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Click hereTom stumbled out of the room in turmoil and let himself plop down on the living room sofa.
Confused, uncertain, aroused.
So this was the secret behind her newfound sexual prowess.
At least she wasn't cheating on him, right? But somehow this felt almost worse. Tom knew in his heart he'd never made Genny cum that hard.
Had he been replaced? Would she want to fuck him now? Was this some reflection of her sexuality? Was she a closet lesbian?
And why the fuck was his dick hard in his pants?
He knew he wasn't gay, but at the same time he was certain he'd never seen anything as erotic as his girlfriend cumming like a freight train while stroking her stiff cock. It wasn't that big, was it? It bothered him that it was bigger than him, without being so freakishly large as not to be comparable.
His thoughts remained in chaos when Genevieve emerged from the bedroom wrapped in a faded pink robe for modesty. She wore a sheepish expression; her cheeks flushed - whether from embarrassment or exertion, he couldn't say. His eyes involuntarily dropped to her crotch, trying to spy whether the thick dong still hung between her legs. He cursed himself and chased the thought away, averting his eyes to the safety of the floor.
"Hey," she said lamely. When he didn't respond, she slowly padded over to sit next to him on the couch.
A necessary silence stretched out between them. Tom was the first to break it.
" long?"
"About a month ago," Genevieve confessed quietly, "since Emily's bachelorette party. She bought a bunch of them as gifts for all the girls..."
Tom managed to look up and meet her eyes. Her explanation seemed so much less sinister than he'd feared. He wanted to know what this meant for them, for their relationship. He had enough emotional intelligence to know that 'so are you a lesbo now?' was the wrong thing to say, so he went with, "Have you um...used it with anyone else?"
"What? No! No, Tom, I would never cheat on you." As the words left her mouth, it occurred to Genevieve that he might consider what she'd done cheating. She had to admit that she had hidden her Girlcock from him. She hadn't exactly been forthcoming about her recent obsession with femdom porn either. Rushing to reassure him, she blurted out, "I'd love to use it with you!"
The wince on her boyfriend's face told her this was not the reassurance he was seeking.
"I mean I don't want to use it with anyone else," she recovered quickly.
"I'm not gay."
"What?! No, of course not!"
"Is having regular sex as a woman not good enough for you?"
Suddenly Genny felt herself getting angry. "Listen Tom, maybe this is why I didn't come running to share this with you. You're being a jerk!"
She fully expected Tom to escalate, to argue, to shout back at her, but he backed down, moving his eyes to the wall in front of them, a pained look on his face.
Genny took pity on him and tried again. "C'mon, I love sex with you. You know I do. This is just something new. And wonderful! Something that we can explore together."
"I dunno, Genny. I don't think this is a good thing." He paused a beat. "It's unnatural." He managed to look her in the eyes again. "I don't think you should do it anymore." And with that, he got up and left the room.
Genevieve sat there, a bit in shock. And then the indignation started to well up within her.
He doesn't think I should play with my cock anymore? Maybe he shouldn't play with his cock anymore! And he just walks out?! He thinks he can just tell me what to do and walk away?! Just completely dismiss my sexuality, my autonomy, my desires...well fuck him.
She sat there seething for a long time.
For the next few days, things were strained between them. They barely talked, moving past each other with only the minimum interaction required for two people cohabitating.
Genevieve was waiting for an apology. Tom was hoping the situation would magically resolve itself with time so they could pretend this never happened.
It was Genevieve broke the stalemate first. She recognized that it was unacceptable to her to go on as they were or to go back to the way things had been. Action had to be taken. Progress was inevitable. And there was only one way forward.
A cheer erupted from the living room. Tom was watching some sports match on the couch, drinking his beer and waiting for the ice between them to thaw on its own.
Genevieve turned her attention back to the full-length mirror in her bedroom. She smiled at her reflection and tried to look sexy. The image she saw pleased her.
She wore a baby blue pleated skirt that she knew Tom adored. A tight sweater with a plunging neckline, combined with a pushup bra, displayed pornstar levels of cleavage. A small, but tasteful, diamond pendant hung around her neck from a fine gold chain - a gift from Tom early in their relationship. She hoped it would remind him how good their relationship was and discourage him from squandering it.
