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The It Girl Ch. 09

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A going-away party game of spin the bottle gets wild.
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Part 9 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/23/2015
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Packing to begin life in a new place created some unexpected conundrums. For instance, was it better to pack a selection of favourite books or a hairdryer? Her best formal dress or a couple of extra woolly sweaters? Would the Paramore poster get her laughed out of the dorms, or was it now nostalgic? Was it creepy to pack the stained pair of panties Mindy had left in her room? Probably, but Cassie did it anyway.

While Cassie was making these decisions, Charlotte walked into her bedroom. She was wearing a tight-fitting black shirt and skirt. Cassie thought she had been dressing a lot sexier since they had begun sleeping together, putting on outfits she had personally never seen before. But maybe that was just in her mind. In any case, she had left the packing for too long and she couldn't get distracted by her stupid sexy stepmother.

"Wow," Charlotte said. "I hardly recognize the place." Cassie's cluttered desks and walls were now empty, and her dresser drawers yanked out and placed on the floor to make packing easier. "Are you bringing the whole house?"

"Just about," Cassie said, not lifting her head.

Charlotte leaned against the bedroom wall, arching her back in an unmistakably sensual way. "Your father and I are going out tonight to meet with friends. We, er, won't be back until late."

It took a second for Cassie to get the implication in Charlotte's voice. Were these "friends" also swingers? How big was the illicit world of wife-swapping in this sleepy town? Cassie decided not to dwell on it. She was still getting used to thinking of Charlotte sexually, and imagining her own father in some sort ofEyes Wide Shut-style orgy was way past her limits.

"So it looks like you and your friends will have the run of the place tonight," said Charlotte. "Just try not to break anything, okay?"

Oh yeah, the party. To tell the truth, Cassie wasn't looking forward to the going-away party that had originally seemed like such a good idea. Sara, Rainey and Devin all seemed like combustible elements. She had been counting on the rest of her drama friends and a couple of other school acquaintances to leaven things out, but everyone seemed to be already on the road to college or otherwise preoccupied. At least Alan and Riley were coming. That would hopefully balance out all the rug-munchers in the room.

She sensed that Charlotte wanted something from her. Cassie got up and carefully stepped over her suitcases until she was nose-to-nose with her stepmother. She stole a kiss, quick but hot. Charlotte groaned and wrapped her arms around her. They stood there, pressing their bodies together for about a minute.

"I wish I could be with you tonight," whispered Charlotte. "I don't know what I'll do without you."

"I think you'll manage," said Cassie, with a wink to hide her uncertainty.

"It won't be as good as you." Charlotte kissed her again and slunk out the door.

Cassie went back to packing. She had just decided that she did indeed need a fourth mini-skirt when Mindy entered her room (without knocking, of course). Mindy managed to traipse around her scattered boxes and drawers without looking at the floor and flopped down on Cassie's bed.

"Get out," Cassie said, without looking up.

"You wanna, like, fuck?" said Mindy. "I'm bored."

Cassie shushed Mindy. She was worried about Charlotte or, god forbid, her father overhearing.

Mindy rolled her eyes. "Oh, don't be such a drama queen. Derek cancelled on our date tonight. Oh well, I think that guy is gay anyway. I guess I'm, like, stuck here for your lame-ass party."

"No one's stopping you from going out and running into traffic," said Cassie.

Mindy got up and squatted behind Cassie. She ran her index finger along the hem of Cassie's shirt, leaving goosebumps in her touch. Cassie's breath caught. Why did her stupid stepsister have this effect on her? "I love it when you flirt," Mindy purred. And then she was out the door. "See you later."

A few minutes later, Cassie's phone buzzed. It was a text from Alan. Apparently Riley had come down with something and was currently throwing up his past three lunches. Neither of them could make it. Cassie texted her condolences and got back to packing.

It only hit her a minute later that she would be spending the evening exclusively with teenage girls that she had all had sex with – four of them, in fact. Only Rainey and Devin knew about each other. That was going to be—

Fine. It was going to be fine. Three of them were her friends and reasonable people, and Mindy would probably arrange another date within fifteen minutes. It was just going to be another pleasant, even boring gathering.


Cassie's parents had cleared out fairly early, giving her a lot of time to get set up. Her dad had bought five bags of chips when she heard she was giving the party, and a couple other snacks – more than even Rainey and Sara could eat in their most ravenous moments. Cassie didn't have to worry about running out of food, but she was stuck with the dilemma of which of five flavours would be best. For some reason, this seemed incredibly important to her, until she eventually decided on plain. You couldn't go wrong with plain, right? Or would people think she was boring?

