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The Halloween Special

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A stressed female executive gets gangbanged on Halloween.
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Author Note: This is a 2024 Halloween Contest Story, so please vote if you enjoy.

Wednesday, October 23

Nikki Alba was the VP of Key Partner Management at Rock Hill Distribution. She was 31 years old, had a beautiful face, curly red hair and the pale skin that usually came with it.

Her job paid extremely well. But it came with downsides. She was responsible for negotiating pricing for her company's most important partners. A tenth of a percent on many of these contracts meant millions of dollars to Rock Hill's bottom line - a fact that her boss, the company's CFO would remind her of weekly.

She had a curvy body many girls would kill for, but in her mind, she carried an extra 20 pounds that she needed to lose. The long hours of her incredibly stressful role made it almost impossible for her to find any time to workout. The extra weight did round out her ass and increased her bust size, so it wasn't a total loss.

Not that there was any one around to enjoy it. Given her work load, any sort of personal relationship felt completely out of the question.

The free time she did have was usually spent trying to relax and catch up on sleep.

There was one thing that Nikki found that always helped her unwind.


If she had a bad day, she would find story based girl / girl content - Adult Time's Girlcore series was particularly hot.

And if it was a really bad day, she watched gangbangs. Big cocks, airtight DPs, messy facials, multiple creampies. The nastier, the better.

Nikki was hopeful that things would calm down after a major negotiation with Chapman, Rock Hill's largest supplier, was completed tomorrow. She was planning to deliver a major cost savings to the company's bottom line.

It was already late October and she was hoping to take a four day weekend, starting on Halloween night to celebrate and decompress.

The plan was to travel an hour away to a popular touristy town and attend a popular Masquerade Costume Ball.

She browsed Amazon and found a very naughty Snow White inspired costume. It included a jet black, bob cut wig with a red bow, a very low cut blue top with red and yellow accents, an impossibly short yellow skirt and white thigh high leggings. Her costume was due to arrive on Saturday.

And she promised herself that she would wear this revealing costume at the Ball and do her very best to get laid.

It had been way too long.

Thursday, October 24

It was 2pm. Nikki walked into her boss' office. She took a deep breath. It was going to be a difficult conversation. Bill Chapman had flown in earlier that day. The goal of the meeting was to finalize product costs for the next fiscal year.

Nikki had been ordered by her boss, Rich Eloha, to get as deep of a discount as possible. Now, she had to explain to him that despite her team's projection that they would easily be able to secure a 1.8% cost reduction, they had to settle for 1.4% during today's meeting.

Predictably, Mr Eloha lost his mind. The phrase 'maybe next time, I'll just have to do it myself!' was particularly tough for Nikki to swallow.

When she got back to her office, she closed the door. She pulled out her phone and noticed a text from a former employee, Heather Robinson, who left last spring for a similar role at Rock Hill's rival, Douglass Distributed.

- Hey Nikki! I was wondering if you wanted to catch up tomorrow! Maybe grab lunch?

Nikki almost dismissed the text. But she pondered it for a few moments more and decided to take Heather up on it. If for no other reason, it would get her away from this toxic office and her horrible boss.

- I'd love to, Heather! Where and what time?

- How about East Moon at noon?

- Perfect. See you then.

Friday, October 25

Nikki checked her watch as she entered the upscale Thai restaurant. It was 11:58 - right on time. The attractive greeter asked her for the name of the reservation.

"I'm guessing it's under Heather Robinson."

"For two? Right this way."

Nikki chuckled to herself when she saw the empty table. She was always more punctual than Heather.

Nikki sat and looked over the menu and managed to resist the urge to check her work email. Instead, she kept a close eye on the front of house and after a five minute delay, she saw Heather enter the restaurant.

Heather was a heavier set woman, a few years older than Nikki. Despite her size, she had a cute face, beautiful blonde hair, dressed very fashionably and carried herself with loads of confidence. This all made her desirable, especially to the subset of men that appreciated womanly curves - and the big tits and huge ass that tended to come with them.

"Sorry, I'm late. You know how it is, being a VP."

"When did that happen, Heather? Congratulations!"

"It was official on August 15th. You didn't see my LinkedIn post?"

"Sorry. Nothing personal. I just don't have time. I'm so overwhelmed."

