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The Heart Wants

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Two parents brought together by their children find love.
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Preface -- I know many of you are waiting patiently for me to finish the second part of "The Concert" but I always find writing a satisfying ending harder than getting started, and it may take me some time. In the interim, I found this little love story that I wrote a short time back and kind of forgot about it. It is semi-autobiographical and is an exaggerated version of how I met and got together with my second spouse. The names have been changed to protect the innocent as they say and I will leave it you to decide where I exaggerated. Enjoy!


Rob stared down at his cell phone in disgust as his third message in a row went unanswered, he had been sitting in the parking lot of the apartment where his son's girlfriend lived for almost twenty minutes waiting to pick him up, but there had been no sign of him. He looked up catching his reflection in the rear view mirror; staring back at him was the face of a man in his mid-thirties with wavy dark brown hair combed back off his forehead and dark forest green eyes that carried a hint of sadness and weary resignation. He smiled back at himself his firm lips and clean-shaven face often leading to comparisons with a young Michael Douglas minus the star power, for a moment his face seemed to brighten, but a frown quickly returned.

With a grunt of effort Rob exited his vehicle and started walking toward the apartment door, he had seen his son vanish through it many times in the past six months. Ordinarily, he wouldn't have been so grouchy about the whole thing, but he had been having a rough day so far and having to drive out of his way, and sit was trying his patience. He walked with the natural gait of an athlete, and his muscular calves would have given him away as a runner if he had not been wearing long slacks.

He reached the door a moment later and knocked, waiting and tapping his foot as the sounds of someone throwing a deadbolt on the other side of the door came to his ears. The door moved back, and Rob opened his mouth to offer a hello but found his voice wouldn't work. The woman standing in the doorway had to be the mother of his son's girlfriend, a little slip of a girl with platinum blond hair and dark eyes, cute and very polite Rob had to admit he rather liked her and could see why his son was attracted to her. The woman before him was a carbon copy of her daughter only you could trade the cuteness for being downright gorgeous, much like her younger progeny she had a thick cascade of platinum blond curls that fell around her face-framing her soft features. Her eyes, such a dark shade of brown that the light color of her hair made them appear almost black, flashed with amusement as she looked up at him. Her skin was flawless except for a tiny mole just below and near her right eye; her full pink lips were pulled back in a smile revealing perfect rows of gleaming white teeth. Rob's eyes worked their way down. He took in her slender body. It was hard to get a read on breast size as she wore a loose-fitting blouse but they looked more substantial than his wife's, maybe a large B or small C-cup.

"Hello?...Oh, you must be Jason's father he said you would be picking him up, I'm Olivia...Kim's Mom," said the vision in front of him holding out her small hand her nails painted a very trendy black color.

Rob took her hand for a moment noting how soft and warm it felt in his as he continued to gaze into Olivia's beautiful dark eyes. She stepped back to let him inside, and after a moment he regained control of his thoughts realizing he must look foolish just standing there and he stepped through the door.

"Yes...uh...I'm Rob...Jason's Dad, it's nice to meet you, Olivia," he managed to stammer out feeling like a teenager on a first date, nervous and giddy at the same time.

"I'll tell him your here, I think they were just finishing their homework, would you like a cup of tea while you wait" asked Olivia.

Rob hated tea, but he didn't want to rush out either, so he gratefully accepted, after a brief trip down the hall to what he presumed was her daughter's room she returned, and he followed Olivia into the small kitchen. She moved past him and stepped up on her tiptoes to pull down a box of tea from inside a kitchen cabinet, the move afforded Rob a careful look at her ass clad in a pair of very tight fitting jeans and he was happy to note that it was just as spectacular as the rest of her. He studied her appreciatively especially Olivia's tight posterior until she suddenly seemed to sense his eyes on her and she flicked her head around catching him in the act of checking her out. Rob felt embarrassed, but if Olivia was upset, she didn't show it instead he saw a slow smile spread across her face before she turned back to the cabinet.

"Perhaps she likes the attention after all," thought Rob.

Olivia soon had the tea brewing on the stove, and she settled back against the counter looking Rob up and down before she spoke.

"If you don't mind me saying, I can see where your son gets his good looks," she said.

