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The It Girl Ch. 08

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Mindy has discovered her step-sister's secrets.
5.6k words

Part 8 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/23/2015
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Their town didn't really have a mall - not one of those glitzy, triple-decker compendiums of expensive clothing and endless fast food. Mindy drove out to one of those sometimes, spending 45 minutes on the highway to something called the "power centre" just for a decent selection of too-short skirts. But Cassie and Rainey couldn't be bothered, so they stuck to what their town did have: meagre strip-malls, anchored by a big-box store and complemented by a row of smaller, shadier businesses. The two of them could spend a nothing-going-on afternoon getting their nails done, buying a box of Drumsticks from the grocery store, and eating them on the bench in front of the personal injury lawyer's office. Cassie tried hard not to compare these weekends to the options she would have had if her family had stayed in the city.

If one of them could borrow a car and they were willing to drive a bit, they could go to the multiplex, a six-screen theatre with a thin selection of Hollywood drivel. Rainey had worked here last year, and spent much of the summer in an air-conditioned theatre watching the same irritatingly popular rom-com over and over again. Cassie had sometimes joined her, but even their jokes got old after a while.

They had decided to go to the movies again this weekend. It was the last real weekend of summer. They would both be going off to college in about ten days, and knew that the next weekend would be full of packing and goodbyes and other things that were distinctly out of place with the uneventful rhythm of summer. (Although Cassie's summer had turned out to be pretty eventful). So what better way to spend it than watching the latest superhero blockbuster, probably sneaking into another movie or two afterwards, and loitering around the theatre until the sun went down? Unfortunately, Rainey was no longer a multiplex employee after what was now only described as the Popcorn Maker Incident, so they had to pay full price.

"I don't know why you actually want to see this movie," said Cassie, as they stood in line for tickets.

"So that I know what everyone on Twitter is talking about," said Rainey.

"But everyone on there is saying it's awful."


To be honest, Cassie felt a magnetic desire to see the film too. She had watched the previous eight installments in this franchise (mostly at Rainey's insistence), so in a sense she was invested.

"Next, please?"

Cassie stepped up to the ticket window and then stopped in her tracks. It was her ex-girlfriend Sara. At first Cassie barely recognized her. Sara looked different cleaned up, in a nicely pressed shirt and with her earrings removed. She might have gotten a haircut too. But it was definitely her. Cassie never forgot a face she had spent hours making out with, even if she now looked back at that time with a patina of regret.

"Oh hey," said Cassie. This was going to be awkward again. "Uh, you work here now?"

"Yeah," said Sara, blushing. "For a couple of months now."

"Hey, can you get us into this thing cheap?" said Rainey.

"Um, I don't think that's allowed..."

Rainey continued, an unstoppable conversational freight train. "Hey, does Robbie still work here? You know one time I caught him jerking off in the back of an empty theatre? Is he still doing that?"

"Yeah, he's... er, what?"

"Good old Robbie. Say hi for me. And two tickets, please."

Sara took the money and handed over the tickets, still in a daze. When she handed one to Cassie, she held onto her hand for just a moment too long. "Hey," she said. "We should talk. I've been thinking about you a lot since the party. Well, not about you, but... about stuff. You know."

Cassie genuinely didn't know. She peeled Sara's fingers off hers. "After the movie, maybe."

After they had made their way past a disinterested ticket-checker and into the popcorn line, Rainey turned to Cassie. "That should be a new supervillain. The Astonishing Ex-Woman."

"She's not that bad," said Cassie. "And Sara's not the only one to take a long time getting over a breakup. Remember Andrew Chang in tenth grade?"

"No," said Rainey. "That was forever ago. And you're my main squeeze now, Cass - remember?"

The two girls got their popcorn, made liberal use of the self-serve seasoning station, and found seats in the second-to-last row of the darkened theatre. The pre-show of static ads and trivia questions was rolling across the screen. "So, why haven't you and I done it lately?" said Rainey. "I mean, it's been a while since that time in the shower. Did I do something wrong?"

"I've been busy," said Cassie, in between handfuls of popcorn. She was going to be out by the time the trailers finished, and have a stomachache by the end of the first act. God, she loved going to the movies. "And besides, you were away for a while, remember?"

"Oh yeah. Thought it was just that I smelled bad."

There was something insecure and nervous to Rainey's voice, a tone that didn't fit her character at all. Was this another relationship that Cassie would have to maintain? She put a hand on Rainey's shoulder. "Nothing's wrong with you. You're hot as hell."

