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The Happy Moo Cow

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The shop closes early for Macy.
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...I loved working at the Happy Moo Cow. I had been doing so since high school, and it worked out as a good summer job my first year back from college. It had been a favorite of mine since I was a kid. My sister had worked at it too, and for years I looked forward to working behind the counter too. I had been so nervous that afternoon when I had asked for the job, despite what everyone had told me.

Mr. Conklin had just looked me up and down, as I stood there nervously, and nodded. He wasn't being creepy, just putting on a show for me. All I really had to do was ask respectfully, and not look like a slob. He knew all about me already. My family had been coming to the Happy Moo Cow for years, and he knew most everybody in town. Besides, it wasn't that hard of a job. Scoop some ice cream, make some shakes, keep things clean, and you were good to go.

At this point I was sort of an assistant manager. Mr. Conklin, another girl, and I oversaw a cadre of a handful of highschoolers. Usually it meant that I was one of the ones that had to close up shop and handle the money at the end of the day. Sometimes though, I did have a chance to come up with some new flavors. That was a fun perk.

Mr. Conklin had owned the Happy Moo Cow for decades at this point. It was a Torrance Bay institution. Torrance Bay itself was formerly a lumber trading port. A sleepy town, nowadays it mostly catered to tourists. During the summer they would come to town, relax at the beach, go fishing off the coast, or adventure somewhere inland.

It was getting late. Michelle and I were scheduled to close that night at eleven, but Tuesdays were slow. Between that and a constant drizzle of rain, it had been an hour since we had a customer. I had Michelle clean up the back, and restock supplies, but there really wasn't anything else to do. So I ended up sending her home.

Michelle gave me a hug, "Thanks for letting me out early."

I gazed across the empty dining area, and out the window into the drizzle. "Yeah, I think I can manage whoever drags themselves in here." I knew she had been antsy to see her boyfriend tonight anyway. "Stay dry. Stay safe."

Michelle rolled her eyes, "Of course."

It was an inside joke between us. 'Stay safe,' meant make sure he uses a condom. She put on her jacket and flipped up her hood. As she headed out, Michelle gave me a wave. I smiled and waved back as the door closed behind her. I liked Michelle. We had gotten close over the past few weeks. She was even going to go to the same college as me next year. I was looking forward to it next year.

Getting back to work, I cleaned off all the tables and managed to sweep up most of the floor before my next set of customers came in. Hearing the tinkle of the bell I looked up, tourists. "Welcome to the Happy Moo Cow! Home of the best ice cream in the city!" I said with a smile. It was the truth. Admittedly Geordi's Deli had good gelato, and Jiffy's by the beach was where you went for a snow cone. In my opinion though, if you had to go for a cool treat in Torrance Bay you went to the Happy Moo Cow.

It was a young couple and their daughter. "Let me know if you have any questions." They looked over all the flavors. The Moo Cow had all the usuals: vanilla, chocolate, cookie dough, mint; however they were a variety of unique flavors too. "Let me know if you need any samples."

After handing out a couple samples, the couple decided to split a classic sundae and the daughter had a cinnamon swirl scoop in a cone. After paying they settled in a booth in the corner. "Let me know how you like it!"

Not long after the bell rang again. I looked up, and a young man walked in. He looked to be about my age, maybe a little older. As he sat down at a stool by the counter, I said, "Welcome to the Happy Moo Cow! How can I be of service?"

"Well," he said, "I'm just traveling through, and I was told this was the place to go for dessert."

"You were told right," I said with a smile. "Jean's bakery would also be a good place, but this late at night you made the right choice."

I gave him a wink. I had dated a couple guys this past year, but I currently didn't have a boyfriend. As much as I liked Torrance Bay, the pool of guys was pretty small. None of them really appealed to me, and I wasn't looking for any one night stands, regardless of how handsome they were. It didn't hurt to flirt with the customers a little though. It was good for tips.

"What's your recommendation?"

I bit my lip, "Hmmm. You can't go wrong with a milkshake. Any flavor you like? I can add some caramel or fudge if you want. That's extra though." I pouted, but he didn't seem to care.

"I'll take a look and let you know," he started to peruse all of our flavors, "Ooh, how about caramel peanut butter?"

"Oh, that's one of my favorites! It's a little rich though, can you handle that?" I didn't really like it, but he didn't have to know. "You can have a sample if you want?"

