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The Heart Wants


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"Sorry it just slipped out, I can't help it if you're the hottest woman on this beach," said Rob earnestly.

Olivia blushed again even harder than before, "You... mean that don't you, that you think I'm beautiful..."

"Yes, your amazing Olivia...everything about you, seeing you makes my heart beat like thunder, you take my breath away," said Rob his voice growing thick with desire. For a moment he seriously thought about kissing her kids be damned he so wanted to taste those sweet lips again, but Olivia turned away suddenly heading back toward the restrooms and changing areas.

"I'll be back I need to shake the sand out of my suit," she said.

Rob looked out at the kids for a few moments, but he longed to talk in private to Olivia about what had happened between them the night before and where this was going. Finally, he turned and followed her steps in the sand until he reached the bathroom area. The changing areas were split by a simple wooden wall with women on one side and men on the other, to his delight he realized he had timed things perfectly. Olivia had apparently decided to spray off in the shower, and now she stood with her back to the entrance still turning her bikini top in her hands as she readied to put it back on.

"Don't hurry on my account," commented Rob from behind her causing Olivia to jump and turn her perfect breasts bouncing slightly in the air as she did. Rob swallowed hard at the sight of her half naked in front of him, even in the harsh light of day he couldn't find a flaw in her perfect flesh mounds, not a blemish or a freckle just sweet fair skin with her areolas and nipples hardened by the cool shower.

"Rob! You can't be in here, what if someone comes", said Olivia though she could not help but smile at his look. It had been a long time since a man looked at her with such longing and she could not help but enjoy his stare as he slowly started walking toward her making her heart beat pick up, thudding in her chest, and her tits flushed even more as he approached.

"Sorry, I just...I couldn't look away...had to get closer to you...I've wanted to all day...damn Olivia" said Rob and with those words he scooped her half-naked body into his arms and pressed his lips to her creamy soft ones as he had been dying to do. Olivia threw her arms around his neck loving the feel of his strong arms wrapping around her and his firm mouth touching hers. She couldn't believe how fast she was getting turned on, how wet he was making her, faster than any man had in her life and she marveled at what he did to her, how he excited her in ways she never imagined. Even though she knew, it was impossibly dangerous she suddenly wanted him, right now; right here in front of God and everybody a need so profound she could not fight it. Olivia rammed her tongue hot and hard into Rob's mouth as their kiss caught fire and they staggered back against the cool steel lockers. Rob's cock leaped to its full length, and she could feel it pressing against her stomach as they kissed and touched each other. A second later, she fought to stifle a loud moan as Rob broke the kiss to find her right tit and sucked her turgid nipple into his mouth biting with a gentle but rough insistence on her swollen hot pink flesh.

"Ah fuck Rob....ah my darling it feels so fucking good when you bite my nipples like that...FUCK!...God, you're making me so fucking wet...making me want you," gasp Olivia fighting to keep her voice down as Rob manhandled her tits.

Rob suddenly picked her up from the ground as she instinctively wrapped her legs around the small of his back; he carried her to the far corner of the changing room to a table with a mirror running the length behind it that was just out of sight of the door. He sat her back on her legs taking just a moment to suckle her sweet tits some more as Olivia groaned and gasped at the feel of his mouth on her aroused breasts before he finally spun her around pressing her over so that she was grabbing the edge of the table for support.

She felt him sliding her swim-suit bottoms off, and she knew what was coming and though she was scared that they could get caught, she did nothing to stop it. Deep down she knew she couldn't, she wanted Rob worse than before, maybe more than she had ever wanted any man inside her! A second later she felt his hard cock pressing against her soaking wet cunt and with a short hard moan, she felt him enter her, pushing roughly inside her his need driving him to be harsher perhaps than he intended. She didn't care he could have ripped her open if he wanted she was so desperate to have him inside her again. Rob took her hot and hard, the sounds of his thighs slapping against her firm, tight fair-skinned ass cheeks soon filled the changing room. In the mirror Rob was mesmerized by the sight of Olivia's gorgeous tits swinging back and forth as he drove himself into her tight love hole over and over, her blond hairs tickling his balls as he fucked her. Her face was a mask of hot sexy lust, her mouth hanging open, her eyes screwed shut as she gave herself to him pushing back slightly to meet his thrusts as he slammed into her.