Rainey turned to Cassie and stared at her, bug-eyed. "If you don't make love to me right now, I'll slit my wrists." She maintained the face for a moment, and then broke out laughing. "Relax, Cass. I'm not some needy bitch. I'm not Sara."

"Someone mention my name?" A curvy body settled in the seat next to Cassie.

A mortified Cassie turned to great Sara with a wooden wave. "Weren't you working?"

"I got Robbie to cover with me. Mentioned something about a secret Rainey told me."

"Always happy to help," said Rainey, although she didn't sound all that happy.

As the lights dimmed down, Cassie felt Sara's arm settling over hers on the armrest. Since Rainey, with her customary bad posture, had spread herself out to cover both armrests and the next seat over, this left Cassie with no other option than to fold both arms in her lap priggishly. If Sara was offended, she didn't say anything.

"You really wanted to see this movie?" Cassie said to Sara as the trailers started.

"I wanted to spend time with you." Well, you could say this much for Sara: she was never hard to figure out.

The movie-going experience was not enjoyable. Cassie and Rainey tried to get into their usual groove of cracking joke at the movie's expense, but a quartet of comic book superfans had settled into the seats in front of them and loudly shushed everything they said. Even when they didn't hiss, Sara would out of politeness. The movie itself wasn't worth focusing her full attention on, a mess of angst and quasi-witty quips and CGI action scenes. Cassie was constantly worrying about what Sara would expect when they got out, and how Rainey would react to her, especially now that they were lovers. To be brief, it was incredibly awkward.

Two and a half hours later, the house lights went up. "That was awful," said Rainey. "I can't wait to see the next one."

"It wasn't even bad in a good way," said Cassie.

"I don't know," said Sara. "I thought it was okay. I liked the characters."

Rainey got up and stretched. "We can't say we weren't warned. If you excuse me, I've got to go to the little girls' room. That movie was a bladder-tester."

This left Cassie and Sara standing by themselves in the lobby of the theatre, watching a parade of people toss out plastic cups. Fucking Rainey. She always knew how and when to strategically retreat from a conversation.

"So, you said you wanted to talk to me? Talk." Cassie hoped that hadn't come off as too hostile.

Sara fiddled with her name tag. "Oh, it's not that important. It's just that, well... I want us to be friends."

Cassie blinked. "Is that it? We already are friends, Sara."

"No, I want to be friends like you and Rainey. Talking to each other, hanging out, not trying to avoid each other..."

Cassie wondered if Sara knew about the recent turn in her and Rainey's friendship. Probably not. "I don't have a problem with that. I told you we should just be friends."

"Yeah, but I've been reluctant, and you've been ignoring me," said Sara. "We should... be actual friends."

Cassie found herself smiling. "How about this. I'm having a small get-together next Saturday - you know, a going-away thing before we all go off to our separate unis. You should come."

"That sounds great."

Cassie looked towards the bathroom. How long was Rainey going to take? "I'm happy to hear that. You know, I've been hoping for a long time that you could get over me and we could be friends again." They had some good times before the dating experiment got in the way, hadn't they? Memories of sleepovers and goofy hang-outs came back into Cassie's head.

"Oh, I haven't gotten over you," said Sara. "I just figured that being around you in some capacity is better than not being around you at all. You can't always get what you want, and all."

Now that worried Cassie. It seemed like a path back down into the valley of drama. "Sara... it's not going to be like that between you and me. I can be your friend, I can even be your lover, but we're never going to get married and move into a house with two cats and an adopted kid."

Sara gave her an earnest stare that invited pity. "I know that, Cass. But it's the things I love about you - your free spirit, your honesty - that make me so attracted to you. Every time you turn me away, I fall in love a little more."

That was a conundrum. "Well, what if I told you I wanted you to move in and make meatloaf?"

"I would make the best damn meatloaf you ever had."

There was just no winning, was there? But the prospect of seeing Sara again filled Cassie with substantially less dread than it did before.

Rainey returned from the washroom. "Man, you guys won't believe the size of the turd I found on the bathroom floor. Who says girls can't be gross?" She sounded very excited about this discovery.

Sara paled. "I... I've got to get back to work. I'm stretching even blackmail break time."

Rainey pouted. "Aw, and I was about to invite you and Cassie home to smoke a bowl and get naked. Oh well. There's always next time."

