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The Innocent Bride

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A sheltered young woman finds herself wed to a stranger.
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Silicia lay trembling in the dark tent. She had no idea when the men would disband and her terror would begin. Three days ago she had been safe and sound in her bed with her sisters when her mother had come and taken her, her few belongings, and placed them into a cart, kissing her daughter and wishing her peace. Silicia would never see her family again. Today she had been married off to a stranger in a strange land and now awaited his completion of the contract.

She had known it was a possibility, but somehow never believed her father would do it to her. It happened among her people with some frequency. A traveling trader or craftsman would come through their village and contract for an unmarried woman to take as his wife, or sometimes for a son or nephew, and she would disappear, never to be seen again.

After travelling in a small, covered cart for more than a day, Silicia had heard the sounds of village life filter through the rough canvas walls. Not long after, two women had roughly pulled her from the cart and rushed her into a women's tent where they proceeded to scrub her from tip to toe, then bathe her in scented oils and torture her hair into a tight knot on top of her head. They gowned her in a fitted robe that never would have been allowed in her own village, veiled her face and head so that she could only see the vague outlines of things, then paraded her to a gathering of men where they left her seated on a stool raised up on some kind of small stage.

The men then came and gawked at her, pointing and commenting in a language similar to her own, but just enough different that she only understood part of what they were saying. It seemed they were discussing her merits as a wife, whether she would breed well, how enjoyable owning her might be, and, as the night drew late and the men became drunk, what her attributes in the bedroom might be. Silicia was horrified by all of this, but terrified to move, to try to escape. No one touched her at least.

When the room finally became quiet and Silicia was practically sliding from the stool in exhaustion, someone led her out of the men's tent and back to the women who disrobed her and placed her on a mat in their midst. There she was watched constantly up until this morning when she was robed in a flowing red gown and veil and taken to another gathering of men where she was married. She was never asked a thing, never spoke a word, never saw her husband. Now she lay waiting for him to commit the act her mother and aunt had told her about just a few months earlier.

She shivered, even though the night was warm, the tent stuffy. Her mother had tried to soften the blow of learning what would be expected of her as a wife, while her aunt had been full of dire warnings. While mother had come to love father, and found their joinings not entirely unpleasant, Aunt Rashon found the act abhorrent. Silicia thought her mother soon regretted letting her aunt join them for that talk, when her aunt insisted on explaining just how painful the first time was, and how men enjoyed it so much, they attempted to make it painful always. Mother disagreed, but her gentle manner prevented her arguing with her sister.

Silicia would soon form her own opinion. The sounds of merriment were decreasing, and she shivered again in trepidation. The tent was dark but for one small lamp on the hook near the door. Silicia wished there was somewhere to hide, but the tent was bare except for that one lamp and the animal skins on which she lay. She had not even been given anything but a single length of sheer fabric with which to cover her body.

Men were approaching. Their voices were low, the tone joking. A deep rumble came from just outside the door, saying thanks, and wishing the others peace. After a pause, the flap raised and a bear of a man entered quickly, snuffing the lantern as he passed.

Silicia held her breath as he appeared to remove his outer robes in the darkness. She found herself scooting up the skins, pressing back against the canvas wall. The man suddenly sat at the end of the skin bed.

"Wife?" he asked, voice deep and low, with perhaps just a hint of insecurity.

Silicia didn't know what to do. If he reached out a hand, he would find her, cringing up the bed. "Yes," she squeaked out in a tiny voice.

"I am Matteo," he replied, more confident, but still quiet, barely more than a growl.

She didn't speak. He would know her name already, and she really had nothing to say to him.

Matteo moved toward her, and she cringed. He must have felt her movement, because he stopped, lowering his reaching hand to his side.

"I do not mean you harm, wife. I wish only to hold your hand, with your permission," he explained.

Before she knew what she was saying, Silicia responded, "I do not think that is the only thing required this night."

She bit her tongue the moment it was said. Such a bold thing had never before crossed her lips to any male. She would not be surprised if he struck her for it.

After a moment of silence, a deep rumbling laugh emanated from the man. "Aye, you are right there, my wife. But I do not feel the need to rush you. I thought we could take some time to become acquainted. Would you come a little closer?"

