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The Field Trip Pt. 03

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Andi and Mark head back to the club for further adventures.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/31/2019
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*AUTHOR"S NOTE: Again, this story won't make much sense without you having previously read both parts I and II.


To say that our evening at Club Fairy Tale ramped up our already thriving sex life, would be an immense understatement. Andi and I kept reliving our fateful evening over the subsequent days and weeks. We'd send each other text messages throughout the day along the lines of "I can't believe how hot it was when..." simply reliving the excitement of that evening. Andi truly relished in the attention she received at the club. It lit an inextinguishable fire inside of her. Suffice it to say, we were clawing at each other's clothing most evenings as soon as she walked in the door.

"So. When is the bus leaving for our next field trip...?" she asked me one night just as I was nodding off to dreamland after having been thoroughly ravaged into submission by her passions.

"Ha. I've been waiting for that." I responded groggily.

Her smile beamed. "Don't you want to go back? Don't you want to show all those people again how well you fuck me?" Her index finger slowly began tracing down the side of my shoulder.

"You want those hands all over your body again as you cum all over my big cock. That's what YOU want."

"Mmmmmm. Maybe. That WAS really intense." she dreamily went on.

"I remember. I'm not sure I've ever seen you cum that hard before."

"Yes... It was incredible." her finger drifted down my torso into the waistband of my boxer briefs.

"You don't need to seduce me, Andi. We're on the same page." we both laughed. "Everything about that night was just as hot as I imagined it would be, even more so in some respects."

"Good! Soooooo...when are we going back???"

I laughed again. "Yes, patience. Not your greatest strength."

"Nope! And don't forget: we got those free passes from that manager guy! So it's a free night out of fun for us!" she pressed.

"Alright, alright! I'm sold, you crazy girl! Sheesh. How about next Saturday then?"

"Yay! I'll check their website for their theme in the morning!"

Not sure what time Andi was finally able to drift off to sleep that night, but it took me quite a while since thoughts of more exhibitionist and voyeuristic adventures at our new favorite club started bouncing through my head.

The following Saturday found us right back at the scene of the original debauchery, except of course, this time we were returning customers, so no need to waste the first half hour getting the lay of the land from tour guides. It's amazing how much more comfortable we were the second time around. Gone were those initial butterflies and question marks and "what ifs". We were seasoned pros now! We knew what to expect from the surroundings, the energy, the music, the ambiance, and of course, the people. This time, however, with a Roaring 20s theme, Andi was now clad in a very tight and very short red flapper dress and I was in grey slacks, a white shirt, black bow tie, and pinstriped vest. I even trimmed my beard this morning and left only a Clark Gable-esque moustache as per Andi's suggestion. Sure, I could've been mistaken for a valet or a waiter at a fancy restaurant, but my girlfriend said I looked perfect, and hers is the only opinion I really care about. Besides, let's not kid ourselves: it's all about the ladies. No one could care less what I or any of the other guys were wearing anyway. She looked stunning in that fire engine red dress though; even Joan Crawford would be envious. I knew she'd be turning heads (and probably cocks) all night long.

Andi practically skipped to the bar swinging my arm back and forth after we'd dropped our belongings off in the same locker as the first time (why tempt fate? Maybe the locker was why we had such a great time before!). Even Lamar, the bartender, remembered us.

"Well, look who's back! It's Andi and Mark and their bottle of Kettle One." he said with a welcoming smile as we handed over our bottle.

"Hey Lamar!" Andi greeted. "Nice to see you again! We're so excited to be back!" She was practically bouncing with her giddiness.

"Yea, we had such a great time a few weeks back. It was perfect." I added.

"Glad to hear it! We actually pride ourselves on our regular couples and how many people come back to visit us. Two vodka sodas then?"

"Yes sir!" Andi held up two fingers.

"Please." I laughed.

We got our drinks and found a hi top cocktail table and began observing the crowd. It was just as bountiful as it had been before, and some of the faces looked somewhat familiar, bolstering Lamar's claim about the regulars. Our respective heads bounced along to the upbeat jazz tunes that played in conjunction with Club Fairy Tale's themed evening. There was even an older couple, probably early 60s or so, dancing the Charleston (and impressively well at that!) on the tiled dance floor. Andi and I looked at each other and smiled. I was silently hoping I will be that lithe and full of energy thirty years down the road, and that Andi and I will still be that carefree and enamored with one another's company.

