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The Journey


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Mistress Za'ira was barely able to focus through the pleasure now. His mouth and hands were working in a steady rhythm, and he was slowly, but surely bringing her to completion. Her Little One was amazingly skilled, especially considering this was his first time sucking a cock. In fact, Za'ira was certain this was the Half-Elf's first sexual experience, period.

Oh, how incredible it was going to feel to release in his mouth again. She'd have to be careful not to feed him too much. She wanted him to be there afterwards, so that he would understand what had transpired.

Then, suddenly, she felt the stirrings of the end, deep down in her balls. Her breathing became erratic and she had to fight the urge to buck her hips, and jam her cock down the Little One's throat. Instead, she guided his head up, so that just her tip remained in his mouth and blasted a massive shot of seed into his mouth, which was just about swallowed. Once that was done, she drove her cock to the back of his throat and gave him a good blast into his tummy, for good measure.

With a gargantuan force of will, Za'ira pulled her Little One of her cock and eased him down into the water, where she practically bathed him in the rest of her seed. Jared barely reacted as he sat in water, feeling extremely good as the pleasure ran through him and his need was finally satisfied.

Za'ira eventually finished cumming and slumped back onto the rock, panting heavily. By the gods, this had to be the greatest, most fulfilling thing she had ever done. She eventually rose and picked up her partner and carried him deeper into the water, where she proceeded with washing him and then brought him to the rock once more and laid him down. She laid down next to him and wrapped herself around her Little One. She let her breathing soothe him into sleep.

She lay there for a long time, thinking about what she had done. She knew what he was going to ask, once he woke up. Did she have an answer for him? How would he react? It was a long time, before she managed to sleep, her mind plagued with such questions...


Jared woke up feeling very good. In fact, he felt better than he had for a very long time. He felt safe and secure, somehow. Fulfilled. The arms that were wrapped around him didn't feel terrible, either. He felt a hot breath on his head, which trailed down his neck and he became aware of something soft pressing against his back. Then he felt something else, a ways down, something he was fairly sure wasn't supposed to be there.

It was then he remembered everything that had happened the night before and his eyes widened in shock. He started to move, but Za'ira's arms wrapped around him a little tighter.

"Shhh, Sweetie, relax. It's OK. You're safe. How are you feeling?"

Despite everything, Jared did relax into her embrace once more. How was he feeling? He wasn't sure how to approach the question. On one hand, he felt he should be angry with her. Livid, even. On the other, they had engaged in intimacy the night before, even if some parts hadn't been exactly how he'd envisioned them. Part of him was glad they had, but there was still the fact that she had, essentially, drugged him and made him susceptible to her... advances. So it left him with one question, at least to begin with.


Za'ira released a deep sigh and relaxed her grip a little, giving him a sign he could leave her embrace if he so desired. She'd known this would be his first question, and it was no wonder, but it was the hardest one.

"I did what I did because I'm a coward, Jared. I've been falling in love with you for a while now, but it wasn't until after that fucking ghoul pulled you under, that I realized what I was feeling wasn't just lust, but something far greater. Can you tell me you didn't feel the same?"

Jared couldn't, of course. He turned around in her arms and stared searchingly into her amber eyes. "If you knew how I felt, then why didn't you just tell me?"

"Because I was deathly afraid you'd reject me once you learned my secret, and the very idea some other woman might claim you made me ill. I just..." Za'ira paused then, looking for the words.

"Jared, we orcs are very dominant by nature, and Futan'ari, like me even more so, and we tend to take what we want. And so I did, knowing it wasn't right and I am truly sorry that I gave into my baser instincts. If you want nothing to do with me once we reach Stormhold, I'll understand, but I just want you to know I love you, and it's the first time I've ever felt that way, for someone like you."

Jared stared into her eyes once more and he could she the myriad of emotions flash through them; earnest hope, guilt, pain, sorrow and finally resignation. He frowned as he bore witness to her show of vulnerability, knowing in his heart, she absolutely never showed that side to anyone, that she was laying herself bare to him.