Silicia moved a few inches closer. "Why did you extinguish the light?"

"I thought you might be more comfortable in the dark. Would you prefer it back on?"

Silicia was surprised he had been concerned with her comfort. "Yes please. I would like to see with whom it is I speak," she felt silly speaking so formally, but she wanted to be understood, and her dialect was enough different from his that it made her nervous, changing her speech patterns.

He laughed again, but lit the lantern and placed it near the head of the bed. She looked at him as he went about this little task, noticing his solid build, dark hair and skin, and tall stature.

"Is that more to your liking?" he asked, smiling at her.

She gasped! He was very handsome, smiling, eyes glittering in the lantern light. He waited, and she remembered he had asked her a question.

"Yes. Thank you...Matteo," she said his name shyly. She had never spoken to a man outside her family before, and never referred to one by his first name.

"You are quite beautiful, Silicia," he said, reaching his hand out toward hers.

She let him lay his hand over hers, then lift her hand and wrap his around it. His hand was so large and warm. She felt a tingle at the base of her neck.

He was still smiling at her, and she didn't know what to say or do. She had not expected to sit and talk with her new husband, and had no clue how to talk to a man.

"I am sorry my father purchased you so abruptly from your family. I had asked that he approach your family for an engagement, but he did not wish to return in a month to collect you, preferring to bring you here immediately."

"You asked for me specifically? But how did you even know of me?" Silicia asked, confused.

"I saw you, just briefly, a year ago when I travelled through your village with my father. I have thought of you often since. You were chasing a toddler who had wandered away from the women. You caught the child up in your arms, both of you giggling with delight. I couldn't help but hope to hear that laughter again."

Silicia did not remember the time in particular, and was very surprised it had made an impression on the man before her. She smiled shyly and looked away.

"Please don't turn away from me, Silicia. I don't mean to make you self-conscious." He reached out his free hand and touched her face, turning her chin to bring her eyes back to his. He held her there, then releasing her hand, he leaned forward and brushed his lips against hers very lightly.

The feeling was shocking. Silicia could smell wood fire and musk, and her lips tingled as her neck had earlier. She sucked in a breath, which seemed to embolden him. Matteo leaned in, moving the hand on her chin around to the back of her head, lacing his fingers into her hair hanging free down her back. His lips made firm contact with hers, and he moved them against her in a way she could never have imagined. Her own lips answered his. She felt his tongue slide along her lower lip, and as she gasped again, his tongue to slid into her mouth.

She jerked back, but his hand held her tight to him. His tongue dipped into her mouth, touching her tongue, her palate, and running across her gums. The sensation was amazing. She tentatively touched her tongue to his, and he rubbed his along hers in a dance that set her nerves on fire. A small moan escaped her throat, and his groan answered it as he wrapped his arm around her, drawing her into his lap.

He released her lips after another minute, running kisses up her jaw line and stopping to nibble her ear lobe. He pulled back, running his hand through her hair.

"So beautiful!" he breathed.

She found herself panting for breath, and he smiled at her, this time with a hint of wolfish delight in his eyes. She gasped again as he lowered his head and licked up her neck, from collar bone to chin, then kissed her more deeply than before. She found her tongue answering his, stroke for stroke.

She felt Matteo start to remove the sheer fabric she had around her torso and over her shoulder. She reached to stop him, but he gently removed her hand and proceeded to unwrap her only clothing. When he had her naked, he stroked her shoulder, down her arm, lifting her hand to his own shoulder, then stroked back up her arm and down her side. She shuddered as his fingers drifted past her breast, causing him to smile again. When his hand reached her hip, it went behind her, and leaning in toward her, he guided her back onto the skins.

He kissed her again, settling his body along her left side, and his hand stroked up from her hip, across her stomach, and came to rest lightly cupping her breast.

She stiffened at so intimate a touch, but his response was to increase the battle of his tongue against hers, distracting her. When she relaxed, he stroked the breast in his hand, twirling his fingers around it in circles, closing in on her nipple which he brushed lightly with his thumb.

