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The Inheritance


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The only thing I could do, save surgically having my finger removed and reattached, was to twist the ring around, to hide the gem and make it less obvious.

But I saw no point.

Mom had already seen me wear it, and had not commented on it at all, so clearly she didn't mind, and I wasn't going to be seeing anyone else, until I had had a chance to read the journal, doing my best to abide by the instructions even if after the fact.

Using my dads office for this felt right, so a few minutes later, I was comfortable in his chair, going through his stuff, until I found a letter opener with enough of an edge on it to slice through the seals without too much trouble.

Opening the journal, a shiver went through me.

Son, when you read this, I am dead.

It is possible I have not had time to explain to you the legacy of our family.

If you read this, I know you also have my ring and the box.

It may be hard for you to believe what I am about to tell, but as it is my last will that you read it carefully and abide by the instructions, I know you will do so. I have raised you right, and I am proud of you.

First of all I need to tell you that the ring is a powerful magic item, the gem found in a fallen star, and carved into many pieces, each piece used for jewelry.

You need to be aware, that anyone who wears a piece of that gem will be irresistibly drawn to the one who wears the ring.

In the box are many such trinkets. Through the years I have bought up every piece I could find, and in the back of this journal is a list of what leads I have for remaining pieces.

Also there is a list of people I have arranged to have such a trinket.

People in power, people with information. People I needed to have influence over to guard and to grow our fortune.

Your fortune now.

Before putting on the ring, you must make sure your mother does not wear her engagement ring. It is one of the trinkets on the list.

Next, you must be aware that once put on, the ring will not want to be removed.

You must practice control, until you can will the ring to let go and let itself be removed.

Do this in seclusion.

It is important to establish control over the ring, before using its power, as its influence grows with use. If suitably tamed, it will always obey, so this is very important.

Other than influencing those who wear one of the trinkets, it also enhances your vitality. You will find your strength and endurance growing, as well as your other male characteristics. Do not be alarmed by the amounts your will be able to ejaculate.

It has been speculated that the gem was the heart of an incubus, but nobody knows for sure.

Once you have tamed the ring, you can begin to influence those who wear trinkets.

The more physical contact you have, the more intimate contact you have, the more they will crave your touch, the more they will want to obey and please you.

It can be hard to resist using that power, if you let it grow too fast, so always move slowly, or it may become far too obvious to others that you have an unnatural influence.

Keep a low profile, there are others out there that know magic is real.

There are those that would take away our family treasure for their own purposes.

Finally, the middle pages are covered with what may at first appear as gibberish. It is the code I made you learn when you were twelve. It is a list of files and passwords of other things you need to know.

The next pages were various notes on exercises to do to better establish control of the ring.

Okay, on one hand I definitely believed that the ring was magic.

What had been going on lately fit too well.

Even though I knew now that mom and I had been influenced by the gems, I found I didn't care. I was happy with the way it was.

Maybe it was for the best that the ring had slipped on my finger when it did.

The box had dozens of very nice looking pieces of jewelry, all gold and with a single red gem.

Sure, I would have to master the ring. But maybe I could test out a few trinkets first.

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AnonymousAnonymous21 days ago

You lost me when he told someone to "cum/come", & the author didn't specify which female was responding.

THAT could be a BIG problem in the future!!!

Puppy_HandlerPuppy_Handlerabout 1 month ago

I concur, this story needs a sequel!

InbreedFantasy4UInbreedFantasy4U2 months ago

This one needs a sequel. At least one more chapter, if didn't want to make this story long enough to make an harem because it has that potential, with only one more chapter just focused on the mother would be perfect.

Durken82Durken822 months ago

We need sequels. There was a half-sister mentioned, plus Oxana, the fitness instructor. Does his mom have sisters? So much potential in sequels.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Great story! Thank you for sharing!

mlrsdpicmmlrsdpicm3 months ago

Okay great start! Now it's been two years and no more of this story finish what you start. I see you are still writing so complete it. Don't be one of those writer that does not complete stories it is an enjoyable read.

Durken82Durken824 months ago

This was a great story. I am greatly looking forward to future chapters.

I am going to check your other works, to see if they sate my appetite this story has opened.

Daddydodaddy78Daddydodaddy786 months ago

Please don’t leave us hanging this is a great story

shadrachtshadracht6 months ago

Really interesting storyline. Shame it hasn't been continued yet. Parts of it felt a little rushed or undersupported. For example, a half sister was mentioned in passing and never again. Also, what made his mom decide to wear her ring? 4*

RDJohnsonRDJohnson7 months agoAuthor

I probably WILL continue this story at some point.

I already have about half a chapter made, actually.

Sadly, it ended up taking the story in a direction I did not want, so once I pick up that particular pen again, most of it will likely get trash canned.

For now, my Patreon supporters seem to want me to focus on Oaths to Keep, so that's what's up next.