How could he not adore her? He loved everything about her. Her intellect, mischievous nature, humour, strength, and her body... Her body was absolutely perfect. Even that massive, utterly addictive cock of hers. It was strong, powerful and perfect, like her. He tilted his head to the side and smiled at her.

"You're silly, you know that?" he said as he grabbed her and kissed her hard on the lips.

Za'ira backed away in shock, before she lunged in and crushed her lips to his, in an even more forceful kiss that left them both breathless. She wasn't satisfied, though and she rolled on top of him and kissed him once more. This time, Jared parted her lips with his tongue and Za'ira opened her mouth to accept it.

Predictably, her tongue overpowered his instantly, and thoroughly battered it into submission. Jared shuddered and moaned as he felt a buzz coming on, not unlike how he felt after he'd had an ale or two. He dimly realized if her saliva could do that, he was bound to become utterly addicted to all of her and quickly.

Something hard poked the Little One after a while and he felt the precum flow liberally from Mistress Za'ira's cock and onto his body. He slid his hand between them, grasped her hard cock and stroked it a few times, before settling in her thick bush of pubic hair. His fingers played with it and occasionally went lower, to fondle her balls, which he noticed were shaved clean.

"You want more, Little One? I've made more. So much more. It's hot and sweet, and it's all for you."

They broke apart, and the Mistress leaned against back the stone, in a similar way she had the night before. She slowly spread her legs and her Little One went to work on her tasty, thick cock. He immediately got it down as far as he could and ran his tongue in circles around the spongy head when he came back up, and dipped it into the slit on occasion, to be rewarded with a moan and a mouthful of juice.

There was something happening, though, something the Little One did not remember from before. He could feel his mouth going a little numb and his tongue felt a bit thick. Then he could feel his throat start to relax as well. The Little One slowly bobbed his head up and down, taking more and more of his Mistress' cock each time, and he found his throat relaxing even further as he was rewarded with a ceaseless stream of liquid.

Mistress Za'ira was very impressed. Her Little One was obviously quite taken with her cock and it was clear he wanted to do as good a job as he possibly could, which involved taking her as deep as possible. He wasn't doing too badly and it was very pleasurable, but perhaps she should help him along a bit.

She ran her fingers through his hair and cradled the back of his head in her large hand. Then, after he'd bobbed on her cock a few times, she gently, but firmly pressed down on his head, forcing her cock further into the Little One's mouth, than it had ever gone before.

When the resistance was too much, the Mistress eased her hand up a little, to allow him a breath or two, but did not give him too much time to contemplate what she was doing, and pressed him down again. A little harder this time, and she held him longer, but her cock would not go any further. The angle was quite obviously not right. She had an idea of how to fix that, but she had to ask him if he willing to proceed.

"Are you alright, Little One?" she asked her dazed companion, who was looking at her with a silly expression. He finally caught his breath and took her cock in hand and stroked it fondly.

The Little One nodded. "Yes, Mistress. You took me by surprise, that's all. I'd like to try again."

Mistress Za'ira smiled happily at her Little One and caressed his cheek with one hand, before she scooped up a large drop of juice with her finger and presented it to him. It was greedily sucked off her finger. She played around in his mouth for a moment, then asked him to lie on his back on the stone.

"That's it, sweetie. Now, I'm going to have to ask. Do you trust me? I'm going to attempt something that requires trust between the two people doing it."

The Little One answered instantly. "Yes, I trust you, Mistress. I know you won't do anything to hurt me."

Mistress Za'ira was extremely glad to hear that. "Alright. Now, lean your head over the edge of the stone and open your mouth. Doing this will open up your throat. I'm going to insert my cock into your mouth to try and get it all the way in. If you do well, I will reward you with something that feels absolutely amazing. Now, are you ready?"

At her Little One's mark of approval, she took up her position in front of his face and ran her cock along his open lips a few times. She then slid it in slowly, straight to the back of his throat and met very little resistance, but the Little One instinctively tried to close his throat in fear. She held her cock there, and maintained the pressure.

"Shhhh, darling. Relax your throat. Let me in. Remember; please your Mistress and you'll be rewarded."