Rob felt himself blush at the compliment as he replied, "I could say the same thing about your daughter and you."

Now it was Olivia's turn to blush, and the slight reddening of her fair skin made her look even more attractive in the light of the kitchen.

"That's so sweet of you to say," she finally managed.

" are things in your world," Rob asked fishing for a conversation starter.

"Oh know work and all but I have to pay the bills," she said.

"Yeah, what about your husband what does he do?" asked Rob.

"Were divorced, it's just Kim and me," she said.

"Oh...sorry to hear that...being a single parent can be a challenge," Rob answered.

"It's o.k., I can deal with the parenting it's the loneliness that gets to me sometimes," she said wistfully.

"Certainly a woman like you doesn't have any trouble getting dates I would imagine," replied Rob.

Olivia's eyes danced with mirth, and Rob felt his heart quicken, her beauty was almost ethereal like some woodland nymph from a fairy tale brought to life, he thought her husband must have been a fool to walk away from this woman.

"Well, I have dated a few times, even tried those matching websites know no matter what they run through a computer it's hard to find that instant spark. You know, that electric attraction that two people can feel the first time they see each other that just seems to overwhelm everything else" she said looking intently into Rob's eyes.

Rob felt his heart racing even faster, and he wondered if she was feeling that attraction right now. He certainly was, his cock was starting to swell in his pants, and suddenly he longed to taste those soft, sweet looking pink lips of hers but just then, his cell phone rang jerking him back to reality. He glanced down and realized his wife was calling and with a sense of disappointment, he excused himself to the living room to take the call. He quickly informed her that he would be home soon and returned to the kitchen just in time to get his tea from Olivia. They drank quietly for a few moments before Olivia spoke again.

"That was your wife calling?" she asked.

"Umm...yes...wanted to know when we would be along," admitted Rob, somehow a little disappointed that Olivia now knew he was married.

"It must be nice to have someone you love to come home to," she said, eyeing him over the brim of her cup.

"Yes, I suppose it is if it's the right person" he finished.

He felt himself staring again, and for a moment he almost made a move toward her so strong was the attraction he was feeling but then he heard footsteps, the sound of Kim, and his son coming into the living room and the spell broke. He set his cup on the counter and politely excused himself as he went to gather up Jason and head home, Olivia walked them out.

"It was very nice to meet you, Rob, you know you're always welcome here anytime, for tea or whatever...," she said.

Rob froze for a second wondering if she was offering something, it was hard to tell as her expression was mostly blank, but he thought he saw an invitation in those dark eyes and it made him shudder a bit as he finally turned and left with his son in tow.While driving home, Rob started to feel guilty about how he had handled things. Some stranger flirts with him a bit, and he is ready to throw away years of marriage, it seemed silly in hindsight, but somehow he couldn't get the image of Olivia's dark eyes and beautiful face out of his head. That night his wife tired early though he had been hoping for a little late night action, as she snored fitfully next to him he slipped into the bathroom and coated his hard prick in lotion stroking it slowly. His thoughts drifted, and before he knew it, he was picturing Olivia's beautiful blonde headed face before him, and after just a few hard tugs the idea of her soft lips wrapped around his pole took him over the edge. A shower of cum suddenly erupted from the end of his cock shooting ropes of semen all over the bathroom wall as he cried out.

"AH GOD OLIVIA YES!" Rob moaned as he came.

"Rob? You o.k. in there I thought I heard you call," came his wife's sleepy voice from the other room.

"Uh fine sweetie...umm just a bit of tummy trouble go back to sleep," Rob lied as he went for some tissue to clean the mess.

"Jesus, why do we always want what we can't have," chuckled Rob as he wiped his dripping jizz from the wall.

Two weeks later Rob sat at the kitchen counter working on the taxes when his son came into the room.

"Hey Dad, I need a favor, were short chaperones for the dance at the high school Friday night and I was hoping you and Mom would volunteer," asked Jason.

"Well your Mom is leaving on a business trip remember, but I guess I could go if you need me to," said Rob without much enthusiasm, the thought of playing nursemaid to a bunch of fifteen-year-olds on a Friday night was not the most appealing thing.