"Well, well, well. Looks like my theme lovers are back!" All of a sudden the barrel chested manager, Mike, appeared next to our table once again. How in the world does someone that large move about so inconspicuously?!?

"Mike!" Andi squealed and jumped up to give him a hug. "Thank you again for the free passes! We're super excited to be here again. We had a great night last time!"

"Yea, I heard you guys were pretty popular in our back rooms that night. Gathered quite the crowd with your fun." Andi bit her lip and nodded slightly. I could tell she was blushing. Mike continued "Lotta people talking about you two."

"Really?!?!" Andi was intrigued.

I just smiled. I wasn't all that surprised. Mike was right: a number of people did watch us and seemed happy with our impromptu performance. We were certainly younger than the average club goer, and though it likely smacks of off-putting arrogance, more attractive than the mean as well.

"Remind me of your names again. I'm sorry, I'm terrible at this." Mike extended his hand toward me.

"I'm Mark, and this is Andi. Good to see you again, Mike. And yea, thanks for the passes."

We shook hands and then he bent down rather chivalrously to kiss Andi's ever so slightly. She smiled and winked at me. "Well, good news for you both, Mark and Andi. Seems like you're the big winners again with these great Roaring 20s get ups. Gotta get more people into dressing up. Helps with the vibe I want more of around here." Andi bounced up and down and clapped, and Mike laughed at her. "Ha! So more free passes coming your way from the DJ in about 45 minutes. Don't let anyone tempt you into the back rooms before then, ok?"

"Yes, sir!" Andi saluted Mike as he walked away smiling and shaking his head. "Did you hear that, babe?!!? We're the big winners again!"

"Yea. More free passes. Sounds like Mike and the powers that be around here really want to keep us coming back." I proposed.

"No way! You heard him, we look great! Way better than everyone else. We won fair and square. Field Trip winners once again!!" and she raised her arms in the air triumphantly.

Staring at my beautiful girlfriend in her short little flapper dress, bouncing up and down, her perfect C cup tits jiggling, the bottom of her ass cheeks exposed, was getting me hot and bothered. We'd been saving up our sexual energy the last couple of nights for our return field trip, and truthfully, I was ready to devour her already. I certainly would not admit it to Andi, but I was kind of bummed Manager Mike in his familiar black polo asked us to stay on this side of the club for at least another 45 minutes. I was anxious to go into the back and gather another admiring crowd. Oh well. More time for the anticipation to build, I figured.

We chatted and listened to the jazz and ragtime tunes for a few more minutes, commenting quietly on other club goers, what they were wearing, what kind of people they might be in the real world, who we were hoping might still be around when we venture into the back to fuck each other silly, etc. Before long though, another younger couple (probably right around our age at 30 or so) made a beeline for our little table.

"Hi! I'm Corrine!" a tall, pretty woman with long, straight blonde hair and maybe even more natural enthusiasm than my Andi reached out her hand warmly to my girlfriend.

"Steve." and her husband did the same with me. He was very unassuming, just an average sized, average looking guy with a pleasantly genuine disposition.

"Hi Steve. I'm Mark and this is Andi."

"Oh my god! You guys are so freaking adorable with your outfits! I'm so jealous! I was too scared to dress up, and I know Steve would never want to anyway! But you guys look AH-MAZING!" Corrine spoke at approximately ten million words per second. I was kind of taken aback.

"Thanks, girl! That's so sweet!" Andi responded. "But you look super hot still! Your dress is gorgeous!" It really was actually, now that Andi had said it and I took the time to look her over. Corrine clearly kept in very good shape and her white dress hugged every inch of her classic frame.

Corrine thanked Andi with a hug for the compliment. "Ohhhh. That means a lot coming from you! You two are seriously the most gorgeous couple in here!"

"Oh, I don't think so, but thank you!" Andi countered.

I was just sitting back, observing it all. I glanced over at Steve and he was doing the same, listening intently to his hot wife as well as my girlfriend as they prattled on. Once they began talking about shoes and appropriate footwear for particular settings, I immediately lost interest and turned to my new friend.

"So Steve. You guys been here before?"

"Yea. This is our...I, 6th or 7th time here. Good energy. No one's too pushy. Corrine likes to dance and get dolled up."

"So you two just come here to dance?" I asked with a sly smile.