She felt her Little One relax and before he could do anything about it, she thrust her hips forward. In she went and didn't stop until her balls tapped his forehead. She moaned in triumph. She was there! And it was unbelievable. Tight, warm and wet. She slowly slid out again, but was careful of not removing her cock from his mouth.

"Match your breathing with my thrusts, my love. I'm about to start properly fucking your throat, now."

There was a slight twitch of his arms, but he did not resist and she felt him take a deep breath through his nose. Once she felt him stop, she slowly thrust her cock forward and in one smooth movement, went all the way again.

Her thrusts were gentle and she took her time, so that her Little One could breathe, and besides, this felt amazing and she wasn't in any hurry. They needed to rest and she had decided to spend two days here. She felt her partner relax more and more and eventually, he started moaning every time she extracted her cock from his throat. The vibrations they created were simply divine. Could it be that he was one of the lucky ones? If so, this boy was simply perfect in every respect.

After quite some time of this new, pleasurable activity, she removed her cock from his throat and mouth completely, but was quite happy to hear him whine in protest. Swift as a shadow, his hand shot out and grabbed her cock in an attempt to put it back into his mouth. His Mistress smiled at him affectionately.

"Don't worry, Little One," she said, her voice husky with arousal. "Your Mistress will feed you before we're done. Now, get on your hands and knees, your ass towards me."

His eyes went wide at that. "Mistress, do you mean to..."

She let out a needful moan. "No, not this time. Your ass isn't ready. We need to train it before I do anything like that. I am very large, even among my own kind, and I will hurt and injure you if we rush into that. Make no mistake, however, my cock will claim your ass. After all, it's mine, is it not?"

"Yes," was his instant reply.

She watched as her Little One took up the position she had asked him, and she brought her cock to his hole. She was very careful, not to penetrate it, but the temptation was almost too great to resist. She grabbed her cock and pumped it a few times. Quite a lot of liquid squirted out of it and onto his crack. She spread his cheeks and used her cock to lather it around, before leaving a puddle of it on his lower back.

The Little One felt as something wet and sticky landed on the top of his asscrack and slowly ran downwards. He was wondering what it was, when he felt his Mistress spread his cheeks and something incredibly hot came into contact with his asshole, then moved around slowly. He knew it was her cock, and he also knew it was very large, but feeling it against his ass put things into a certain perspective. That thing was going inside him? Would he die if it did?

His Mistress sat down on the rock, to his right. He felt her fingers scoop up some of the juice from his back and he felt a bit weird when she began fondling his hole with her fingers. She spent some time playing with it and he felt it relax, similar to the way his mouth and throat had done earlier. Then he felt one finger rest at the opening.

"I'm going to push my finger inside, Little One, but I want to make sure you want this. Please tell me if any of this is making you uncomfortable, and we'll stop. I do not want to do anything you're not willing to do."

Instead of replying to her verbally, her Little One gazed into her eyes and backed into her finger and wiggled his ass a bit, while giving her a look full of lust and trust. Mistress Za'ira smiled at him and he felt pressure begin to mount on his little hole, and eventually, her finger popped into him, which caused him to gasp in surprise.

He had never had anything in his hole before, and while it didn't hurt, it felt... strange. And yet, he somehow felt it was only right that he give it to her. She slowly pushed her finger further in, making certain to take her time, so that he could properly process what she was doing. Then, when her finger had gone a ways in, she brushed across something that sent a jolt through him, making him gasp and his cock squirt out some juice.

There! Mistress Za'ira smiled softly as her Little One reacted to her touching his little magic button. She had never failed to find it in any of the few males she had taken thus far in her life, but in truth, those earlier times, she had only done so in order to turn them into obedient little slaves, but not this time.

No, this time, she was desperate to make sure he enjoyed himself, and it would also help him understand, come to terms with his role in their relationship, whenever they were being intimate. There was just one more thing that needed to happen. And she was certain it would happen any moment now.

Her finger kept working its magic and eventually, it was all the way inside. She slowly fucked his ass with her finger and her Little One moaned in pleasure, barely coherent by that time. Then she saw her Little One put all his weight onto his left hand, so that he could lift his right, and grasp his cock with it. That was it. The moment she had been waiting for.

