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The Goddess Ch. 01

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A hot futa finds the remnant of a Goddess.
7.6k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/16/2022
Created 03/01/2014
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Aeons ago gods and goddesses alike lived among the humans. For many centuries they all lived peacefully side by side, but humans grew jealous of their power, to the point of claiming them to be devils you had come to steal humanity's souls. Religions began to follow the drug induced beliefs of a certain J.C (I'll give you one guess who it was), and they began to support those who accused the gods and Goddesses of being guilty of witchcraft, leading many witch hunts in the hopes of burning one at the stake. Many innocents died during the hunts, while the Gods fled to their home above the clouds, where no human would find them. All except one.

The Goddess of love, Aphrodite remained as she believed that they would never find her, and, as her name suggests, she loved humanity. She remained to try and keep humanity's hearts filled with love, but found that their lust for power, and man's need to dominate the females, corrupted their hearts, and buried the pure love that she embodied. Soon her power began to fade, as did her life. In her final moments however, Aphrodite took what little of her true power remained, and placed it within a statue dedicated to her, located in Greece. Then the Goddess of love faded forever from this world, leaving behind that small part of herself, in the hopes that she who discovers it would use it wisely. Thus the time of harmony ended and wars tore the world.

Over the centuries and millennia humanity's dependence on religion decreased, however as it did their reliance on technology practically took over their lives. Religion was often the sole cause of wars, however it was humanity's need to become more powerful, that led to even greater death and destruction. They sought to hold the power of the Gods, they built atomic bombs, nuclear weapons, believing that they would end all war. All they did was bring further death upon the world.

The various Gods and Goddesses who had fled Earth so long ago, watched these atrocities as they unfolded. And, as time went on, they grew to hate the humans, no longer desiring to return to the planets surface and live amongst them once more, now they desired only to see them destroy themselves. Watching it as though it were a reality TV show, sometimes even whispering into the minds of humans to make them instigate a war. As time passed they failed to notice their palace crumbling around them, as their hatred for those they were once meant to protect and cherish, turned their hearts to blackened ice. The Gods faded as the twentieth century drew to a close.

However small parts of their spirits remained and descended to the Earth. There they laid dormant for many years, scattered across the globe, waiting, like Aphrodite, for someone to find them and use their power. Stories were told of this, many set out to try and find these remnants of the Gods, but none did, often wasting their lives away in the vain hope that these rumours were true, and that they could wield the power of Gods. Do they exist? If so would they be discovered? Only time will tell, yet in the fourteen years since then, no one has found these remnants, nor have there been any solid information about them. It's safe to assume they are...

"No more than myths." Laura said and looked around the classroom, trying to gauge people's reaction to her writing. Many raised their hands, and she sighed. She knew the ones who had raised their hands were religious fanatics and would only reprimand her for spewing blasphemy.

"This piece is set in a fictional universe that has no definitive link to our own." She stated in response to their unspoken questions. The hands went down immediately.

Ever since she turned seven, Laura had been writing these types of stories. In the twelve years since then, she had been called an amazing writer by some, mostly teachers, and a worthless hell spawn by others, usually those that followed religion. She had nothing against religion personally, but as she looked further and further back, it almost always seemed that people's beliefs are what led to some of the largest wars in history. Terrorists often stated that the reasons for their attacks were religious ones. Faced with this evidence, Laura decided at the age of sixteen, to never devotedly follow a religion. She believed in higher powers, but only because it made it easier to explain how they came to be, scientists had explained that they had evolved over the course of time, but that didn't explain how the universe was formed. The idea of a higher power creating it was easier to believe.

As a young girl Laura had been enthralled with the teachings of certain religions. Their principles seemed so right, yet some of the acts the religion had committed over the centuries had frightened her, no religion seemed right. They all disagreed on whose god was right, and then wars are started because of it. Laura often found it impossible to believe that an organization that preaches love and peace, and that god loves each and every one of them, could also believe that murdering people in his name was right. As such Laura stayed clear of religion.