Steve chuckled. "Well, more than that for sure. We both have pretty hectic jobs. We live up in Bakersfield and this is a nice excuse to get out of town for the weekend. We come down on Friday, get a hotel room and party here for a couple nights before heading home on Sundays. Corinne likes her wine...and her party favors too." Steve said sheepishly.

"Ah." That explains her intensely rapid speech, I thought. Corrine began dragging Andi by the hand toward the bar, shaking her ass and her empty wine glass. Andi raised her eyebrows and gave me a silly look as she was carted away. Steve watched them carefully as they went.

His confession and the way he looked after them had me feeling somewhat sorry for him. I sure hoped he was having his fun at the club as well. It would suck, I felt, to come 150 miles just to babysit his party-like-a-rockstar wife. Nonetheless, we found our rhythm in our banter and were soon going on and on ourselves about the Dodgers, California's ridiculous property taxes and a bunch of other inane stuff that seemed rather silly when considering the setting. Of course, only 5 or 6 seconds would go by before Steve visually checked back in on his wife. He never lost his beat in our conversation though, and that impressed me. It also made me wonder just how long he'd been doing this sort of thing with (for?) Corinne.

"So how long have you two been married, Steve?" I asked.

"Been 6 years. We met at a party in college." Of course they met at a party, I surmised. "She's a little crazier than me, as I'm sure you can tell..."

"Nooooooooo." I teased.

Steve chuckled. "Yea, but I'm still nuts about her. She says she needs her fun and her variety since we've been together so long. That's why we come down here." and his eyes drifted back to the bar where they narrowed and lingered. I followed his gaze. Andi and Corrine were talking to two other couples, one Latino and one white, both probably in their mid to late 40s, Corrine still tightly holding onto my girlfriend's hand. It struck me that we'd now inadvertently entered unchartered waters for us. We'd never been separated at the club before. I wasn't worried per se; Andi can handle herself in pretty much every kind of conceivable social situation, and she was, after all, still within sight. I knew she was fine. She did have a fresh cocktail, I noticed, and Corrine's wine glass was full again as well.

"What about you though?" I asked.

"What about me?" Steve countered.

"How do you feel know...her need for fun and variety, like you said?"

"To tell you the truth, when she first brought up the idea like a year ago now, I was pretty freaked out. She knew she'd eventually wear me down though, so we came down here finally one weekend, and I ended up loving it. It was kind of surprising. I really liked seeing her...her pleasure, I guess. She likes to play with other guys and other girls too. She likes all kinds of attention. Any attention, really. I think she's hoping to get with you guys tonight."

I was caught off guard, but probably shouldn't have been in hindsight. "Oh. That's...that's not..our thing. Really. We're just voyeurs and exhibitionists. We play with each other...and then...well...others can watch. And we like to watch others too. We'd be willing to watch you guys, and I know she'd love it if you watched us, but really...that's really all."

Steve's focus returned to our ladies at the bar once again "Huh. That's cool."

I looked over as well to see Andi and Corrine right where'd we last seen them, but now the Latino couple was talking exclusively with my girlfriend, and quite closely, while Corrine was talking to the older white couple, and laughingly being very touchy with them both. I also noted that Corrine still hadn't let go of Andi's hand, which meant she was only free to be hands on with her finger tips because she certainly was not about to let go of that wine glass.

We both watched the girls (and me, the rest of the crowd as well) for a while and sipped our drinks. The DJ then cut the music and announced that it was time to once again recognize the couples celebrating special occasions in the club that night. I looked back over to see Andi bouncing up and down and trying to extricate herself from her conversation. Once successful, she came bounding over to my side with a big, excited grin on her face. Steve just stared at us quizzically.

I smiled and reassured him "We're about to win a prize for dressing up."


"Honey?!?!" Andi whined. "Aren't you excited?!?"

"Yes, dear." I kissed her on the cheek. "Just not quite as much as you, I think." Steve and I shared a knowing wink, and Corrine returned as well with the two couples they'd been talking to at the bar in tow. Our little two top cocktail table was now awkwardly overcrowded. Thank goodness the DJ then provided the perfect opportunity for Andi and I to excuse ourselves.

"...and the theme night dress up winners for the Roaring 20s Saturday prize goes to Andi and Mark!"

