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The Hedge Pt. 04


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"Yes dear, you are right, I expect that she has had to put up with that attitude from people all her life," Alice replied, "It might be another reason she gets on so well with Redi, she is only two inches taller."

"And treats her like the adult she is!"

"Okay, I get it! I will talk to her in keeping with her age... and try not to trip over her..."

Vicky stared, confused and then laughed, not used to her mother making jokes.

The closer it came to the wedding, the more nervous Vicky became and angry because it was irrational.

By Thursday Alice and Aaron had had enough and after a phone call, made her pack an overnight bag with the things she would need that night and at work the next day and sent her to Sharon. Vicky was shocked and apologised but they were firm and she put her bag in her car before dinner and drove to her former babysitter's house.

Sharon opened the door and saw a very sorry looking girl on the doorstep, she let her in, giving her hugs and kisses then led her through to the lounge where Vicky was surprised to see Ashley sat on the settee. The girl stood up and hugged and kissed her on the lips too but Vicky was in such a state that it didn't register and she just burst into tears and it ended up in a three-way hug.

A minute or so later she recovered herself and tried to explain.

"I've been such asshole at home, I'm nervous about the wedding and am angry with myself for feeling that way and I'm snapping at everyone. Even Alexis could feel it and cries when I try to cuddle her but I didn't know what to do about it" and the tears came again.

"So they sent you to Auntie Sharon to calm you down" and she nodded.

"You always did give the nicest cuddles" Vicky said, grinning at last.

"She certainly does" Ashley added and blushed prettily.

"How would you both like to have my special cuddles" and Ashley winked at Vicky and smiled.

"Oh yes please" the girl said "And can I give cuddles to Vicky too because she is upset?"

"Of course you can Honey, lots of cuddles all round" Sharon said, laughing and Ashley pulled Vicky down to her height, hugged her and they did some serious kissing.

A few minutes later and there were three naked women lying on Sharon's bed with the covers on the floor.

"You shave your pussy too Ashley?" Vicky asked in surprise before she started licking it.

"I like Redi's pretty pussy so I decided to do it too and she showed me how to do it without cutting myself or getting a rash... Oooooo... Redi does that too" she breathed as the woman held her legs back and wide for Vicky to lick her ass.

They swopped positions frequently and Sharon introduced Ashley to 'Buzz'. The girl was nervous but trusting and watched as it was used on Vicky and then pressed on her clit then Sharon scissored her and Vicky placed 'Buzz' between their pussies which gave them both an orgasm.

Finally Ashley carefully pushed the vibrator between her slick pussy lips and into her vagina and let it sit there for a while before she started moving it in and out.

"Is-is this what it's like to be made love to by a man" she asked breathlessly.

"It is very similar but a real cock is warmer and a bit bigger but without the vibrations and far more erotic" Vicky explained.

"Actually Aaron did it with the vibrations as well but that's for advanced lovers, I will tell you all about it one day but not now, this is girls night, until I take Ashley home at nine" Sharon informed her. "Then it's just you, 'Buzz' and me."

Ashley was getting worked up so Sharon moved in close and licked her clit and Vicky sat on her face and felt the small tongue tickle her ass and she cried out, not expecting it from the inexperienced girl.

Just before Ashley started to cum, Sharon sucked hard and pushed a wet finger into her ass, she cried out tightened her cheeks then relaxed and let the finger fuck her deeply and she came hard.

When she had caught her breath she asked why Sharon had done it and wasn't that really dirty.

"Anal sex, when it is carried out properly with the correct preparation is not messy and is different but still very nice." Sharon explained, "I had never even considered it two months ago but now I enjoy it occasionally, either with Roni or with toys, if I had a man like him living with me, I would definitely do it more often. Anyway we can talk about it some other time"

"How are you feeling now Vicky?" Ashley asked with a grin.

"A lot happier now and far more relaxed, especially if I had a nice little tongue in my hot wet pussy."

"Doctor Sharon, the treatment is working."

"Well done Nurse Ashley, please start to administer the second dose."

"With pleasure Doctor" and she dived between the laughing Vicky's thighs and licked while 'Doctor' Sharon lifted the nurse up to her knees and gave her the same treatment from behind, while inserting 'Buzz' into her own wet pussy.