Waving his hand, "No, no, I trust you."

"Sounds good!"

Grabbing the shake cup, I got to work scooping. Three small scoops, and some milk. "Do you want some fudge too?"

"That would be great."

Setting it next to the mixer, I poured in the milk, and some fudge. Getting it going, it spun it for a few seconds. I let it set, then mixed it again. It looked good. Grabbing a frosty glass from a cooler, I poured the milkshake into the glass. A scoop of whipped cream on top, a spoon, and it was good to go. I set the glass and the leftover shake cup in front of him.

"And here's your straw," I said as I offered him a cup full of the milkshake straws.

He sipped it. "Mmmm, this is fantastic Macy. I'm Derrick by the way."

For a moment I didn't know how he knew my name until I looked down at my nametag. Blushing for a moment, I found something to do to try and look busy. Not long after, the family got up from their booth. The dad came by the counter and dropped a ten in the tip jar.

"Thank you so much!" I beamed at him.

"Of course, we'll be sure to stop by when we are in town again."

They headed out the door. I looked at the clock. There was only another half hour before closing time. Fortunately for me the family didn't make much of a mess in the booth. Wiping it down, I kept busy with the closing time checklist. It was mostly easy work, and fortunately me Michelle had done most of it already. If I could get the chance I would work ahead.

Looking at Derrick, it looked like he was busy sipping his milkshake. He had his phone out and seemed to be focused on it for now. For a moment, I hesitated. I wanted to take care of some stuff in the back. He didn't seem like he would cause too much trouble. Either way it wouldn't take me long anyway.

"I'll just be back here," I nodded towards the back, "Holler if you need anything."

Derrick looked up from his phone. He said, "Don't worry about me."

I gave him a smile as I turned around, and pushed through the door. It swung open, and flopped back and forth as I went through it. Really I just had to organize and get some stuff ready for tomorrow. We had gotten a shipment earlier today, and I needed to make sure all the supplies got where they needed to go. It wasn't hard, I just needed to put stuff where it belonged.

After a couple minutes, I heard the door swing open. Turning, Derrick was standing in the doorway.

"I'm really sorry. Customers can't be behind the counter," I told him.

"No, I'm the one who should be sorry. I had a little spill, and I wanted to clean it up. There weren't any napkins though."

That was weird. I thought I had Michelle refill all the supplies. Looking around, I remembered the extras were on one of the top shelves. I sighed, and went to grab the stepladder.

Derrick stepped forward, "I can help you with that."

"No, I've got it," I waved him off.

Setting the step ladder in front of the shelves, I placed my foot on the first step when I felt arms grab me around the waist. I was lifted up and swung around.

"What the fuck! What the fuck!" I shouted.

Derrick threw me against the shelves, and I cried out in pain as my ribs impacted a shelf. I turned around to see him leering at me. I rubbed my side, It hurt a lot, but nothing was broken. I was only shaken a little

"The Moo Cow is closing a little early tonight," he said.

My heart started to pound. I don't recall the Happy Moo Cow ever getting robbed. Mr. Conklin just told me to give robbers any cash they wanted. Insurance would take care of it, and my safety was more important.

"Listen, Derrick, it's the cash you want right. Let's go out there and get it. I'll open up the register and...you can just go. Easy?"

"I don't care about the cash Macy," he growled.

My stomach dropped. I realized what he wanted. This was something I had tried to be prepared for, but I relied on instinct. I looked toward the door, it was only a few feet away. I just needed to get past him. For a moment Derrick just stood there, but cautiously he stepped forward. Waiting until he got in range, I flashed out with my hands. With one I landed a punch squarely on his right cheek. My nails raked his other face. He stumbled back for a moment, a hand up to his face.

"You bitch!" he bellowed.

This was my chance. I dashed past him. All I had to do was get out into the street. I'd go run across to Jimmy's diner, and I'd be safe. Except I didn't even get through the door. As I slipped past, he missed initially. But as I was about to get to the door, I suddenly felt my shirt collar choking me, digging into my throat. I strained, but he was too strong for me. He swung me around and slammed me into the shelves again. I cried out as sharp pain radiated across my back.

