up the mob. They're mostly men; a few ladies. All masturbating.

Pretty boy continues to press sweet kisses on the tip of his cock, making it tingle. The internal struggle is awful. His head is saying stop, yet he knows his body will only betray him. His dick fattens up until it's rock hard. Lucas hates it.

"Awww," he cooes teasingly. "Such a lovely little cock; I could gobble you up whole."

Lucas grunts something grouchy. A similar sound one might make in the dentist's chair. The view of such a pretty boy between his legs, nibbling at his cock, would make anyone else quiver with desire. Lucas indeed quivers; shivers crawl up his spine; however, a stubborn part of him wants to fight it.

"Please," he whimpers, "don't make me cum."

His internal conflict appears to be intriguing to the general public. They coo and giggle as he struggles to keep his composure.

Pretty boy doesn't even look up at him; he's slobbering over Lucas's dick like it's the most delicious thing he's ever tasted. Lucas can feel his resistance crumbling with each expert flick of the tongue.

"I said, don't make me cum," he repeats, his voice strained and quite frankly pitiful in its empty plea. There's nothing he can do. His body proves stronger than his mind, and having his cock drooled over feels fucking amazing. He hates himself for enjoying it and stops himself from showing anything but resistance, even though his body is screaming at him to fuck his dick into the boy's mouth and feed him the precum that beads from his sticky slit.

Pretty boy hardly ever looks up at him. He said he volunteers here, and it's obvious that it's a pleasure for him regardless of who might be on the receiving end. He has practically no interest in Lucas's desires. He simply enjoys sucking on his cock, and for some perverse reason, Lucas finds that untollerably erotic.

The sensation is agonising. He can't even stop himself from whining pathetically as pretty boy laps at his sensitive head. Lucas finds himself being pushed further and further to the edge while he claws desperately, trying not to plummet. His knees begin to tremble, making him shudder uncontrollably.

Moans and whimpers now fill the auditorium as the show-goers pleasure themselves.

"You still say you don't want to cum?" Pretty boy asks, grinning mischeviously.

Lucas's response is merely an embarrassing grunt.

"Awww, you can't stop yourself," he teases. "It's just too good, isn't it?"

Lucas realises his hips are rocking, gently slipping his greedy cock deeper into pretty boy's mouth.

"That's it, good boy. Fuck my mouth, sweetheart."

Ugh! The overwhelming sounds of sex and the fucking tooth-rotting pet names are not helping. Lucas feels a squeezing sensation in his testicles every time pretty boy speaks. It's almost as if they're the only two there. He has a way of combining vulgar and adorable words, driving Lucas just a little bit closer to the edge of the cliff.

Despite whining like a bitch, in his mind, Lucas is still desperately trying to hold back. "I don't want to cum. I don't want to cum." A sort of mantra whirls around behind his eyes.

Pretty boy, however, is quite literally salivating all over him, specifically his cockhead. Lucas can hear him slurp and moan while he gnaws on him hands-free; completely shameless is his pursuit of pleasure. Lucas, curious to see if he is also touching himself, glances down, and to his ruin, he finds the boy still perched on the trap door opening with his eyes closed and his head still resting on his forearms as he devours the dick in front of his face. Lucas makes the ultimate mistake of peering further down to find pretty boy's pants pooled around his bent knees and a puddle of cum in the floor in front of him.

He groans out loud. So does everyone else.

"Mmmm," Pretty boy vibrates. "What was that?"

Lucas screams into his hands.

"Oh, poor baby,"

Lucas doesn't know whether to cry or fuck his orgasm down pretty boy's throat with absolute abandon. "You're... You... came," he whispers.

"Oh," pretty boy looks down. "I wouldn't say I've cum," he explains. "This is why I love this. You see, the cum oozes out slowly. It's like a continuous release. Feels so nice when my cock drips like this." Lucas feels a mix of shock and arousal as the rather blunt explanation sinks in.

"So, you do this a lot?"

Pretty boy pokes his bottom lip out before giving Lucas's tip a nice long lick. "Most weekends."

