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The Farmer's Sons Pt. 03

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JT"s best friend spends the night...and more.
10.6k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/06/2018
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It was early on a Sunday morning. JT and I had finished with breakfast and I was cleaning the dishes.

Since we were the only two in the house, we'd gotten up nude and had our meal that way, too. JT was sitting in the corner rocker with his huge cock and balls hanging over the edge of the seat, swaying as he rocked. I was standing at the sink with my back to the door when I heard JT say, "I always knew you were a Peeping Tom, sheriff."

I whirled around. Standing outside the screen door was a large black man in a police uniform.

"You should know by now how a screen door handle works, Amos." JT said. "Come on in and sit your ass down."

The man opened the door and stepped in. He was about the same age as JT, late forties. He had the kind of body that started out as hard and muscular but had gotten padded a bit from good living. He still had huge biceps and thighs, though. He was dark skinned and when he removed his hat I could see that the top of his head was bald and the remaining hair was cut short and close. He was handsome and wearing a smirk.

I suddenly remembered that I was standing there nude as his eyes roamed over my body. He turned his eyes from me to JT in the corner and he let out a low chuckle.

"I always did say that you're the biggest dicked white man I know of." he said.

"That sounds racial, Amos." JT replied. "Or, are you saying you know a black man who's got a bigger dick than me?"

"Alright, you contrary bastard." Amos said as he sat down at the table. "How about I just start saying you're the biggest dicked man I know."

"I can handle that. There's still some breakfast warm on the stove and coffee in the pot if you'd like some."

"I wouldn't say no to a cup of coffee." he replied.

I picked up one of the cups from the drain board and carried it and the coffeepot over to the table. As I filled his cup, he had a good look at my cock and balls.

"You must be the city fellow I've heard so much about." he said to me with a grin.

"I'm Ben." I said. "But, I don't know what you could have heard about me."

"A little while back I had another couple of city fellows come to my office." he said. "Told me they were down here to rescue a friend who was being held against his will by some wild hillbilly family. Said they'd gone to save him and some old coot fired a shotgun at them and tried to kill them."

"Scott and Billy." I said to JT.

"And what did you tell them?" JT asked.

"I said that if anybody in this county wanted to shoot them, they'd both be dead and their bodies would never be found. I also advised them not to go poking around where they weren't welcome or they could get arrested for trespassing and disturbing the peace. Now that I see who they were trying to retrieve, I can understand why they were eager to get him back. Shoot, I might have to rescue him myself."

He looked at me and said, "If you think that old man in the corner is a good time, you ain't seen nothing yet. I bet I'd treat you better, too, and if you can handle that big freak dick of JT's, you'll have no trouble with mine."

"And I might have a hard time coming up with an explanation of how you got shot with your own gun but I'd think up something." JT told him, grinning. "Now, did you just come out here to try to poach my boy or are you actually working?"

I went back to the sink, knowing that the sheriff would enjoy a lengthier view of my bare ass.

"I guess I got distracted." Amos said. "I need to speak with your boys."

The temperature in the room seemed to drop and JT said in an icy voice, "Willy and Tate have no interest for you. And besides, they're up visiting my sister in Louisville. Been there all week."

"Are the Brown boys with them?" Amos asked.

"If it's any of your business, yes they are." JT said.

"Calm yourself down, you crazy old briar hopper." Amos told him. "I ask because I know your boys have been running with the Browns lately. Since they're all four away from town, I don't need to worry none about them."

"Worry why?" JT asked, softening.

"There's going to be a whole lot of strangers running around these woods today. Government strangers. It seems that somebody has been farming pot back there and the harvesting started this morning. I don't mind the government boys picking up the dealers but I wouldn't want anybody else getting picked up by mistake, if you get my drift."

"That's kind of you." JT said. "How do they know all about that?"

"Drones, dummy." Amos said. "Nothing is secret nowadays and a poor man can't make a dime. I know your boys and the Browns aren't bad, they've never even been given a traffic ticket. And I know that those Brown boys have been spending a hell of a lot of time over here lately. I thought you all were feuding? Anyway, I thought I'd tell those boys to keep to the house the next couple of days and not go traipsing around in the woods."