It started to rain, a few drops at first, and then quickly a torrent. Cassie was happy that for once she was not biking to someone else's house for a social gathering. Of course, that got her thinking about the night at Claudia's, and what had happened that night, and everything that had happened with her and various attendees since then. But this would be different, she was sure.

Sara was the first to arrive. She was dry as desert air, protected by a big rainbow-coloured umbrella. When they had dated, Sara had always been ready for anything and surprised by nothing. Her seemingly bottomless purse (really more of a shoulderbag) contained tissues, breath mints, tampons, concealer, and anything else you could suddenly realize you needed in the middle of a school day. Despite all the other things that had annoyed Cassie about their relationship, it was nice to always be provided for.

Cassie gave Sara a quick hug, the type of embrace in which you made sure to touch nowhere below the shoulders. "It's great that you could come. Sit down, have something to eat."

"It's been a crazy day," said Sara, carefully contracting her umbrella and hooking it on the railing of the stairs. "My mom is an even bigger control freak than me. She absolutely will not let me move into the dorms without bringing a toaster."

"Why wouldn't you bring a toaster?" said Cassie.

"Just not worth the space. And I prefer un-toasted bread, you know?"

"Yeah, but think about toaster waffles."

"Damn, you're right." Sara rubbed her chin. "Maybe Mom knows what she's doing."

Cassie ushered Sara through the hallway and into the living room, where her immaculately-prepared spread of snacks awaited. "Take a seat wherever you want. And for the love of God, have some food. I don't want to throw all this shit out."

"Oh, I don't think you need to worry about her not eating."

Cassie's head snapped to the side. Mindy was laying upside-down on the recliner, legs pointing up at the ceiling. How had she not seen her coming into this room? Sometimes her step-sister was like a little blonde ninja.

"Hi Mindy," said Sara as she plopped onto the sofa. The two of them had met at a very awkward family dinner when Cassie and Sara were dating, which had lead to a solid week of Mindy taunting her step-sister for having a fat girlfriend. (Cassie had countered, at least the first two times, by noting that Sara just had broad shoulders and actually little body fat. Mindy had just laughed.) "How are you?"

"Bored as fuck," said Mindy. "Say, did I tell you about the time Cassie and I—"

"So who wants to watch a movie?" said Cassie, desperately interrupting Mindy. Was she really about to tell Sara about their quasi-incestuous sex?

Sara shrugged. "I don't really like movies. Too long."

Mindy burst out laughing. "Who doesn't like movies? This girl is so boring she's funny."

Cassie couldn't really disagree, but was worried that Sara would be offended. "Mindy, can't you go upstairs and take a bath with a hairdryer or something? It's just going to be me and my friends talking down here, and I'm sure that's too boring for you."

Mindy rolled off the recliner from her upside-down position and shook her blonde mane out. "Phew, I was getting dizzy. What were you saying, Cass? Something about I have to stay down here because you guys are too boring? Got it."

"Well, the more the merrier," said Sara. Cassie looked over at her ex, and was surprised to see her smiling.

Cassie and Sara talked some more, about old times and their hopes for the future. Cassie brought up the time when they both ended up on the school roof, which lead to them telling the story in detail to Mindy, jumping in to add details to the others' accounts. Mindy just snorted and told them that they were idiots who didn't know how to tell a story.

The bell rang again, and Cassie got up to answer the door. It was Devin. Cassie was a little surprised that she had even shown up -- the two of them had been barely talking due to the weird tension that had developed between them. Her outfit was also a surprise. Cassie had previously only seen Devin in her work clothes or the casual ones she changed into after they had fucked. Tonight she was wearing a dark crimson blouse and a black skirt. It looked nice, but also more like something you would wear to a club, or maybe a funeral. One thing was sure: she looked dead sexy.

Devin's black-painted lips turned up into a smile. "You going to invite me in, or just stand there all night?"

Cassie stepped aside. "Uh, come in."

The two of them stepped into the living room. Mindy was back on the recliner, this time laying sideways while popping chips between her lips. "Damn," she said through a full mouth. "Your girlfriend's hot, Cass."

"I'm not her girlfriend," said Devin.

"Not exactly," said Cassie. "People, this is Devin. I worked with her this summer."

