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The Fixer Pt. 03


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"Alright whore, your constant gagging is annoying me. Bend over." He coldly ordered. Suriya did as she was told and gingerly touched her toes. As she was doing so, with practiced efficiency her husband rolled a condom onto his dick, she then felt her husband's cock begin to press against her anus.

"Hey..." She began only to be cut off by some fierce swats to her bottom.

"You have a tight ass for a whore. I'm going to have to add lube to this condom."

"Couldn't you just..." Suriya once again began only to be silenced by another round of angry spanks.

"Didn't pay for your whore mouth to flap at me. If you were about to ask me to fuck your diseased cunt, the answer is I only touch one vagina when I am making love to my wife. When I fuck whores I fuck them up the ass." He informed while smearing lubricant over his cock. Suriya fell silent as she felt his slippery hard penis insistently push past the hot pressure of resistance and into her vulnerable ass.

Suriya had not had a lot of anal training in the couple of days she had spent with Malcolm and Grace, so it was painful when her husband began thrusting into her as hard as he could. He grabbed her hair with his hand and pulled her head back to give himself more purchase on her body, slamming his cock deep inside of her with every thrust. It didn't take long before he thrust deep inside of her and she felt his cock surging inside the condom.

After a few moments of orgasm, her husband returned to being Jekyll, leaving Hyde behind as a memory.

"Thank you. Sorry if I hurt you." He apologised as he gathered up his things. Suriya was stunned silent and could see a small amount of concern wash over her husband's face before he took a deep breath, left some money on the counter, and left.

Badiha, Malcolm, and Grace waited until Suriya's husband turned the corner before rushing to the room to make sure they hadn't gone too far.

"How are you feeling?" Badiha asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Mixed, I don't know if it's just my recent experiences that are clouding my judgment, but all I can focus on is that my husband does find me attractive. He loves me, he just needs to degrade women and can't bring himself to see me that way. Before today I would have worried about this side of him, but now all I can think is that I'll make him see that I can be his loving wife and degraded whore."

Badiha was more than familiar with this sexual haze that gets into a brain when put through her experiences. Right now every thought Suriya was having was going through the filter of sex, Badiha made a mental note to help her adapt back to the non-sex world after such an experience, the moment she figured out how to do it herself.

"Now she's getting it." Grace cheered.

That evening at the tattoo parlor, Suriya specifically requested that the newest flower be a blooming rose, larger than its surrounding flowers.


"Urgh, this is not coming together as I had planned." Badiha sighed as she closed another chat tab on her computer.

"Still no takers?" Malcolm calmly asked.

"We were supposed to end the week on a gang bang of the makeup Suriya had originally described. A bait and switch where at first she thought we were being creative with her request and then she finds out it was all warmup for literally fulfilling it."

"Not a lot of people want to pay to be part of group sex. If you're shelling out money you want a rental car not public transport." Malcolm sagely observed.

"We picked this location mainly because Suriya's husband was due to be at a conference. I just didn't realise how transient and flakey it made everyone organising a prostitute." Badiha acknowledged. Grace returned to the room with the pizza they had ordered and immediately sensed the vibes in the room.

"No joy getting up to 5 people, at least one a woman?" Grace asked.

"The councillor backed out so we're back to square one." Badiha groaned.

"Couldn't we make it five with who we have to hand?" Grace asked. "Me, Malcolm, the tattoo artist, the guy at the front desk and..."

"And me?' Badiha replied. Grace was suggesting this even though she didn't know the kind of person Badiha was showed how skewed her worldview was becoming. It didn't matter that she was right about everything Badiha couldn't let her know. "I'm not doing it."

Malcolm looked confused but was able to smother it before Grace noticed.

"Maybe the four of us would be enough, she did say 'two to five people', four is a number between two and five." He noted.

"Alright, I'll go ask the tattoo artist and the guy behind the counter if they would be interested." Badiha conceded, grabbing a slice of pizza as she headed out of the door.

She walked past Suriya's door, wondering what was going through her mind as she quietly got on with some work, played with her phone, rubbed lotion into the ever growing tattoo, all while waiting for the conclusion of her brief stint as a whore.

