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The Journey Ch. 01

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Our pickup game became a reality and so began our journey.
5.1k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/30/2023
Created 08/23/2023
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Sitting at my desk, looking at the time every five minutes, I kept asking myself why time passed so slowly on Friday afternoon. My mind was barely on my work, but instead, I was thinking about the upcoming weekend, and even though nothing had been planned yet, that meant very little, as the activities of most weekends were spontaneous. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, and when I looked at it, I saw a message from my wife, Mia.

"Meet me at Moos. I will be there at seven," she wrote. "Moos?" I pondered. I believed that was a bar on the other side of town. I googled it quickly, and my suspicion was confirmed. It was a fair drive from my work, but I should make it, no problem, so I thought.

Rushing out of the office at 5 o'clock, I did not count on the traffic, which was usually heavier on Friday evenings, and I certainly did not anticipate the accident that had happened earlier on the freeway. It was clear very soon I wouldn't make it by 7 o'clock, but the game was on, meaning I couldn't text Mia without ending it, and I did not want to do that.

Sitting in the car, waiting for the traffic to start moving again, I wondered how she would be dressed tonight. The classy lady, the housewife, maybe a sexy tart, I never knew until I entered the premises and laid my eyes on her, then the game earnestly began. I chatted her up, seduced her and took her home to make love to her, all the time pretending I was a stranger who just picked her up in a bar. We both enjoyed our games, and they always ended in great sex. It was a tremendous relief when the cars started to move, but according to the GPS, I would only be there about 7:45. "Damn it!" I cursed.

Entering the bar at 7:50, the GPS was so right, I scanned the room. It was busy but not crowded. I saw my wife sitting at the bar with her back to the entrance, and I thought, "The sexy tart". I smiled with anticipation approaching her when I realised the man sitting beside her was, in fact, talking to her. I stopped in my tracks, and he noticed but continued with whatever he was saying. There was an empty table just right of me, so I sat down and kept watching the two of them. She seemed to enjoy the conversation, laughed and even touched his arm.

When the waitress approached me, I ordered a glass of wine. Sipping on my drink, I watched him touching her hair; she laughed, looked around, and that was when she saw me. She waved me to come to her. I guessed the game had been cancelled, so I approached them.

"Hello, Babe. I thought you were abandoning me tonight," she said.

"Hello Baby, the traffic was horrendous," I replied, kissing her softly on her cheek.

"Let me introduce you to Leo. He has been keeping me company while waiting for you. Leo, this is my husband, Luke."

"Hi, thanks for looking after my wife," I said to him shaking his hand.

"It was my pleasure, Luke."

"How long have you been sitting over there, Babe?"

"About half an hour."

"You should have joined us when you came in."

"He likes to watch his wife with another man," Leo said.

"What? What are you saying, Leo?"

"I saw your hubby come into the bar, and when he noticed us, he sat down at a table and kept watching us, and it looked as if hubby even enjoyed what he witnessed."

"No...! Is that true, Babe? You like to watch me with another man?"

Before I could reply, Leo jumped in.

"Let's test it. If I am right, then hubby will not do anything, but if I am wrong, he will kick my arse."

"What do you mean, Leo?" she asked.

"Well, kiss me, and we will know."

"No, I am not going to kiss you."

"Aren't you curious to know, Mia? This is your chance to find out something about your hubby you have never known."

In silence, I sat there, my heart thumping in my throat, wondering if she would kiss him. Mia looked at me questioningly and, seeing that I did not object to Leo's suggestion, turned to Leo again while considering his proposal.

"I don't know, it all sounds so weird, but deep down, I am curious... Let's do it."

She slid off her chair and stepped between Leo's legs, looking into his face. He put his hand on her waist as she glanced towards me, then looking at him, she softly kissed his lips. My stomach was churning, my heart pumping and a dash of jealousy ran through me that was stopped by the stir in my groin. She put her hands on his shoulders, and they started to nibble on each other's lips. She glanced at me, seeing no objection on my part kissed him again on his lips.

I watched as their tongues fought; Mia's lips melted on his lips, her arms snaked around his neck, and she passionately pashed him. I was excited and could not deny it even if I wanted to. What I saw in front of my eyes was so beautiful, so erotic, and it turned me on. Seeing another man kissing my wife was so hot, such a turn-on.

"That was nice," Mia said when the kiss was broken, then sat back on the bar stool.

Both of them looked at me, then at each other.

"He hasn't kicked my arse yet," Leo said, smiling triumphantly.