"No, Kishi," she whispered to him and nudged him a little, so that he had to use both hands to maintain his balance. "There will be no more touching your cock for release," she continued and started to relentlessly rub that sweet spot.

"From now on, you will only reach completion through your asshole. Or, if you're lucky, as I suspect you are, you will be one of those few who can reach their release with a cock in their throat."

Mistress Za'ira was merciless in her efforts and her Little One could barely comprehend what she was saying, but somehow, it reached his mind, and he accepted it as law. He was hers, and she knew what was best for him.

"I know you feel good now, my love, but just imagine how good this will feel when it's my big, throbbing cock that's doing this," his Mistress whispered hoarsely and swept her finger across his button particularly hard.

That, coupled with the hazy image of her cock in his ass, sent her Little One over the edge. Mistress Za'ira felt as his ass clenched her finger hard, as he crested and shot his watery load onto the rock in a few, small bursts.

Her Little One crumbled to the stone and lay there limply for a few breaths, but was barely given a moment to collect himself, before she had her cock at his lips. On reflex, he opened his mouth and began sucking on her meat, which was rock hard and leaking heavily.

She was so completely aroused, it would take mere moments for her to finish, and she had promised to feed him before they were done. She was a futa of her word, after all. And just then, she exploded into his mouth with a grunt and sent a pair of massive gushes of her seed into his mouth, which her Little One did his best to swallow.

Mindful of not feeding him too much of her seed, due to her wanting him to remember all of what had transpired, she pulled out and once again, bathed him in the rest of it. Eventually, the stream stopped and she collapsed onto the stone next to her lover with a contented sigh.

Oh, this had been utterly glorious, the best she'd ever had, by far. The Little One seemed to have her reaching new heights every time they were intimate. She turned her head toward her Kishi who was staring at the ceiling, with a silly grin on his face.

"Something funny, Jared?" Za'ira asked and reached over to scoop up some of her seed and fed it to him with her finger.

"No, not really, Za'ira. I'm just happy, you know. To be here with you, like this. Who knows how long it will be until we can do something like this again. I mean, there is still a ways to go before we reach Stormhold."

"Hmmm, that's true. And I think we should keep this a secret, at least for the first while. You are a foreign diplomat, after all, and this is not really proper."

Jared snorted. "I don't care about what's proper. I'm not ashamed of any of this." His face became a mask of concern. "Are you?"

Za'ira stumbled into the water and pulled her lover with her, and started to clean him up. "No, of course not," she said and kissed him on the top of his head. "I just think we should wait to reveal our intimacy until after the treaty has been signed and sealed with the blood of both you and my sister. We do not want anyone to think there was something going on in the background which influenced your decisions."

Jared nodded along with her. It was solid reasoning, but then again, Za'ira wasn't stupid. "You're right. Shall we to bed, then?"


It was early in the morning when those unlikely lovers stood at the mouth of the cave, ready to set out on the the last leg of the journey. With a belly full of Za'ira's warm cream, Jared should be fine for at least a day, and the two jars of cream for his meals should see him out for the rest of the journey.

Two days later, they emerged from the Warm Lands, and the trip had been uneventful. There had been quite a bit of Drake activity, but they had managed to avoid a confrontation, mostly due to Za'ira's knowledge of the place.

It was around sundown when they arrived at Amber Rock, and Jared learned the reason for the name. The town was built on a rise, in front of a large, scythe like rock formation. The sun was hanging low on the horizon, and bathed the rock in a deep amber light, and it was cast back upon the town, in a splendid show.

"I've always liked Amber Rock, Jared," Za'ira said with a smile. "It's a laid back place, and good for relaxing. The hot springs are spectacular."

Jared found that a bit hard to believe, this close to the Warm Lands. "The Drakes don't cause them problems?"

Za'ira pursed her lips as they marched toward the town. "Not too often, but when they do, it's always a hassle. It's worth it in the eyes of those who live here, though. The earth beneath Amber Rock, the actual rock, that is, is extremely rich in precious metals."


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