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The Healing Touch

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Jason finally got into the school of his dreams.
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Chapter 1

The heat was relentless. Sweat began to form on Jason's brow, and the weight of his backpack was starting to feel heavy. He was a short man that found himself lost in the crowd that had gathered in the city center of Ravenbrook. Despite Jason's broad shoulders, he was able to bob and weave through the crowd. It was no surprise that Ravenbrook was crowded this evening. Ravenbrook was the capital of Tageron and, as such, attracted people from all walks of life to come and find the adventure of a lifetime. Today, the horde of people pushed against one another under the scorching sun that beat heavily down their backs, causing some to grow red and blistered. The longer he was in the crowd, the more sluggish he felt. The onlookers began to become much rowdier towards the center of the crow. The constant chatter made it hard for Jason to think, yet he was determined to get to the other end of the large gathering. Jason did understand the excitement in the crowd, though. The end of the crowd came into view, and Jason let out a sigh of relief. A tall and lean man stopped next to Jason. Jason watched him curiously as the man began tapping his chin in deep thought, eyeing Jason up and down. Jason scratched the back of his neck awkwardly as he waited for the man to share what it was he wanted. When the man finally spoke, he shared that he was looking to find Rosenville so he could register for classes.

"I'm about to head there myself." Jason shared. The man's eyes went wide in awe at Jason, revealing that he was also heading for Rosenwille.

"What family do you come from?" the man asked.

"I'm not from any family from importance," Jason said.

"Oh, a commoner." The man said, primarily to himself. "Well, in any case, my name is Vicar."

Together the pair made their way to the university, and halfway to their destination Jason concluded that Vicar loved to hear himself talk. Vicar had managed to share his whole life story with Jason between the multiple stops at bakeries and other shops. Jason learned that Vicar was 24 years old, of noble descent, and the reason he came to Rosenville was that he wanted to get far away from his controlling father. Vicar shared that his father wished Vicar to settle into his royal duties and help govern their estate. At first, his father was lenient, but he began to take away his income and threatened to disown him as he got older. Vicar knew that he wanted nothing to do with that kind of life and arranged his admission into the school with the help of his connections. The noble admitted that he did not care about attending the university. He was happy to be free from his parents. Jason could barely get in any words during the time vicar spent talking, but he did feel sorry for the royal. Being forced to live a life you don't want is something Jason knew all about.

"Did your mother attempt to convince your father to stop pressuring you?" Jason wondered as they exited yet another bakery.

"My mom? No, she would never do such a thing." Vicar said. "She is happy just ignoring the world around her."

"I'm sorry that she didn't help you," Jason said. His parents were always supportive when it came to his dreams. Jason could not imagine the life he would be living without the support of his parents.

"Why?" Vicar asked, "You have nothing to be sorry for. You don't have to be sorry for me. I'm more than capable on my own."

"I'm not pitying you," Jason replied. "I just feel like that must have been hard for you to go through."

"Well, it wasn't," The noble said quickly to change the subject. "I'm the one who should be sorry for talking your ear off and dragging you to all those shops."

"It's ok," Jason said with a smile on his face. "It was not that bad."

The closer they got to the university, the more Jason began to think about why he left his small town to attend Ravebrook. For the last three years, Jason worked long hours and studied through the night, forgoing his childhood friends and family. Since Jason and his family lived on the far borders of Targon, there was a lack of formal education and access to magic tutors; putting Jason at a disadvantage. The noble and merchant class individuals who would apply alongside him had access to the finest education and magic instructors renowned for their abilities. The most stressful factor was the tuition required to attend. The amount exceeded the amount of gold and silver that his family in his town made in a year. When Jason finally gained admission, he thought he would have to give up his spot due to the massive cost. Jason had no idea what to expect when he would arrive at Rosenville.

What he did know was that he was going to have to work harder than he had ever had to in his 20 years of life. He was not just doing this for his self-gain. He was doing this to bring his family out of the indentured servitude they had been forced to endure for generations. His parents saved whatever amount of gold and silver they had and used it to buy his freedom. That was a gift Jason could not accept with a clear conscience. He made a vow to do whatever was needed to get his family the space they deserved. Jason wanted his family to have the life he saw the noble and merchant class families lived. Attending Rosenville was more than just medical school. Those who graduated received a state salary, land, and a royal title to those who graduated. However, these rewards are not given to those who do not work hard.