"Thanks, Dad, they were going to cancel the dance if they didn't get enough parents," said Logan.

That Friday night Rob found himself in a suit and tie with loud contemporary music blasting in his ears as he stared at a gyrating crowd of teenagers on a dance floor a cup of genuinely horrendous punch in his hand.

"Geez, how do I get myself into this crap?" he mumbled to himself as he sipped at the punch.

"Quite a group of young heathens huh," said a voice to his left.

Rob turned and nearly spilled his punch on the floor, Kim's mother, Olivia, was standing right at his elbow and if he had thought she looked good the other night she was stunning tonight. Her face, which was gorgeous enough without it, was now highlighted with makeup bringing out her high cheekbones and accentuating her mysterious dark eyes and her lips glistened with a darker shade of pink than their natural color contrasting beautifully with her fair skin. She was wearing a tight-fitting black party dress, and now Rob could easily see that her breasts were much more significant than his wife's, at least they looked large on Olivia's slender frame, her legs were smooth and silky looking as she stood in her black high heels.

"Ahh Yeah...Olivia, it's so good to see you, um you look beautiful that dress suits you," Rob managed to choke out.

Olivia beamed and turned quickly in place showing off all her curves and leaving Rob even more aroused than before as she came to a stop.

"Oh this old thing, I just threw something together last minute, seems they were short of chaperones," she replied.

"Well I'm glad you're here I didn't know any of the other parents," replied Rob.

Olivia laughed but suddenly grabbed Rob's hand in hers, "Come's easier to chaperone from the dance floor."

"Well, I'm not much of a dancer but..." Rob started, but Olivia had already drug him out on the floor, so he did his best to remember the moves of his youth. After a couple of fast and rather loud songs the band switched to a slow ballad, but instead of moving off the dance floor Olivia took him by surprise again as she slipped up close to him sliding her slender arms around his neck though she did manage to keep a somewhat respectable distance between their bodies. Rob placed his arms around her waist as they slowly started to sway to the music, her perfume was making him light-headed, and he found that he couldn't stop staring into her eyes that seemed like dark pools full of mysteries as they danced.

"It's been a long time since I danced like this, with a man," said Olivia.

"Yeah me too," said Rob trying to lighten the mood with a little humor but Olivia only smiled as she pulled a little tighter.

"Your wife is a lucky woman Rob, too have such a handsome husband, and so sweet!" she said.

Rob didn't know how to answer that and that urge he had felt before, that almost overwhelming urge to taste Olivia's soft lips was suddenly back in spades, he felt his heart picking up speed in his chest as they swayed to the soft music.

"Olivia, you are so beautiful," blurted Rob and couldn't believe he said it, it was one thing to think it, but it had just come out of his mouth before he could stop himself. Olivia didn't seem mad or embarrassed she just smiled and to his dismay moved even closer to him putting her head on his shoulder, he could feel the heat from her body against his, and his penis started swelling rapidly in his pants. He prayed to God she couldn't feel his hard-on against her stomach as they slow danced, to his relief the song finally ended and they exited the dance floor.

"Thanks, Rob, I enjoyed the dance," said Olivia.

"You're more than welcome," answered Rob as he fought to calm himself.

At that moment, Kim and Jason came running up excited.

"Hey Mom, Jason and I got invited to go get breakfast after the dance at Denny's can we go Mom please?" asked Kim.

"Well, how are you getting there and home?" asked Olivia

"We were hoping you could let us use your car, we could drop you off first," offered Kim.

"That is so far out of the way I don't know Kim," said Olivia.

"I could give you a ride home" offered Rob and then immediately couldn't believe he said it, did he just offer to give a lift to a woman he had been obsessing about for the last two weeks?

Olivia looked at him with a look of amusement and something else that he couldn't quite place before she turned back to the kids.

"O.K. you two but be careful and be home by say 1:00 am ok, no later," said Olivia.

"Thanks, Mom!" said Kim, she and Jason quickly vanished.

"Well, it appears I am at you mercy sir," said Olivia formally with a smile.

Rob felt his pulse quicken at her choice of words as he guided her to his car and let her in, the ride back to her apartment was surprisingly quiet, and he could not imagine what thoughts were going through her head as they pulled in front of her building.