Her eyes traveled down her curvaceous body to scrutinize her crotch. 'Nope,' she thought, 'you can't see a thing.' She clenched her pussy around the base of the Girlcock resting inside her. Her cock twitched a little in her panties, even tucked back between her legs as it was. It was a new experience for her. She'd never worn the Girlcock with clothes before.
Glancing up and holding her own stare in the mirror, she mentally prepared herself for what she was about to do. It was game time. She would not back down. She would not chicken out.
Visualizing what she wanted in her mind's eye, she saw Tom bending over for her, getting down on his hands and knees to please her. He wouldn't look happy, glancing back at her over his shoulder, but he would dutifully spread his legs and subtly arch his back, lifting his ass up for her in offering. She wouldn't take the offer tonight of course; no, she would train and stretch his asshole for a while so as to maximize the chances he would enjoy it on the day she finally took his virginity. But she would appreciate the offer tonight. Tonight, she told herself, she would settle for a blowjob. A blowjob was to be her line in the sand.
Tonight she would find out if Tom loved her enough to move forward together or if he was a selfish prick she was better off without. She would do her best to help him make the right choice, she thought as she adjusted her boobs for the final time.
She let herself strut a bit as she left the bedroom, freeing the movement in her hips to make her gait decidedly woman. She felt the light fabric of her skirt swing back and forth over her ass as she let her hips sway. Pretending to read something on her phone, she strolled through the living room, right through Tom's view of the TV, before coming to a stop at the kitchen counter.
Without risking a look back, Genevieve made her next move. She bent forward from the waist, resting her forearms on the countertop and pretending that she was there to sort through a stack of mail. She made sure to keep her legs straight and her rump raised for her boyfriend's admiration. She hoped she wasn't being too obvious but it really wouldn't matter too much for her purposes.
When Genevieve finally looked back over her shoulder, she caught Tom's head jerk back towards the television. She smiled inwardly. 'Got you,' she thought. Of course, she'd prefer his eyes remain glued to her derriere, signaling his helplessness before her beauty, but she'd achieved her goal.
She spun around and walked over to the couch, crawling into the space next to him, almost touching. "How's your game?" she asked with a smile and a little honey in her voice.
"Eh, they're up big, should be able to close it out if they don't fuck it up," Tom responded with a little smile of his own before taking another swig of his beer. He let his gaze drift downwards to appreciate Genny's gorgeous rack, and his smile got a little bigger.
He hadn't been sure what game she was playing with that little slut prance across the room earlier, but it seemed like she'd come to kiss and make up. About time. They hadn't fucked in almost a week. It was starting to become a problem.
"Sounds like you wouldn't mind being distracted," Genevieve oozed sensuality into her words, leaning in towards him and squeezing her arms in a kind of loose self-hug just below her breasts, lifting and squeezing them together for dramatic effect. She paused with her lips about a foot away from his. She looked into his eyes and raised her eyebrows as if to ask 'Do I have to spell this out for you?'
Tom needed no further invitation. He reached out and pulled her head to towards him, taking her in a deep kiss. Her lips felt great. He had missed this.
After a few moments and no small amount of tongue, Genevieve pulled away. Her eyes twinkled and she smiled. "I missed you."
"I missed you too," Tom confessed breathlessly as he dove back in for more of her hot mouth.
They shared another brief kiss before Genevieve pulled back with a purr to signal her enjoyment. "Mmmmmmm. I know you didn't mean those mean things you said the other day."
Tom grunted noncommittally and moved back in to kiss her again. She allowed him to kiss her, momentarily satisfied that he didn't refute her. She had missed his touch too. A brief temptation to melt into his hands and postpone her plan until after they'd had some good sex almost took her. But then she refocused.
Genevieve pushed him back, interlacing her fingers with his and giving him a playful smile. "You wouldn't refuse a horny girl, would you Tommy? If I wanted you to play with my Girlcock a little, you wouldn't deny me that, right?"
Tom froze. He looked like he didn't like his options. He desperately wanted to appease her so she would stop talking and get back to making out. But he didn't want to lose too much ground.
Genny brought his hand to her chest. She put her clothed breast in his hand. She squeezed her hand on top of his. "I'm a very sexual woman, Thomas. You know this. You've benefitted from it, haven't you?"
"Mmmm-hmmm," Tom reluctantly agreed as he focused on kneading the fat tit in his grasp and enjoying the mental slideshow that his brain spontaneously cued up reviewing Genny's kinkiest acts in his bed.