Sara looked a little scandalized, and backed away. With a timid wave, she vanished back behind the refreshment counter. Rainey clapped Cassie on the shoulder. "I've still got it."

They headed back out to the parking lot, radiating scorching heat back at them. "Hey," Cassie said. "Did you mean that thing about going home and getting naked?"

Rainey raised her eyebrows suggestively.

Cassie got home that afternoon in a very good mood. Neither of her parents were home either, and she prepared to settle in to a long night of vegetating in front of her laptop.

When she got to her room, Mindy was lying on the bed. She wore one of those preppie polo shirts and a pair of trashy short-shorts, and looked like the cat that had just eaten the canary. Cassie's mood instantly plummeted into anger. Her room was the one thing she had to herself, free from the invasion of new family members, and now Mindy was lying there without her permission?

"This place is a mess, sis," said Mindy.

"Get out."

"Mm... nope. I don't want to."

"Get the fuck out of my room, Mindy."

Mindy didn't move. In fact, she rubbed herself against Cassie's bed more, frizzing her hair up against the pillow. She was definitely going to leave some of those long blonde hairs behind. Disgusting.

Cassie walked across the room and took Mindy by the arm. She did not feel like dealing with her step-sister's provocations today. It was amazing how childish Mindy could be, considering that she was actually older than Cassie.

She was a few seconds away from physically dragging her step-sister down the hall when Mindy held up her cell phone. With the press of a button, she started a video. At first Cassie thought it was just porn. It takes a moment to recognize yourself from behind, especially naked and hunched over. But then there were the voices - hers, and Charlotte's. They were on the couch, naked and dripping and fucking.

"I mean, I knew you were a dyke slut," said Mindy. "But I didn't think you would go after my Mom. That's like, next-level dirty."

Was Mindy upset? She seemed too gleeful for that. "It wasn't what it—Okay, it was exactly what it looked like. But it wasn't like I set out to seduce her or anything. It just kind of happened. I'm sorry."

Her stepsister cackled. "Sorry? I'm, like, fucking thrilled about this, Cass. Now I've got something to hold over your head until the end of time."

Cassie's nerves tightened. "Please don't show this to dad. Charlotte said that they had an open relationship, but I don't think—"

"Your dad? Please." Mindy rolled her eyes with that exaggerated motion she always did. "This is going on the Internet, babe, with your name attached."

Fury overtook Cassie. She took a swing at Mindy, but her stepsister threw her legs up and before she knew it, Cassie was falling head over heels and crashing into the mattress of her bed. Pain shot through her arm. Mindy was sitting on top of her, still with that sadistic grin. "Man," said Mindy. "I was just taking those jiu-jitsu classes to roll around with sweaty MMA guys, but I guess I picked up a thing or two."

"You bitch!"

"No Cassie, if I was a bitch I would be, like, selling this video. I mean, incest is so hot right now. But I believe that art should be free, so I think I'll just put it on one of those tube sites. And send a copy to all your Facebook friends, of course."

Cassie began to realize that she wouldn't solve this problem by yelling at Mindy or trying to fight her. She went limp underneath her stepsister and tried to think. If Mindy had just wanted to embarrass her, the video would be up already. Her aim must be blackmail.

"What do I have to do," she said with a sigh. "To get you not to release that."

"Why, I'm so glad you asked," said Mindy. She was really soaking up her position of superiority. "For starters, I want $300. I've always wanted to buy one of those really expensive pairs of jeans, you know, and how better than with someone else's money? And I want you to do, like, all my chores for me while you're still here. That includes cleaning the bathroom. And finally..." Mindy paused to lick her lips. "I want you to do this to me." She gestured to the video, where Cassie was still vigorously fisting Charlotte.

That last bit stunned Cassie. "What?"

"Oh, not the part where, like, your whole arm is in her. That looks like it hurts a whole bunch - at least it would with my tight little puss. But all this time I've been wondering what all those girls see in your ugly self. To be honest, I wonder what it's like to fuck almost everyone I meet. I'm as big a slut as you are, really. But with you, I actually get to find out!"

Cassie was incredibly bewildered. She had been expecting something humiliating, but had no idea that Mindy had any sexual interest in her. She had always seemed as disgusted by Cassie's lesbianism as Cassie was by her whole materialistic valley-girl lifestyle. But maybe there had been something beneath that disgust the whole time.