Nikki and Heather spent the next hour catching up over Pad See Ew and Siam Chicken. After having a quick confirmation about their continued lack of significant others, their discussion was almost entirely focused on work related topics. Nikki spent most of the time venting about Rich Eloha and the lack of any sort of time for herself.

"Nikki, how would you rate your work life balance?"

"Terrible. Why do you ask?"

"Honestly, I'm worried about you. On a scale from 1 to 10. What is your work life balance?"

"Maybe 1, 1 and a half."

"Jesus. What do you do to manage all that stress?"

Nikki paused. She debated telling Heather the truth (porn) for just a fleeting moment, then decided against it.

"I have my ways."

"Well, I don't know what that is supposed to mean, but I'm positive that what you're doing isn't working too well."

Nikki just looked down, defeated.

Heather leaned over the table. "Nikki, you just need to have a good time. When was the last time know?"

"I came last night."

"I'm not talking about your vibrator. When was the last time someone else made you come?"

Nikki's face went red.

Heather interjected. "If it takes you that long to answer, it's been way too long."

Frustrated, Nikki turned the tables on the conversation. "Well, when was the last time you caught a dick, Heather?"

"Last weekend."

"I thought you didn't have a boyfriend."

Heather reached into her purse and found a business card.

"Nikki, women in our income bracket have other options. Things that work better for our busy schedules."

Heather handed Nikki the black card with silver and gold script.

It read:

Platinum Experiences

Exclusive dating for successful women.

Referral code: HR3818

Samantha Cummings


"Exclusive dating? What does that mean?"

"Think of it as commissioning an experience, Nikki. I just know that I'm a lot happier and way less stressed than you are right now."

Heather could see her last comment resonated with her professional peer. Nikki thumbed the card as Heather continued.

"I'm not going to lie to you, it's very expensive. But it's worth it. They make sure everything is perfect. The guy, the date, the room. It's all customized, they basically create your dream experience. It's also very exclusive, and so you'll need that referral code on the card before they even will talk with you."

"Got it." Nikki said in a tone that didn't give Heather any confidence that she would act.

Heather put her hand on Nikki's arm.

"Nikki, I'm really worried about you. You need to de-stress. Please call Samantha. She can help! She really is wonderful. She will get your mind off of Rock Hill and Chapman, and that terrible boss of yours. She'll help you dream up an amazing night. Promise me you'll call her? Just listen to what she has to say. You can always walk away if you don't like what you hear."

Nikki's phone began to vibrate the table.

"Oh shit. That's my terrible boss calling me... again. I gotta get back to the office. I'm so sorry to bail, can you text me I owe you for lunch?"

"It's on me today, as long as you call Samantha, deal?"

"Okay, deal."

Saturday, October 26

It was 10am and Nikki was defeated. Unsurprisingly, Mr Eloha had managed to ruin her Halloween plans. When she got back to the office after her lunch with Heather, he told her that he 'saved the day' by scheduling a follow up meeting with Bill Chapman on Friday, November 1st at 8am so she could take another stab at getting to the 1.8% savings he promised her.

This of course meant she would not be spending a four day weekend decompressing. Nor would she be attending the Masquerade Costume Ball.

It also meant she would be spending the majority of this weekend analyzing the proposed contract, looking for anything she could to attempt to leverage a cost reduction with their largest partner.

As she sipped her morning coffee, Nikki stared at the business card Heather gave her, vacillating between calling Samantha and not calling Samantha.

She tried a Google search on 'Platinum Experiences', but it only returned various customer rewards programs for credit cards and motor vehicles.

'What the fuck, Heather?' Nikki thought. 'This doesn't even seem legit. Why am I wasting my time on this? I better get started on that cost analysis that my dickhole boss asked for first thing Monday morning.'

She placed the Platinum Experiences card back down on her coffee table, but could not go as far as throwing it out.

Sunday, October 27

At 3pm, Nikki was finishing up her contract analysis for Mr Eloha when her phone buzzed from a text.

- You owe me $50.

It was Heather. At first, Nikki was confused by the message, until a second text from Heather rolled in.

- I just talked with Sam at PE and she says you haven't called her. You told me you would if I bought your lunch.

Nikki answered.

- I'm sorry. Had to work this weekend. CFO gave me a weekend project.

- Really? Sounds stressful. All the more reason to call Sam.

- Whatever. Give me your Venmo. I'll send over the money.