Just as he was about to pop her boob up out of her blouse, her grip tightened around his wrist like an iron vise. She gave him another smile, this one with a pointed challenge behind it, "So you'll do that for me, Tommy? Pleasure my dick for me?"
Determined to win this negotiation, Tom blurted, "Sure baby. Someday..." He leaned in to kiss her before any more treacherous words could escape her mouth, but he wasn't fast enough.
"Not someday, sweetheart. Now!" Genevieve plucked his hand off of her bosom and forced it down between her legs. Her Girlcock had hardened during their little make out session. It was sticking up from the top of the waistband of her panties under her skirt. The feel of Tom's hand touching her erection through her skirt felt delicious. It made her cock throb with want.
But an instant later, Tom snatched his hand back like he'd been snakebit.
"Genny, what the fuck?" Tom was already on his feet.
Genevieve stood up to meet him. "What do you mean: 'what the fuck?' Who the fuck do you think you are talking to me like that? Are you my lover? Do you care about my happiness at all? Because you seem like an asshole!"
"Genny, I told you I'm not doing that." Tom was shaking his head back and forth. His face was turning red. He looked like he couldn't breathe.
Genevieve took a softer tack but didn't back down. She grabbed Tom's hand with both of her own. In a softer, quieter voice, she began again, "You're going to do this for me, Tom. You're going to try it at least. For all I've done for you, God knows how many handjobs and tit jobs and blowjobs. For all I am to you, the woman you love, the woman whose happiness means everything to you, you're going to fucking do this for me..."
Her voice broke a little here. The tears forming in her eyes surprised her. Suddenly this wasn't just a sex thing, it wasn't just a fight, maybe Tom didn't really love her?!
Tom looked appropriately admonished. With an apologetic last look at her eyes, he glanced down and nodded gravely.
"Let's go to the bedroom." Genny tugged on his hand and led him away.
She pulled Tom to sit next to her on the edge of the bed. He wore a melancholy expression.
"Fuck Tom, it's just a dick. It's made of silicone. You act like it's radioactive. It's not going to hurt you."
He glared at her like she was swindling him with twisted devil logic, but he said nothing.
Silence was enough to satisfy her for now. She gave him a pout and then reached out and pulled him in for a kiss.
It felt different this time. Tentative. Tom less sure, less confident, waiting for her to act. She liked it. Her cock twitched in her panties as she pushed her tongue into his mouth.
The raw emotion of the moment combusted into sexual energy. They made out hard, sucking face like their relationship depended on it. After several minutes of increasingly intense passion, Genevieve pulled back gasping for breath. She stared into Tom's eyes and shot a hand to his crotch. He was hard. As she began stroking his clothed rod, her other hand clutched Tom by the wrist. Without breaking eye contact, she moved his hand to her lap and onto her throbbing womanhood.
He didn't pull away this time, lightly grasping her length. She coaxed him into starting a handjob of his own with little movements up and down on his wrist, which he maintained when she let him go. He squeezed her ever so gently as he stroked her, and she moaned in encouragement.
There they sat, fondling each other's pricks, looking into each other's eyes with excited, scared expressions. Like pioneers exploring a new frontier, aware of the danger, unable to turn back.
The fire in Genny's loins grew hotter, impelling her to escalate. Her fingers nimbly unbuttoned his pants, and her hand snuck inside, finding his cock hot and throbbing in wait. She took it in an experienced grip and slowly tugged on his foreskin. She smiled victoriously when Tom closed his eyes and groaned.
Genevieve kept jerking her boyfriend's meat with a practiced hand down the front of his pants. She waited patiently for him to respond in kind with a hand up her skirt, but he just kept up his light stroking of her member through the fabric. Finally, she gave him a withering look and just stopped completely. The loss of the pleasurable sensation quickly refocused him, and he heeded her wordless command, hurrying his hand under her skirt. He pulled her panties to the side and started to stroke her Girlcock directly. It felt wonderful to Genevieve. "Mmmmm, yes Tom, ooooh that's so good. I've wanted this so badly."
Her hand on his Johnson felt good, for sure, but even so the situation was starting to unnerve Tom. He felt her cock pulse and grow in his hand as she moaned her appreciation. Instead of reassuring him, her whorish moans troubled him, convincing him that his sweet Genny had been possessed by some demon of lust and perversion, consumed by her own pleasure.