"Oh wow, I never knew, Babe."

She noticed the bulge in my pants and reached over to grab my cock, squeezing it in her delicate hand, which sent even more blood into my phallus.

"You love this, don't you? You cannot deny it, Babe. I hold the proof in my hand."

"It was beautiful, Baby, the most erotic thing I have ever seen."

"I am shocked, but I sort of like what I did do to you, Babe."

Leo pulled his chair closer to Mia's, and when he sat down again, her legs were between his, her knees almost touching his crotch. Emboldened by my reaction, he slid his hands onto her nylon-covered legs and gently stroked her thighs.

"I bet he would love to see me sliding my hands under your skirt, Mia, and the moment I touch your pussy see your face," he said, looking into her eyes.

Biting her lower lip, she glanced towards me, and I could see in her eyes the excitement building as his hands glided under her short dress.

"I love a woman in stockings, find it so sexy," Leo said as I watched the hem of the dress slide up on her thighs, exposing the welt of her stockings.

"Look at her face, Luke," he said, and I did.

A moan escaped her lips, Mia bit her lower lip, and her eyes turned glossy.

"You would love to see your wife fingered and brought to an orgasm, wouldn't you?" Leo asked.

"Yes, I do," I said, looking at Mia.

"You would love to watch your wife being fucked, brought to orgasm by another man, wouldn't you?" he asked again.

"Yes.., yes, I do," I quietly replied.

"And you'd love to be a slut for your husband, wouldn't you, Mia?"

"Mmmm, yes.., I do, Leo."

"You want to be fucked, made to cum in front of your husband, don't you, Mia?"

"Yes, I do.., I do.., I want to be a slut for him."

I could not believe what we were saying to him, but it turned me on immensely, and I could see it turned Mia on just as much. I wanted to see her cum on his fingers and mouth, watch her squirm under him. My cock was painfully hard in my pants as I watched his hand under her skirt, his fingers near her pussy. I looked at Mia's face and could see the wanton desire in her eyes.

"I am going to make you cum, Mia, then I am going to fuck you, fuck you while your husband watches us," Leo said and slowly withdrew his hand, sat up straight and downed his drink.

"I am staying in a nearby hotel," he continued, "let's have another drink in my room."

I looked at Mia, who was looking at me now and nodded with my eyes. She smiled and replied to his suggestion.

"Show us the way, Leo."

He lent over, softly kissed her lips and stood up.

"Let's go, beautiful... Follow us, mate," he said, taking my wife's hand, leading her out of the bar.

I followed the two of them, a step behind, watching her small hand in his. This was the first time I really looked at her, the 'fuck me' stilettos that accentuated her beautiful legs in her seamed nylons, the loose dress that came down to mid-thigh. She looked so hot and sexy while holding his hand was so erotic. The hotel was just around the corner, and we were in the foyer waiting for the elevator in a few minutes.

"I cannot wait to fuck you, Mia," I heard Leo saying to my wife just before we stepped into the elevator, and he pressed the button showing number five. As the doors closed, he pushed Mia up against the wall, kissed, and nibbled on her neck. I could see the pleasure in my wife's eyes and heard the soft moans leaving her lips. The ride was quick, and the doors opened. He fumbled in his pocket, opened the door to his room, and gently guided Mia in.

"Make yourselves comfortable in my humble room," he said while getting a bottle of wine and glasses.

I sat on the armchair, leaving the sofa for them. Leo handed us our glasses, then sat beside Mia, his arm around her shoulder, pulling her against him.

"Your wife is beautiful," he said, looking at me, then turned to Mia and softly kissed her lips.

She kissed him back, and I could see her tongue sliding between his lips. When the kiss was broken, she put her glass on the table, walked to me and straddled me, her hands on my shoulders. I put my free hand on her bum cheek, squeezing it. I loved to squeeze her bum.

"Babe," Mia started," our pick-up game fantasy has just become a reality. A stranger picked me up in the bar and brought me to his hotel room. I am going to give myself to him, will be his slut, his bitch tonight, will let him do whatever he wants to do to me. If you don't want this to happen, tell me now, and we'll go home, but if you do, you will be a good boy and watch me being fucked and used as he wishes," she said, and our lips met in a soft kiss.

She stood up, looking at me with love in her shiny eyes as she continued.

"Take my dress off for him or take me home," she quietly said.

I stood up and spun her around to face him, then slowly, I pulled the zip down and glided the dress off her body, letting it bunch up on the floor at her feet.

