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The Hypnotist Ch. 01

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Love and sex in corporate America.
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Here he was with a PhD in psychology and a medical degree less the medical internship and residencies from a top university augmenting his university salary by working the summer sales meeting circuit as the entertainment event. He rationalized that the money wasn’t bad, he got to visit high end resort locations that he probably couldn’t afford and there was at least a modicum of research value.

He was a hypnotist and a damned good one. There was science to what he did; it was far more than cheap parlor tricks or chicanery. After the first few gigs he’d become far less of an academic and more the showman. That’s what audiences expected; they wanted to be entertained.

He’d explain the science---briefly---at the beginning of the show. He’d ask for volunteers and have them sit in a semi-circle on stage. He had an evaluative routine he had developed to weed out those who simply couldn’t be hypnotized. That part always bored the audience to tears but it was a necessary component. There’d always be a couple of jokers who, desirous of attention, would attempt to fake it and pretend to be susceptible. He’d gotten very good at weeding them out too.

He always tried to explain the facts: (1) not everyone can be hypnotized; (2) no one can be hypnotized who doesn’t want to be; (3) under hypnosis no one can be compelled to do something they don’t want to do or something which violates their ingrained moral code; (4) under hypnosis, ones true character is impossible to hide; (5) the ability to be easily hypnotized is not a weakness---far from it---it can enable a person to efficiently control their own life and actions and (6) those who are susceptible and are successfully hypnotized become more susceptible with each additional episode in the future.

Tonight had been a good night. A tall, well assembled, strikingly pretty blond who didn’t think she could sing stood up at the mike and sang a popular country song as if she’d studied singing for years. A young manager who had the look and moves of a weasel acted like the money grubbing, greedy, sneaky rodent he really was on the inside. Most of the people in the audience probably weren’t very surprised at his behavior---they just got to see it unmasked in all of its glory on stage.

Another woman, some sort of relatively senior manager with, he was certain, a reputation for being no nonsense and humorless entertained the crowd for several minutes with a series of sharply executed and borderline bawdy jokes. One guy got up and did a very respectable tap dance routine. Another reverted to toddler talk.

By the end of the show many in the audience were convinced that it was far more than a stage trick. He would always be invited to join the group at the bar; as those who had been successfully “put under” swore up and down that they had no been faking, the skeptics fell by the wayside. Most who had been hypnotized had only hazy recollections of what they had done.

The very pretty girl whose singing prowess would have put Tammy or Loretta to shame had been one of the most susceptible subjects he had ever encountered. He was pleased when she sought him out at one of the many free bars. He was pretty certain that her response to post hypnotic suggestion would be profound.

Using his knowledge and gift inappropriately was not his shtick. It was a gift, for no matter how much you studied hypnosis, not everyone could “make it happen”. He was a good looking guy who usually had no problem finding attractive bed companions. Taking advantage of someone by lowering their inhibitions through hypnosis was immoral, unethical and just plain wrong.

He was pretty sure that he could bed down this sweetheart based on his own merits but fooling around at one of these meetings with the participants had a way of coming back to bite you in the ass. She pulled out a cigarette from a green box in her purse. He struck a match from a book conveniently placed at the back of the bar and lit it for her.

“Do you enjoy smoking or do you want to quit?”

“Enjoy…and want to quit. Actually, there are about four or five cigs a day that I genuinely enjoy. Certainly I find the one after a meal, the first one of the day and the one after…other activities very pleasant. The problem is, I can’t stop there and end up smoking a couple of packs a day---or more---out of habit. It kills my endurance---my wind.”

“Okay…let’s see. A little bit of a challenge since as susceptible as I believe you are to post hypnotic suggestion, getting you to quit would be very easy. I’ve done it hundreds of times. Getting you to the point wherein you only smoke the cigarettes you really enjoy is a bit more challenging. Do you want to try?”

“Do you work out of a clinic somewhere? I don’t recall where you said you were from but…”

“No, that’s not what I had in mind and no, I’m essentially a college professor and researcher, not a clinician with a storefront. If you want to try, we can do it here.”

“Is this where you invite me back to your room for a private session?” She said with some combination of flirtation and taunting skepticism.

