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The Hatefuck of a Lifetime

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How I got the beautiful woman who hated me to fuck me.
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Author's note

Hi! This is gonna be my first time publishing a story that I've written. I've been thinking about writing some more chapters, too, so get comfortable and enjoy it!

~Alca out!

I don't even know who you are.

As far as first impressions go, I'm a reasonably easygoing guy. I try not to judge too harshly, and I always give people the benefit of the doubt, but I'll know pretty quickly whether I'll be able to get along with someone from the minute I meet them. The keyword being meet, as I won't be able to determine whether or not I'll like someone if I haven't met them before. Yet she seemed to have based her entire opinion about me on hearsay, on what she's seen and heard of me through third parties. It was obvious from the moment I first saw her look at me, because as soon as I stopped appreciating how beautiful her eyes were, I noticed they weren't contemplating me. She wasn't sizing me up, figuring me out, she was actively trying to set me on fire and burn me to ash with just a look. It shocked me, I had no idea what I could've done to make her judge me so harshly without ever having spoken to her. I contemplated walking up to her to ask, but at the time I was not nearly confident enough for such a move. I pretended not to see the way she looked at me and turned around to spend the next few days trying to forget about that look, even though I was completely unable to stop thinking about those eyes.

Over the course of the weeks and months that followed, I learned who she was and figured out the most probable reason for her to hate me. Apparently I had wronged a close friend of hers, and that was all she needed to conclude that I was in fact an asshole, not worthy of her time. Fair enough, I guess I had that one coming, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, after all. Months passed, I graduated, life moved on and I had long since forgotten about her, as I had about a lot of people I shared a school building with on a daily basis for years. I can only assume she had forgotten about me as well, I couldn't imagine her walking around with a grudge against a random guy she had never once had a decent conversation with. She seemed way too put together for something as petty as that.

Apparently though, neither of us had truly forgotten, as became obvious when we spontaneously ran into each other at a party years later. I noticed her first, it was impossible not to, she was as gorgeous as ever. A figure to die for and a beautiful face, highlighted by eyes that radiated power, intelligence and character. When she noticed me, they started radiating something else. Immediately, they narrowed, it was like nothing had changed, she still loathed me. I wasn't the same person I was back then, and I wasn't about to let this slide. I made sure her full attention was on me before winking at her with a cheeky smile, and blowing her a kiss. If looks could kill, I would've exploded right then and there. Instead, for me, the game was on.

Up until that party, I genuinely did not care about her. I knew her name, who she was and I knew that I found her incredibly attractive, but that was that. Now, it was personal, she had taken a petty teenage grudge based on assumption and hearsay and carried it all the way into her early twenties. If she wanted to play childish games I would indulge her, but I would play to win. I was already looking forward to seeing her again, and made sure to get myself invited to the next party I knew she'd be a few months later. I thought about the type of person she was, and figured that by arriving fashionably late and being generally aloof, acting like I was only there to favor the host with my inspiring presence, I would be able to piss her off the most. I couldn't even imagine how on the mark I was.

I made sure to mingle with different groups, listening to their stories with rapt attention, but steering the conversation in my direction whenever she was in earshot. For over two hours, every time she was near me, she heard me talk about how great I thought I was. I must have been beyond annoying for those I was talking to, but I didn't care. I would never see these people again, they were just a means to a purpose. I was not going to accept a woman like her hating me every time she saw me, to let it fester and ruminate. Instead, I was going to push her to the breaking point, annoy and frustrate her until there was only one possible outcome, an explosion. From there, perhaps in my arrogance, I saw two possible consequences. Either it would turn into a screaming match on one of the parties we were both attending, or...

Or I would take that incredibly sexy piece of ass home for the hatefuck of a lifetime. This was the more favorable outcome, naturally, because damn if she wasn't incredibly hot. I was going to have to be extremely careful though, having her call me out in front of a few dozen people because I asked her to fuck me would not end favorably for me. I had to make sure that she was interested before making any sort of move. I got my first opportunity sooner than I expected, at the same party where I made sure she heard me talk about myself to a few different groups of people. I was in the kitchen, getting a drink, when all of a sudden I heard a biting voice.