They finished the session in a triangle, each licking, sucking and probing the next pussy and ass until they all came again, then just cuddled, kissed and talked to each other while they recovered.

"This has been great fun but unfortunately I have to go home" Ashley said sadly, "But I would love to do it again sometime."

"You will be most welcome Nurse Ashley and we'll have to think up a pet name for you too" Vicky exclaimed, giving her another cuddle and a final kiss, then Sharon and Ashley dressed.

"We haven't eaten so I'll get some fish and chips for supper and for the sexy nurse too, my treat" Sharon said as they went out the door.

Twenty minutes later she returned with supper, Vicky was wearing a dressing gown and had laid the dining table with cutlery, two large glasses of red wine and had two plates warming in the oven. They sat and ate, discussing a pet name for Ashley and came up with one they both liked with ash in it, Sasha.

They also talked about the possible danger to her when Baxter was finally released from prison and if there was anything they as a family, could do about it.

"We can keep in contact by mobile phone on speed dial and maybe use a code if she is in trouble" Sharon said.

"Maybe just her name but shortened to Ash, no one would think of that because it's her name" Vicky replied.

"That sounds like a good idea, I'll run it all by her at work tomorrow, now let's clear this table and get back to what we were doing earlier."

"Is that doctor's orders, Doctor?"

"It certainly is young lady, scoot!"

They made love again, this time gently and after going to the bathroom, they settled down to sleep. In the morning, both got up as Vicky had to leave earlier than Sharon for work, when she had gone, Sharon took a lazy bath and reviewed the evening's entertainment and was very pleased.

Ashley had been told of Vicky's problem and had happily agreed to act out the doctor and nurse scenario to cure their ailing patient. In reality it was Sharon's co-worker who was the patient and Vicky was the nurse and between the two of them, they were working to rehabilitate Ashley back into a normal girl.

A girl who's emotions would accept a man as a friend and maybe lover as well as women. She hoped that it would be Aaron as he was such a gentle and experienced lover but it didn't matter if it was another man, as long as he was vetted by the family first.

Before they went to sleep, she had told Vicky to treat the wedding as though it was something that they were going to buy together, they would talk with the salesman (the registrar), who would explain what would be required to buy each other, they would sign forms, pay for the process and receive a receipt (the marriage certificate).

The girl had laughed at her but when she thought about it, she could see the analogy and accepted it.

"Hopefully we will not be putting in for a refund" she said laughing.

Vicky returned home after work with a much happier outlook and explained about Sharon's analogy. Alice was impressed at how calm her daughter was compared to when she arrived home from work the day before and hugged and kissed her happily.

"How did you two get on having the house to yourselves plus Alexis?" Vicky asked.

"As you're going to be monopolising him for a while from Saturday, I dragged him to bed and had him screw me in as many positions as I could manage. I lost count of how many times I came from his cock, my vibrator and the 'Plus One.' He came three times before I let him go to sleep and he didn't even stir when Alexis cried to be fed at three am" Alice said laughing.

"It's just as well that I know that he will still be able to do an excellent performance after the wedding and there might be a little bonus for you on Saturday night, a little Ashley bonus."

"Ahh... a new threesome, now that's something to look forward to Honey"

"It's not guaranteed yet but she accepted me with no problems, Redi has taught her very well and she loves it all, including 'Buzz' in her pussy and a finger in her tight little ass."

When Aaron came home, Vicky hugged and kissed him happily and he was pleased to have his sexy fiancé back to normality. At dinner time Alice reminded them,

"This is not a conventional family but your wedding is, so you get to sleep on your own tonight, young man" Alice stated, "Besides I think you both need the rest after last night's exploits."

"And yours too I-cee" he said chuckling.

The wedding was at eleven am the following morning, Sharon and Ashley arrived at the house at nine and were greeted by the rest of the family. Ashley even kissed Alice and Aaron on the lips which took them slightly by surprise.

They had drinks and prepared lunch which would be a simple salad, with a selection of cooked meats and cheeses with crusty bread and butter plus slices of Vicky's favourite Lemon Drizzle cake that her mother had baked the day before.