"And I sincerely appreciate it. The boys are up in the city looking for work but they should be back in a few days. I'll pass your advice on." JT said. "I apologize if I got a little salty with you."

"It comes with the job." Amos said. He had finished his coffee and I walked over to pour him another cup but he put his hand over the cup while looking at me.

"Are you sure I don't need to rescue you and take you to stay at my house for awhile?" he asked.

"I would have been sorely tempted if I hadn't run into JT first, Sheriff." I said. "But now I guess I'm here for the duration."

"Well, if he don't treat you right, you just come and see me. And call me Amos." Amos told me. He rose and stretched and I could hear his bones popping.

He looked around and asked, "You still ain't got this place hooked up for water and power?"

"Why should I have the expense and fuss of getting something I can do without?" JT replied.

Amos turned to me and said, "If he starts telling you that you need to go hunting and trapping for food instead of driving up to the Save-A-Lot, my door is always open."

Then he turned and said to JT, "And you be careful in that rocker. That big thing of yours hangs so low I wouldn't be surprised to hear you rocked over it."

"If that should ever happen, I'll just ask Ben to kiss it and make it better." JT replied. "Now get yourself back to work before they come to rescue you."

When Amos pulled away I asked JT, "So, you and Amos seem to be pretty good buddies?"

"We came up together. There are no secrets between the two of us. And before you ask, yes, we had our little thing together years ago. He's one of the finest men I know."

I thought about the conversation and then asked, "What did he mean about the power and water getting hooked up?"

"A couple of years ago the county came through and laid in water and sewage. Had our road torn up for near a year. There are electricity lines, too, that they wanted to run up to the house. They said I'd have to pay for the lines to the house for all three services, plus have the house plumbed and wired. I never had that kind of money to throw around."

"Can't you get a grant or something? I'm sure there's free money available."

"We don't take charity." JT said. "We're getting along just fine the way things are."

All the rest of the day I had fantasies of a big hot tub with me lying in it and of flipping a switch for light anytime I wanted. I decided to look into the problem.

Monday and Tuesday on my breaks at work I made some phone calls. Sure enough, there was a grant program for installing services to homeowners below a certain income level. All the homeowner needed to do was supply the fixtures...tub, sinks, toilet. The lady was even kind enough to give me the number of a local salvage company where they sold both new and used fixtures at rock bottom prices. I was sure that JT would qualify, so I asked that the paperwork be sent to me at the office.

When I got home Tuesday evening, I was so excited that I just blurted out what I had discovered. JT looked frostier and frostier as he listened and then said, "I told you we don't take charity."

"This isn't charity; this is a government program that gives money to people just like you. It's using tax dollars to help where needed. Don't you want electricity and running water? Don't you think the boys would like it?"

By this point, JT was angry.

"I told you once. We don't take charity. If living here is too hillbilly for you, maybe you need to find another place."

And that made me angry.

"You're as stubborn as a hundred year old mule." I told him. "You'd better learn to take the gifts your friends want to give you because your enemies won't never give you nothing. I think you like doing without."

The rest of the evening we barely spoke, both of us nursing our hurt feelings. Thankfully, the boys returned around 9PM.

Willy, Tate, Cleo and Harp all gathered around the kitchen table to tell us about the trip.

"I sure don't think much of the city." Tate said. "It's dirty, it's noisy and the people all act like they're your betters."

"Any luck with the job hunt?" I asked.

"Even if I was to move up there, the only thing I'm qualified for is fast food." Cleo said and Tate and Harp agreed.

"I could probably find something through the veterans but I'd hate every minute of life stuck up there." Willy said.

"Well, I guess it's safe for me to say that I never did like the idea." JT said. "Maybe I'm selfish but I want all four of you boys here with me. Keep looking around here, something's bound to turn up."

"I will miss being able to have a hot bath whenever I want, though." Tate said.

"A hot shower and then lying in bed reading all night by electric light, that was mighty fine living." Willy added.

I glanced at JT and his face was as stiff as stone.

To change the subject I said, "The Sheriff was here over the weekend looking for you all."

Cleo and Harp looked scared, Willy and Tate looked puzzled.