To attend Rosenville, you had to prove your knowledge of the body, and of course, the ability to perform magic. Roseville was the first and only medical school to combine the feat of magic with the science of the body. Jason first learned about this school when he came across a graduate of Roseville that had helped heal a large cut on his arm. The doctor had Jason captivated as he made quick work on his injury. The glow of the needle as it wove in and out of his wound, sowing his skin shut, was the most awe-inspiring act Jason had ever seen. When the needle finished and dissolved in mid-air, Jason knew he had to learn more about the world around him and pursue something outside what his small rural life offered. Jason went on to spend countless nights learning how to perform basic magic spells from books and scrolls he stole from people passing through his small town. He spent days working alongside the local doctor in an apprenticeship just to have the chance to be prepared to take the exam and gain entrance to Rosenville.

By the time the large Rosenville buildings came into view, Jason had to stop for a moment to take insight before him. Rosenville's manor overlooked the ocean with its large spiral buildings that looked like they pierced through the clouds above and into the sky. The metal gate looked unshakeable as it loomed over those who stood close to it. Jason stopped in his tracks and grew wide-eyed at the dragon statue that stood before him. The dragon was built out of marble. The stature was beautifully shaped with life-like curvatures. The small details came together to make Jason nervous to look away out of fear that the statue may come alive. The Rosenville placard rested at the dragon's feet felt surreal for Jason. He crouched over and carefully traced the letters. He wanted to make sure that this was real. That he had finally made it.

"Is this your first time seeing Devio's work?" Vicar asked, finally breaking the silence around them.

"Who is Devio?" Jason ask.

"The person who made that statue," Vice said.

"Then yes," Jason admitted. "I have never seen anything like this before."

"Well, that's sad then," Vicar replied. "Enough of the sightseeing. I'm ready to go inside before it gets dark."

"You're right," Jason said, "I don't want to be the last one in."

"Agreed," Vicar said as he led the way into the building. "I could not withstand the embarrassment of being the last one to arrive.

"We finally made it!" Vicar said. "I think all those stops we made put us behind schedule."

"Probably, but we're here now, and look," Jason said as he pointed behind them. "We're not the last one's here."

"Thank the Gods above," Vicar replied.

Jason and Vicar made their way through the line of students before and in the front, they were greeted by an older woman wearing a dark green robe. The book behind the woman floated a large book that moved its way in front of her. She motioned for Jason to move forward, and she gave a small smile, and the book's pages began to turn rapidly and then came to an abrupt stop. Jason tried his best to hide his excitement at the magic that was being so casually used in front of him. The woman caught on to Jason rolled her eyes. Jason caught the hint that he was not doing too good of a job at hiding his excitement. The woman cleared her throat and looked Jason once over. "A commoner?"

"Yes but, I'm here to register for the class." Jason said, "I'm a new student here."

"That may be the case, but I need you to state your full name to verify that you belong here," the woman said, making sure she was emphasizing the last part.

Jason shifted uncomfortably and began to wonder if she was like this with everyone she came across or if this behavior applied only to him. Jason could not help but wonder if it was evident that he was poor by how he looked. Jason's clothing may not have been made with the finest material, but he made sure to take care of the clothes he owned carefully. He had hoped that his meticulous routine would have helped him avoid this type of interaction. The elite classes at Rosenville were not kind to those from a lower class, but this was the first time Jason had ever encountered someone showing disgust towards him just from the way he looked. He was sure this would not be the last time this happened.

"My name is Jason Villvillian." He said. The woman looked over in her book to confirm that information.

"Ok, Mr.Villvillian, I need 500 pieces of silver as a payment for your tuition." The woman said. Jason felt his heart drop as he pulled out his coin pouch. He knew he did not have the total amount, and in actuality, he only had about 50 pieces. Jason took a moment to recall the content in the acceptance letter.

"I thought the 100 silver coins was the tuition?" Jason asked. He hoped that this was some kind of mistake.