Devin smiled. "Man, quitting that store was so exhilarating. I gave that one grabby guy a piece of my mind."

"That's the owner's son," said Cassie. Devin shrugged.

Sara was blushing a dark red, staring at the ground. She mumbled her name. It was just like her to clam up whenever she met a new person.

Devin sat down next to Sara. "Hi then, Sara. Where did you get your haircut? I love it." Cassie had always thought of it as pretty ordinary short hair.

"Uh... just the place in the mall..."

"Really? Shit, you must be going to a better mall than me."

"No, um, it's probably the same one. Nothing special, really."

Devin ran her fingertips up and down the shaved sides of Sara's head. "It's so butch, but in a kind of femme-y way. Like, it reminds me of this one production ofThe TempestI saw..."

Mindy rolled off the recliner, somehow managing to land on all fours. "If I'm going to listen to this nerd shit all night, I'm going to need a drink. Anyone want some while I'm up?"

"I could go for some wine," Devin said.

Mindy snorted. "Wine? I'm not that classy a girl. Tonight, we're drinking liquor."

Cassie was curious where Mindy could have stashed some booze, so she followed Mindy out of the room. Her step-sister wasn't going far, though. She walked over to the tall black cabinet in the corner of the dining room, the one where Cassie's dad stored all of the fancy wine and liquor he got as business gifts. Mindy opened the cabinet and quickly produced a clear bottle of rum with some Eastern European language on that.

"Dad's gonna be pissed if we drink that," said Cassie.

Mindy rolled her eyes. "Please! Your dad stockpiles these things in here like they're antiques. He's never gonna drink them. And we'll be out of town before he could possibly notice."

Cassie couldn't argue with that – or, at the very least, she didn't want to be a stick in the mud. When they came back, Rainey was already in the room. She was bidding a fond farewell to her usual summer-ware, which is to say that her crop top and shorts were only nominally different from underwear. She also had an arm around Devin, which seemed to be making both Devin and Sara rather uncomfortable.

Mindy hoisted the bottle over her head. "Rum and coke for all, bitches!"

"Can I get it with ginger ale or something instead?" said Rainey. "My doctor says that I get too manic if I have caffeine. I would disagree, but there was the time I chewed my nails until I bled..."

"Too much information, girl," said Mindy. "And who the hell let you in?"

"I let myself in," Rainey said. "Ain't no wall can hold me back."

Mindy poured drinks for everyone, and even got out a can of ginger ale for Rainey. Sara started in on the story of the first school play her, Cassie and Rainey had worked on, a truly disastrous production ofWest Side Story. Everyone was openly smiling and making jokes, but Cassie thought there was an undercurrent of hostility. Sara and Rainey seemed at odds over something, Devin kept giving Cassie dirty looks, and Mindy just openly insulted everyone.

But something started to happen. Maybe it was the magic Leigha alleged that Cassie had, or maybe it was just the drinks that they were all imbibing, but everyone started to get closer and more affectionate. Devin began to melt into Rainey's side, after initially bristling at the arm over her shoulder. Sara was also leaning against Devin, resting her head on the dark-haired girl's shoulder not too far from her breasts. Mindy had slapped Cassie on the ass after their usual sisterly banter. Things were getting liquid, and Cassie wasn't sure where this all would lead.

Mindy contemplated the now-empty rum bottle with heavy-lidded despair. "You guys? I think I just got a great idea. What do you say we spin this bottle?"

Devin burst out laughing. "I didn't realize I was at a seventh-grade slumber party. Besides, we're all girls here."

"Y'all are a bunch of dykes," said Mindy. "And, according to the Hot Girl Code, I'm obliged to make out with other girls at parties."

"I'm not a dyke," said Rainey. "I'd define myself as more of a sandbag, really."

Mindy quaffed the last drops of rum in the bottle and placed it on the living room floor. "So, who wants to go first?"

To Cassie, this seemed like simultaneously the best and worst idea she had ever heard. Without saying anything, she found herself kneeling down on the carpet, and the other three girls were quickly joining her. To her surprise, it was Sara who grabbed the bottle first, and gave it a hard spin. Her cheeks were flushing red, but she had shown her desire.

The glass bottle spun unevenly, bumping on the grooves in the carpet, and eventually came to a stop. It was pointing right at Mindy's bare knees. Cassie was about to say that nobody had to do anything they didn't want to, but Sara grabbed Mindy by the back of the head and pressed her lips to those of the blonde. The other three girls watched, slack-mouthed, as they kissed. It was brief, but heavy and indulgent. Sara broke away, blushed an even brighter red, and stared at the ground with a slight smile.