She knew at some point she would have to come clean with Grace about the events on the island and the depths of depravity it had planted deep in her subconscious. She knew Grace wouldn't judge, if anything she would be happy to see this side of Badiha, but her stupid ego couldn't bring itself to admit how much she was defeated. The only argument her mind seemed to countenance was that if she didn't tell Grace, at some point she would find out, this line of work availed Badiha of too many opportunities for deviancy, and she hardly had a 100% success rate at rising above it.

As she approached the front desk she heard the voice a man pleading with the receptionist, echoing down the halls.

"I just need to know if I knock on number 11 I'll get the same woman I met yesterday." The familiar voice wined.

"...and I told you I can't divulge that information, our guest details are strictly private." The receptionist curtly replied, clearly practiced in having this conversation.

"It's just... she seemed so..." the man fumbled. As Badiha turned the corner she saw Suriya's husband, her eyes widened and she feared for the worst. "I don't know her name, just the room number. I only want to apologise."

Content that Suriya's identity was safe, Badiha breathed a sigh of relief and joined the queue behind Suriya's husband. After increasingly meek pleadings with the receptionist, he turned around and clocked Badiha.

"Maybe you knew her, Asian woman in room 11."

"Sir, please don't harass our guests." The receptionist sternly asked.

"Don't worry Brett, I'll take care of this." Badiha replied, linking arms with Suriya's husband and pulling him outside and out of earshot. "Yeah, I know the woman in 11, she was a newbie, still getting to grips with the work. I'm afraid she left yesterday."

"Oh cripes." Suriya's husband gasped. Badiha saw that he felt guilty that his rough treatment had gotten to Suriya and she needed to counter it.

"Oh, you must have been her last client. Don't worry it's not your fault. She just realised she was braver in theory than in practice." Badiha reassured.

"She did say she could handle it rough."

"Common mistake among girls just starting out." Badiha agreed, patting his arm. Her worst impulses once again played a trick they had recently learned, that they didn't need to win an argument with the rational part of her brain, just get her to say something without thinking that she couldn't take back. "For £50 you can be as rough as you want with me."

Suriya's husband's face went from concern to arousal so fast it made Badiha's stomach drop. With those words she had released the beast, with no way to reverse the direction this was going in. He unhooked his arm from hers and looked her up and down, a sneer crawling across his face.

"I didn't realise you were also a filthy whore." He snarled. He got out his wallet and threw some notes at Badiha, laughing as she recoiled, then bent over to pick them up. "So do you have a room here?"

"No, but there's no CCTV in the alleyway behind." Badiha responded.

"Alright, I'm going to fuck you by the bins like the piece of garbage you are." He stated, grabbing Badiha's hair and dragging her out of sight.

They got to the alleyway behind the hotel and Badiha was relieved that it was empty. Suriya's husband pushed her up against the bins, taking a kiss for himself while his hands remained around her neck.

"Alright slut, take off your clothes and throw them in the bin." He ordered, his malice encouraged by the smile that crossed Badiha's face. She didn't hesitate, quickly peeling off the professional outfit and leaving it in a pile in front of her. Once she stood naked in front of Suriya's husband she turned around to let him watch as she dropped the whole bundle of clothes in the dumpster. She didn't have time to turn back around before she felt one arm pushing her to lean forward, then bursts of heat on her bottom as he began spanking her ass without mercy.

"This is what you get for being a filthy whore." He yelled as Badiha moaned with delight.

"Thank you master, I deserve this." She replied between slaps. In shock he turned her around, hands on her throat so he could see the wild look in her eyes.

"You're actually enjoying this." He noticed.

"Maybe." Badiha coyly responded. "How about you slap my slutty tits around and see the look on my face?"

Suriya's husband took her instruction to heart and began giving her breasts some hard swats, enjoying Badiha's moans of agony and ecstasy each time his hand connected. He grabbed both of her nipples between his thumb and forefinger and pulled her towards him to take another kiss for himself.

"You are the most fucked up whore I've every delt with." He announced, pulling away from the kiss but keeping her nipples in his pinch.

"Thank you master." Badiha hungrily replied, explosions of erotic pain rising from her nipples as he twisted them in his hands. "Does that mean you're going to fuck me now?"