But rest assured that I do plan on picking this story up again at some point.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

PLEASE come back and write more of this story

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

LOVED this story. I have high hopes of seeing more of it in the future. Please keep writing on this ,want to hear more of Oxana nd more on his sister who was only briefly mentioned.

pappyboyingtonpappyboyington7 months ago

Helloooo pls more. 😄

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Very well written really nicely balanced am going to read more by this author, please another instalment👍

MardracMardrac7 months ago

Need many many more chapters

Ravey19Ravey197 months ago

Was hoping for another instalment. Good starting point with many options open.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I just discovered this author and love this writing! I found this story really enjoyable. I plan to read the rest of the stories here and hope more are on the way.

P_DoggP_Dogg9 months ago

Second time reading this story and still hoping for another chapter.

toxic87toxic879 months ago

really good story! hope you are working on several more parts :)

Jack506Jack50610 months ago

I see you have been publishing as recently as a few months ago. It would be nice if you continued this story, as you have an excellent beginning, and there are far too many unfinished stories. It is quite disappointing to the readers to buy into characters only to be left hanging.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Hey can you share the link to that other story?

rbloch66rbloch6610 months ago

I read a story similar to this that was written quite a while ago. I remember it being finished, this one clearly is not.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

It was good at the start, but I lost interest. It's all about one character that gets whatever he wants, any time he wants, to whoever he wants. It's boring. Sex, more sex, more sex. There's no storyline. Everybody does for "me" It's an overboard ego trip. Two stars at best.

daltonzdaltonz11 months ago

This is the first fantasy story that has kept my attention and got me off, I look forward to more

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

One star for not finishing the story. Hate these unfinished stories. Literotica really needs a category for unfinished work. That way we don't waste time reading stories even the authors do not care about.

Aussie1951Aussie195112 months ago
Good start

Great story so far, it clear how this story is going to go though. Interesting too see who his father has pick to wear the other trinkets and how many of his kids his mother is going to have especially after pumping her full of sperm and unprotected ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

FL_Gentleman54FL_Gentleman54about 1 year ago

Love it! Please continue with the story.

Brandon11Brandon11about 1 year ago

Love this story and hope you make it a series. I would love reading how he took control of the maid, trainer and sister.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

my cock got really hard it's a BIG 5 FROM ME, yes i loved your story,

PyjamamanPyjamamanabout 1 year ago

Waiting for the second part!

P_DoggP_Doggabout 1 year ago

Great story, a second part would be fantastic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


shinikageshinikageabout 1 year ago

Great story, cant wait to read any sequel.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Please post the next part. I'm confident you can and hope you will.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


MormonJackMormonJackabout 1 year ago

Fun, creative, very hot! Thank you! I certainly look forward to more chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

When willyoube writing more I love this

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This is a great start!! I really hope that you do more chapters as it does have so many Possibilities!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great start to this story. Hope to see part two soon.

mharrisonmharrisonabout 1 year ago

Really enjoyed this. Hope you get to continue now you're back writing once more....

Many thanks for sharing with us all.

Gym52Gym52over 1 year ago

A great starting chapter, you have set the scene, now you need to progress with the story, if and/or when you continue please arrange for you manuscript to be proofread, also please make use of a dictionary as you have used words that have slightly different spelling but vastly different meanings.

Please consider continuing this work.

TxHoss060TxHoss060over 1 year ago

Please continue... love it so many possibilities

pappyboyingtonpappyboyingtonover 1 year ago

i love this story very much.

please continue.

we would all be happy.

greetings from Germany

Sex4lf57Sex4lf57over 1 year ago

It's been more than a year since this author published anything so I don't know if we'll ever see what happens with the ring. Too bad. The story was hot!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

As for one comment who is disgusted on the ass play. I think it's the last bastion of virginity of the mother that can he give to her son.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Was drawn to the concept of inheriting his mom but then turned off by him doing her in the ass like that. Just don't get the fascination for rectal intercourse especially in a mother son fantasy. By definition, the taboo physical sexual attraction is connected to the pussy as the place of his birth. The feel, taste and scent of her pussy should be his aim and hope not plugging her in the sh*tter painfully like in some prison rape scene. If the son is secretly an ass bandit then to each his own. But, the story is tagged with the wrong category.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I believe you could make this story go so much further to the enjoyment of all your readers - me included !!!

LobowraithLobowraithover 1 year ago

Would like it if you continue it

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Decent story, for a copy (all but the last page). Very poor wording, decent punctuation (need to find an adequate proof reader).

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Awesome would to read more, does he give one to the maid or a twinkie


Such 'coincidence' that he wears the ring BEFORE he sees the instructions and other items; only hope he is strong enough to control the ring properly and not be corrupted by it!

And, I agree with the other comments...WHERE IS THE SEQUEL to this tale? You have set a base, now build upon it, please!

Five**5**Stars, for a truly fine work!

MakehandpartyMakehandpartyalmost 2 years ago

Man there is a whole lot more that could happen with this story! A half-sister, the maid the trainer, rich & powerful, other magic users. You could go anywhere with this. Please carry on and write more of this story. I love it.