"I'm afraid not...." The lady began, "What was your name again?"

"It's Jason Ma'am."

"Right, right." She said. "I can assure you... Jason?"

Jason nodded.

"That this is no mistake."

"But I can-"

"No, whatever excuse you have does not matter." She said while she rolled her eyes, annoyed at the situation. She continued and began to mumble to herself, "I knew admitting the poor would be a mistake."

"Excuse me," Vicar said as he stepped in front of Jason. "Vicar Tilltum here. Am I sure ten gold pieces should cover both of our registration fees? And of course, two gold pieces for your time should suffice?"

"Oh, Mr.Tiltum, I am so sorry about the inconvenience-"

"Don't worry about it," Vicar replied. "Just take the gold and let us be on our way."

The woman began to apologize profusely to Jason, who blushed because of the growing amount of people who started looking in their direction. By the time she stopped apologizing, Jason had learned that the woman's name was Vivian, and she was a professor for the introduction classes. Jason was glad that the situation was over and could start forgetting the humiliation he had just faced. He only had a brief moment of peace before he began to dwell on that he did not have the funds to pay Vicar back. If he were to hand over his fifty pieces of silver, he would not have any money at all. He would have to attend the classes without the materials needed and hope he could still pass them. He began to wring his wrist and lower his head as he worked up the courage to ask Vicar how he should pay him back. "Vicar, thank you so much for that, but I simply cannot afford to pay you right now or in the immediate future."

"Well, that won't do now, will it?" Vicar replied. Jason looked up and took in the mischievous look on his face. He did not know what the noble was thinking. Jason began to fluster as we waited in anticipation.

"Again, Vicar, I am so sorry," Jason said, hoping that his apology would be enough.

"Follow me," Vicar said and walked out of the main manor.

Jason followed closely behind Vicar and wondered where they were going. Vicar leads Jason into the Draconian hall. As Vicar made his way through the halls, he noted that some of the classes were held. Vicar looked behind him before he opened the door to a small classroom and peaked his head in to make sure no one was in there. Jason was ushered in and looked around the classroom as he waited for Vicar to explain what they were doing here. Vicar quickly came in and proceeded to lock the door shut. Jason watched as Vicar took a seat at one of the desks and leaned back comfortably with his legs spread slightly open. Silence filled the room and began to weigh heavy on Jason. This quickly came to an end when Vicar untied his trousers and began stroked himself. The nobel smiled and asked Jason if he had ever been with a man before. Jason put the pieces together it became apparent what he had to do to erase his debt.

"What are you getting at Vicar?" Jason asked.

"As I see it, Jason," Vicar said as he took off his shoes to take his trousers entirely off. As he sat there exposed completely to Jason, Vicar continued to speak, "You owe me a large sum of money and cannot pay me back. So I have come up with a way for you to make it go away."

"I have never been with a man before Vicar." Jason blurted out. His cheeks turned bright pink. Jason quickly looked away from the noble's manhood. The thought of looked or even touching Vicar in such an intimate way was causing feelings of turmoil in Jason. He had just met Vicar and now he would have to perform acts he had never done with anyone before. He wondered if Vicar would care if he admitted aloud that he had never touched a man or a woman. That he also had never been touched before either. The sound of Vicars's laugh began to fill the room and Jason looked up to make eye contact with him.

"That's fine Jason," Vicar said, reassuring Jason that he was okay with his confession. "Just come over here and be a good boy. I want you on your knees."

Jason was hesitant. He watched for a few moments as Vicar stroked himself. Jason felt memorized as he saw Vicar leak from the tick of his cock and the way the young noble used it to slicken his dick. Jason felt his body move on its own, and he soon found himself kneeling in front of Vicar with his hands gripping the noble's thighs. Jason's face was close to the noble's cock, which allowed him to get a better view of Vicar's manhood. Jason did not know if Vicar's dick would be able to fit anywhere inside of him. The thought of this made Jason shiver, and he felt himself grow stiff.

