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The House


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I let out a cry when it hit me, then screamed, my walls tightening around his cock when I came. "Oh, fuck, yes please!" I begged, lost to the world with his words and his demanding cock.

He grunted, going still. "You fucking bitch! You don't come until I say you can! You do as I say and NOTHING else! Never! You are mine and you obey me absolutely!" he yelled in my face, starting to thrust violently again.

I only whimpered, gripping his arms and losing myself to him again.

"You're mine, say it!"


"No, say it! You're mine!"

"I'm yours! I'm your whore! I'm yours to punish and use!"

"Mine to use for whatever I want! You adore me, you love me! Say it! You're mine and you love me!"

"I love you," I panted, shaking my head. "I'm going to come!"

"No! No, you don't get to come until I do, bitch! Don't you fucking dare!"

I cried out, shaking my head. "Please! Please, I can't stop it! You have to stop! Oh god please!" I wailed, tears streaming down my face as I came again.

He growled, ramming in hard and holding himself there. I felt him coming, pouring into me as his cock throbbed and he let out another growl. "Mmm, my fucking whore," he hissed. "I'll punish you for that! I told you no!"

"I'm sorry," I cried, trying to catch my breath and clear my head. "I'll do better!"

"Fucking right you will! You will worship me, bitch!"

"I will!" I promised, still lost to the euphoria, blissed out.

He eased out of me and stood up. "I should make you lick my cock clean. If you could fucking stand, I would.

The fog began clearing and anger welled up. I started to say something, then realized I couldn't. Not yet. If I still denied him, he would strap me to that machine and never let me go. He wasn't going to take no for an answer, no matter what. Instead of laying into him, I sat up and pulled him into the bed and snuggled into him.

"That was perfect, Dash, thank you. I love that you're willing to step out of your comfort zone for sex! That was amazing! That's what I've been wanting, someone to take complete control in bed," I sighed. "Mmm, now I could just snuggle for hours! I wish I could call off all my appointments later and stay right here."

"You'll stay if I tell you to stay."

"Nnn, no baby. I only like that in bed. I like you as you are out of bed. You're exactly what I've been looking for out of bed. Now you're the perfect mix," I told him happily, then turned and kissed his shoulder. "Mmmm, holy cow that was amazing! Promise we can do that again later in my bed?"

"Of course," he spoke gently, rubbing my arm and hugging lightly.

"We need malts or something before we go get things done, I always need chocolate after amazing sex!"

He chuckled and I got up and pulled my pants on and he fixed his own. Grabbing his hand, I eagerly led him to the door, happily swinging our hands and smiling. He grabbed his tools and opened his truck door for me, but as soon as he got in, I scooted all the way over and snuggled up to him, holding his arm and straddling the gear shift. He grinned down at me, his eyes shining and took us to a little hamburger joint that had malts. I chattered away happily, telling him more details about my plans and including him now, saying 'we' instead of 'I'. Every time I looked at him, he had an incredibly pleased and smug smile on his face, like he really thought a session of amazing sex would make raping me ok. It would change my mind about him completely.



We finally made it back to my house and I was acting giddy with excitement as I jumped out of the car. "Grab your tools and I'm going to take a quick shower so we can play more when your done!" I called, laughing and hurrying inside.

He was grinning as he went to get his tools from the bed of his truck.

I went in and slammed the lock shut, then pulled my phone out. I dialed Derrick first as I watched the door. Before he answered, I called out to the house, "That man is not allowed in here!" As soon as Derrick answered, I hissed at him because Dash was halfway up the walk. "Get over here now and get your fucking friend or I'm having him arrested. He just RAPED me!"

"What? Shit! I'm on my way!" he yelled as he heard Dash at the door.

"Sunny! The door locked behind you! Unlock it real quick. Sunny?"

"The police are on their way, you rapist asshole! Get the fuck off my property now!"

"Sunny?!? You loved it! Don't do this, we were so happy! YOU were so happy!"

"I faked it, you dickhead! I knew you'd fucking kidnap me if I said no! Get off my property! The police are on their way!"

"Damnit, Sunny! This is ridiculous! I thought you understood that we're perfect for each other! I changed everything for you! I'm willing to change more, to whatever you need!"

"Leave! Now! You rapist piece of shit! You're about to be arrested!"

"The fuck I will, those are my friends coming! Open this fucking door so we can talk!"