"You really think you're something else, don't you?"

My heart stopped. Not because I hadn't expected her to say something to me, but because I suddenly realized she had never talked to me before. I had never heard her voice, we had judged and loathed one another for years but we had never interacted directly.Hearing her voice made me all the more determined, I was going to fuck this girl. Maybe not tonight, but some day I would take her home and fuck her brains out. I was going to take her in each and every position I could possibly think of. The thought of her tight body convulsing through orgasm after violent orgasm suddenly turned me on like nothing else, and I noticed that after the involuntary stop earlier my heart was now pounding out of my chest from excitement. This entire thought process took about a second, coming up with a response required no time at all, it just came out.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I know who you are."

The look of absolute loathing and disgust immediately radiating from her gorgeous face put all the looks she had ever given me before to shame. I tried my best not to grin, but some of my cocky satisfaction must've come out through my eyes, because she steeled her features and answered quickly.

"You know exactly who I am, don't think you can rile me up this easily."

Oh, she wanted to play ball.

"You're right, I know exactly who you are, but I don't know you, do I? We've never talked."

"We have nothing to talk about."

"And yet you just initiated our very first conversation. Why the change of heart?"

"Because you are an arrogant piece of shit and I wanted you to know that nobody here likes you."

"Ouch! You're wrong, though. I am an arrogant piece of shit, I'll give you that, but there's at least two people here that like me."

"Please, they just pretend to like you."

"Ah, no, that was everyone else I was just talking to. I don't care about any of them actually, never saw 'm before and I'll never see 'm again. I just wanted you to hear what I was saying, which is why I kept you in earshot. Since you're one of the two people here that likes me."

"I do NOT like you."

"Yes, you do. Why else would you go out of your way to listen to what I'm saying, to walk over here and talk to me?"

"Because I can't stand you and someone needed to knock you down a few pegs."

"Why would you even care? Like I said, we've never talked before, I don't know you and you don't know me. What other reason could you have other than being interested in me?"

"God, are you really this conceited and arrogant? You honestly think that if someone hates you it just secretly means they like you?"

"No, babe, I think it's really easy to hate me, since I'm a manipulative, conceited and arrogant braggart. I'm saying that I think it's you specifically who likes me."

"Believe whatever you want to believe. I have better things to do than this."

"Again, why did you initiate the conversation then?"

"Shut up. Just leave me alone."

Step one completed, the seeds of doubt have been sown. Either she didn't think this through or she was actually vying for my attention, I had no clue which it was, I was hoping for the latter but expecting the former. Even in my wildest imagination I still felt I was deluding myself about her being even remotely interested in me.

Nothing else happened at this party so I got out of there to plan the next one. I got another chance soon after when another mutual friend went to study abroad for a year and threw a going away party. This time, I showed up perfectly in time and behaved like the perfect gentleman. Never once talking about myself, showing an interest in everybody at the party, and smiling brightly. She still looked at me with the burning hatred of a thousand suns, but I could see that she was confused. This time, I made a show of going to the kitchen for a drink, and she didn't disappoint.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?"

"Nice to see you too, dear. I've missed your warmth and compassion."

"Don't play coy, asshole, you're doing this on purpose, aren't you?"

"I'm afraid I don't know what you mean."

"Yes, you do, tell me."

Now I had her. This was the first time she was not assuming anything, she was asking me a direct question. She wanted to know what I was thinking. This was it, this night would end with the both of us entangled in a mess of sheets, sweat, body parts and who knew what else, or it would end with a handprint on my face and eternal shame on my reputation. I was going to stake it all on this, I didn't care about anyone at this party except for my friend, and she would laugh her ass off if she heard about this.

Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I turned around and narrowed my eyes at her.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?"

I took one step in her direction and didn't miss her flinch.