"Thank you, Babe," she said, walking to him in her heels, stockings and suspenders, straddling him facing me.

"I am yours, do whatever you wish to me, Leo."

He put his hands on her waist, gently caressing her naked body, softly kissing the crook of her neck.

"Yes..., you are..., you are my slut tonight," he said to my wife while looking at me.

I felt a pang of jealousy, but the excitement was too much, and it quickly overrode that jealous feeling.

"Take your clothes off, and let my bitch see how hard you are for her," Leo told me.

Without thinking, I stood up and removed my shirt and pants, and when I pushed my jocks down my arse, my cock sprung to full attention.

"Look at him, Mia. He loves when his wife is a slut for another man."

"Babe, you are not allowed to touch that cock in any way. I will give you relief when I am ready. Understood?" She said with her eyes focused on my cock.

"Yes, Baby," I replied, watching Leo's hands drift onto her tits, caressing, groping them.

He was kissing the back of her neck, rolling a nipple between his fingers, when Mia started to moan, and her eyes closed. One of his hands slid over her belly to her pussy, cupping it, squeezing it, making her moan. Finding her clit with the tip of his finger, Leo began to roll it, making my wife whimper, and her eyes became foggy. I knew she was close, seeing that I wanted to grab my cock and wank myself to relief, but it was forbidden.

"You love to be a slut, don't you, Mia?" Leo asked.

She did not reply but whimpered under his touch, gasping for breath.

"Cum, Mia. Show your hubby what a slut you are, how much you love to be a slut for other men," he continued.

I watched her legs tremble at first, then her body shook as her orgasm washed over her, and she slumped back into his body whilst Leo was caressing her tits, kissing the back of her neck.

"Look at your husband and remind him who's bitch you are," he said.

"I am Leo's bitch, Babe. I do anything he asks me," she said with glossy eyes.

"That's right, let me get out of my clothes, then you can suck my cock, Mia. Get down on the floor, onto your hands and knees, while I take my clothes off, and watch me."

When he was naked, he sat on the sofa with his semi-erect cock in his hand right in front of her and told her to suck it. She took his cock from his hand and started to lick it, then sucking it eagerly.

"Open your legs wide, Mia. Let hubby see your open pussy," he said.

She did, and I could see her glistening pussy lips, her fuck hole gaping for a hard cock. I wanted to kneel behind her and fuck her hard, but she was being Leo's bitch right then, and I could not do such a thing. I watched her 'fuck me' pumps on her feet, her shimmering nylons on her legs, her creamy white round arse cheeks framed by her suspenders, and her head bobbing up and down on his cock. He leant back into the sofa, enjoying her cock sucking skills.

"Stop, that is enough," he said abruptly, sitting back up.

"Turn around and face your hubby. I want you to look at him while I fuck your tight cunt, Mia."

She did, and he knelt behind my wife, rubbing his glistening cockhead on her folds. She looked into my eyes, the pleasure given by his cock written on her face.

"Tell him.., tell your hubby what you feel, Mia," he said.

"He's rubbing his cockhead, his piss hole on my folds, teasing my pussy. I so want it in me, Babe. I want him to slide it into me, slide it all the way and fuck me hard," she said, then, "Oh yes.., he is pushing the head against my hole, opening me up. I feel his cock sliding in, the rim of my hole closing around his head. Babe, it feels so good. He is going deeper, stretching me. He is in my belly, so deep, I feel all his cock in me."

"Fuck me, fuck your bitch," my wife called out to him.

"No... He is pulling out of me... Oh my god! He just rammed his cock deep into me again. He is fucking me so good now. I will cum, I will cum on his cock.., he will make me cum. Oh fuck.., Babe.., it is so good. Come here. I want your cock in my mouth, want to suck your cock while he fucks me."

"Do as she says," Leo grunted.

I knelt before my wife, who eagerly grabbed my cock and took it into her mouth, sucking me hungrily. I looked at him driving his cock into her fast and hard, and he looked at me.

"Don't you just love how eager she is?" he asked.

"I am going to cum," I replied.

"Fill her slutty mouth," he told me, and I did.

I came in her mouth, all the pent-up pleasure of the night exploding between her slutty lips. I pulled out and sat back on the chair, watching them. She smiled as her body began to tremble, and she lost control while her orgasm washed over her. Leo just kept fucking her, ignoring her orgasm.

"Tell him what you feel, Mia."