Or maybe this was simply the most humiliating thing Mindy could imagine. After all, if kissing someone's feet was a sign of surrender, what about kissing their clit? And really, this was sexual assault. Rape, even. Blackmailing someone into sex was a new low for Mindy, if Cassie thought about this rationally. But for some reason, when Mindy had said she wanted sex, Cassie had been relieved. It was as if, when she was a kid, her parents had punished her by making her eat an extra bowl of ice cream.

Mindy tossed her hair back. "Well? Are you going to do it, or is your adult film career about to begin?"

One thing was for sure - Cassie didn't want that video getting out. For Charlotte's sake, more than her own: if the town found out, Cassie knew that she would be seen as the victim and her stepmother the abuser. That was the only reason, she told herself, that she was even considering going through with it. It certainly wasn't the finely-toned cheerleader body currently straddling her. And it definitely wasn't Mindy's adorable little cheeks that she had always felt a compulsion to slap.

Cassie tried to put on a smirk. "You want to get fucked, Mindy? Be careful what you wish for."

Mindy smirked. "Do your worst."

One of her arms was still pinned down by Mindy's martial-arts mount, but Cassie used the one hand she had free to roughly grab Mindy between her bronzed legs. "That's a start," said Mindy, breathy. Cassie rubbed her thumb against the thin fabric of her shorts. She could feel her stepsister's slit, and even a bump that might be her clit. Mindy began to gyrate against her, although even her thrusts had an air of mockery to them.

Mindy reached down and peeled her shirt off. It was a smooth motion with a toss of her hair, like something out of a teen sex comedy. She wore a light orange clamshell bra that almost seemed to meld into her tanned flesh. Cassie had to admit: it was a seductive look. She had never been into the cheerleader look, but maybe that was because those girls had always seemed so inaccessible to her. At the very least, she wanted to make this particular cheerleader beg for mercy.

(Her stepsister had actually been a cheerleader in high school. She was a disgusting cliché sometimes.)

"Let me up," said Cassie, trying to sound as authoritative as she could.

"What's the matter? Getting cold feet?" said Mindy.

"No. I just can't fuck you the way you want from the bottom."

"Fair enough." Mindy got off Cassie and stood beside her bed. She stretched her arms out behind her head, thrusting out her boobs in the process. Mindy knew exactly how hot she was, and how to flaunt it. That was one of the things about her that had always annoyed Cassie.

Cassie stood up and gestured to her bed. "Lie down on your front."

Mindy rolled her eyes but complied. Consciously or unconsciously, she struck a pin-up pose, butt up high in the air. (And what a butt it was.) "What are you going to do to me, little sis?"

"Exactly what you want."

Mindy snorted. "That's right."

Cassie sat down beside Mindy, or to be more precise, beside Mindy's bounteous ass. It was big but not fat, honed into a mighty muscle by all those years of gymnastics and cheerleading. Cassie gave her step-sister's bottom an experimental smack, and it wobbled like a plate of Jell-O. Mindy groaned in appreciation.

"You like that?"

Mindy mumbled something that sounded affirmative.

"I bet you do, you fucking slut."

In any other interaction, if Cassie had called Mindy a slut it would have been the cause of a huge dinnertime argument that ended with one or both of them storming off to their rooms. But now, Mindy did nothing but meekly murmur her assent. There were some benefits to this whole blackmail arrangement.

Cassie reached around and unbuttoned Mindy's shorts, then gave them a brusque pull down her legs. Her panties matched her bra, save for a small black heart on the back, right above her asshole. It might as well have been a crosshairs for Cassie. She reached down to cup the front of Mindy's panties. Her stepsister was already dripping wet. Maybe she had been waiting here for a long time, imagining what she could force the other girl to do. For some reason that thought turned Cassie on.

Mindy's panties and bra soon joined her shorts in a pool at the foot of the bed. Stretched out like this, she looked like an X-rated version of Charlotte's old beauty queen photos, a little piece of sexy Americana. Cassie reached around and grabbed one peach-sized breast, fondling it and taking Mindy's hard nipple between her fingers. The smell of sweat and sex was already pungent in the air.

Cassie slid her other hand between her stepsister's legs to the nude honeypot in between. Mindy's snatch was fully shaven, which Cassie should have expected from the little nympho. The lack of hair made her fat pussy lips and her engorged clit stand out even more as her fingers ran over them. She felt Mindy tense as Cassie's thumb brushed her clit.


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