She lived in Alabama, USA. A place where religion was practically law, and that's how her parents saw it too. They treated her like an outcast in her own home. What happens to a child when her own parents can barely stand to be seen in public with her? She turns to the somewhat darker side of the world, wearing band t-shirts, short skirts, though in Alabama they only seemed to sell knee length ones, so she ordered them online, without her parent's knowing, though she assumed that even if they did they wouldn't care. She still wouldn't go too short, as that would reveal her deepest darkest secret, and one that had been kept for nineteen years. Laura was a natural born hermaphrodite.

Despite the online popularity of people with both genders, Laura never revealed it to anyone. As she grew that became harder and harder, as puberty struck, her hormones went haywire, her breasts grew faster and bigger than other girls her age, her cock followed suit, becoming as big as a pornstar's, even when flaccid. She had taken to tying it to her thigh with rope to keep it from people's view, but sometimes her thoughts would turn impure, and she rushed to the toilets. Having been raised in a heavily religious environment, Laura was taught very little about her body. Being told that to pleasure oneself was to dirty themselves. Despite not believing most religions, she was raised on that mind frame, and couldn't shake it.

As such when her mind turned to impurity, she could only run and hide in the girl's rest room, and wait for it to go away. As of late however, it had become increasingly harder, as the organ's full size grew exponentially, reaching her chin and becoming thicker than her wrist upon reaching it's full size. Aside from that the urges to masturbate had become almost unbearable. She had often caught her hand reaching for it, as though of it's own accord. Then the dreams started; each day she would wake to find her phallus at full mast, or her sweatpants soaked with it's orgasm. Despite the horror she would feel at seeing this, she couldn't deny the pleasure it brought as well.

Laura had grown to become a 'sinfully' beautiful woman. The twin hormones in her body had completed their war once she reached the age of 18, and they had both done admirably. Her curvy body was envious to say the least, her ample bust measuring at 36E, her trim waist of 28'', that flared out into 42'' hips, which tapered nicely into lush thighs, and long legs. Her full lips were naturally glossy, high cheekbones glowed with health, and her large sapphire eyes were hypnotic. A cascade of auburn hair fell to her waist.

Her male hormones had done their part as well. There were no real signs of masculinity to be seen on her, except the well toned biceps and abs. Anyone who saw her knew she exercised regularly. Though they never seemed to care about that, only the result, as her breasts seemed to defy gravity, remaining deceptively perky, even without a bra, and her tight butt, which filled out her clothing nicely. As time went by Laura began to notice the lustful stares of men as she walked past. It bothered her, it felt like they were undressing her before their eyes, yet when she saw women doing it, it didn't seem to bother her in slightest. Curiosity got the better of her and for the first time she looked up pornography.

She had hacked her parent's internet blocks, allowing her full access. Then she typed in the one word that she had heard from time to time: Porn. Hours later Laura was still looking through videos, quickly learning what act was what, and finding that she couldn't enjoy normal pornography, yet she had felt her body get hot watching two women touch each other so indecently. They were referred to as Lesbians. A term unheard of by Laura, but it soon became what she associated with herself. She knew her parents would probably kick her out of the house if they found out, so she kept it a secret from everyone, while secretly lusting after the cheerleaders, or various other women. This was one year ago, just before she entered college.

Laura had been working hard over many summers. Trying to save enough money to leave her parent's when she turned eighteen. She decided to go to a college with dorms, as that would cut her living costs, and then, on the day she was set to leave her parents for that new world, she told them. Their reaction was what she had expected, they yelled at her, saying that Satan would claim her soul, and how indecent it was. That was also the first time Laura used a swear word around them; telling her father to fuck off. The word felt deliciously dirty on her tongue and she left with an honest to god smile on her face.

Now she was in her second year. She had struck a deal with the Principle to let her stay in the dorms during holidays, at least until she had plenty of money to live on her own. Since leaving her parents she had researched everything she couldn't have while with them, learning from various sites the best ways to masturbate, or have sex. Of course she knew that would never happen, due to her obscene secret, but it couldn't hurt. On the day before college Laura had her first conscious orgasm, thankful that the college gave girls separate rooms, letting her openly climax and cum for the first time.