Well, I excused myself anyway. Andi on the other hand was already tossing people aside in triumph as she made her way to the stage in front of the dance floor. I was not too far behind, humbly taking a bow (Andi's bow was enormous and I secretly wondered if she rehearsed it when she went to the restroom earlier) as the DJ handed us more free passes to add to our collection. Big Manager Mike was standing there this time also, congratulating us with handshakes and pats on the back. We returned to our table of new friends.

"Congratulations!" were offered by the six people, and Andi insisted on high fiving everyone. We made the necessary introductions. Barbara and Oliver were the Caucasian couple focused mostly on the flirtatious Corrine. They were nice, seemed very well educated, well spoken, intent on letting Corrine monopolize the conversation as well as the energy. Rodrigo and Mirabella were the Latino couple. They were both police officers (which I found fascinating), had married early, and had two grown children. They both looked way too young to have grown children. We all chatted amiably for a couple minutes with the usual exchange of basic information and pleasantries before I noticed my drink was running low. I saw that Andi too was almost empty, so I figured I'd quickly hit the restroom and head back to the bar for two more.

After coming out of the bathroom, I made my way over to trusty Lamar, who was running around pretty quickly now that the crowd had swelled to what I assumed was its peak for the entire week. As he was pouring our drinks, I glanced back at our table. Seemed as though Corrine was now struggling to keep her balance but I could tell she was still talking a million miles an hour. Steve was at her side with his hand strategically placed at the small of her back making sure she remained upright. I just shook my head. Poor guy. Andi seemed to be smiling and having fun with the three couples though.

"Having a good time, Mark?" Lamar broke my contemplative moment.

"Yea! Yea, for sure. We love this place."

Lamar looked over to our table "Oh boy. Corrine is up to her normal ways."

"You've met her before, I take it?"

"Yup. They've been in a bunch and they stay all weekend. She's hot and she's a great fuck too, but she's messy."

The revelation surprised me "You fucked Corrine?!?" I asked.

"Yea. While back. She's a hellcat, man. Said she'd never been with a black guy before, always wanted to taste a big black cock, asked me if I could take a break for a while and go into the back rooms with them, the whole thing. It was fun, and Steve really got off on us fucking right in front of him. He jerked himself like a crazy man and she just egged him on the entire time while I was banging his wife. But she's pretty out of it most of the time between her wine and her coke. That's a turnoff, so it hasn't happened since."

"Wow. Didn't...I didn't know you know...allowed to take breaks with...customers."

"Mike likes us all to have our fun too. As long as there's someone to cover for a bit and we're not gone too long, he encourages it. Makes us more appealing to the customers, I guess. Go enjoy yourself, Mark. Don't leave your pretty lady waiting too long. I gotta sling these drinks!" and Lamar was off.

"Right. Thanks, Lamar."

I returned to our table and was not surprised to hear Corrine slurring her words and see that her pupils were as big as saucers as she tried to stay focused on Barbara and Oliver. They didn't seem to mind her behavior or changing physicality at all. Andi was chatting closely with Mirabella about her being an "accountant" as I slid a fresh drink in front of her, and I thought it was a perfect time to bring up police work with Rodrigo. He and Mirabella had met 23 years before when they were both rookie cops in a nearby suburb, got married and had kids right away. He was now a detective and she was a desk sergeant. They seemed to lead a pretty charmed life and I decided I liked them both very much.

"Hey, Daddy?" Andi whispered into my ear as her tongue flicked me seductively "I want to go into the back now." she said declaratively and loud enough for our table of eight to hear.

"Oh!" There were laughs and chuckles all around.

"Yea. I want to see what everyone is up to back there. Maybe watch for a bit before I have you fuck me in front of our new friends. Hurry up and finish your drink." she ordered. I noticed hers was drained rather quickly. Being the obliging fellow that I am, I shrugged to everyone and downed what was left of my vodka soda in a not so pleasant gulp. Off we all went, hand in hand with our respective mates, to the most exciting part of the field trip.

Once in the back, again, I was startled by the immediate bombardment of lust. The sounds, sights (albeit dim ones), and even the recognizable smell of sex hit us all once we came through the heavy black curtain separating the music and normalcy of the outside world. After letting our eyes and ears adjust for a moment, Andi and I began to slowly walk around as did the three other couples we were with, but I just assumed they'd follow us out the back door at this point, as long as they got to watch us fuck.

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