He moved so fast. Derrick placed his hand at my throat and squeezed. I could barely swallow as he pressed me back. I tried to fight back. Swinging my arms, I tried to punch, gouge, or kick whatever I could. Nothing was working. There was a pressure building in my head. It was starting to pound, and I was getting weaker. I could barely breathe. I couldn't say anything.. As a last ditch effort, I dug my nails into the hand around my neck. My vision was starting to fade.

"God damn it," Derrick yelled.

I felt myself lifted up by my throat. Panicked, I tried to grab anything at all, but my hands kept slipping. The last thing I remembered was him turning and slamming me into the ground.

I don't know exactly how long I had been knocked out. When I came to, there was a throbbing pain in the back of my skull. There was a cool feeling against my face. I opened my eyes, and realized I was face down against the cold concrete of the back room in the shop. My senses started to come back to me. My face was against the ground, and my ass was in the air. Groaning I tried to sit up, but a pain shot through my back. Wait...I suddenly realized what was happening.

"You're up." I heard a voice from behind me.

Oh God. It started to come back to me. Panicked I tried again to push myself up, but it was too painful. Then I felt it. He had pulled off my shorts, and fingers were hooking into the sides of my panties. Roughly he yanked them down to my knees, exposing my most intimate parts to a complete stranger. He hadn't even bothered taking off my apron.

"No...please," I said. I wanted to move, to crawl away, but it hurt too much.

I jolted, as a finger stroked my slit up and down. "Oh, this is real nice Macy."

There was only one last thing I could try and do. Taking a deep breath, I let out as loud a scream as I could manage.


It didn't last long, as Derrick smacked me on the back of the head. Pain radiated through it, causing it to start throbbing.

"Shut the fuck up bitch. Don't waste your breath."

I realized he was right. No one heard me. No one was coming. There was an unzipping behind me. I felt Derrick move behind me, and a hand grabbed my hip.

"Are you a virgin, Macy?"

It was then, that I started to cry. "No...I'm not..."

"That's too bad," he mused. "They're more fun that way."

I gasped as his fingers spread my labia. Derrick nestled the tip of his cock in my opening. It started to probe deeper.

"Oh my God," I gasped.

It was so big. To make matters worse, I didn't want this and my body knew this. I wasn't slick, but Derrick didn't care. He kept pushing, stretching me. He managed to get the head inside me, and pausing for a moment pulled out. The false hope lasted just for a moment though, as he pushed back it. Derrick kept doing this, stretching me wider, letting my pussy get used to the intrusion.

"No...please...stop," I begged him.

Derrick ignored me. He started to slowly rock his hips. Inch by inch he forced his dick deeper inside me. I tried to squeeze the walls of my pussy, keep him out, but it was no use. His cock was so big, so insistent. I didn't know how much was inside me, just that it hurt. It was stretching me, filling me.

"No! Please God!"

He kept jamming it into my unwilling cunt. It hurt so much, but he just laughed. I don't know how long it took, but eventually it stopped coming. He was filling me to the hilt. It was so deep inside me. He stayed there, waiting for the walls of my pussy to loosen around him. While he waited, I felt his hand cruelly grab my breast. First one, then the other Derrick squeezed until I cried out.

He yanked up my shirt up to my chin and proceeded to unclasp my bra. His hands slithered around and grasped my naked breasts.

Satisfied, he started to move again. He pulled out until just the tip of his cock was in my pussy, then drove it forward. Derrick did it again...and again. Over and over he pounded into me. He started guiding me by pinching each nipple between his fingers. As he would slam into me he would pull sharply back on them, forcing me to back onto him. He would do the same each time he would pull out, yanking on my nipples forwards. Eventually I just followed the rhythm so it wouldn't hurt as much, and I found myself bouncing forward and back onto his cock.

My body started to accept what was happening to it. My pussy had gone from a painful ache with each thrust to a pleasant sensation. I could feel myself getting more and more wet, and he started to easily thrust in and out of me. My body kept telling me to accept and enjoy what was happening to me. Maybe it was a defense mechanism, something to prevent me from getting hurt even worse. I could feel him starting to slide more easily in and out of me. Soon he was pounding me faster and faster.

"Now-here's-the-real-question," Each word emphasized with a thrust of his hips.

"What...what's...that?" I managed.


My heart sank. It was always going to end this way.