“Well, admittedly there are a lot of distractions here which we can work through but it probably won’t work if someone walks up and interrupts us during the process.”

“How long would it take?”

“With you, probably not more than a couple of minutes. I noticed a bank of reasonably roomy phone booths off the lobby. I doubt that anyone is using them right now as the liquor is beginning to flow. They have glass doors so your virtue would not be at risk.”

“Okay…what the heck? Why not?”

In a couple of minutes the two of them were sequestered in what was not quite as roomy a phone booth for two as he had anticipated. He could feel the warmth of her well appointed young body. Her feminine essence invaded his senses. His cock stirred; thanks to his extensive training and experience he was able to stop the trend and free his mind of carnal thoughts.

Thanks to her previous hypnotic state during the stage show it took less than half a minute to put her in a suggestive state. It took another three or four minutes to lay the foundation for the rather specific post hypnotic suggestion. When he brought her back to reality, she spoke.

“So, how long is this going to take again?”

“We’re done.”

“You’re kidding me! I don’t remember anything.”

“Let’s go back to the bar, put your box of Shermans™ in front of you and see how it’s working.”

Half an hour later, the adorable blond with the picture perfect figure had not reached for a cigarette once.

“You’re not consciously trying to resist reaching for a smoke, are you?”

“No, not at all.”

“Okay, let’s try something.” he said, taking one of her premium smokes and lighting up.

“You smoke? I would think you’d be able to…”

“Self hypnosis? Sure. It’s actually easier than hypnotizing someone else. I can teach you that technique. I’m like you; I enjoy four or five smokes in a day but don’t smoke them every day. At that level the risk factors are virtually zero. Most habitual smokers really crave a cigarette when some nearby lights up. How about you?”

“Nope. But you’re right. Normally as soon as you lit up I’d be reaching for one.”

“Okay---good. One caveat: I can’t hypnotize your body not to feel the effects of nicotine withdrawal. Fortunately most of the effects wear off in twenty-four hours and after seventy-two hours you’re pretty much home free. I’d suggest you take some aspirin or whatever for the next day or so to prevent the typical dull headaches and moderate the liquor and caffeine---and drink lots of water.”

Looking around to ensure that no one seemed to be eyeballing them, the pretty young lady gave him a quick kiss on the mouth. Quick, yes, but warm, moist and inviting.

“Did you make me do that?”

“Not on your life! I don’t play those kind of games…unethical, immoral…cheating. You did that on your own. In any event, thank you. That was very sweet.”

“Are you married?”

“Never had the pleasure---you?”

“I came damn close once but he wanted a stay at home frau and wasn’t quite ready for that. Someday, of course. How old are you?”


“Three weeks shy of thirty. Tell me…you said I was very easy to hypnotize…isn’t that really a weakness?”

“Only if you don’t realize it. Once you realize it and understand it, you can use it to your advantage---the self hypnosis that I was speaking about earlier. Very strong willed, ‘in charge’ controlling personalities are almost impossible to hypnotize and those types of people probably view those who can be hypnotized easily as inferior. In fact the opposite is true. Look what you just accomplished! You can use post hypnotic suggestion to accomplish almost anything assuming your body is physically capable. Athletes who visualize a winning event---all the great golfers do it---are in fact engaging in self hypnosis but the physical ability to make a perfect shot still has to be there. What sports do you enjoy?”

“I like to ski…I play in a semipro women soccer league…and I play golf---more for business than anything else.”

“So you would consider yourself reasonably athletic, physically fit and in possession of a degree of prowess in the sports you enjoy?”

“Sure. I’ve always been a bit of a jock. Golf often frustrates me---probably because I don’t really love it.”

“Okay, let me give you some techniques you can use to help you hypnotize yourself.”

“Do we need to go back to the phone booth?”

“I think we can do it right here.”

Within ten minutes she had successfully absorbed a series of exercises that would enable her to hypnotize herself.

“What about fears…inhibitions?”

“Fear of flying, fear of heights, fear of crowds---assuming we’re not talking some sort of clinical psychosis---sure.”

“Fear of commitment?”A joke…but not really?

“That can be very difficult one that doesn’t generally respond well to hypnosis.”

