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The Gymnastics Team Pt. 01


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Very soon, I once again found myself to be the centre of their attention, still struggling to indulge Olivia atop the pleasure throne, as Yasmin and Jacquie fondled and caressed my naked body. They squeezed a breast each as the oriental girl fingered me from the front and Olivia's English girlfriend did the same from behind, and the three of us now bombarded Olivia's senses with sensual kisses between and around the tops of her thighs.

I was determined to finish what I had started, and even as they lifted my feet from the floor, I managed to keep my mouth closed tight over Olivia's delicious wet pussy, and bring her to the shuddering orgasm that she so richly deserved.

Alisha looked at her watch. "It's almost 1:20" she said. "Stacy will be back soon. We need to be gone from here."

She abandoned the girl on top of the box and gathered my clothes for me, leaving Naomi to continue playing with Olivia. "Here. Get dressed," she told me.

I put my skirt and blouse back on and then realised I had no knickers; they had been cut from me. "What about my knickers?" I asked.

"What about them?" Naomi replied, helping Olivia down from the box while still fondling her.

"I don't have any now... not since someone got happy with some scissors," I told them.

"Well you'd better try not to get excited this afternoon or you'll be leaving wet patches on your seat, won't you," she laughed.

"Get her some knickers, bitch," Alisha said to her.

"Can't baby," Naomi replied, rummaging through a box of spare clothing. "These will all be too big for her tiny ass," she said.

"Give her yours then!" Alisha told her. "Mine won't fit her, Naomi scowled. None of them will," she said.

"You'll just have to go without honey," Alisha told me.

"It's OK," I replied. "I'll think of something. Maybe my mam won't notice there's a pair missing."

As we left the Sports Hall, Alisha put an arm around my shoulders and kissed my forehead. "You're going to be OK now are you?" she asked.

It sounded as if she was concerned about me and maybe she was, but I knew what the question really meant. She was asking if I was going to keep quiet. "Don't worry," I told her. "If you promise to train me properly I'd really like to be one of your team," I said, smiling up at her. I left the innuendo open but she knew what I meant.

"Oh honey," she said, "You're going to be our star attraction."

In the days and weeks that followed I quickly learned that Danielle Stacy knew all about the seniors and their lunchtime use of the Sports Hall. In fact she not only knew of it, she almost certainly instigated it, using them to recruit new blood for the team, and her own benefit. That was why she hadinvited me there in the first place. She had never intended to meet me there at all. It was all a ploy to get me there, for her girls to initiate me into their little clan. It turns out that our respectable Gymnastics Instructor was interested in rather more than just our physical gymnastic abilities -- but that's another story.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Goodness gracious ... so hot .. and I'm a guy, lol.

Please Miss, can we have some moar? Pt 2?

P/S I like that you thanked the reader for choosing each story.

HentaiLoverHentaiLoverover 3 years ago

Really awesome hopefully we still get a part 2

LoquiturLadyLoquiturLadyalmost 6 years ago

So delicious!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

More, please! <3

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
My cunt was so wet while I read this! Busy fingers ,making myself cum

Yummy,so hot !

Likes_Them_KinkyLikes_Them_Kinkyalmost 7 years ago
Looking Forward to Pt. 02

Enjoyed reading it immensely. I'm looking forward to reading Pt. 02

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

What a lovely, dirty, sexy mind you have Macey. A cute, helpless, little thing stripped, spread and ravished by five strapping athletes, turning her into a star pussy licker. I would pay a lot to see a film of that hour in the gym but I don't need to, as your terrific writing has filled my head with delightful images.

More sexy stories from your lascivious mind please!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Definitely needs Pt. 02!

Very enjoyable story.

Please continue.

CharmlesCharmlesabout 7 years ago
Love it!!!!

I want more!!!

HiddenInTheOpenHiddenInTheOpenabout 7 years ago
I totally enjoyed this story!

Wow, very erotic. Thank you for sharing it with us!

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