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The Harem Tales Vol. 01 Ch. 06

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Introductions and a few massages.
3.4k words

Part 4 of the 40 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/11/2017
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The Eighth Day

"So, we finally leave tomorrow?"

Zalen answered Talyar's question with a nod. Closing the book in front of him he leaned back in his chair.

"The seven day mourning period ended yesterday so I am now free to move on without making seven new enemies. I honestly have no idea if some of my... umm, wives are going to join us or not but I had to make the plans as if they might all be going."

"Good call. And I'd wager the number will be more than one. I've heard enough about their culture to know you're not getting away from this quite that easily!"

Before Zalen could find a suitable response he noticed the Master of Keys had entered the room.


"As the mourning period has ended your wives have requested Master's presence."

"Better not to keep them waiting then," Zalen sighed, heading out the door.

As Zalen once again entered the main harem room after the curvy dark-haired woman, the others were waiting pretty much in the same positions as last time.

"You wished to see me?"

The dark-haired woman smiled. "Yes. Seven days have passed and we are now fully yours. We have already begun making preparations for tomorrow's journey but now it's time for us to introduce ourselves to our husband, if you have time for it."

"Of course."

Zalen sat down cross-legged on the floor.

"Wait, did you mean you have all chosen to travel with us?"

"Naturally. If our husband won't be returning here, we will travel with him." The woman's friendly smile suddenly turned dark. "Especially if it means a chance to avenge the Sheikh."


"Oh, you meant the offer about the new life elsewhere? It was truly generous but in the end none of us wanted to take it."

Zalen opened his mouth again but managed to bite down another 'but'.

"Umm. Very well then. Please introduce yourselves, it's getting strange that I don't even know any of your names. Except for Sumi."

The dark-haired woman smiled and walked in front of Zalen. Now that he had time to look at her properly she seemed to be forty or so and with a bit more meat to her bones than the other women. She had an approachable demeanor that wouldn't have felt out of place in any jolly tavern. And her body certainly would have turned heads in any of them, even without the revealing harem outfit. And those breasts - Zalen quickly turned to meet the woman's eyes before his thoughts would wander any lower but the curvaceous beauty just smiled.

"My name is Sindara. I am the eldest here, taking care of everyone. I love to read and to talk. May our nights be pleasurable."

The last words were accompanied with a curtsy and Sindara returned to her place as the next woman walked to the front. Her body looked far more fit than the previous woman's and her stride reminded Zalen a bit of Coryel.

"My name is Leilah," the short-haired blond announced, looking at Zalen with a clear challenge in her eyes. "I am an adventurer and could cut you in two if you gave me reason. May our nights be pleasurable."

Although her tone had clearly softened for the last sentence, the contrast between it and the previous one still made Zalen cringe as the next woman walked closer to make her introductions.

"I'm Mirada," the tall, thin brunette announced, her long hair cascading between her breasts. Zalen recognized her as the one who had been lounging in the room during Zalen's initial meeting with the Sheikh. "I do have some small skill with magic myself and I'm always interested in learning more. May our nights be pleasurable."

As she walked back to her seat, her place was taken by the two identical looking redheads. Well, identical except for the flower-like ornament added to their hair as the one on the left was wearing a blue one and the one on the right a yellow one.

"Jazmyn," the one on the left murmured, doing a cute little curtsy.

"Dinah," the other one added. "We're twins as you can see."

"And our favourite thing is games of all kinds."

"May our nights be pleasurable," they both intoned, smiling as they turned to take their seats again.

The next one to walk forward looked quite different from the others. Not only did she have a clearly darker skin than the other women but she shared the strong stride Leilah had had - although with a far more curvy behind.

"My name is Kity," she announced, "and you'll find me rather skilled in unarmed combat and wrestling. May our nights be pleasurable."

Her tone had some of the same challenge Leilah had had but instead of hinting of danger, the look in her eyes was far more sultry.

As she returned to her place, Sumi walked forwards next.

"My name is Sumi," she curtsied, "and I think you already know what I love." She winked unabashedly at Zalen before turning away.

As Sumi glided back to take her seat Sindara spoke once again.

"And that was everyone. There is still one more thing before we return to our travel preparations."

"What is it - Sindara?"

Zalen would need to do his best to memorize their names. Using the wrong name would be bad even if they weren't his wives but in this case...