"AH GOD YES ROB FUCK ME!...AH FUCK ME, BABY!...GOD, I NEED THIS SO BAD!...NEEDED YOU!" she cried out loud unable to stay quiet as the man she was rapidly falling for took her from behind, made this pussy his, and deep down she knew that fundamental truth was dawning on her. This was the man she wanted, and she never wanted another man to touch again.


It was evident to them both that neither would last long, perhaps a good thing given their current location. It was with almost a sense of relief that Olivia felt her clit harden, the press of Rob's cock against that sensitive button suddenly sending her off her orgasm breaking across her like a wave as she creamed his cock.


She had barely started to come down when she heard Rob begin to gasp and grunt loudly and she knew he was about to let go inside her. Not wanting to make that mistake twice she quickly turned allowing his fat prick slide out of her but dropping to her knees she took hold of his hot slick love gun and jerked it furiously in her palm. She was rewarded for her efforts as a second later Rob's cock exploded in her hand jerking like a live animal as a long stream of jizz flew from the end. The first burst caught her higher than she had intended and some hit her chin but quite a bit went right into her mouth, and she swallowed instinctively letting Rob's cum slide down her throat. The rest she took on her chest his cock pumping wildly in her hand as splashes of his semen fell all over her wet tits covering her in his sticky jizz until he ran down and she let his cock slip from her grip.

"Oh my God Olivia...you sure know how to make me cum..." Rob said with a gasp as he bent partway over trying to catch his breath.

"The feeling is mutual," she said with a laugh as she wiped his cum from her chin, she quietly ran back into the shower to clean her chest of his sticky deposit before she returned to put her suit back on. Finally, they made their way to the door stopping just out of sight.

"That was amazing Rob..." said Olivia.

"I know, just like you," he replied and bent down to kiss her one last time, she accepted his mouth willingly as she slipped one arm behind his head.

Upon the top of the dunes outside Kim stopped walking, she had been making her way to the car to get her cover-up, but something had made her stop and look back toward the beach. From her angle, she could just make out the entrance to the bathrooms, and she froze at what she saw, her Mom and Jason's dad locked in an embrace...kissing each other!

"What the hell!" said Kim.

It was only a short time after they had stopped to drop off Logan and his Dad when Kim could not stand it anymore and she spoke up, Olivia felt her heart sink in her chest as her daughter lashed out at her.

"Just what are you thinking Mom!" she said with some heat.

"I don't understand thinking about what sweetie?" asked Olivia surprised by her daughter's hostile tone.

"I say you, Mom, you and Jason's Dad...kissing...back at the beach and that made me think of the night before when I came home, and you had been in the shower, you only ever take showers at night when you, well when you...Jesus do I have to say it" yelled Kim.

Olivia white-knuckled the steering wheel her mind a whirl as she realized how stupid she had been to think she could hide this from her daughter but she had no idea what to say to her to make it seem right, mainly since it wasn't.

"Kim, sweetie...I...can't explain this, I don't entirely understand it myself, but sometimes we don't control who we have feelings for, sometimes they just come and..." started Olivia.

"But God my boyfriend's Dad! And his freaking married for Christ sake what about that, I would say that's a problem wouldn't you?" said Kim.

"Yes...I can't justify that, I know I slept with a married man, and it's all kinds of wrong. I've just been so lonely for so long, and he and I had such an attraction between us that I couldn't fight it. Your right though its wrong I should have stopped it before it started," said Olivia.

Tears came to her eyes, and she found she couldn't help but sob softly as she drove down the expressway. Kim reached out to take one of her Mother's hands.

"I'm sorry Mom, I know things haven't been easy for you, that you've been lonely, wanted someone in your life, someone to love you...do you, you know...love him?" she asked.

"It's a fair question, I know it seems crazy, a man I just met, a man I barely know but...yes...Yes, sweetie, I love him, I think I fell in love with him the first time I saw him I know that sounds nuts but," said Olivia.

"Does he love you?" asked Kim.

"I don't know, I hope he feels something for me, I think when he looks at me I see something there...yes I think he may love me, but I guess that doesn't matter he is married and nothing I do can change that. I should be the one to walk away before this gets messy for everyone" said Olivia with a sad finality in her voice.