"For the second time in a few months, I'm just having a good time at a party and you come out of nowhere, behaving like a stuck up, spoiled bitch. If you want something from me, you can just come out and say it, otherwise..."

I stood directly in front of her now, making it extra obvious how much taller I was than her, how much bigger. I leant over, my mouth less than an inch from her ear, and whispered.

"Otherwise, you are just wasting valuable energy that could be put to much more productive use instead."

This was it. All of nothing. I gave her my best rogueish smile, turned my back to her and walked away. At least, I tried to walk away, because she grabbed my wirst firmly and pulled me back around.

"What makes you think I want anything to do with you?"

"I'm not hearing no."

"What the fuck are you even thinking? I hate you, I can't stand you, you were a dick to my friend, you're arrogant, why would I ever go along with such a ridiculous suggestion?"

"Because you're still talking to me. You're the most gorgeous woman here by far, why waste your time on me when you can spend it wrapping every guy here around your finger with just a look from those hauntingly beautiful eyes?"

"If you think some absurd flirting will get you in my pants..."

"It will. It's already working. You could've said no, but you're not. You're thinking the same thing I am."

"Which is?"

"See? There is it again. You're interested in me."

"Stop being conceited and tell me what I'm thinking."

"You can't stand me, you hate everything about me, I frustrate you, I make you angry, you wonder what it would feel like to vent that frustration physically, directly on the source. I'm thinking the same thing, I think you're a conceited, arrogant, haughty bitch. Yet I can't deny you're one of the sexiest women I've ever laid my eyes on and I just want to hatefuck you into next week."

"I'm going to tell everyone what you just said."

"Do it, I don't care about anyone here. I'll just stand there and dare you to deny that it's true. Everyone will see on your face that it is."

"You're deluding yourself. It's never going to happen."

"Yes, it is. Listen up, it's obvious we both have years of pent up frustration towards each other. Either we get the fuck out of here and do something about it so we can behave like normal adults on future parties, or we make a big scene and ruin the next one we attend together. It's obvious that it's sexual frustration. Honestly, I thought it was just me, but this is the second time you came up to me in just as many parties. It's not just me, it's us. I have a hotel room in the city and a taxi on standby, are you coming with me or not?

"I can't fucking believe you."

"Yes or no?"

At this point, my heart was beating so fast I was afraid it was going to blow. I couldn't believe it, was she actually going to say yes? Was I actually going to fuck the only person I ever met I just couldn't stand?

"No fucking way, forget about it."

I almost deflated, but I could see her eyes, the perpetual loathing and hatred had taken place for doubt and contemplation. She still needed more time.

"Fine", I said, and grabbed my phone to send a text.

"If you want to be difficult about this, my ride will be here in ten minutes. I'm saying goodbye to people and then I'm leaving. I'll save you a seat for five minutes after that. Whether you join me or not, I don't care, we'll see about the consequences ourselves."

This time, she did let me walk away, and I said my goodbyes to the people who mattered. I made it a point not to look at her, not even glance, since I knew she was watching me like a hawk. Was she already telling people about what I did? Were people going to whisper amongst themselves in excitement about the dude who offered to fuck a girl that hated him then quickly left when she refused? I couldn't let the doubt show on my face, if I wanted her to change her mind I would have to radiate nothing but complete confidence. I said my last goodbye, grabbed my coat, stepped outside and hopped in the cab.

"Five minutes, Dave. There will be someone joining us."

I don't know why I said will instead of might. I was just convinced she would. A minute passed, then another, then two more. I looked at my watch and looked up towards Dave, I was about to nod for him to leave when suddenly the door opened.

"I can't fucking believe I'm doing this."

"Took you long enough."

"Do not make me regret this. I had to say goodbye without looking suspicious."

As she clicked her seatbelt, I nodded at Dave to drive off. I didn't miss the smug grin on his face and gave him a look that told him to mind his own business, although I couldn't help but smile myself. Glad he approved. Looking back at her, I contemplated what she'd just said about looking suspicious.

"Why? What do you care about what those people think?"

"I just don't like to be seen as easy."