"I would request to be the first one you choose."

"Umm sorry? First what?"

"For this night. To share your bed. Oh, we all know Sumi didn't wait to be chosen but now that the time has come, I would ask to be the first. I do have plenty to offer you." Sindara emphasized the last words by squeezing her ample breasts together a little with her arms.

"Ah, sure. You are more than welcome," Zalen stammered, trying to keep himself from blushing.

His reaction clearly didn't go unnoticed though as he could hear little giggle from the other direction, followed by a whispered "We'll have fun with him". Maybe it was the twins?

Trying to compose himself Zalen got up again.

"Very well then. Tomorrow will be the beginning of a new life for all of us. It will be dangerous and it won't be the kind of adventure you hear about in the stories. But it's also something I - we - cannot walk away from and if luck is on our side, we will eventually succeed. And the long journey should give us plenty of time for me to get to know everyone. See you tomorrow morning."

"- and tonight," Sindara added, watching the slightly blushing Zalen walk out.

Once again he could hear the room explode in chatter after his exit.


The baths were one thing he'd definitely miss once they left, Zalen thought as he walked towards his own room again, leaving behind water droplets despite having dried himself off. Sure, the local taverns did always include a bath as well, but certainly nothing like the ones here.

Maybe he could -

Zalen's train of thought vanished as he entered his room and his mind registered three new things. Sindara. On his bed. Nude.

"Welcome, my husband. Did you enjoy the baths?"

"Umm, yes. I'd lie if I said I wouldn't miss them after we've left."

"Please come here. The Sheikh always liked a back massage after a bath and I'm sure you would enjoy one as well." Sindara patted the bed beside her.

Zalen quickly considered his options, then shrugged and decided to go with the offer.

"Just lie here face down," the curvaceous woman instructed and Zalen was quick to do so, if only to hide his rapidly hardening member under him. Damn what a body that woman had!

Well, at this point he was reasonably sure the woman wasn't just teasing him but was here for sex but he certainly didn't want to mess this up by moving too fast.

Sindara poured a little dab of some warm liquid on Zalen's back, then climbed to sit on the back of Zalen's thighs. He was more than well aware of her naked body but he tried to relax nevertheless, letting Sindara's hands to work their magic.

"Isn't seven days a terribly short time though? You must still miss the old Sheikh a lot," Zalen thought aloud, although he immediately realized this probably wasn't the right time to bring up the topic.

"Yes, it is. And yes, I do," Sindara replied, her fingers kneading Zalen's muscles. "The first few days were like an endless storm, nothing but sadness and anger. It was the same for all of us.

But then Sumi returned after the night he spent with you. It was like a radiant little sun had appeared in the middle of our despair.

Seriously, it's really hard to say sad and gloomy when a friend is there, practically radiating happiness and bliss."

"Because of me?"

Sindara laughed, slapping Zalen's butt. "Yes, you! Now she is easily excitable even normally but I still haven't seen her like that in - well, maybe ever. She'd go on gushing to everyone what a great man you were, how friendly and understanding you are and especially what a stallion you were in bed. In detail. She even got Kity to blush at one point!"

Zalen groaned as he realized Sindara's fingers had now given way to a different massage; the curvaceous woman was now using her ample breasts to massage his back.

"Like them?"

"Oh, very much so. Just like the rest of you. You look really amazing!"

"Aa, now you're making me blush," Sindara whispered, moving back again to sit on his thigh. "And it may be just seven days but I'm still getting all wet..."

Zalen groaned again as Sindara slowly rubbed her crotch against the back of his thigh, confirming her words.

"Would you like to turn around now, there's something on the other side I would love to massage..."

"No, it's your turn now!"


"You deserve a massage as well! Go on, it's your turn to lie down."

"Wow, you're clearly not from around here..." Sindara suddenly bowed, laying herself down on the bed next to Zalen. "But my husband's wish is my command."

Zalen got up, quickly pulling a pillow to hide his erect member.

For a moment he could do little but admire the sight in front of him. Sindara certainly had a more ample figure than the other women but it still retained the basic hourglass shape that showed off her hips really well.

"Wow," Zalen muttered. "Just wow..."

"And now I'm blushing again," Sindara mumbled, hiding her face partially.