"I am sorry Mom, I know you can't control who you fall for...I wish for your sake it had been someone you could be with" said Kim with sympathy in her tone.

"Me too sweetie...me to" said Olivia forlornly.


It had not been easy for her, ignoring Rob's phone calls and then ultimately confronting him and explaining that whatever they felt for each other could never turn into anything not as long as he was married to someone else. She could see how tortured he was and though he didn't come out and say it she felt that he loved her at least as much as she did him, and that certainly didn't make things any easier. Now to add insult to injury, she had caught some stomach flu she could not seem to shake forcing her to the doctor where she waited patiently for him to return and give her something to settle her stomach down.

"Olivia?" came the voice of her GP as he entered the room.

"Yes, I hope you have something for me this flu is kicking my butt," she said with a weak laugh.

"Yeah about that...sweetie you don't have the flu," said the doctor eyeing his chart.

"I beg your pardon? Then what do I have something worse!" she said.

"Well that's a matter of perspective I guess, we just got your blood work back and...Umm...you're pregnant," he said.

Olivia froze in place, as her doctor's voice seemed to come from miles away, she was pregnant? It made sense she was late for her period though at her age they were sometimes irregular, and she hadn't panicked when hers didn't come for a while. She had noticed lately that her bras weren't fitting right the cups too snug, but it hadn't occurred to her that her breasts were swelling. As the situation slowly dawned on her she took a shuddering breath because there was only one man who could have gotten her in this condition, she hadn't had sex with anyone in over a year, anyone except a certain very married someone, and now she was carrying his child...oh My God!

"I have to go, thank you," she said hastily as she jumped up from the cold examining table and tried to throw on her clothes.

"Umm...well we really should get you an appointment with your OB, to check you over completely and make sure everything is ok, at your age you can't be too careful - pregnancy in women over forty is a dicey thing sometimes" started the doctor.

"Of course...make whatever appointments you think are necessary I will come back, but I have to go now," said Olivia trying very hard not to cry in front of him.

By the time she got to the car she had managed to calm down but she knew she couldn't put this off, she dialed her cell phone carefully, and when Rob answered, she asked him to meet her straight away. She did not say why but he enthusiastically replied he would be right there. She hoped he would still felt the same when she told him the news.

An hour later Rob made his way to the door of Olivia's apartment, he had been surprised by her call but thrilled at the same time. Since the abrupt cessation of their all too brief relationship he had found himself thinking about her often, her pretty face, her gorgeous body, the feel of her soft lips against his, it was damn hard to get her out of his head. Time and again, on those rare occasions when he and his wife had sex he found himself closing his eyes and imagining it was Olivia underneath him, it was her lips against his, her body he was inside. Too many times he had come close to calling her name during sex, and that would have been a real disaster. As he knocked at the very door whose opening had changed his life so abruptly, he still found his breath catching in his throat at the sight of Olivia as she opened the door.

Her platinum curls were pulled back from her face today with a pink ribbon, and he thought she looked a little paler than the last time he had seen her but she still looked gorgeous. This was one of those days when she had gone without makeup, but she didn't need it, her skin was still as flawless as he remembered her unpainted lips the lightest shade of pink looking soft and full. He looked at them, and he was almost overwhelmed by the urge to kiss her, but he held himself in check just barely as he entered. It was a good thing because he was barely through the door when Olivia burst into tears and threw herself into his arms as he held her sobbing body gently stroking her hair.

"Easy Olivia..It's o.k...Whatever it is you can tell me, and we can fix it," Rob soothed.

He guided her to a chair and sat in front of her taking her hand in his as she slowly got her sobs back under control; finally, she was able to speak.

"I have something to ask you, and I need you to be very honest with me Rob...ok.," she said.

"Of course, just ask," he said puzzled.

She took a deep breath, "Do you love me, Rob?"

He looked down at her finely manicured hand clutched in his, as he seemed to take a moment gathering his thoughts Olivia thought sure his hesitation was a bad sign, but then he looked up at her tear-streaked face.

"I've asked myself that question many times over the last two months. I can tell you that I haven't stopped thinking about you for a moment. You haunt my dreams, and I keep coming back to the same conclusion, yes Olivia...I love you, I think I fell in love with you the minute you opened that door for me for the first time." said Rob.