"Well...umm here we are, I guess I should walk you up...just to be safe," said Rob.

Olivia just smiled and got out of the car walking toward her front door as Rob fell in beside her, when she reached her door she unlocked it before turning around looking at Rob with her inscrutable dark eyes.

"Thanks for getting me here safe kind sir," she joked.

"It's been my pleasure to be your escort," Rob joked back.

There was a long pregnant pause between them before Olivia spoke again and when she did her voice had dropped low like she was sharing a secret.

"Would, you like to come inside...for a drink or something?" she asked.

Rob swallowed hard before he answered, "I don't know if that is such a good idea."

"Because you're attracted to me?" said Olivia very bluntly if quietly.

Rob saw no room for deception frankly; it felt better to have it out in the open, "Yes...because of that."

"I'm attracted to you too, from the first second I opened my door and saw you standing there...just like that electricity I talked about" she whispered.

Slowly she moved back toward him, and Rob could feel his heart racing again in his chest as the most beautiful woman he had ever been near walked right up to him until her face filled his vision.

"I'm going to close my eyes now, for say a count of ten, if you can kiss me...and if you don't want to you can leave, and no one will ever know," she said.

As Rob watched, Olivia closed her eyes, the dark eye shadow she was wearing now clearly on display, and he saw her soft pink lips, still a shade or two darker with her lipstick, part as she waited expectantly.

Rob had never been in such a quandary in all his life, every bone in his body was telling him he should run, but another equally strong voice was urging him forward to press his lips to Olivia's. In the end, the urge to taste her soft sweet mouth was just too much she was the most gorgeous thing he had ever seen, and he couldn't make himself walk away whatever the consequences. With a slow, deliberate movement and heedful of the fact that the clock was running, Rob brought his mouth down to Olivia's waiting lips, immediately he heard her give a soft groan in her throat as his lips met hers and the sound pushed him even more as he kissed her with a hungry fire. Her lips were beyond soft, just as sweet and silky smooth as he imagined and they quickly moved to full on making out as they slid their lips across each other's enjoying the touching, the sensation.

Olivia was the one to take it up a notch, slipping her tongue into Rob's mouth and softly Frenching him, running her tongue deliciously across his eliciting a groan from his own throat as he enjoyed the sexy contact. Rob wrapped his arms around Olivia's slender body pulling her tighter to him as the kissing became more frantic his tongue joining hers as they kissed each other and before he knew it they had backed through the open door, which seemed to close on its own. Together they stumbled back toward the far wall before they came up against it, Rob broke the kiss his breath coming in gasps as he kissed Olivia's neck and ran his tongue across the soft flesh. He could feel the beat of her heart in her jugular as her hand pressed the back of his head and heard her soft moans as he kissed her. He ran his hands up her back and found the zipper of her dress near the nape of her neck, with practiced fingers he managed to unhook her dress and quickly ran the zipper down to the small of her back as he continued to kiss the soft flesh of her neck.

Olivia gently pushed Rob back a step, and with a sultry smile dancing on her lips, she moved back toward the hallway. She stood in the half-light from the moon coming in through the window and pulled at the top of her dress. It slid off her shoulders and down toward the floor where she stepped out of it. Rob caught his breath as he stared at Olivia's nearly naked body, she stood in the moonlight wearing just a black bra and matching panties. Even as he tried in vain to get ahold of his racing thoughts, she made him even crazier as she reached behind her and unhooked her bra slowly slipping it from her shoulders.

Beneath, her fair-skinned breasts lay against her skin, and he had never seen a more beautiful pair, round and soft looking about the size of large navel oranges. Capped with large silver dollar sized aureoles of dark rose-colored flesh her breasts also had a pair of perfectly symmetrical nipples, swollen and stiff about as big around as a dime at the center. He looked on in amazement as she reached down, slid her panties to the ground, and rose up so that she was completely naked now, between her legs, she had a light dusting of white-blond hair, and he could just make out her thick dark pink pussy lips glistening slightly with her arousal. She walked toward him until her hard nipples were just inches from his chest and looked up at him.

"Do you like what you see Rob?" she asked quietly.

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