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The Filipino Café Lady


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After what seemed like eternity, she unwrapped her legs, and I collapsed besides her, out of breath and exhausted. I should have said something about what had just happened. I should have asked if she was serious. But we passed out in a drunken, post-orgasm-induced haze.


By the time I woke up, Lyka was gone. I stumbled outside, got a cab back to my hotel, and got into a clean change of clothes. I spent the rest of the day walking around, asking if anyone had seen her. Not her neighbours, and not her friends either. Days passed, and still there was no sign. I had made sure to lock up her shop before I left, but I was increasingly concerned as to what would make her vanish like that.

Eventually, my time ran out, and my company was ready to fly me home. As the plane took off, I took a good look at the island where I stayed. I had made a lot of good memories there, yet my heart was full of nothing but melancholy for Lyka. I hoped that wherever she was, she was safe and happy.


A couple years later, I received a letter in the mail from Lyka. I rushed to open it and found two things: a letter and a Polaroid photo. While the letter was in very poor handwriting, I was just able to make it out. It read:

Adam, I am so sorry for running away.

I was worried you would hate me.

You do not have to come back to me.

But we would love to see you.

Lubos na nagmamahal,

Lyka and Ina

I grabbed the photo, and in it was Lyka smiling, holding what looked to be a girl no older than 2. With bright blonde hair, and much lighter skin.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Excellent story, would love to read more like it.

Xavier3737Xavier3737about 1 year ago

MORE MORE MORE MORE. He has to go get her and the baby and make it a family for sure!!!!!!!!! Maybe she even has a younger sister that wants to be his second wife and have more babies!!!

SatyrDickSatyrDickabout 1 year ago


hawt, haWT, HAWT!


DquiotiDquiotiabout 1 year ago

This begs for a follow-up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Warrants a part 2!

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