Olivia sniffled and looked away but then back up "That's good...because...oh God Rob...I'm so sorry but, I'm pregnant...I'm going to have our baby..." and she started to cry again even as Rob pulled her from the chair and hugged her shaking body to him.

Rob smoothed her hair as he held her until she slowly ran down again and then he looked into her dark eyes smiling slightly, "Wow...you're pregnant...and you thought I would be mad?"

Olivia nodded, "Yes..."

"Olivia, I have no idea what the future holds for us but the last thing I could ever be is mad at you, and could you imagine how beautiful a baby the two of us could make!" he said with a chuckle.

Olivia laughed back feeling like a million pound weight had slipped from her shoulders, "Oh Rob I so wanted you to say that...that you aren't mad."

As she beamed up at him, Rob felt his heart melt at the sight of her smile, and he leaned down gently bringing his lips to hers. He had meant to give her a sweet loving, supportive kind of kiss but after just a moment Olivia started kissing him harder and harder, her amazingly soft lips pressing to his, her tongue sliding into his mouth as she moved her arms back and slipped off the jacket she was wearing. She let it fall to the floor and frantically started to pull at Rob's shirt pushing him to take it off his body.

"Jesus Olivia..." said Rob as he came up briefly for air.

"Did I mention that being pregnant makes me unbelievably freaking horny and it's been two months and God Rob if I don't have your fucking cock inside me in the next five seconds I'm going to lose my fucking mind," said Olivia her words coming out in a flood. She pushed him back against the far wall pulling his shirt off over his head as she devoured his chest licking and kissing every inch, biting at his nipples and running her tongue across his stomach. She sought his belt with her fingers undoing it and ripping the zipper down on his pants until she had them and his underwear on the floor. She had his cock in her hand a second later, and she quickly buried the fat purple head in her mouth as she groaned at the feel of his thick hard prick against her tongue, loving the taste of him as she bobbed her head on his love pole.

"Oh God Olivia...fuck I forgot how good you suck cock...JESUS!...OLIVIA!...GOD, I LOVE YOU!" he cried.

Olivia immediately leaped to her feet at his words, the words she had been longing to hear for months.

"Repeat it Rob...tell me you love me...say my name...," she begged as she kissed him hard.

"I love you, Olivia...I love you" he repeated as she pulled him tight to her kissing him harder and harder, at last, she stepped back, and to his complete amazement, she ripped her blouse from her body the buttons flying everywhere. Underneath she was not wearing a bra and Rob felt his breath catch in his throat, Olivia's swollen and very pregnant tits, at least a third again bigger than they had been before. The blue veins stood out underneath her fair skin, her nipples and areolas darkened to a blood red while those very same nips were swollen and puffy at least twice their standard size.

"Oh my God Olivia..." started Rob as he stared.

Olivia smiled a wicked lust filled smile as she reached up and grabbed her breasts, squeezing the hard and swollen flesh in her hands, "You like my pregnancy boobs, Rob? Because they are dying to have your mouth on them...I need you to suck and fuck every inch of my body...make me yours Rob...make me yours..."

Rob was on her like a spreading fire lifting her from the ground as he wrapped his lips around one swollen nip pressing the turgid flesh to the roof of his mouth as he sucked it hard. Olivia let out an explosion of breath at the feeling of her sensitive hormone enhanced tit getting lashed by Rob's tongue, and teeth and she moaned and grabbed tight to him as he carried her toward the bedroom.


Rob placed Olivia gently on the bed as he kissed his way down across her chest and ran his tongue along the soft fair skin of her stomach, he carefully undid the cotton belt holding her pants on and as she lifted her hips to aid him pulling both her pants and underwear off in a single move. He was immediately struck by the odor of her soaking wet pussy, and he pressed her legs apart as he lowered his head toward her Venus mound, the white blonde hair of her snatch was matted and wet with her arousal and with a low moan Rob licked the slick outside of Olivia's swollen pussy lips. Her reaction was instant and electric as Rob slid his hot tongue into her well-oiled hole. She could not remember the last time a man had kissed her there and the feel of Rob licking her needy cunt, tasting her juice, sent her back arching off the bed as she grabbed at the back of his head.

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