- Fuck that. Call her! Call her now! If nothing else, it will save you $50, cheapskate.

Nikki hated wasting money - which is why she was so effective at her job. Heather had found the one argument she really couldn't rebut.

- Okay, I will call her tonight.

- No, call her now and then text me when your call is over.

- Calling now, happy?

Motivated by wanting to shut Heather up more than her underlying curiosity by Platinum Experiences, she grabbed the card and punched in the number. The phone rang.

"Platinum Experiences, this is Samantha." The voice on the other end was pleasant and confident.

"Umm... yeah...hi. My name is Nikki. I'm interested in learning more about your... service."

"Sure. Do you have a referral number?"

"Uhh....yeah. It's HR3818."

"One moment please."

Nikki was placed on hold. An instrumental version of Cyndi Lauper's "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" played for about 90 seconds.

"Hi Nikki. Your referral code is accepted. What can I help you with?"

"Okay, great. I'm just looking for more information on your service."

"Sounds like you would like an initial consultation meeting, is that right? It's complementary."


"Great. I can meet you tomorrow at Overland Park anytime between 11 and 1."

"I'm not far from there. How about noon?"

"Okay, it's booked. See you then."

Nikki hung up and texted Heather.

- We're meeting at Overland Park tomorrow at 12. Happy?

- Nikki! You did it! You won't regret it.

Nikki put her phone down on her kitchen counter, right next to the unopened Amazon box containing her adult Snow White costume.

Monday, October 28

Nikki arrived at Overland Park right on time. It wasn't far from her office, so she was able to escape Mr Eloha and walk over to the small, urban park.

She had thought about blowing it off but knew Heather would likely talk to Samantha and that would mean more annoying texts.

Plus, there was a part of her that was more than curious. Now that her Masquerade Party trip had been torpedoed by her dickhead boss, this was her best chance at any cock in the foreseeable future.

The park was in the heart of downtown and was very small, really just a couple of old trees, four flower beds surrounding a single wooden bench.


Nikki turned around and saw a tall, athletic attractive woman. She was in workout gear, yoga high waisted black pants with a tight grey jacket, zipped up to protect against the cool, fall wind. Her hair in a tight long blonde ponytail with a hint of her natural brunette roots at her scalp. Her cheeks were rosy.

"Hi, Samantha Cummings."

The two women sat at the bench and after a few pleasantries, Samantha began to explain what exactly Platinum Experiences is.

"We are all about creating exceptional dating experiences with very desirable partners. It's all very discreet and very custom. But this meeting isn't about us, it's all about you! Can you tell me more about yourself? Do you know what you're looking for?"

Nikki avoided eye contact. "I don't know... I'm a super busy executive. I'm very stressed and pretty lonely. Just looking for a fun time, I guess."

"I see... do you orgasm regularly?"

Nikki was a little taken aback. "I'm sorry, I know but these questions are very personal, but they will help me build your perfect experience. Remember, all of our services, including these conversations are always kept 100% confidential. So... do you orgasm regularly?"

Nikki nodded. "I do."

"Through self pleasure, correct?"

Nikki looked around to confirm the park was still empty. "Correct."

"And what do you use to supplement the experience? Do you read erotica or watch any adult films? Something else?"

"I'm sorry. Why is that relevant?"

"It's extremely relevant Nikki. If I'm building a fantasy for you, I need to know what you fantasize about."

Nikki sighed. Samantha had a point.

"I usually watch lesbian porn."

"Ahh, very common. It's the number one most searched term among women."

"But, I'm not really interested in having a lesbian experience."

"Well good, I can't really help you with that anyway. I only have male actors on my payroll. Do you watch any films that involve males?"

Nikki started to answer. Then hesitated.

"Nikki, you're not going to shock me. I've heard it all."

Nikki took a big sigh and lowered her voice. "'s kind of embarrassing but I also watch gangbangs."

"There is no reason to be embarrassed. Among porn watchers, 'gangbang' is a more popular search term for women, compared to men."

"Wow, really?"

"Yes. I assure you, it's a very common fantasy. And so have you ever fantasized about being with multiple men at once?"

Nikki's face went red. It told Samantha all she needed to know.

The athletic blonde leaned in and put her hand on Nikki's knee. She spoke softly and clearly.