"What did he want with us?" Willy said.

"He came by as a favor to warn you all not to go running around the woods for a few days. Government men were all over the place, making a raid on some pot fields. He wanted to make sure you boys didn't accidentally get involved." JT told them.

They all four looked relieved and then Cleo said, "So I guess that's the end of our life of crime. Those guys we grew for are probably in jail right now. I hope they don't say anything about us."

"Even if they do, deny it. The Sheriff will back you up." JT said.

"Damn, now we really need to find work. We've got enough saved for a couple of months but then we're broke with no more coming." Harp said.

"Don't worry, something will work out. We'll get by, that's what folks like us do." JT told him.

The boys were tired and soon on their way to bed.

"We've had to be quiet and on our best behavior for the past week." Willy said. "I'm looking forward to spending the night in our own room."

"Oh, lord. I already know it's going to sound like the monkey house at the zoo up there." JT replied.

When JT started yawning, I asked, "Do you want me to find somewhere else to sleep?"

"Not unless it's big enough for both of us." JT replied. "I'm allowed to get mad at you, that don't mean anything else. I spoke out of turn earlier and I apologize."

"I should have listened and ran things by you before making plans." I answered. "I apologize if I was out of line."

JT smiled and said, "I'm going to take a lot of convincing, once I get you naked in the bed, that you're really sorry."

"And the same goes for you." I said, relieved.

I guess it's a very good thing that we have no near neighbors. JT pounded my ass hole with his huge cock all night long like he was drilling for oil. Upstairs, it sounded like there was a riot going on. Neighbors probably would have thought someone was being murdered.

The next morning as I was on my way out the door to work, Willy said, "I'll walk down to your car with you."

When we got out of earshot he asked, "What was going on between you and daddy last night? I could tell he was annoyed and I saw that look he gave you."

"We had a little argument." I said. "I just found out that water and power services are available..." That was as far as I got before he raised his hand to stop me.

"Say no more. We've had this argument several times with him. He's too set in his ways to allow it."

"Did you know that there are grants available that will pay for almost everything?"

"No. I never knew that. You mean we could basically get it almost free?"

"That's exactly what I mean. I had the paperwork sent to me before I told JT about it. He says he won't take charity."

"Hell, if it means lights and hot water, I'll take charity. I bet the boys would agree with me, too."

"How can we change his mind?" I asked.

"Let me talk this over with the others today and we'll talk again tonight." Willy said.

All day, I wondered what would happen. That didn't prevent me from calling the water company and setting up a time when they could come by and show where the line had to run to the house. Five healthy young men could probably have the trench dug in a day and save that much fuss.

That evening, we had supper and sat around afterwards. After an hour or so, Willy said, "It's such a nice night; I think I'll go for a walk."

"I'll come with you." Cleo spoke up.

"If you two are going, me and Harp will tag along." Tate said.

I looked at JT and asked, "Shall we go, too?"

"You go on along, I like just sitting here in the breeze." he replied.

When we got down to the road, we casually walked in the direction of town. Once we were around the bend and out of sight, Willy stopped.

"We talked it over." he said. "Do you still have those papers?"

"Well, yeah. Do you think JT will sign them?"

"I'll sign them in his name." Willy said. "He'll raise hell but he's not going to have me arrested for forgery."

"I don't know." I said. "I don't want to go behind his back."

"Just think about hot water for a bath or shower. Electric lights. We could even get a TV and a washer and dryer. Daddy will bitch about it, right up until he slides into his first hot tub." Tate said.

"Just give me the paperwork and you're out of it from here on. We'll take all of the blame." Willy said.

The others nodded their heads in agreement.

"It's all outlined here." I said as I took the sheaf of papers from my pocket and handed them to him. "It tells you what to do and how to do it. I even already made arrangements for the waterworks to mark where the line will go. I figured we could dig the trench ourselves."

"Trench? I don't know anything about a trench." Willy said as he pocketed the documents.

"No, we don't know anything about a trench." Harp said. "We don't know anything about anything and I bet you don't either."

Everything went smoothly the rest of the week.

When I got home after work on Friday evening, however, there was a freshly dug trench running up the hill from the street to the foundations of the house. It was at least 6 feet deep.