Genevieve remained entirely oblivious to Tom's growing angst. Such was the level of her delight at finally getting her boyfriend to wank her needy schlong. She was so close to her goal, and there was no stopping her.
"Kiss it, Tom. Oh God, I want to feel your hot mouth on me. Tom, I-"
Tom suddenly let her go and stood up.
Genevieve looked up with dismay. "Tom?"
Without looking at her, he turned and made for the door.
As he was about to walk out, she called after him, "Wait! Wait Tom, please!" He paused without turning back around. "C'mon, lots of guys do this for their women. I've sucked your cock loads of times. Fuck, I've taken it up my ass for you. Why won't you do the same for me?"
This last comment confirmed his suspicions that she wanted to butt fuck him. He scowled and turned to leave again before her voice broke the silence one more time. It was suddenly different. The voice was low, quivering, and deadly serious. "I'll leave you, Tom." She paused to let the weight of her words sink in. "If this is all you care for me, I should've left a long time ago. If you walk out that door right now, I'll...I'll do it. I'll leave you."
Time seemed to be frozen. A silence filled the room. Genevieve wasn't sure how long it lasted. A minute, maybe two?
And then Tom just walked out of the room.
Genevieve sat there in shock for a moment, struggling to come up with a plausible explanation for what had just transpired.
Could he have not heard her? Could he have taken a secret oath that he couldn't tell her about, vowing never to suck a dildo? Was she in fact dreaming and about to awake from this nightmare?
A few minutes later, she rose from the bed and began packing a bag.
When she emerged from the bedroom, towing a suitcase behind her, she found Tom once again seated on the couch before the TV. He didn't seem to be watching, staring down a patch of the carpet in front of him, clutching the beer between his legs with both hands.
She swung the front door open, looked back one last time in case he was waiting for this moment to make some dramatic gesture. He didn't even look up to meet her eyes. And then she was gone.
Tom felt like shit. His hopes that the situation would just resolve itself had been definitively dashed. He still clung to a fantasy of her running back through the door, apologizing profusely, telling him she was just confused, that she'd come to her senses and thrown the accursed Girlcock in the garbage, begging him to forgive her.
But he knew that was pure fiction. Genny was a strong woman. For whatever reason, she'd chosen to make this ultimatum, and he knew she wouldn't come crawling back to him on her own. Even if she wanted to. Her pride wouldn't allow it. No, he would have to make some compromise and some expression of regret. He just needed to figure out exactly how much ground he would was willing to concede.
Tom's aversion to the idea of being penetrated wasn't entirely naive. The irony of the situation was that Tom knew he enjoyed anal penetration. Years ago in college, he had experimented with anal. First with a finger teasing his outer rim when he masturbated, then progressing to finger fucking his bottom, and eventually to a butt plug he'd bought at a local sex shop while wearing a hat and sunglasses and hoping like hell no one recognized him. Back in his bedroom, he'd had the hardest cum of his life sliding the rubber toy through his back door while stroking his dick to the same rhythm.
It was much more than just the novelty sensation of being stretched and filled, more than the sparks that burst from his prostate when the toy pressed against it. Something about it just seemed so dirty, so taboo, so delightfully sinful that he'd become instantly and permanently addicted. Despite what had happened later, he had never been able to rid himself completely of his anal obsession. It was the reason he'd begged and kept after Genny until she'd given up her ass cherry to him. The perversion and surrender of letting someone bend you over, part your buttocks, and penetrate your most private hole, taking you unnaturally, deeply, owning you in that singular intimate way that many lovers never experience - He loved buggering her whenever she allowed it.
But back in college, he had almost worked up the courage to tell his then-girlfriend about his anal fetish when something had happened. They were watching a television show where this white guy was fucking this kinky asian chick missionary. As she was being fucked, the girl reached around with a tennis racket and shoved the tip of the handle up his ass, making him cum instantly. Tom found the scene to be so erotic that he thought it might be the perfect moment to tell his girlfriend about his kink. But before he could, she complained, "I can't believe they made this character gay. I actually thought he was hot, but now he's just gross." A female character in the show confirmed her view moments later when she said, "Anyone who likes anything back there is a little bit gay."