"I can make that happen for you in the safest manner possible. Attractive men who are very experienced in this type of sex. They will make sure you have an amazing time. Let's set up an office visit where you can tour our facilities and we can customize your perfect experience together. How about tomorrow at 5pm?"

Nikki nodded her head yes.


Tuesday, October 29

The address for Platinum Experiences Nikki was given wasn't very far from Overland Park. Nikki had to fake a terrible stomach ache to avoid a last minute 5pm meeting with Mr Eloha. He wanted to go over strategy for the Friday morning meeting.

Since her meeting with Samantha, she was having difficulty thinking about anything other than being gangbanged.

She had been coming to grips with just how deep of a desire she carried. She yearned to experience multiple men at once.

It was never entertained before as it had never been realistic. There were too many logistics that could never be solved for. Where would she find the guys? How can she make sure they kept her secret? How could she ever feel safe?

All things that Platinum Experiences might actually be able to solve for her.

Nikki arrived at the address. It was a very modern, anonymous looking office front. There was a fancy touch screen interface acting as a door lock.

When she touched the screen, it lit up and asked for her customer / referral number.

Samantha had let her know that she would need that number again, so Nikki was prepared with the business card that Heather gave her a few days ago.

She entered: HR3818 and pressed enter. The door unlocked and she pushed her way inside.

"Hello, Nikki!" Samantha was waiting on the other side of the door. She was in a tight black long sleeve shirt and a pair of ripped jeans. Her blonde hair in its signature ponytail. "Was the building hard to find?"

Samantha led Nikki on a tour of the facilities. It was very clean and consisted of a few sound stages and a handful of offices.

"My sister, Melissa, and I bought this failing adult film studio a few years ago and turned it into this business. After she helped me get it off the ground, she left to run the HR department at some airline. She still helps me bankroll the operation, but I'd love to find a partner to help me run this place."

The pair walked to the back of the office. There was a closed door and an illuminated 'do not enter. session in progress' sign.

Nikki could hear loud muffled orgasmic moans through the walls.

"Oh, sorry about the noise."

"No problem. Sounds like she's enjoying herself."

"Yeah, she's a regular. She really lets loose in here. It makes sense, in her real life she gets pretty boxed in."

"She's... famous?"

"I'm not going to comment on her specifically, but I will say we have a fair amount of well known women as clients." Samantha said with a cheeky smile.

After a short walk, the two women sat in Samantha's office. Samantha pulled up Nikki's file and looked at her across the desk. "So, have you thought any more about yesterday's conversation?"

"I have."


"What do you want me to say, Samantha... I'm here."

"Fair enough," Samantha smiled. "And so should we talk about creating a multi-male experience for you then?"

"Please, just call it a gangbang." Nikki said bluntly.

"Okay, let's talk about how we get you gangbanged then. Let's start with a theme. Any ideas?"

"I don't know. Do you have a menu or something?"

"Can I suggest this?" Samantha swiveled her screen.

Nikki read the words aloud. "The Halloween Special."

"Yes, in celebration of Halloween, during October, we're offering a 30% discount on all of our multi male costumed experiences. Here is the base cost for 1 hour with 3 male actors."

"Wow. Heather was not kidding. This is not cheap. That's with the discount?"

"Yes. It's a platinum experience."

"What kind of costumes are we talking about?"

"We have many themes to choose from. Super heroes, Harry Potter, the Bachelorette, Disney..."

"Wait... can you do Snow White?"

"Yes!" Samantha navigated to the Disney princess section of the prompts screen.

"Snow White is captured by a group of the Evil Queen's henchmen. The men are ordered by the Evil Queen to make Snow White the biggest slut of them all!"

"Okay... I have to admit. That sounds really hot."

"I really like this one for you because I'll play the Evil Queen, so you'll have a friendly face in the room! Okay, let's talk about sex acts. I'm assuming you're comfortable with vaginal sex?"

Nikki nodded.

"Are you okay to both give and receive oral sex?"


"How about anal?"


"Double penetration?"

Nikki squirmed. If she was going to get gangbanged, she needed to get DPed. "Yes. But no double vaginal or anal."

"No problem, Nikki. It's noted. How about protection? Do you want the men to wear condoms?"

"I don't know... I want to stay safe."

"Our men as well as our clients are regularly tested for STDs, so the risk is very low there. If you want to avoid the risk of pregnancy, I also have some older actors who have received vasectomies, mostly guys who already have kids."


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