Now she was practically addicted to the sensations of cumming. She would run back to her dorm room after classes ended, and masturbate for hours on end, sometimes crying out so loud that she prayed no one heard her, yet no one complained, so she assumed she was safe. As time progressed she got into the habit of cumming into large bottles, otherwise the mess she created took too long to clean up, and she had almost been found out because of it. She also discovered that the amount of sperm she produced with each orgasm, was more than enough to completely fill a two litre bottle. The most horrifying part was that she could cum like that multiple times in a row.

One night she grew curious as too the taste of her ejaculate. She poured out some from a recently filled bottle onto a tea spoon. She had often noted how it looked almost like jelly, and, as she tasted it for the first time that day, she decided that it was far better than any desert she had ever tasted. The thick texture, and the salty taste, seemed to dance a flavourful waltz on her tongue, while an sweet aftertaste soon followed. Now, when she came into a bottle she would store it, rather than empty it into a gutter when no one was around, and drank it at her leisure. It was like yoghurt in how it seemed to fill her, while quenching her thirst. It didn't give her quite the nutrition that she needed, so she ate plenty of regular food as well.

Her looks had attracted plenty of attention from the guys, but she told them that she was a lesbian, and nothing they said or did would change that. Everyone knew of her sexual preferences now, and she had been approached by many other lesbians who wanted to date her. She never turned them down, but when it began to get serious she would break up, always saying that she wasn't ready. Despite this Laura remained friends with many of her past girlfriends, and would often set them up with one another. Despite this Laura desperately wanted to fuck one, but she knew that she could never expose her secret. They may be good friends, but even they would blab about it.

(And now we come to present day) Today was the day of a field trip, not just any old field trip, this one was abroad, more specifically Greece, where the rumoured remnant of Aphrodite resided. Laura was just as excited as the next person to go there, but she was terrified, since she would have to share a hotel room, meaning her secret had much more opportunities to be discovered. She met with the principle to see if she could have her own room, assuming she paid for it of course. She was told no, and was questioned as to why, to which Laura had no appropriate answer. She accepted this and resolved to be extra cautious during the trip.

As the buses carrying all of the second years approached the airport, she thought of faking an illness, or running off. She had brought cash with her, in case she decided to do so, but her desire to go to Greece overtook the urge to flee. For so long she had been fascinated by it, writing stories of the various Gods and Goddesses that had once resided there. Not only that, but she felt compelled to go there, as though something called to her, but she had no idea what it was. Laura remained silent during the journey, not really conversing with her various friends, opting instead to watch the scenery pass by.

Once at the airport it felt like she was watching a montage. They walked in, then cut to the desk for tickets, then they were boarding, then they were sitting, and then they were in the air. It was her first time flying, so Laura was understandably nervous. For several hours she sat there, clinging to her armrests, until the plane touched down, and then they had to repeat the montage again, to get on their connecting flight. Why did Greece have to be so far away? Laura thought as she sat on a new plane and braced for take off.

When they finally arrived at their destination, Athens, home of the Athena Parthenos. Laura was exhausted, thanks to the long flight, and her inability to sleep the night before, thanks to the excitement, so she walked around like a zombie, only coming alive when they came to their hotel. Once there they were told who their room mates were, and then one was given a key. After that they were told that they could do whatever they wanted, as long as it wasn't too far from the hotel, and they had a clear way back, but they had to be back before nine. Only a small handful were awake enough to do so, while the others, Laura included, went to their rooms.

Sleep came relatively easy that night. Even with the ever looming threat of discovery, Laura dropped to her bed, her suitcase by it's side, and fell asleep within moments of her head connecting with the four star pillows. She slept soundly, except for a voice that seemed to be constantly whispering in her ear.