"Bend over bitch, I'm going to bury my cock in your ass." He announced. Badiha obeyed and turned around as Suriya's husband got a condom out of his wallet. Soon she felt that familiar hot pressure of an erect cock pushing at her sphincter and she relaxed and let him in. Immediately he pulled Badiha upwards by her hair and thrust forward so Badiha was pushed halfway into the dumpster, her tits swaying above the disgusting mess of bin bags her clothes had been mixed in with. Her legs were still pinned between his legs and the outside of the dumpster so she stayed upright and continued to feel him thrusting deep within her, albeit as she fought to keep her top half from collapsing into the bin.

It has been a while since Badiha was last fucked in her ass so violently, she had missed the overwhelming sense of violation and found her body surrendering to the pleasure as she felt Suriya's husband finish himself off with some powerful final thrusts deep inside of her. She was weak at the knees and gathering her wits when she felt him cruelly withdraw without warning. Next she felt his arms wrapping around her upper thighs, before she could process what was happening she felt her body lifting up and tumbling unceremoniously into the bin.

"That's where filthy whores like you belong." He giggled, peeling the used condom off his cock, tossing it onto Badiha's body, and leaving.

"Thank you sir." Badiha meekly called out after him, taking a moment to lie on top of the pile of trash before getting to work rummaging through it to find her clothes.


Badiha went to a nearby gym just to have a thorough shower without Grace and Malcolm knowing, then headed onto the tattoo parlour with two questions in mind. Would the artist be interested in an orgy and could he tattoo a second flower on Badiha's hip?


After being such an impressive whore for Suriya's husband, Badiha struggled to look Suriya in the eye, let alone join in an orgy. She struck lucky when she found out the tattoo artist and his girlfriend were swingers, both willing to take part in the final orgy while she sat things out. She sat in the other room, watching the erotic world revolving around Suriya as each participant took out their deviant desires on her body, lamenting that both her pride and her shame kept her from being right in the middle of the action.

As she sat alone, the crackly speakers filling the room with orgasmic moans of group sex being recorded next door. Badiha grabbed her phone and dropped Nicole a text, hoping her fellow slave girl from the island was doing better than her at adjusting to the real world and if so hoping she had tips on how to do that.

Her bags were already packed and she was looking forward to leaving the moment Suriya's fantasy was done. Luckily for her the tattoo artist has bought his kit and was planning on adding five more flowers to Suriya's collection the moment he was done spit roasting her with the help of his girlfriend and a strap-on.


The moment Badiha and Grace returned to Badiha's apartment, they opened a bottle of wine to toast the success of their latest client

"So..." Grace nonchalantly began as Badiha sat in her lounge on her laptop. "Would you say I passed my probation?"

"You did really well with Suriya, so yes. This role just became full time. If you need my help finding a good apartment for fairly cheap, I know a landlord who still owes me for sourcing her body weight in Adderall the week before her exams." Badiha planned, happy to be getting Grace out of her house.

"I won't be needing that. I'll be needing what we agreed, an explanation of why you want to take 'a step back' from all of this." Grace stated, sitting as close to Badiha as she could on the sofa.

"That's not going to happen any more, I've accepted I'm locked in." Badiha replied, draining the glass of wine in front of her and pouring another one. Tonight was going to be the night she ripped off the band aid and took Grace into her confidence. "Alright, let me show you something."

Badiha stood up and lowered the hem on her trousers and knickers, so the black outline tattoos of two flowers could be seen by her protégé. Grace smiled, then looked confused, then smiled even wider.

"Are those..."

"Yes." Badiha cut Grace off. "Both from our time in Birmingham. This one on the left was a man who picked me up off the street after you went shopping, this one on the right is from Suriya's husband the day after he'd had a go with Suriya."

"Holy shit. You're fucking bonkers, but you hid it so well..." Grace marveled before rushing over to the fridge to get out another bottle of wine. "Spare no details, I want to know everything."

So Badiha told her everything.

"... Then he tossed me into the bin, like a disposable whore."

"You did so much to pre-vet Henrietta's bin then let yourself just be tossed in one outside a hotel?" Grace interrupted for the hundredth time.