“What about inhibitions? I know I treading on delicate ground here but you come off as a decent, ethical guy…I mean…”

“Sexual issues?”

“Uh, huh.”

“Within reason---but then we get back to that ingrained moral code issue. I can’t make someone who finds…let’s see…S&M activities completely repugnant suddenly dress up in skin tight leather and grab some whips and chains. I’ve done some research into using hypnosis to deal with mild sexual dysfunction. It usually involves a subject, often female, who has had one or more unpleasant or even painful sexual experiences---date rape, for example and has lost the ability to enjoy a loving sexual encounter. Sometimes the trauma is simply too deeply ingrained. In those cases, hypnosis is no substitute for psychotherapy.

“Often with younger subjects---those with limited sexual experience ---and those who have been bombarded with so much pop psychology dealing with sexual expectations or performance---getting them to simply relax and free their mind of all the garbage can be very effective.”

“You see patients?”

“A portion of my responsibility to the university includes working part time in a clinical setting generally involving students and university employees. I’m probably more the pure academic and researcher but the clinical experience is very valuable as part of my research.”

“So, you don’t see…private patients?”

“I’ve done some work for the courts---pro bono---but no, no private practice past the occasional friend of a friend or family member.”

She reached into her small clutch and retrieved her business card. “Do college professors have business cards?”

“Sure.” he replied, retrieving one from his wallet.

She perused it, then spoke. “The Ohio State University™?”

“Not where I went to school but my employer for the last three years. And you are from…Dayton?”

“Small world…not an hour away. I’m not from there---I just work there…Iowa originally then Indiana for college---Notre Dame. Probably will end up moving again within a year, assuming I get promoted. You go by…”

“Eric. Eric Jarrell. And you…”

“Janice---never Jan. Janice Bodner.”

“Pleased to met you Janice.”

“The pleasure is all mine, Eric. I hate to be a party pooper, but I’ve got to kick off the closing presentation in the morning so I need to hit the sack. I hope this isn’t inappropriate but…if I should have some difficulty with the mental exercises you gave me---may I call you?”

“Absolutely! Hell, we’re almost neighbors. I’d love to hear from you.”

She perused him thoughtfully. “You can count on it, then.”

They shook hands; he watched the soft sway of her hips approvingly as she departed. He was certain that if she did not call him, he would call her. He knew he wanted to see her again…maybe more?

Eric endured a short string of nearly inebriated revelers who wanted to talk about his show or their experiences. Just as he was preparing to finish drink and head for his room, the somewhat taciturn senior female manager who had done the standup routine under hypnosis sidled up to him and took the adjoining bar stool.

She was a very attractive woman with a prominent bust line and a little more swell to her posterior than Janice Bodner had displayed. His medical training kicked in as he observed the almost imperceptible but telltale sins of very high-end facial plastic surgery. She’d had her eyes, jaw line and lips done---of that he was sure. He wondered about the boobies and the butt. In any event the facial work was not excessive and certainly first rate. He didn’t know all of the ins and outs of female fashion but judged her attire to be of the same high quality as her facial augmentations. She was probably something past forty but could easily pass for middle thirties.
They made small talk. She asked the usual questions about his “craft”. She told him how much the group had enjoyed the show and how surprised she was at how well it had been received. She wondered if hypnosis could be used to help young sales reps get over their initial fear of selling and “asking” for the business. He indicated that he thought it would and that it would be an interesting experiment from a research perspective.

She was the corporate vice president of sales and marketing. She indicated that she had an ample budget for sales training and expressed her disappointment at the return on investment of most of their current sales training programs. He reminded her that not everyone could be hypnotized and that attempting to teach a sales person to hypnotize his or her way into a sale was not realistic. She was okay with that. She was in fact a professional in her own right simply interested in getting new sales reps through their often traumatic first few months in the field. Her name was Diane Simmons.

“I’ve got a new rep training meeting coming up in a few weeks. Hopefully we can compare calendars and get you in for a day to work with our people. How’s that sound?”

“Sure. I don’t have my schedule on me---it’s in my suitcase. It would be helpful for me to have the chance to do some one-on-one follow up to discern if my work really has the desired effect.”