Placing his hands on Sindara's shoulders Zalen got to work, trying to concentrate on giving her a proper massage, using a mix of techniques he had once learned from the amazons as well as those Darnac had later showed him. He had probably forgotten most of it already but he still remembered enough to matter.

Zalen slowly massaged Sindara's shoulders, then moving on to her back muscles.

"I must be dreaming," she muttered, which Zalen assumed was a good sign.

Upon reaching her lower back Zalen moved, switching to rub the sole of Sindara's left foot.

Sindara turned to look at him quizzically but he had already began to massage it and after a moment Sindara laid down again, making a happy little sigh.

"Oh, that feels good..."

After the second foot Zalen's hands were slowly working their way upwards, up her thighs to massage her butt, rubbing, pulling, rolling, kneading, doing series of taps, trying to locate all the tense muscles.

Heh, maybe he should open up a massage temple somewhere exotic. Zalen, the legendary massage wizard - the only man trained by the elusive amazons, the guru who knows the secret techniques from the Unknown Dimensions! And neither was technically even a lie either. With that kind of a reputation and a few bards spreading the word he might draw nobles and merchants from all around and it would certainly be a better way to get a living than chasing assassins and monsters and so on. Well, it still wouldn't be as great as crafting magic items but perhaps he could do both...

A vocal moan snapped Zalen back from his reverie and he gave a little jump as he looked down. While lost in thought his right hand had continued from rubbing Sindara's inner thigh and slipped straight inside her and by now he had all but his thumb inside her soaking wet pussy.

"Don't stop," Sindara whispered, "It feels so good..."

Well, if the beautiful woman in front of her enjoyed his hands then he was more than willing to continue. As his fingers undulated inside the dark-haired woman he used his left hand to continue massaging her butt and upper thighs.

Sindara had wrapped her arms around Zalen's pillow and was squeezing it against her chest as Zalen's fingers worked their sexual magic. She was rolling her butt against his hand, her low moans slowly getting more forceful.

"Ooh... ooh... umm... ooh... ummmaahh.. OOHhh... oh yes... UMMaahh..."

Zalen was by now pumping his hand inside the more than eager woman, each motion causing little squelching noises as her wet cunt seemed to devour his hand time and time again.

Finally the pleasure proved too much for her and she suddenly went all rigid, squeezing her thighs around his arm.

A moment later she again relaxed, allowing Zalen to again pull back his hand.

"Ohh... I don't think I've ever... Now I understand why Sumi's been so happy," Sindara moaned, turning on her side to look at Zalen. She climbed back to a seated position and while her eyes never left his, her hands slipped to grab his hard member.

"But now it's your turn..."

Sindara leaned forward to give Zalen a long kiss and then leaned down, her lips deftly engulfing the tip of his erect rod.

Now it was Zalen's turn to moan. She had placed her palms on each side of his hard cock and was slowly rolling them in opposite directions just like that old trick they used to start a fire. And every now and then she moved her hands down, instead engulfing the revealed length with her eager mouth.

As she kept pleasuring his thick member he was running his hands along her back and sides, caressing her.

For a moment she wiggled her butt for him but then released his cock and gently pushed him on his back.

"It's your turn, my dear husband. Just watch and enjoy." With that she gently pushed him on his back - and as her hands and lips again went for his cock she was now also sitting on top of his leg. Zalen groaned out loud.

"Ooh, you're so wet," he muttered, bringing a smile from the curvaceous beauty.

"After your massage, who wouldn't be! Do you already want inside me?"

"Yes!" He grabbed her shoulders, gently pulling her closer.

"I want you on top," he whispered, "I want to feel you around me."

She nodded with a smile, then moved forward astride him. Guiding his erect rod to the correct spot she then pushed back again, gasping as the thick staff began sliding inside her tunnel.

"Ummmaaaahhhh," she moaned as his cock sank deeper and deeper. As he was finally all the way in she paused, her eyes closed and her mouth partly open.

"So big," she whispered. "I don't think I've ever felt this full!"

"You feel amazing too. And look just as much so."

Sindara opened her eyes again, then raised her hands on her breasts, pushing the together a little. "Thank you. And I already noticed your eyes always getting drawn to these." She began tweaking her nipple with one hand - and her eyebrows shot up as she felt his cock twitch inside her. "Aah... You liked that?"

"I did. It's so arousing to see you pleasure yourself."