"Damn girl," said Mindy. "I finally know what Cass liked about you."

Cassie remembered that when her and Sara had been dating Mindy had constantly ragged on Sara, calling her fat, ugly, and boring. Her estimation seemed to have changed. Well, Cassie wasn't going to say anything about it.

"Okay, me next," said Rainey. She grabbed the bottle and gave it a flick of the wrist. It spun around for just one rotation before it stopped, pointing squarely at Cassie.

Rainey wasted no time clambering over Devin's lap to kiss Cassie. Her lips tasted most obviously of booze, but there was also that strange, spicy-sweet tang that Cassie remembered from their earlier encounters. Rainey's tongue slipped just inside her lips, then beat a bashful retreat. She had slipped an arm around Cassie's waist to steady herself, in the process pressing their breasts together in an intimate embrace. Everyone was watching, but at the same time it felt like an intimate moment, and Cassie felt lovestruck tingles running down her shoulders.

After they had stopped, Mindy wolf-whistled. "You looked like you'd done that before," Sara said quietly. Cassie wasn't sure how to respond, so she didn't.

Rainey gave Sara a showy wink. "Devin, you're the only one who's missed out so far. Why don't you do the honours?"

"I'm too old for this shit," said Devin, but she nonetheless grabbed the bottle. She gave it a weak spin, and it only turned a quarter-circle, landing halfway between Cassie and Sara. Sara glanced at the bottle, and quickly nudged its top towards her.

Mindy and Rainey broke out laughing. "This girl is audacious!" Mindy said.

Devin did not seem to have any problem with it. She crawled across the circle on her hands and knees, showing her target a generous amount of cleavage. The dark-haired girl straddled Sara's knees, leaned down, and gave her a scorching-hot kiss on the lips.

The other three girls watched with jaws slack. There seemed to be something imperceptible and exciting going on between Devin and Sara – sparks, like they said in the gossip mags. Their long, physical kiss certainly attested to that. Even after their lips broke apart, they stayed still, looking at each other eye-to-eye. There were days of conversation in that look. Then Devin slid back to her spot in the circle with a teasing grin.

"All right, I'm bored of kissing," said Mindy.

"First time for everything," Cassie said under her breath.

Mindy went on. "Let's make things a little more interesting. Whoever the bottle points to, you get to dare."

"Are there, uh, any rules as to what we can ask?" said Sara.

"Nope! Cassie, I think you're next. Get to spinning!"

Cassie took the rum bottle between her fingers. The label was already starting to peel off from the spinning against the carpet. She gave it a spin, only to find it doing one clockwise rotation and stop pointing right back at her. After a couple giggles, Cassie spun it harder, and this time it went right past her and landed on Mindy.

Over the past few years, Cassie had envisioned countless tortures and punishments for her annoying stepsister. But now, when she had the auspices of a game to enact some humiliating scheme, her mind was blank. The only thing she could think of was the last time Mindy had asked to be punished, in the dreamlike heat of her bedroom. And, well, she couldn't exactly repeat that here.

Mindy wore a cocky smirk. "Well? I'm waiting."

"Um... show us your ass!" Cassie clapped her hand over her mouth as soon as she had blurted that out. She really needed to learn how to control herself.

Her stepsister chuckled. "Is that all?" Mindy stood up, gave the assembled teenage girls a twirl, and pulled her skirt down. Her panties weren't much more than a thong, giving an ample view of her ass, but Mindy pulled those down to be thorough. Cassie couldn't take her eyes off Mindy's posterior. It was perfectly tanned and perfectly firm, supported by tightly-muscled thighs. She hadn't truly gotten a chance to admire it in the frantic action of their earlier encounter.

Mindy pulled her panties up and haughtily sat down. It was only then that Cassie though to look around and gauge the other girls' reactions. Devin was smiling, Sara looked stunned, and Rainey was wiping away a strand of drool. Cassie hoped that she hadn't shown her lust.

It was Sara's turn, although she had already been a favourite of the bottle. Her spin was gentle, and didn't even make it halfway around the circle, leaving the bottle pointing at Rainey. Rainey beckoned Sara with her hand, making a "bring it on" motion. Sara hesitated, all of her shyness suddenly returning.

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