"Sunny, I will break this fucking window if you don't unlock it!"

"Go ahead! I have a knife and I'll stab your arm the second you reach in!"

"Stop being a bitch and let me in! You're being a fucking bitch! I don't like these hard to get games, I won't play them!"

"They aren't games! I DON'T want anything to do with you! I'm getting a restraining order and pressing charges!"

"The FUCK you will! You were willing, you were into it! You said you loved me and you were begging for more! Open this door and I'll do it again baby! Take you back to heaven!"

"Get off my property!"

"FUCK YOU! Fuck this bullshit!" he raged, punching through the glass panel on the door and reaching in to unlock the door.

Screaming, I ran up the stairs and turned when I was most the way up.

Dash was at the door, looking at the open doorway like he was confused.

"What the fuck, Sunny?" he asked, pressing his hand to the open doorway. It stopped at the door jamb, and he pushed harder and harder, leaning against nothing.

Simon. Simon was stopping him from coming in.

I went back down to the door and stood in front of him, and as soon as I got close, I felt an arm move around my shoulder, holding me back against a body.

"Thank you, Simon," I told him softly as Dash pushed against the invisible barrier everywhere.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Dash asked, banging on the barrier now.

"You aren't coming in, Dash. He won't let you."

"He who?"

"Simon. The ghost who lives here, who protects me. He's the one who stopped those men, not me. He saved me then, he's saving me now. You will never get in this house again."

"That's insane! You are certifiable, Sunny!"

"YOU'RE insane! You think it's ok to rape a girl and harrass her!" I yelled as Derrick came screeching up in a patrol car. There was another cop car right behind him, lights flashing.

"What the fuck, Sunny, you really called the cops?" he snarled, turning around to face them.

"Dash, get the fuck off the porch!" Derrick yelled as the other two officers got out of their vehicles and approached quickly.

"Jenkins, Buford, this isn't a real issue, she's just mad and being dramatic!" Dash called out.

"Not this time, asshole!" the female cop answered angrily. "Step down from the porch, hands up, turn around, lace your fingers behind your head and get on your knees!"

"Jenkins, let me talk to him," Derrick called to her.

"Fuck that, Gilliland! I'm not doing this again!"

"You have no idea what's going on!" Dash yelled. "I've done nothing wrong!"

"You just RAPED me and tried to break my door down when I wouldn't let you in! You shattered my window with your fist!"

"Our sex was consensual! You begged me for more and told me you loved me!"

"I was FAKING it so you wouldn't kidnap me and strap me to your fucking cage under your bed! You pinned me down, I begged you to stop, I demanded you stop and you didn't listen! When I ran in here and locked the door, you tried to break it down!"

Derrick let out a breath and his face said it all. "Dash, turn around and on your knees. Lace your hand, man."

"Bullshit, Derrick!" Dash yelled petulantly. "She's just playing games!"

"NOW, asshole or I tase you and get you with resisting too!" Jenkins yelled, moving closer and pointing her taser at Dash.

"This is a mistake!" Dash snarled, turning and getting on his knees, lacing his fingers.

Derrick moved up and started cuffing him, scowling at me as he did.

"You need to go get a rape kit done," Jenkins called to me. "Get his DNA and get him dead to rights."

"Read him his rights," I scowled back at Derrick. I wasn't letting him get off on a technicality like Derrick was trying to arrange.

Derrick pursed his lips and glared murder at me.

"Step off, Gilliand, you're too close to this. Go wait in your car," Buford called. "Jenkins, arrest him."

She did it gladly, stepping up and reading him his rights as Dash looked at me forlornly. "Sunny, I love you. I love you more than anything, don't do this, please! You're ruining everything! We're so perfect together! Derrick! Derrick, she is crazy! She really is! She tried to tell me she has a ghost protecting her! She's really lost it! She NEEDS to be taken care of!"

"Man, shut up, you KNOW anything you say from here out can be put in the report. Just stay quiet and wait for your fucking lawyer. Jesus fucking christ, Dash," Derrick scolded.

Jenkins turned to me. "We'll need your statement and I need you to get a rape kit right away. We need to prosecute him."

I nodded, confused. I had only called Derrick, not the police. I was glad they came, though, Derrick didn't seem like he was eager to actually help me.

"I'm serious, all of you! Try and go into her house, she has some sort of weird barrier! She has some clear plexiglass or something up!"