Her back arched of its own accord, and suddenly his mouth was on the nipple, licking it, sucking gently, kissing the tip, then licking again. Silicia found herself pressing into his mouth, her hand somehow tangled in his hair, holding him to her breast as a mother holds a newborn, little moans slipping from her throat.

She had no idea what these feelings were she was experiencing. Her mother and aunt didn't tell her any of this, and she had no point of reference. Matteo seemed to be enjoying suckling at her breast, and he smiled wickedly when she arched and moaned.

"My wife likes my touch," he whispered, still licking her nipple, but running his hand down her side, down her leg, then back up the inside of her thigh.

Her hips flexed into his hand. The tingling he caused with every touch was concentrating between her legs. She had seen the mating of the family's goats, understood the basic mechanics of her duty as wife, but never expected to feel such intense sensations at the hands of her husband.

Matteo pulled away from her, standing, and she worried she had done something wrong, shaming herself. She reached for the fabric that had covered her, but Matteo moved it out of reach as he untied his own robe in one quick motion and let it slip to the ground.

He was stunning! Silicia took in his broad shoulders and muscular chest, then his rippled abdomen, and standing proudly against that abdomen was a shaft that sent shivers of fear and expectation through her body.

Matteo smiled that wicked grin again. "Do you like what you see, little wife? This is for you, and you alone, my sweet one." He moved beside her again, that stiff rod pressed into her thigh.

He suckled at her other breast while his hand caressed her side, her leg, finally coming to rest on the mound of curls between her legs. She stiffened again. He pulled away from her breast to look into her face. She turned away, feeling shame for her body's behavior.

"Look at me, wife."

She turned and looked into his eyes filled with tenderness and determination.

"Do not look away. It is my greatest happiness that your body responds to my touch. Do not be ashamed. That I can pleasure you is my greatest reward."

He kissed her gently as he pressed his hand into her center, parting her lower lips and stroking softly into her depths.

"You are nearly ready for me, but I want you to feel the pleasures that await you without the fear of pain that women bring to this night. Relax, my little one, and let me introduce you to sensations you have never had before."

With that he began to stroke her womanhood in feather-light brushes, slowly increasing his pressure as her body reacted. Silicia couldn't break her gaze into his eyes, and found her hips had begun to writhe and press into his hand. The feelings he was causing pulled moans from deep in her chest, and her eyes rolled back as her body arched and waves of ecstasy crashed over her again and again. His movements gentled as he purred into her neck, licking and kissing her.

"That is what our joining can feel like, my love. I want that for you," he whispered in her ear.

"I want that, Matteo. Show me," she answered, turning to press her body against his hardness.

With a grin, her husband moved down her body. "Not quite yet, my love."

Suddenly scared again, Silicia pulled her legs together and tried to scoot away.

"Come, Silicia, don't hide from me now. You have nothing to feel shame about. Your body is perfect, your reactions my joy. I want to bring you pleasure as no one else can," Matteo responded, again cupping her mound and exerting gentle pressure.

Silicia moaned softly as her body thrummed in time with his tender motions.

He licked her nipple, drawing it into his mouth to slip sensually in and out, stretching her nipple out to a hard peak and causing electric charges to run from breast to groin.

He moved to the other nipple, sucking it deeply into his mouth and laving it between tongue and palate.

Silicia moaned and pressed her heated groin into his hand, "Matteo! My body screams for you."

With a wicked laugh he responded, "Let's see if your mouth will scream for me as well."

He kissed and licked his way down her abdomen, causing her skin to jump, the muscles beneath twitching with tension. He removed his hand from her mound and positioned himself between her legs.

Silicia looked down at him, his grin sly, and felt suddenly exposed as well as excited. This stranger, her husband, was looking into her most private parts, plotting the most pleasurable torture for her. Her entire body shuddered as he blew across her wet pussy, and goose bumps that had nothing to do with cold erupted all over her body.

Matteo leaned in, kissing her most personal place.

Silicia couldn't tear her eyes from him, watching his tongue flick out to a spot near the apex of her lower lips. Her world shattered as shockwaves coursed from the spot out her limbs. Her head flung back and her hips bucked, and she heard herself moan, "Yes!"