"Find... power... find it..." The disjointed words whispered through her mind, until she woke up, the desperate urge to pee forcing her awake fast.

Sighing with relief, Laura emptied her bladder. Then the voice returned almost stronger, repeating the same words. Returning to the main room, Laura looked out the window, it was pure black outside. She frowned, when they arrived it was dark, so surely when she woke it would be morning, but no, it was as black as night outside.

"Find... my... power... find it..." The words whispered once more through her mind, with the single addition of 'my'.

"Who are you?" She asked aloud, but thought better of it and said, "What are you?"

"You... know..." As she continued to look outside a sudden flash of pink caught her eye, and suddenly the world was illuminated. In the streets sat a large stone, it looked like a jewel, except it was bright pink, and almost seemed to shine, despite the fact that no light was on it.

"You... are... chosen..." Suddenly Laura was in the streets, standing not one foot from the jewel.

Now closer she could see that it was the size of her big toe, and did glow slightly. An impulse to pick it up came unbidden, and she couldn't resist it. Pocketing the jewel, the world faded to black.

"Laura! Wake up! Miss Candles wants everyone to meet in the lobby." She heard her room mate calling, trying to shake her awake.

"Huh? Uh, yeah, what?" She said, more asleep then awake.

"I said Miss Candles wants everyone to meet in the lobby. And she wants everyone to meet in ten minutes!" That woke Laura up, the anger of the principle was legendary, it was even said that she made Satan look like Jesus when she lost her temper. Moving like the Flash, Laura brushed her hair, and dressed in a fresh set of clothes, taking extra care not to be seen by her room mate. During the process she noticed something.

As she was taking off her jacket something fell from one of the pockets. Looking down, she recognised the jewel that now laid upon the carpeted bathroom floor.

"It wasn't a dream?" She whispered aloud. Crouching down she picked it up, and noticed it now had a diamond chain (No joke).

"Come on Laura, or were gonna be late!" Her room mate called out.

"I'm coming!" She called back, putting on the pendant, and hurrying to join her.

"Took you long e-" She stopped suddenly.

"I know, I'm sorry. I'm just really tired." Laura apologised, not noticing the almost empty look on her room mates face.

"Huh? Oh, it's okay. By the way, you smell really good. Is that a new perfume?" She asked.

"Uh, no. I forgot to bring any." Laura replied and her room mate just shrugged.

"We never officially met. My name's Alice." Alice said, holding out her hand.

"Laura. It's a pleasure." Laura said shaking the proffered hand.

"It sure is." Alice said, so quietly that Laura wasn't sure if she heard her right.

The meeting was all about rules. Where not to go, where they think we should go, what times to be back, to keep cell phones on at all times, unless the situation demands it be off, and finally to have fun. Laura was yawning throughout it, feeling extremely tired, yet her brain continuously buzzed with what had seemingly transpired last night. Had she really found a remnant? To her those had been but stories in her mind, but now she began to think that maybe it was true, and that the Gods and Goddesses of Greece had in fact left remnants of their power on this world, waiting for a mortal they deemed worthy to discover them. Her mind thought back to all those stories she had written about these remnants.

It seemed that some things were fiction. Though she only knew it to be where the Aphrodite's remnant remained; it seemed to have been sleeping beneath streets, awaiting the arrival of Laura, whom it deemed worthy to hold what remained of the Goddess's power. If so, then what did that mean for Laura? Would she be expected to take the Goddess's place, or would she be able to go on living her life as she chose to?

"Do not worry child." A voice, familiar yet unknown to her said. Looking around Laura saw no one had spoken to her, in fact they were mostly talking amongst themselves, trying to decide where to go. She shook her head, passing it off as her imagination.

"I am far from imaginary." It said again, and this time Laura questioned it.

"Who are you?" She whispered aloud, her instincts telling her that whatever was talking to her, would hear no matter what.

"I am the Goddess of Love, Aphrodite, and you, my child, now hold what remains of my spirit and power." The Goddess explained. One phrase came to Laura's mind:


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