They dressed at ten to leave twenty minutes later with Alice driving the bride and groom plus Alexis in the C-Max and Sharon would follow with Ashley. Vicky was slightly nervous again but continued to treat it as a purchase and relaxed.

The service went well and even the baby was quiet and once they were outside again there were plenty of photographs taken, with a couple of all of them together, taken by the next groom who had arrived early for his wedding. They returned to the house and changed back into more comfortable clothes before they ate lunch.

Later they all went for a walk at Alice's pace of course, which was slowly increasing and she made it up the 'hill' to the front door without stopping and Aaron kissed her. They spent the rest of the afternoon sitting in the lounge and talking and getting to know Ashley and of course everyone knew about her and Sharon and now Vicky too.

"Come on Redi and you too Ashley, show us how you're getting on with the Katas, there's plenty of room here" Vicky asked.

"I'll go first because she's better than me" Sharon said, taking her shoes off.

She stretched a few times and then did the punch and block Kata, followed by the two new ones and when she finished everyone applauded.

"Thank you, although it was not that good."

"Actually Redi, it was very good, taking all things into consideration, keep up the good work. It is difficult to snap out those punches and kicks and make the routine flow so I am quite impressed, well done" Arron told her and she blushed and smiled.

Ashley now stood up and stretched, then started doing the same three Katas. She was only half Sharon's age, a lot smaller and quicker, although not as strong. She completed the first and second katas and started on the third but when she did the turn near the end, her foot didn't and she lost her balance and fell with a cry, landing on her back. Aaron and Vicky were with her in a flash.

"Do not move Ashley" he said firmly, "I'll check the ankle first, make an ice pack please Icky!"

He looked at it from all sides then gently held her foot and felt the ankle, asking her where it hurt, moving it gently.

"It's not too bad, just a sharp tweak, my back feels a bit sore but that's not much, I think it was mostly the fall... I think" she said.

"Carefully turn over so I can check if anything is obviously out of alignment, if you don't mind me touching you that is?"

"You are a friend Aaron, I trust all of you so go ahead" she replied and carefully rolled over.

She was wearing a baggy, woollen jumper which he pulled up to her shoulders and looked along her spine for any deformities. Vicky arrived with the ice pack, a bag of frozen peas in a tea-towel and tied it around her ankle, holding it steady.

"Tell me if anywhere I touch is painful Ashley."


He put his hand on her bare back and she flinched, he ran his fingers slowly down both sides of her spine and then moved outwards and down to her waistband and a third time down her ribs. Each flinch was less, although still noticeable to his fingers.

"I don't think you've done any serious damage, try to get up onto your hands and knees?"

She did so and groaned a little.

"It just feels a bit sore all over."

"I think you might have strained a few muscles in your back, I have some muscle cream upstairs, would you like one of the girls to rub it on you, its not a smelly one" he added laughing.

"Okay Aaron" she said and lay back down again.

He went upstairs to fetch the cream.

"Who do you want to do it Ashley, although he gives the best massages, much better than us, if you could stand having a man do that to you?" Alice told her carefully.

"I-I... he has already had his hands all over my back and sides, he was very gentle and if he is as good as you say I will trust him to do it."

"Call it emotional therapy as well as physical, Nurse Ashley" Vicky said, laughing.

Aaron came down with the tube of muscle cream and was told that she wanted him to do it.

"Are you sure Ashley?"

"They tell me that you are the best at massages, this will be a bit like a massage but in front of witnesses, so go for it."

"I will have to unclip your bra to keep the cream off of it."


He knelt next to her and unclipped her bra folding the ends out of the way. He squeezed some of the cream onto his palm and warmed it before gently working it onto her back from shoulder to waist, the opposite side to where he was kneeling. He moved around to the other side and repeated the process, then finally straddling her legs and sliding a hand on each side from bottom to top and back.

"How does that feel Ashley?"

"Mmmm... very nice... I mean it feels quite good now... oh!"

"You better keep quiet girl before we think you enjoyed that" laughed Sharon and the girl blushed deeply.

He pulled the jumper down and she slowly got up to her knees again and reached back to re-clip her bra.

"Sit in the armchair and I'll do the same for your ankle."