I walked up the hill, climbed the steps to the porch and found JT sitting in a rocker.

"What happened to the front yard?" I asked.

"I figured you probably knew something about that." he replied.

"I've been at work all day and I doubt I could dig a hole that size even if I tried. Where are the boys?" I asked.

"They went back to the swimming hole to cool off and clean up after digging most of the day."

"Did they say what they were digging for?"

"They told me they were hoping to hit water." JT said. "Whatever made them think of that?"

"You'll have to ask your sons. I'm tired and I'm hungry and not in the mood to play guessing games."

"I know that you're involved in this." JT replied, looking annoyed.

I went in and started setting the table. The food was ready. Just about the time I'd finished, the boys showed up looking fresh scrubbed and relaxed.

JT came in and began preparing to serve supper and I asked Willy, "What happened out front?"

He did his best to look innocent and said, "I don't know what you mean."

JT was looking more annoyed and I caught his eye, rolled my eyes at Willy and pointed my head toward him. JT ignored me except to tighten his lips even more.

Things were tense that night and all of the next day. Thankfully, Saturday afternoon brought a visitor.

We were all lolling on the porch when Sheriff Amos's car pulled up and he climbed out. He was dressed in civilian clothes, an old pair of shorts and a tee shirt. He went around, opened his trunk and climbed the hill with a cardboard box in his arms. You could hear glass clanking inside the box as he walked.

When he reached the porch, he set the box down and said, "I have just what the bunch of you need on a hot Saturday night."

I couldn't help noticing that the thin fabric of his shorts was straining to hold back a fat cock with a large head that snaked down his leg. His fat balls were just as visible.

Cleo jumped up and grabbed his hand to shake it as he said, "That was real nice of you to come by and give us all a heads up about the government men."

"I didn't need you all muddying up the waters on that little fishing expedition." he said. "They pulled a whole passel of folks out of these woods that weekend and more than enough plants to keep them locked up for quite awhile. Now, screw all of that, look what I brought."

He reached into the box and lifted a mason jar that was filled with a clear liquid.

"Is that moonshine?" JT asked.

"Yep, can you believe there are still folks running stills in these times? This was evidence and it was supposed to be destroyed but it accidentally wound up going home with me. And, of course, I couldn't dispose of it all myself so I thought about the bunch of you."

"I haven't had corn liquor since that time you stole your daddy's jar when we were boys." JT said. "You remember how that turned out."

"What happened?" Tate asked.

JT and Amos both looked almost embarrassed and avoided each other's eyes. I suddenly had a good idea of what went on.

"Me and your daddy became life long best friends that night." Amos said, looking in the corner.

"That we did and that we are." JT replied. "Now, you aren't about to start in on that stuff on an empty stomach or you'll be bedridden tomorrow. I was just fixing to start supper. We can all sample your evidence after we finish eating."

JT went inside to cook and I followed him in.

"It looks like Amos has got a kitten stuffed down the front of his shorts." I said to JT. "I bet he let it loose after you and him got a little tipsy on his daddy's whiskey, too."

"Me and Amos saw a lot of each other after that night." JT said. "I still bear a special fondness in my heart for him."

"Just keep it in your heart." I said. "It wouldn't do for the Sheriff to go missing and his body never be found back in those woods."

"Don't get all het up." JT told me, grinning.

He reached down and cupped my ass cheek in one hand and said, "Me and Amos both have a taste for something a lot more young and tender these days."

JT made chicken fried steaks and gravy, mashed potatoes and home canned green beans from his sister that night. Even in the summer heat, we ate everything he'd cook and polished the plates.

After I cleared the table and filled the sink, we all sat back nursing out bursting stomachs.

"You all about ready to try some of that shine?" Amos asked.

"I've never had it, what's it like?" I asked.

I could see that they all thought that was funny by the looks they gave each other. Amos jumped up and grabbed one of the jars, twisted off the lid and stepped in front of me with it.

"Give it a try." he said.

I took the jar and lifted it to my face. Immediately I was assailed by the stench, an indescribable reek like I'd never smelled before. I thrust the jar away, slopping some over the edge.

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