"So what if she does? It's her fucking house, man!" Buford yelled, helping Dash up and leading him to the car.

"Dash, shut the fuck up!" Derrick snarled. "Buford, put him in my car, I'll take him in."

"No," Jenkins spat angrily. "We are taking him in! We don't need you coaching him through what to say and do."

"Sunny! Don't do this!" Dash yelled, anguish in his voice. "I love you! I can make you happy! You said you LIKED force and rough handling!"

"DASH! Shut the fuck up!" Derrick yelled. Derrick turned back to me. "Fuck you for giving him hope and stringing him along!"

"I told him the very first night it wasn't going to happen. You were there, you heard me. So fuck YOU for enabling him and blaming the victim." I turned to Jenkins. "He has a torture device under his bed, a rack he straps girls to. He strapped me to it and left me on it all day with the machine on."

"What the fuck?" Jenkins blanched.

"That's not for torture! He built it to make girls feel good!" Derrick yelled.

"Let me strap you to it and turn it on and see how fast you beg to be taken off of it. I was sobbing, I could hardly move for an entire day. It's a torture device!" I yelled, stepping closer to the door.

Simon pulled me closer against him, putting both arms around my shoulders comfortingly. I reached up with my hands and held his arms, then was surprised I COULD hold on to his arms. I was also surprised that I could tell he wasn't very tall, his jaw was even with my temple.

"Can you give me a statement now?" Jenkins asked me.

"Of course, would you like to come in and sit down? Watch the glass."

Jenkins followed me in and sat down as Buford was arguing with Derrick to leave. Simon sat next to me and slid his hand into mine and it was incredibly comforting. When I looked down, I could see the slightest image of a hand holding mine, along with a wrist and part of a sleeve. At first I thought I was imagining it, but as I looked, I could SEE details. I knew I was really seeing it.

"Ma'am?" Jenkins asked loudly.

"Yes?" I answered quickly, looking up at her in alarm.

"I asked you to start from the beginning?"

"Of course," I breathed, then told her everything. From the night where I'd found the body when it started, to him shattering my window a bit ago to break in a second before they had arrived.

Jenkins looked pissed as she scribbled away, but said nothing until I was done. "I need you to go to the hospital and get a rape kit done right away. Do you have a vehicle?"

"I have a motorcycle."

"I can have a car come and take you."

"It's fine, it's not as cold out as it has been. I can take myself."

"I'll call you in so they know you're coming."

"Thank you, really," I told her as I walked her out. "It looked for a moment like nothing was going to be done the way Derrick was talking."

"No problem. I'll be in touch."

After she left, I taped cardboard over the broken window and cleaned up the glass as I called Riley and Kevin. Both were excited to hear from me and asked if they could come over now to start moving in. I told them I would call them when I was on my way home from my errands and they could come then, but they would have to help move furniture. The entire time I was doing things, Simon would stroke my hair or rub my arm gently, letting me know he was close.

Before I left to go to the hospital, I stopped at the door and looked around. "Thank you, again," I told Simon. His hand touched my face. "I'll be back in a little bit."

It was a little too cold to ride there, but I hadn't wanted to be at the mercy of another cop and feel like I owed them anything. The rape kit didn't take long at all, thought I wasn't sure why I was expecting it would. The nurse came in after to ask me questions. "We're all done and we'll get it processed quickly. They said your ex-boyfriend?"

"No! No, it was a cop who had a crush and was a little insistent."

She looked at me then, a flat look. "Officer Decklan?" she asked angrily.

"Yeah? You know him?"

She snorted. "You're the fifth girl to come in for him. Who knows how many haven't. He NEVER gets prosecuted, the girls always drop charges. Always. I'm told his cop friends harass her and give her hell until she drops charges. The cover for him every single time. Only good thing is after they call the cops, he leaves them alone after. Smug, self righteous assholes, all of them."

I looked down at my hands, feeling a little sick. I wasn't going to let him get away with it no matter what they did to me!

I texted both men and was on my way home feeling much better at the thought of having people there if he came back. And I was happy Dash was arrested and gone, though I did still wonder how the other car had even known since I had only called Derrick. I would have to ask. I hoped Jenkins putting her foot down got him prosecuted this time.

Both men were there and waiting when I pulled up, talking on the porch and Riley at least was bouncing on his toes. I had to laugh a little and I was still grinning as I let them in.