As Vicar stroked himself, he used his free hand to play with Jason's hair. Suddenly He grabbed a handful of Jason's hair and shoved his face close to his cock. Jason was able to take in the rich aroma of the young man. Jason was pleased to smell the scents of the rich, luxurious soaps that could only be obtained by having them imported from other kingdoms. Jason took his hand and palmed his cock through his trousers as Vicar took his dick and slapped his cheek with it. The thick cock felt warm against Jason's face and caused him to let out a moan. Jason slipped his hands down his pants and rubbed the head of his dick with his thumb in small circles. Vicar tugged on Jason's hair again so that Jason was now making eye contact with the noble. Even though Vicar made Jason look him in the eyes, Jason could not keep his eyes off the noble's dick. The sight of his cock had Jason mesmerized. Jason stroked himself. He wanted to taste the noble's cock. He needed to.

"Are you going to be a good boy for me, Jason?" The noble asked. Jason nodded in response, fully entranced by the man in front of him.

"I asked you a question," Vicar said in a stern tone, thoroughly, and he tightened his grip on Jason's hair.

"Y-yes," Jason said, aroused by the authoritarian and commanding nature that Vicar summoned.

"Take my load then."

As Vicar leaned back Jason took vicar in his hand. Jaso stroked him slowly. The fear of making Vicar disappointed began to settle in. It was foreign to Jason to have another man's cock in his hand. But the feeling of how hard Vicar was, and the small moans that filled the that left his mouth was enough to urge Jason to not stop. Jason soon felt his own cock twitch in his pants, demanding he paid attention to his growing needs. Vicar let out a loud moan as Jason finally took him in his mouth. The saltiness of Vicar's cock filled Jason's taste buds. He moaned as he tasted the precum that was leaking out of the noble's tip. He was surprised at how much he enjoyed the taste of his dick and how eager he found himself wanting to take more of the royal's manhood into his mouth. He felt Vicar keep his grip on his hair and moaned every time he would tighten his grip. Jason panicked when he felt his head shoved down, forcing him to take the noble deep into his throat. His eyes watered as he tried to adjust to Vicar's thick cock thrusting in and out of his mouth. Jason tapped Vicar's thighs to signal for him to stop so that he could breathe. Jason was relieved when Vicar loosened his grip, and he was able to come up and breathe.

"I hope I wasn't too rough," Vicar said. The noble leaned forward and wiped spit off of the mouth of Jason's mouth with his thumb. "You look like you're enjoying yourself."

Jason nodded in response. He was still too exhausted to respond verbally. The feeling of touching himself became overwhelming. Jason slipped his hand into his pants and stroked himself slowly. His hard cock twitched at his touch. He had never had this strong of a desire come over him before. His need for release surpassed being just a want-a longing. It had grown to be primal. Jason was willing to do anything to reach that point of no return. Jason's moans filled the room, and as the pleasure made Jason forget that Vicar was watching.

"Looks like you have a little problem there," Vicard said. The noble placed his foot on the hand Jason was using to stroke himself. Jason looked up and saw Vicar smiling down at him.

"I want to see you," Vicar said as he removed his foot from Jason's crotch.

"Ok-yes-ok," Jason said eagerly. He quickly stood up and stripped his trousers off. The cold air ran chills up Jason's body, causing him to realize how exposed he was. When Jason's eyes met with Vicar he could see the peer lust built up in the royal.

"Get up and stroke yourself for me," Vicar said as he pointed across the room. "Be a good boy and stand over there."

Jason got up and walked six feet away from Vicar looked him directly in his eyes. He started slowly. With his cock in his hand Jason used his thumb to rub the pre-cum leaking out of his tip. He brought his thumb to his mouth and slowly licked the pre-cum off. A huge grin grew on Jason's face as he watched Vicar's dick twitch. Jason continued and used the slickness from his cock as a lubricate to quickly stroke up and down his shaft. His legs began to shake slowly from the pleasure. His mind was racing. He wanted to be the good boy Vicar was asking for. He wanted to please the noble and receive the praise only Vicar was offering. Jason felt like royalty in Vicar's eyes. His stroking continued at a steady face until he felt the pent-up pressure begin to reach the point of no return.

"Stop," Vicar said.

"Why?" Jason asked. He watched Vicar laugh aloud as he frowned in disappointment.

"Because I said so," The noble replied.


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