This time his words made her twitch, then bite her lip. "Ooh, really? That..." She paused, then shook her head but with a smile. "You're just too good to be true, you hunk. But I'm more than happy to oblige! Just watch..."

With his cock still nested inside her she began using her hands to knead and tweak her breasts and nipples. Her hips began slowly undulating against him, using his dick to massage her from the inside.

Zalen just sat there, enjoying the erotic show as her right hand traveled between her thighs and began rubbing the area near her clit.

She hit her first orgasm only moments after that.

As her body stopped shaking she again resumed her caresses. "Even this feels so much better with someone watching. And with that huge thing of yours filling me."

"Go on," Zalen whispered in a husky voice. "I could watch you do this all night..."

And go on she did. Using her hands for pleasure from the outside and his rock hard cock to do the same from within she reached orgasm after orgasm, with the fact that he was watching every one of them seeming to add to the thrill.

Finally she collapsed beside him."I... I'm just running out of words here." She turned her eyes towards his still erect cock. "I was planning to satisfy that one as well but you got me sidetracked and I'm not sure I have the energy to ride you properly now. But I still would love to feel you cum inside me..."

Zalen smiled, then climbed on top of her back.

"Of course... my wife."

With that he penetrated her again, causing another moan from her. Or possibly her moan had been because of his words.

Holding on to her wrists he finally began fucking her properly, pumping his hard cock inside her again and again, plunging deep inside her drenched tunnel.

"Ooh.. Ummmahhh... OOHhh... Ooh gods... MMAhhhh..."

Even with her pinned below him she was still moving her hips, pushing back to meet his every thrust, rolling her hips so that the combined movement massaged his cock from all sides in turn. And it felt amazing.

And if her moans were any kind of an indication, she very much agreed.

"Oh gods... UMMaahh... I'm... ooh... going to... AAAhh..."

He kept up the pace, sliding repeatedly into her ravenous cunt, each thrust causing another soft slap as his stomach made contact with her ample butt. She had dug her fingers into the blankets, her wrists still held firmly in place by his hands.

Even with her own body rapidly approaching the peak her hips had never stopped and it was still debatable who was actually fucking whom.

"I'm... cummmmiiingg..." Sindara whispered and her body suddenly spasmed, this time even more forcefully than in any of her previous orgasms. She was suddenly like a rampaging bull underneath her, bucking against him and pushing him over the edge as well.

With her own orgasm finally over she collapsed again as he still gushed his load inside her.

A moment later he collapsed as well, trying to slowly regain his breath.

"You are amazing. I don't think I've ever had an orgasm just from sex, I've always needed fingers or a tongue in addition. But you...

Oh, I'm a lucky wife!"

"Oh, you're more than amazing yourself," Zalen replied, rolling onto her side.

Sindarah gave him a kiss.

"You're sweet. Now, just lay there and I'll go get something and clean you up again!

After she had done just that she had curled up next to him and had soon fallen asleep.

For awhile Zalen just laid there, watching Sindara's sleeping form. Maybe this harem thing might not turn out be a total disaster after all?

The next morning Zalen got to wake up a nice sight: Sindara's breast right in front of his head. She leaned over to give him a hug before putting on a gown.

"I have to get ready for travelling," she explained before slipping out the door with one last smile.

A little after sunrise everyone was outside, their stuff packed, their horses saddled and ready to go. Most of his wives were wearing skirts parted for tiding, except for Kity and Leilah who had loose riding pants.

As they rode out Zalen turned back to look at the estate once more. The Master of Keys had already sent word for the Sisterhood so the place would not go unused for long but it was still somehow sad to leave it behind.

He had actually expected there to be more tearful goodbyes at this point but the wives seemed more eager for adventure than sad. And the Master of Keys just looked as solemn as always.

As for the other servants, they had already gone to make their preparations.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Very Addictive

Kind of addicted to your story even when my exams are going on.

DragonHeart90DragonHeart90over 5 years ago
Keep Up The Good Work!!

Thanks for the meal. 😋

ZalminenZalminenover 6 years agoAuthor

English isn't my native language so there may well be a few spelling mistakes. Feel free to point them out though.

hardheadd1hardheadd1over 6 years ago

Getting better. Keep up the good work. Just keep and eye on your spelling.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Good story.

Though one or two small spelling mistake s slipping through and being distracting.

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