"You're not easy."

"You asked me to come with you twenty minutes ago and here we are."

"Ah, that's true, but look at everything that came before that. You are not easy."

"You mean you didn't decide you wanted to take me with you on the spot?"

This was dangerous territory. It was never going to work out between this girl and I, that much was obvious to see for everyone. If I were to answer truthfully and be a nice guy, this would turn from a hatefuck in a regular fuck. That wasn't what either of us needed. I had to keep up the facade of conceit.

"It was obvious you wanted to fuck me ever since you talked to me at that party months ago. Considering that you were by far the most attractive person there, I saw a chance and decided to take it on the next opportunity. That was tonight, which is why I had the taxi and hotel room arranged in advance."

This was a big lie. I had the hotel room because I had to be in the city the next morning anyway. I had the taxi because leaving my car in the parking garage overnight was cheaper, and I had never expected to get her to agree to this, let alone so soon.

"You are such a fucking bastard."

"And you're a fucking bitch."

"Then why the fuck do you even want me to go with you?"

"Because you're hot as fuck, why else? I want to see those gorgeous eyes look at me in pure hatred as I hold you down and fuck you raw."

"You really think you're hot shit, don't you?"

"I am hot shit, we both are."

"I know I am, you have yet to prove it."

"Good, I was beginning to wonder where your confidence went."

"Fuck you."

"I'm about to."

Perfect timing, we were at the hotel, Dave was kind enough to drop us off right at the entrance. This was going to be fun, I had managed to bag a penthouse room on offer, it came with a jacuzzi and a bed big enough to sail the ocean on. If anything it would help her buy into my story about how I had planned all of this in advance. We stepped into the elevator and I pushed the button, not missing the slight widening of her eyes as she saw we were going to the top floor. When the elevator started moving, I took a good look at her for the first time that night.

Suddenly I realized how fucking lucky I had gotten, she was absolutely stunning, a complete knockout in every single way. I grinned as an idea made its way into my head, and I smashed my hand into the emergency stop. Immediately, the elevator came to a full stop. Anger quickly flashed through her eyes, but I just grinned, daring her to do something about it. When she didn't, I took one step towards her, pushed her against the elevator wall, lifted her up and held my face less than an inch from hers. Suddenly, we were both breathing heavily. I simply waited for her to say something, and she didn't disappoint.


"Well what?"

"What's the point of all this if you're not going to kiss me?"

"Who says I want to kiss you?"

"Why else go through all this trouble?"

Holding her tight against the wall of the elevator, I spent a second thinking about how much time we'd have before hotel staff would be on the speaker, or worse, watching the security camera. I decided I didn't care, I needed all my focus on her, this would only work if I gave everything I had, I needed this to be something she would remember for the rest of her life while desperately trying to forget it had ever happened.

I inched my mouth towards hers until there was just the tiniest bit of space between our lips, barely enough to fit a hair between. To my surprise and satisfaction, her eyes were still open, still looking at me, and her lips weren't the slightest bit pursed. Good, if she broke this easy it wouldn't be as fun. I made sure to look directly at her as I moved one hand down, stroking her leg and thigh with the tip of my fingers, slowly moving them up, meticulously studying her response to find out what her most sensitive spots were. I found one, then I found another one, the slight twitch in her steely features betraying her. I moved back to the same spots a few times and noticed the exact same response, getting more pronounced with each graze, each stroke.

She knew her look had betrayed her when I grinned. Before she could process that thought, however, my lips crashed down on hers. My one hand firmly grabbing hold of her hip, as my other hand stroked her hair, pulling her in even deeper. I felt her legs wrap around me tightly, which caught me by surprise. It dawned on me that I knew next to nothing about her. She had a slim figure, but now that I was paying closer attention, she wasn't just slim, she was fit. Sliding over her body, my hand could feel how toned every part of it was. I suddenly found myself curious as to what she did to stay in shape. I banished the thought instantly, it didn't matter what she did to look so good, it only mattered what she was about to do, what we were about to do.

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