As soon as I was inside, hands caught my shoulders and Simon kissed my cheek gently. I smiled, but said nothing as I followed the men to the living room. "The furniture is all in that room, piled and stacked up," I told them. "Riley, I haven't started cleaning out the attic, so temporarily you'll be in another room until it gets done."

"We can start tomorrow!" Riley told me excitedly. "It's our day off and we have D&D!"

"Oh... well that will have to be in here then since the other room is still full of furniture. Since y'all want to help, I'll wave the prorated rent for this month and just mark down however many hours you work. If you want to put things in the other rooms as well, anything from the attic can be put in the parlor as well. I might use a lot of the furniture down here to make it look more turn of the century and cool."

"We can do that!" Riley grinned happily. "And no problem on waiting, it's cool. I'm just stoked to actually be here!"

I left them to it, not overly worried about them moving things. In half an hour, Riley came into the living room where I was curled up against Simon and on my computer.

"Hey, would it be ok if we had everyone come early to help a little?"

"Sure. This is your home now too, you can have guests. Just, you know, no loud parties and take care of it like it's a home."

"Awesome! Thanks!" he called excitedly, running out of the room and calling out to Kevin.

In half an hour, they had several people in there helping them move things and Riley was already moving things down from the attic. At this rate, they were going to have it all done today!

I smiled, caught up in their excitement and laid my head on Simon's chest as he wrapped his arms around me. "What is it about you that makes me feel so safe and tranquil?" I asked him softly. "Not afraid at all?"

My laptop lit up and a word document opened.

'U own house'

"What does that mean, I own the house? That makes it so I'm not scared shitless that you're a ghost?"

'House is me'

"You're the house? Like, you're a part of it?"


"Why were you in that fridge?"

'Bound there. Could not get out. Put there to be bound so I could not talk to family.'

"Oh... your mother? Is that why she dug you up and put you in there?"

'Step father'

"You're step father did?"


"So how did the fridge bind you?"

'sealed. witch. curse. locked."

"I see... witches are a real thing?"


I hugged his arms to my chest and let out a sigh of contentment. "So why do I feel so comfortable with you?"


"Was it you the other night in bed with me, when I was sure I was imagining being touched?"

'perhaps? depends on if you enjoyed or not.'

I laughed and shook my head. "Of course I did, it was nice."

"Umm, who ya talking to?" Riley asked from the doorway, his eyes on my phone facedown on the table.

"No one," I breathed guiltily, sitting up. "What's up?"

"Nothing, just letting you know it's almost time for D&D. Those that aren't already here will be getting here soon and the others will be heading out. We're done with the rooms, just working on the attic now. Umm... my things are in the car and I am checked out of the hotel... it is cool to stay tonight, right?"

"Yes, absolutely. I'll go to the other room."

"We put that old desk and the chair in the office. Hey... thanks. Really. You've been super cool about this."

"Thanks. I'm going to make dinner, you guys hungry? There's pop in the fridge too, or bottled water. Or I can make coffee."

"Oh, yeah... starved!"

Smiling, I went to the kitchen and spur of the moment decided to also make a few goodies as well, on top of extra spaghetti for any guests.

The 5 men and 2 women gaped as I brought out plates and garlic bread.

"Holy cow, you didn't have to do this!" Riley cried.

"I wanted to," I shrugged. "I like cooking."

"Wow, thanks, ma'am," one of the girls told me as I handed her a plate.

"Sunny, please."

"Thanks Sunny," several of them offered.

"I could freaking hug you!" Kevin laughed.

"Drinks are in the kitchen, if you want them you can grab them yourselves."

It was a little nice to have people to cook for and get my mind off of things. I put the cobbler in the oven, then went to the office with the new old desk and looked at the stacks of old books that had been put on the shelves. As I looked, I got more and more excited. There were DOZENS of first editions! A hundred even! This was amazing! Were there any more books upstairs? I was absolutely giddy!

I was excited, but I knew I couldn't go up there and figure it out tonight. Tomorrow during daylight hours. Instead, I went to the desk and opened the rolltop desk to see what sort of shape it was in. It was empty and in very decent shape. I liked the little cubbies and drawers and my laptop fit on it just fine. The old chair was a little short and with me also being short, I was going to have to find a new one.

As I was sitting there with my knees folded under me, Simon took hold of my face with both hands and turned me, then I felt his lips on mine. Blushing, I smiled as I got a brief image of him in front of me. "What was that for?" I asked.


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