“Eric, we routinely pay sales consultants a grand a day or more---plus expenses. We’d arrange to have one of the corporate jets transport you---hell from where you are to Chicago is under and hour. I apologize for being little Miss all business here, but I’d really like to nail this down. How about if you go back to your room and grab your Daytimer™ and meet me in my suite so we can close this deal?”

“Right now?”

“No time like the present. Give me twenty minutes---I’ve been in this damn outfit all day and I’d like to grab a quick shower and get into something comfortable. I’ll bet you’d like to change too.”

“Okay…why not?”

“We’re on the same floor---the concierge level---so your key card will get you there. I’m in room 2322.”

“Let me see…2324? It would appear that we are neighbors of a sort.”

“I’ll give you a ring when I’m ready.” Diane indicated, and with that the two of them exited the bar. Dianne got waylaid by some other senior type so Eric headed upstairs alone. After a quick shower he changed into the classic polo and shorts of the resort casual set and sat down to wait for her call. She didn’t call; she pounded on the door separating their two rooms. He unlocked his side.

Something more comfortable? Well, certainly the obviously expensive short silk robe looked very comfortable. It provided an alluring glimpse of her ample cleavage and quite remarkable long, tanned legs. She exuded the fresh scent of her recent shower with just a hint of very expensive perfume. The smile was less forced---not as plastic---than the business visage he ha observed before. When she turned to indicate that he should sit on the sofa, her astounding rump was perfectly displayed as the thin silk fabric clung alluringly to her rear. Natural or augmented, it was a damn near perfect specimen.

She offered him a drink; she had evidently just uncorked a premium red that had to go for a C note from room service. He accepted the offer, remarking on the excellent libation. She sat down next to him and offered a toast to, “a wining business relationship”. The silk robe fell open at the thigh; if she was wearing panties under there he sure as hell couldn’t see any trace of ‘em.

It didn’t take ten minutes to conduct their business which included both of them signing a standard contractor agreement and the provision of an advance check for three thousand dollars. He excused himself to return to his own room and put his calendar back in his suitcase. When he returned a minute later he was certain that she had adjusted the robe to improve the view. He could clearly see the areola of her left breast and the hint of blond public hair at the juncture of her perfectly shaped thighs.

He was pretty sure that she wasn’t a natural blond but whoever did her hair color was a master.Did he or she also touch up the other hair? It was the moment of truth. Excuse himself, feign fatigue and keep things on a purely business basis? Fuck it. She wanted to get laid; so did he. Something told him it would be good. No woman spent that kind of time and money to look good just for the hell of it. Should he make the first move? Well in all actuality she had already made several first moves. There’s no way I‘m misreading this, still…don’t want to fuck up the business piece.

He needn’t have worried; her hand deftly released the silk sash at her waist. The boobies had been augmented, of that he was now positive but it was as good a job a he’d ever seen. Her perfectly trimmed pussy was quite artfully displayed. Her hand was in his lap deftly releasing his belt and zipper. She leaned in and kissed him aggressively…probing urgently…forcing her tongue inside his mouth. He didn’t choose to resist the oral exploration. One of his hands found her firm posterior and explored her cleft. She moaned appreciatively.

Diane slid down between his legs, sliding the robe completely off of her shoulders as she did so. Pulling Eric’s shorts down over his legs she proceeded to work her warm lips and darting tongue up the inside of his thigh, tantalizing and teasing him with her mouth. Softly sucking one of his balls into her wet mouth while a hand softly stroked his full erection she groaned appreciatively at his more than adequate girth and length.

Pulling his bulbous cock head inside her mouth and flicking her tongue around the tip, she gently cupped his balls and allowed her long fingers to stray back along his perineum. She was such as tease…with each downward motion taking a little more of his rigid organ inside her oral cavity until ultimately he felt her hot breath tickle his pubic mound enticingly. Slowly at first…languorous…so deep…deeper than any other woman he could recall. He drifted…allowing the exquisite sensations to permeate his entire being…aware as her pace increased…aroused as much by the feeling as he was by her own arousal as her breathing became more rapid and her soft moans more pronounced.Let it sneak up on you…never anticipate…always better that way…YESSSSSS!

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