Lucas stops to think for a second. Would he return if the opportunity arose? Will he leave this room tonight feeling violated or, for once in his life, utterly sated?

"Only a few minutes to go," pretty boy announces.


"Time to cum."

Fuck! Lucas still isn't sure. Does he want this? His mind still continues to resist, but it feels so good that his body just can't take it anymore.

"Come on, sweetheart." Pretty boy looks up at him with big puppy dog eyes and the most adorable pout. "Please?"

Lucas's balls are so tight, and his cock is so sensitive, but still he can't bring himself to enjoy the overwhelming pleasure. He shakes his head.

"Well, I did ask nicely." Pretty boy sucks briefly on his balls. "It was a rhetorical question, though."

The crowd goes wild. A chorus of "ooooohs" and "ahhhhhs." They want to see him struggle as his orgasm consumes him. They want to watch while cum is forced out of his cock. They want to hear him whine and squeal while his body betrays him and forces him to endure the most exquisite pleasure while simultaneously humiliating him. They want to revel in his vulnerability and degradation.

Lucas looks down to find the most devilish glare. Pretty boy teases with a condescending pout before indeed gobbling up his cock in one go. He slurps and suckles while his tongue massages that extra sensitive spot just under the head. His moans are muffled, but the vibrations of his groaning add to the crescendo of ecstasy.

Lucas can't help but look down at how pretty boy's cock jerks as cum leaks from the tip, stringing down to the floor. His eyes are tightly shut as he consumes Lucas's dick with gluttony.

The first sign of Lucas's unwanted orgasm is the distinct feeling of inevitability. Like holding a hose and putting your finger over the hole. Or shaking up a bottle of Coke and then unscrewing the lid and watching it burst. That sensation of pent-up tension and knowing that sooner or later it simply has to be released.

Pretty boy lathers his tongue all over Lucas's cock as he sucks the tip, making the buildup a tickly butterfly feeling that slowly builds around the head and down the shaft. A soft, warm heat. The intense tingling spreads to his lower stomach and groin area, building with intensity. His asshole also starts to twitch and contract as the pressure builds.

Suddenly, the whole room becomes a blur. The deafening sound of men grunting as they cum into their hands turns into a muffled hum in his ears. His entire body stiffens as the wave of pure and agonising pleasure crashes into him. A sound, truly unfamiliar to him, crawls up his throat and breaks loose in a guttural, animalistic growl. The last thing he hears before succumbing to a state of orgasmic delirium is the sound of his own voice.

I don't want to cum. I don't want to cum. I don't want to cum.

It's too late.

His dick begins to erupt into pretty boy's mouth. Each spurt of cum tickles as it bubbles up his shaft and spurts out of the tight slit onto his tongue. The exquisite surge of pleasure is ripped from him. He has no choice; his body is in charge, and, god, does it feel good. Initially, Lucas feels as if the sensation as the hot cum comes out is uncontrollable, but eventually, he finds himself pushing, wanting more cum to fill pretty boy's pretty, pretty mouth.

Lucas's dick continues to spew, and pretty boy, with a face full of his hot semen, continues to lick and suck. With his eyes closed, he looks like one of those drunk girls trying to find their straw with their mouth.

In unison, the entire room orgasms along with him. It'd be a lie to say that Lucas doesn't enjoy it just a little bit.

"Ejaculation is a really nice feeling as the cum comes out, isn't it?" Pretty boy pipes up, licking Lucas's cockhead, making it nice and clean again.

Lucas is still panting, but tries to hum in agreement. The sound of his own voice, however, is muffled by the intense pleasure he's feeling. The room is filled with a mix of heavy breathing and moans, creating a real symphony of ecstasy.

As if on cue, the alarm rings.

The countdown is over.


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JordynsCanvasJordynsCanvas3 months ago

Wonderful! I was inside Pretty Boy’s head! On this one. xoxo

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

This isn’t typically what I read, as I am a lesbian, but the writing is incredible and the storyline is delicious. 5 stars!

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