"Yeah I got lucky there was nothing dangerous in there. He tossed his condom onto my body and I lay there for some time feeling his cum trickling out onto me. And I guess that brings us up to now."

"So I got out of the starting gate early, but I've got nothing on you. You don't suppose you could organise for me to have an island training session with Malcolm?" Grace laughed.

"It was pretty expensive, maybe for your birthday." Badiha joked. "At first I didn't want to lose myself, it was so difficult to claw myself back to being functional after totally surrending my psyche to erotic subjugation I felt it would be better to walk away from everything. Now I feel that this is simply a perk of my power, like skimming some cash off the top of a healthy account, I get to indulge myself, dip my toe in, during our little escapades."

"And now you have a confidant, I can help you go further while also looking out for you going too far." Grace reassured.

"Thanks Grace, that means a lot to me." Badiha gave her new partner in crime a hug while choking back her tears. "It's probably for the best that we've run out of wine."

"Yeah, it means I can send you to the shop to get more." Grace replied with a wicked grin. Badiha gave her a confused look. "Come on, you don't expect me to learn all this about you and not take it for a test drive."

"I'm sure I don't know what you mean." Badiha said cheekily, her heart beginning to pump faster at the thought of the dark desires Grace was cooking up for her.

"I mean you're going to go to the shop to get us some more wine and I'm choosing your outfit." Grace chirped. She skipped out of the room while Badiha dutifully began to strip down, her naked body ready to be a blank canvas for Grace's debauched plans.

Grace returned and gave Badiha a proud grin as she presented a tea towel and two clothes pegs. She draped the tea towel against Badiha's body, it was only just wide enough to cover her nipples and only just long enough to cover her pussy. Grace then secured it in place by pegging the corners to her nipples.

"Alright, looks like you're ready to go." Grace giggled, dragging Badiha towards the door thrusting some cash into her hand. Badiha looked out into the corridor leading to the lifts with a tingle in her stomach at what lay ahead. Grace gave her a hearty swat on her bottom so she jumped out of her door and heard it close behind her. Badiha took a couple tentative steps towards lift when she heard her apartment door open again.

"Wait!" Yelled Grace, running after her. As Grace caught up, she turned Badiha back around and used some lipstick to write on her back.

'please take photos and message them to 07*********'

"There we go, now I'm not unlocking the front door until you have bought the wine, and I photos of your ordeal taken by 5 different members of the public." Grace informed, turning round and retreating back into the apartment while Badiha got into the lift and pressed the button for the ground floor.


Grace got the first photo pretty soon after Badiha left the apartment, it was taken from a car driving past as Badiha walked into the night, her hands holding the corners of the tea towel to keep it from flapping in the breeze.

The second picture took a bit longer to arrive but eventually was sent to her, taken inside the shop as Badiha picked out some bottles of wine, the shopkeeper in the background simultaneously disinterested and disgusted by her behaviour.

The next person sent 2 pictures which made it clear that Badiha was now trying to get people to photograph her, both pictures were off the route to the shop and back. In the first she was stood next to some carrier bags of wine she had placed on the ground, lifting up the tea towel so her pussy was exposed. The second she had turned her back to the camera and was looking over her shoulder looking completely exposed.

The next message she received had a video attached, Grace opened it to see Badiha now near a park, some young men giggling as the camera trained on her. A hand stretched out from behind the camera and snatched the tea towel off of her. Badiha squealed in pain as the pegs dropped to the floor and blood flowed back to her nipples, the cameraman immediately ran away with the only covering Badiha had gone out in.

After some time worrying and thinking about going and helping her, Grace received messages from four people in quick succession, each covering a different angle of Badiha posing naked on a pool table inside a pub that was open late.

Badiha had a giant grin on her face when she buzzed at the door to be let back into her house.


Badiha woke up with the mother of all hangovers and vague memories of a night discussing the most perverted desires with Grace. It felt good not having to keep a secret, even if she strongly suspected that she was now on a far more dangerous path.

After she had made herself the largest strongest coffee she could muster, Badiha went to sit in her lounge, where Grace was already up and scanning through emails for their next job.

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