"No.." I admitted in a whisper. I had been at school, but I wanted to change my prescription. Since I hadn't envisioned getting together with anyone, I had figured I'd be okay to wait until this fall.

I could almost hear the grin in his voice, "That's too bad Macy."

It's like it turned him on even more. He started to pound me even harder. It hurt. Placing a hand on the back of my head, I felt my face being pressed into the cold, hard surface of the floor. He started going so fast that I started sliding forward against the ground. Eventually I was prone, flat on the ground, dick still deep inside me. I could feel his weight on top of me, pressing down on me. There was nothing I could do. I was just a hole to be used by him. I just closed my eyes and let it happen. Futily, I tried to imagine myself anywhere else. With my friends, my family, at school, but nothing worked. The feel of Derrick's stiff rod sliding past the walls of my pussy kept bringing me back to reality.

My mind was so numb at that point that I didn't even notice at first when he had stopped and pulled out of me. At first I was relieved, but then I realized he was far from done. There was only a moment of respite before his hands grabbed my hips and flipped me over. Derrick was there, grinning down at me. Flipping up my apron, his hands seized my legs and spread them wide. Jamming a couple fingers into my pussy, he pistoned them in a few times before pulling them out. Examining them for a moment, he proceeded to press them against my lips. I tried to turn away, but he was insistent.

Grabbing me by my hair, he slipped them between my lips. "Open up bitch." I didn't want to give him the satisfaction. Yanking me up by my hair, he pulled his fingers back from my lips. Pulling back he slapped me hard against the cheek. As I gasped he jammed his fingers back into my gaping mouth. "How do you taste whore?" He rubbed them across my tongue and I tasted myself for the first time. Gagging, he forced his fingers into the back of my throat. Coughing and sputtering, I panted for breath as he pulled his fingers out of my mouth. Letting go of my hair, I fell back onto the cold concrete. I just wanted this to be over. I didn't care anymore.

Positioning himself, he settled the tip of his cock in the opening of my drippy pussy. Derrick wasn't gentle. After getting himself lined up, he drove hard into me. He pulled out and did it again, jolting me each time.

"Please. Just fini-" he didn't let me finish. His hand clamped around my throat, and held it there for a few seconds. Derrick started to toy with me. Slowly choking me with increasing pressure, then, letting me gasp for air. All the while he never stopped pounding into me. The worst part was the realization of how wet I was getting. My body liked this. For some reason it wanted to be abused.

He did this over and over until at one point he didn't let go. When I finally realized he wasn't letting go my heart had started to pound, and a pressure started to build in my head. Panicking I tried to grab at his hand, feebly pulling at it. I tried to kick out, move away, do anything, but Derrick just held me down. Slowly my vision faded to black as the only sensation I had left was his dick pounding me over and over.

I woke up with my ankles pinned next to my ears. Derrick hadn't stopped. At this point I started crying again. The tears streamed down my face, and began to sob. My head was hurting, my back and throat were sore, but the worst part was that my body was enjoying the rape. I hated him. I hated how he had reduced me to nothing but a toy for his use. How many women had he done this too? How many women had he made into his fuckthing? My wails pierced the air only interrupted by the slapping of our bodies. Faster and faster he fucked me, grunting with each thrust. He became frenzied. Slamming into me over and over, he finally drove deep into me and stayed there. My eyes went wide as I felt him twitch inside me, sending load after load into my cunt

Derrick gave a satisfied moan and said, "I love it when they break."

Lifting himself off of me, Derrick eased his cock out of my pussy leaving me gaping. I groaned and turned to my side, exhausted. I shivered as I felt his seed start to leak out of me. I barely even registered when he yanked my apron off of me. I didn't even fight as he took one of my wrists and wrapped it tight with the apron string. Then looping the apron around one of the shelves, he took my other wrist and knotted it.

Looking down at me, Derrick said, "That should hold you long enough," and he started to walk towards the back door. "Wait." He turned back to me. Pulling his wallet out, Derrick dropped a ten dollar bill in front of my face. "This seems about right," and walked out the back. He left me there, exposed, tied up, my pussy dripping with his cum.

Laying there, I tried to pull at my bonds. The knots were too tight. I was too tired. Eventually the automatic lights went out in the storage room, leaving me in the dark. For a while I tried to call for help, but no one came. I curled up and eventually passed out. That's how they found me...


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