Before she could recover from the first sensation, Matteo was plunging his tongue deep within her, then pulling out and up, just flicking that point of pure pleasure before repeating the movement.

Silicia found it hard to breathe, her body curling and arching in time to his wicked tongue.

"You taste as good as you look," he murmured, his breath sending shivers across her skin.

Silicia was lost in a world of pure sensation, moaning and gasping, tension coiling deep in her belly as she panted, "Matteo, please!"

"My pleasure," he growled, sucking gently on the nub of nerves that shattered her into a million glowing pieces. He licked her gently back to a single being, growling his pleasure.

When she could once again breathe, she asked shyly, "Could I do that to you?"

He quickly lay on his back beside her, "Please do!"

Though still shy, Silicia now felt secure in the acceptance of her new husband. She tried licking his neck, which he bared for her willingly. He moaned softly as she licked the shell of his ear. Emboldened, she nibbled against his hard chest to his tiny nipple, which she suckled, pulling a groan from deep in his throat. A sudden nip of the tiny bud brought him halfway to sitting, a surprised but not unhappy exclamation issuing forth.

Silicia was suddenly eager to touch and taste the hard shaft pulsing against her belly. She lifted up, looking at Matteo's body, all hard muscle and bronzed skin. Her eyes travelled lower, admiring the fat cock reaching toward his navel . She tentatively ran a finger up its length and it jumped toward her hand. Leaning lower, she flicked her tongue against the pink head.

Now it was Matteo's turn to say, "Please!"

Moving to between his legs, Silicia licked the length of his erection as she gently traced his balls with her index fingers. His reaction was a deep growling moan and a thrust of his hips.

Taking the head of his cock in her mouth, she sucked gently as she ran a finger nail down its length. Again he thrust toward her, his cock sliding to her throat and back out. She liked his reactions and continued to lick and suck while running her fingers around his balls.

With a sudden groan, Matteo pulled Silicia from between his legs and flipped her onto her back.

His mouth crushed down on hers, his tongue dueling with hers in an erotic dance that caused shivers to run down her spine and collect where his mouth had recently been. His mouth left hers, seeking out her nipple to lick and suck. She bent her head, licking the curve of his ear, dragging a low moan from his chest.

"Yes, my love. Take me as I take you," he murmured.

Pressing her back, his muscular thigh worked gently to spread her knees before climbing on top of her. His mouth continued to lick along her collar bone, her neck, her ear, as his hard shaft pressed into her wet cleft. He rolled his hips, pressing along her slit and sliding the wetness along his shaft. He pressed and released, rubbing sensually and making her hips flex against his erection. In a sudden movement, his length buried itself deep within her, breaking her maidenhead. She let out a sharp cry.

With iron control he held still within her silken folds. "That is the worst of it, my love. It should not hurt much after that."

He began to move, slowly, tentatively. She sucked in her breath, but there was no more pain, just a slight soreness which was quickly overcome by the increasing tingle and small electric pulses his movements were causing. Her body began to answer his movements, her hips lifting to meet his thrusts.

"There's my girl. Do you like this?"

Still slightly embarrassed by her behavior, Silicia didn't answer, but lifted her head to nip his lower lip. He growled, bringing his lips down on hers, thrusting his tongue into her mouth in time with the thrusting of his hips.

His hand massaged her breast, gently pinching her nipple. She groaned and arched against him, bringing another growl from his throat as the speed and depth of his thrusts increased. Silicia met his movements, feeling the tightening in her abdomen as the sensation escalated, knowing that incredible release was imminent.

Matteo thrust into her deeply, caressing her depths and massaging her delightfully with his pelvis. Silicia's breath caught in her throat as he let out a deep moan and pure bliss washed over her in waves. Matteo sounded as if her were choking, and Silicia wondered if she had killed him somehow. His whole body was tense, only relaxing by degrees.

"My god, wife, you are incredible! I am truly blessed!"

Matteo caressed her neck, down her chest to her breast. He planted light kisses on her nipple as he slipped from her body. Silicia let out a tiny gasp, arching toward him, still wanting the contact.


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