Jutah3995Jutah3995almost 2 years ago

This is definitely a great read and I hope you continue it onward. Thank you..5🌟

TalimosinTalimosinabout 2 years ago

Definitely want more of this story, great scenes and enjoyable plot, keep it coming please.

tinfoilhattinfoilhatabout 2 years ago

This is brilliant. How can it not be continued? If the author reads comments...PLEASE extend this story.

devildog0302devildog0302about 2 years ago
Looking for more…

A good read that needs to be continued. You’ve already introduced two potential sexual partners, use them. Also, who’s on his father’s list of important or influential people? That will give you an unknown number of either short term or long term players. Instead of using his mother multiple times a day, let the maid start taking her turn, also the personal trainer. Maybe a female lawyer or paralegal with his law firm. Actresses, politicians, business leaders, former teachers are all potentially interesting.

P_DoggP_Doggabout 2 years ago

Looking forward to more of this great story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This a suspense,pls.what happen to the sister,trainer and the maid or others I will likt to know


ker63469ker63469about 2 years ago

Loved it. Please continue y

daves_not_heredaves_not_hereabout 2 years ago

OMG! What a place to stop! Please write more?

5 *'s!


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Sorry for your recent troubles.I hope all is well with you. Please when you are able again finish this story it feels important. Looking forward to more.!!!!!

RDJohnsonRDJohnsonover 2 years agoAuthor

Dear readers,

There will most definitely be more parts.

I have been stuck on various real life obstacles, but now those seem to be coming to an end.

So finally I will be able to once again pick up the pen, and get back to work on this and other stories I have rattling around inside my head.

armytom1958armytom1958over 2 years ago

Enjoying It. Hope it will continue. So many stories here just end. I hope this will not be one of them. Thanks for sharing. Tom

sirgrunt99sirgrunt99over 2 years ago

please say there going to be more chapter

postoak2020postoak2020over 2 years ago

Fun read

Looking forward to the next chapter

lovedefactolovedefactoover 2 years ago

You laid out a perfect first chapter. Can we have more?


Please, tell me (us) that there WILL BE a second chapter, and more...this is such an excellent start to what can be an excellent series.

Ryan has to be have to control him...have him control the ring!! And expand his circle of influence, as his dad tells him to!

Five Stars!! And will continue to get them from me, if this is the quality you turn out!!

seekermeseekermeover 2 years ago

Please make more parts.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


Rancher46Rancher46over 2 years ago

Wonderful story, I hope the author continues it. 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Awesome story, please continue.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Will there be more?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story. Please continue!

GodOfThunder7GodOfThunder7over 2 years ago

I am hoping for a sequel! Loved it!

JTassJTassover 2 years ago

Excellent story! I hope you decide to continue.

Archimedes59Archimedes59over 2 years ago

Ready for more. Thanks.

JeryarbJeryarbover 2 years ago

Great story . Well written and interest grabbing as well as very sexy. Can't wait to read the next chapter

Dream59Dream59over 2 years ago

I thought this was a great story and well written, though proofreading would be of help. 5 stars.

Rhoan1921Rhoan1921over 2 years ago

I have just discovered your writing and am very much enjoying it. I share others thoughts when I say I hope that you write more soon,

Aussie1951Aussie1951over 2 years ago

Great story so far. I wander if he eventually fucks his stepsister and the maids, can’t wait for the chapters. Don’t makes us wait too long ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Don’t listen to the negative comments. I was the one who suggested you do a mother son story and I have to say I am not disappointed. You did well and I hope you will write more chapters of this story. Would love to see him take control of the maid and make her watch as he does his mom.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

More mother mind-control in front of locals👻

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Next please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

So he likes to hurt his mother by fucking her ass like a homo, eugh. A real man is crazy about pussy! A good son would devour his mommy’s pussy until she cums so hard she squirts and pisses herself. Anal play is okay but after lots of licking and sucking. A son infatuated by his mother would be prioritising ways of working his fat tongue into his mommy’s tasty cunt that he’s been fantasising about for years. Your story has potential.

Also not a fan of mom/son r’ships involving fucking around with others. Don’t make him fuck other women please. Mothers and sons are precious and the intimacy between them is sacred. Their bodies should be for one another only. Her sons seed was made for her, and rightfully belongs to her only! And if course, his mothers body is his and she fully belongs to him.

JobewonJobewonover 2 years ago

Would love to read more of this story line. I hope you have the inspiration to write more. Thank you!

Robinius1Robinius1over 2 years ago

I should have seen it coming. Magic. Of course there would be a magic ring. Silly of me to have wasted my time reading the repetitive oral sex descriptions, all because of a magic ring. Maybe I'm just an old man and these stories are for young people - not too young of course, but I find them boring.

WhitewaterbumWhitewaterbumover 2 years ago

A very interesting story. However you could have. describe the sexual interaction of mom/son in two or two half pages. Not getting to the journal’s info to page 5 is to hard to hold readers want to finish the story

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