Vicky helped her into the chair, the girl pulled up the leg of her ski pants and he worked the cream into her ankle and foot. When he had finished he flexed the ankle to see if she had any pain but it seemed that she didn't. Aaron went back upstairs to put the cream away and to wash his hands.

"How was that Ashley?" Sharon asked.

"I was a bit nervous but he was very gentle, his hands were so warm and I felt so..."

"Horny?" Vicky offered.

"Hmm, I... I was surprised that it felt so nice" she replied blushing again.

She put her foot down and applied a little weight on it and it seemed okay, Aaron returned and she thanked him for his services.

"No problem Ashley" he replied, smiling.


The table at the restaurant was booked for seven so they started to get ready to go out at five forty-five. Ashley's ankle felt a little tender, as did her back but she managed to get up the stairs to her bedroom to get changed and apply a little make-up (she rarely wore any at all). The slight swelling had gone down with the help of the ice pack so she could wear her nice shoes instead of her trainers.

They had a very pleasant meal with a bottle of wine between the women (Aaron drove, so he would have one later). Back at the house Aaron carried Vicky over the threshold, then she put music on the old stereo while Aaron supplied them with drinks, although Alice only had a small glass of wine and they danced.

Alice said that she couldn't do that yet and maybe never but Aaron said 'rubbish' and insisted, lifting her up off the settee so that she was standing on his feet and she laughed as he danced her around the room.

"Maybe I could do that on my sore ankle" Ashley said and giggled.

Sharon tried it with her and it worked quite well, then Vicky took a turn with her and casually passed the happy girl to her new husband. He waltzed her around slowly and even did a spin which made her laugh and dizzy before he carried her back to an armchair and lowered her into it.

She pulled his head down and whispered in his ear.

"Thank you Aaron for all that you have done for me today and before." Then she kissed him gently on the lips for a few seconds.

"You can put my husband down now Missy!" Vicky said firmly and Ashley was surprised. "Because I danced with you like that so I want a kiss too." she said grinning.

Aaron stood back and made room for his new wife to kiss the girl.

"And it was my idea in the first place so hurry up Icky" and Sharon took her turn kissing Ashley.

When she finished kissing the girl she looked at her and said quietly, that leaves one more" and she nodded and stood up and hopped over to the settee and sat on Alice's lap.

"I believe that I owe you something for setting these three on me, Ms... sorry Alice."

"You are a very noticeable young lady, Ashley, although I didn't know your history at the time but I had a vaguely similar situation with Redi, as you probably already know. It's true that I did set them on her but with the best intensions and was hoping we could help you too, after she explained to me about your link to Baxter."

"And now I have four new friends, where before I had some acquaintances... thank you" and she moved in close and kissed her gently and was hugged close.

Sharon refilled all their glasses (except Alice's) and made a toast,

"To the bride and groom... and to all of us... friends."

"The bride and groom" three said, "And friends" from all of them, then Alexis woke up and demanded food and they laughed at the timing.

Alice fed her, then Aaron changed her and took her to bed before coming back downstairs and joining the party, dancing with his wife and Sharon too. They decided to go to bed at eleven although none of them had to get up early.

The bride and groom went first followed by Alice as soon as the bathroom was clear, Sharon and Ashley brought up the rear after the lights were turned off kissing and giggling in the dark. Alice, lying in bed in the dark, was a little disappointed to be on her own but was happy for Sharon to be sleeping with young Ashley.

There was a knock on her door and it opened and Sharon stepped in.

"I thought you would be sleeping with Ashley" she asked as the naked woman slid into bed with her.

"I am" she laughed as the naked girl slipped in and closed the door behind her and walked around and slid in the other side of Alice and kissed her.

"Thank you Ashley, you can call me I-cee from now on and thank you too Redi, now turn on the light so I can feast my eyes on this beautiful creature to start with."

There were muffled groans and cries from both bedrooms for the next couple of hours and much laughter before they finally went to sleep. Sharon picked up Alexis for her three am feed and Ashley lay there and watched. There was more love making by all of them in the morning before the baby's morning feed and a late breakfast.

Alice was still doing her daily physio exercises which Sharon helped with, Ashley's back felt fine and her ankle only gave her a little discomfort. Aaron and Vicky went for a run, while the others went for a slow walk to the shops and back.

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