"He is hammering my cunt, Babe. Oh wow..., I am cumming again. Feels so fucking good... His cock feels so good in my cunt. He is deep in me. I feel his cock stiffening, flexing in me... He is cumming, Babe, cumming in your wife."

After a while, he pulled out and sat on the sofa, telling her to sit next to him, holding her tight, and kissing her softly on her cheek. We chatted and drank wine for some time when he stood up and asked Mia to follow him. Taking her hand, he led my wife to the bed and sat at the edge. She sat beside him. He softly kissed her lips, climbed on the bed, and lay on the pillow as he watched Mia, waiting for her to follow. She did and lay beside him.

He pulled my wife into a tight hug and began to kiss her. It wasn't long before their lips melted into each other. He rolled her on her back and pinned her down onto the white sheet, kissing her lips, face, and neck. I could see my wife melting under him. He pushed her legs apart with his and looked at me.

"I am going to make love to your wife," he said while looking at me.

"Tell him if you want that, Mia."

"I want him to make love to me, Babe," she said, looking at me with obscene desire.

My cock became hard very quickly, and she noticed that. A smile appeared on her face, and she turned to Leo.

"Make love to me, Leo."

He reached between them, and I saw his cock lined up with her pussy. Slowly he lowered himself, entering her, and her moaning confirmed it. He lay on top of Mia, and their lips met in a passionate kiss as she closed her arms around his neck, her legs around his waist. She stayed like that for a long time when he brought her legs up onto his shoulders and started to fuck her hard. Not long after that, she was moaning and squirming, her body trembled, and she came.

He kept fucking her, keeping her high, making her cum again before he came, too. He lay on top of her, kissing and nibbling on her lips before rolling off her.

"Come here, Babe," I heard Mia say, "lie next to me on the other side."

I did as I was told, and she turned to me, rubbing her stocking-covered leg on my cock, and pressing it onto my belly.

"I want you to fuck me, Babe. Come on top of me. Fuck my used cunt and fill me with your seeds."

I did as she told me, sliding my cock into her sloppy fuck hole, knowing a cock had been there just a few minutes ago, and that knowledge enhanced my excitement to the point it did not take me long before I came too, filling her belly with my cum. She locked her legs around me, and we kissed for a while.

"That was beautiful," we heard Leo saying.

We stayed in bed and fell asleep with Mia between us.

I woke with a delicious hard-on in the morning. Turning towards my wife, I spooned her, taking her breast into my hand while pushing my cock into the crack of her bum.

"Mmmmmm, that is beautiful, Babe," I heard her whisper.

I kissed the back of Mia's neck, the crook of her neck, and as she turned towards me, I kissed her lips.

"Hello, beautiful," I said, nibbling on her lips.

"I see our host is still fast asleep. How are you, Baby? Any regrets?" I asked her between little kisses.

"None at all, Babe."

"Then why don't you wake our host with a blow job, and I will order breakfast?"

"Do you want me to?"

"Yes, I do. I love to watch you suck a cock, Baby."

She pulled the sheet back, exposing his body, took his cock in her hand and tentatively started to caress it. I was mesmerised by the sight of her playing with his cock, and when she kissed his pee hole, my cock lurched.

I watched her sucking it the way only she could, my eyes glued to her slutty mouth.

"Are you not going to order breakfast?" she asked me, taking his fast-growing cock out of her mouth.

"Yes, yes... it is just so beautiful what you do," I said, reaching for the phone.

I dialled and was put through to the kitchen, and while talking to the person on the line, she returned to his cock. He started to stir, and she sucked his cock harder. I put the phone down and sat beside her, placing my hand on her bum, squeezing it firmly, sliding my fingers down in her crack until I felt her wet pussy.

"I love to wake up to a beautiful woman sucking my cock," I heard Leo.

Mia did not stop, and when I touched her clit, she moaned on his cock. I rolled her clit for a while, making her moan more and more. I pulled my finger away when I thought she was close. After a while, she got on her hands and knees, her legs wide open.

"Fuck me, Babe, put that cock deep in my cunt," she said, then returned to his cock again.

I was not going to refuse a request like that. Crawling behind my wife, I rubbed my pee hole on her clit, eliciting soft moans, then guided my cock into her fuck hole and started to fuck her at a steady slow rhythm. I heard a knock on the door.

"That must be our breakfast," I said, pulling out of her and lying on the bed.

"Baby, can you get that?" I said.

"But I am practically naked."

"That is the point," I smiled cheekily.

"He is right," chirped Leo.

"Oh, you men," she said, getting out of bed and grabbing a sheet.


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